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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Ethan sighed and smiled, turning to goeth an sighed and turned, staring at the stars, perfectly happy with his Forever Alone status whilst the others enjoyed their moments.
Leo smiled, in his heart he knew the answer without even thinking. It was something he had thought about for years and years. It was the reason his master said he had always destined to be a guardian to the spirits. He looked to the raven with confidence and pride in his words. "You have answered your own question my dear. I have done so much for so many, and I do not ask for a thing. THAT is what makes me happy. I live to serve, I live to protect, I live to keep others alive. But recently I have found another reason to live, something deeper, that I have not had in a long time. A happiness that I first felt when i was given the role of Guardian, and then again when Ruby and I were together." He rested his gaze in Nyr's eye, the moon light glistening off of them made his heart skip a beat. He smiled and reached over to grasp her hand. "My desire, is to be yours and protect you forever. I want to be there for you no matter what the circumstances and make sure you are happy and loved. So long as it is your wish for me to do so."

(Cheese time!)

Alexander watched Quincy flounder, and saw the image flash through her mind. He looked at her and couldn't help himself. He leaned in, wrapping an arm around her waist, touching his lips to hers, and then pulling away to judge her reaction. His arm stayed around her, holding her close until such a time when she would chose to turn away and his whole face was fiery hot, his internal fire raging in his core from a mixture of embarrassment and emotion.

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(No shame!)

Drowning in her shock, Quincy didnt realize he was still seeing into her mind until he drew closer. Time seemed to slow for the kelpie. Her first instinct was to push away, to run even. She tensed under his touch for a heartbeat, hyper-aware of how warm his arm was against her waist. She put her hands on his chest, bracing for the briefest of moments. But then something clicked. Why was she afraid? Wasnt this what she wanted? Its time. A voice whispered, and she hesitantly complied. Quincy let her wrists turn to jelly, relaxing into his arms, and allowing herself to live in what seemed like a storybook moment. His lips sent a shiver down her spine, chilling her to the bone. She didnt move as he pulled back, instead, she dropped her eyes, landing on his scarf. Quincy's body let out a soft sigh, as an uneasy peace settled over her. She leaned into him, resting her head against his shoulder. It was getting late, and they should both rest, but she couldnt pull herself away from his warmth. I feel the same way, but this is difficult for me, you understand? She thought to him, not trusting her voice to remain steady.
Ward smiled down at her, trying to blink the tiredness from his eyes. "I don't know if I like those rooms down there...they feel...cramped. Even if I am smaller as a human."

He stepped away from her slowly, changing into his gryphon form. He chose an out-of-the-way place by several crates that had been left on deck and curled himself up into a tight ball.

"I know what captain Lucille said, but I would feel much more comfortable here, under the stars." He looked back at her, his large golden eyes glinting in the moonlight.

"Besides...I always sleep better when I know I'm guarding you."

@Bea Delaine

((The first time you posted that song gave me the idea.))

Kallin followed her lead in the next verse and let her sing the chorus alone, smiling as he heard a new power in her voice. Feeling himself begin to tremble he refused to leave the moment, as the melody continued in his head he invented a harmony, supporting her through the next verse and in the last few lines of the song. Their voices faded together, letting silence fill the emptiness left behind.

Surprised at himself he stood slowly, he hadn't even known he could sing...

He held his hat in one hand, thumbing the rim anxiously, with the other, he tried the door. It swing open without protest, leaving him standing in the frame, looking slightly afraid, but trying to mask it with a kind, confident smile.

His heart caught in his chest at the sight of her, his mind thought what he had fought so hard to never let it say; she was beautiful.

He dismissed the thought roughly, along with the worry and anxiety it caused him. Hang the curse...whatever had to happen later on, Luness needed this now.

"So...tell me about these demons of yours."


((The time jump can happen now, this will be my last post for tonight so @andujarprime feel free to take the helm.))
Nyr's heart started to beat faster and faster. The courage and selflessness of Leo was amazing: she had never seen anyone being this open, this brave... she leaned closer to him and wanted to say yes but then suddenly a dark shadow appeared before her, which made her step back a bit. The form was familiar: it was a shade, a reflection of herself with the exact same features as she had from the wings to the clothes everything matched - except the burning, red eyes which looked hatefully at the raven.

" I have nurtured the darkness within you. " it began, walking slowly towards her " I have cradled your hatred carefully - and this is how you repay my kindness? You wish to throw me away? "

" No... you... " Nyr whispered, not sure if the creature was the fragment of her imagination or was visible to everyone. Looking into her burning eyes she started to shudder, huddling in fear.

" What's the matter? Are you afraid of me? " asked the hellish apparition " He would just use you like all of them before. He will use you as his plaything, shatter your heart and leave you to rot. "

Nyr looked up, her eyes filling with tears. She was still confident, but the seeds of doubt has been planted already.

" He would never... he is different! "

" You keep telling yourself that, you worm. " the shade mocked her " You know your fate, dread raven. You will die alone in the end. No one will come to save you. The last thing you hear is their laughter as they watch you die. "

Nyr was now on the ground, grabbing her head with her hands, her wings trying to protect her. She was now crying in fear, from hearing all her fears manifest. The shadow pushed on relentlessly.

" Succumb and return to the darkness. Return to your roots, the evil where you belong to. "

Nyr huddled in fear on the ground.

" Make it stop... "

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Leo watched Nyr get closer to him and then suddenly her expression changed. He looked in the direction she was starring and then back to her "Nyr? What is it? What is wrong?" As she shrank away, Leo began to fear this was her answer to his declaration but something seemed off. He watched as the episode seemed to grow more and more intense for Nyr, her eyes filling with tears. Leo moved closer to her desperately trying to see what it was that was causing her pain so that he could destroy it before her very eyes. He made his move and carefully moved to scooped her up on his arms parting her wings away from her so she could be close. He held her against his chest, his arms wrapped around her delicately, but confidently. He sat there on his knees on the deck cradling her in his arms, his deep voice low and determined "Nyr, I love you, with all the love this old Guardian muster. I will continue to do so even when my soul leaves this realm and joins the spirits."
Nyr almost saw the dark illusion of herself consuming her. The shade reached out with its dark, terrifying fingers to grab her and never release her ever again. She closed her eyes and awaited the darkness to claim her, to fall into the same curse as her race did.

But instead something else held her tight.

For moments she did not dare to open her eyes, fearing the worst. But then she felt the choking grasp of the darkness receding, the haze and gripping fear vanishing - and all she felt was a soft, furry chest and two strong arms caressing her body. She finally calmed down as she felt the stalwart guardian embracing her, firmly yet gently and she listened to his rhythmic beats of his heart. The old guardian did what she could never achieve alone: he had banished the visions of doubt and fear. She knew that they were not gone for forever but... now she felt at peace and ease.

Now her arms raised and hugged the furry lion. She gently wrapped her arms around him as she listened to his words. The tears in her eyes now were of joy instead of despair and finally the last burden was out of the way. With a grateful, loving voice she whispered to him as she looked up.

" Yes. " she said " Panthera Leo. I am unworthy of your love, of being the one you would cherish the most. But I will try my best to be the one who brings hope and love, I will try my best to show you what my heart holds, to be the moonlight in the darkness, the candle in the tempest, the one who always stands by your side... "

She released him and flapped with her wings gently, slowly flying a little bit upwards so that their faces finally met. She reached out with her hands, gently touching the cheeks of the lion as she drew herself closer.

" This little raven's heart will forever beat for you. "

And with that she closed her eyes and kissed Leo on his lips. For a moment the very Moon and the stars became brighter, bathing the little dread raven and the guardian in their blessed, pale light. Nyr's heart swelled in joy as her appearance started to change: her clothes, her hair and her wings once again became as pure white as the light of the moon as she embraced Leo's love. This was undoubtedly the best moment of her life.

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Leo closed his eye as the girl pressed her lips to his, the soft tenderness of them melted him from the inside out. The wind of the air ship brushed them gently as the sat there on the deck wrapped in each others embrace. He lost all sense of the world around him, the only thing in his world was the young woman he held. Leo's heart was fit to burst, but instead the feeling crept up to the back of his throat where he began to purr softly. After what seemed like ages he relaxed and lifted his head away from her lips. He gazed down at her with a smile, trying to find the words for this perfect moment was not coming easy to him. Finally after what seemed like an eternity he let out a sigh of relief and spoke in the same tone as before "What beauty is this that we should find love under the watchful gaze of your mother tonight. I will have to thank her vigorously for providing the perfect atmosphere for such a night the next time I see her." He released Nyr from his embrace and lifted himself to his full height. He looked up to the moon and bowed his head slightly before turning back to Nyr and extending his hand to her. "Come, the night has passed by in our time together and it is very late. I will walk you to your room if you would like?" '

I do, in a way. Alexander's voice rang in Quincy's mind as he held her close to him and kissed the top of her hair. Then, letting his chin rest atop her head, he thought to her again. What I know I understand is that whatever happens, I just want to make you happy, and see you happy. It is... well, if I make you upset, just know that likely, I didn't intend to. He added. Then he realized that it really was late, and there wasn't a terrible distance between the ship and the mountains- the rest of the night into morning at best.

"Perhaps you should get some sleep? It wouldn't do to meet the council with little to no sleep." Alexander said to Quincy, this time aloud.
When their voices faded into the background, echoing into the darkness beyond, Luness then opened her eyes again. The smile was still faintly on her lips, but once the music faded away, so too did her smile.

Everything flooded back to her within seconds of the music fading and her old barriers shot back up along with her old fears and the darkness enveloping her mind once more.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the creaking sound of her door opening.

Biting her lip, Luness cautiously stood up, turning around to face Kallin, who looked just about as scared as Luness felt in such a vulnerable moment.

The moment the sentence left Kallin's mouth, Luness felt a glimmer of flashbacks flood her mind. The screaming, the blood, watching the life leave to both of her parents' eyes, watching one of her packmembers' bodies get severed in half from an archdemon's blade.

Clutching her hand, Luness' eyes closed tightly and she shook her head at Kallin's suggestion until she could make it all recede into the depths of the abyss known as her own mind once more.

Removing her hands from her head, Luness fearfully turned away from Kallin, though she didn't close the door on him, and walked over to the windowsill in her room, which conveniently had enough space for Luness to comfortably sit on it.

After getting herself comfortable on it, Luness looked over the moonlit sky with her red and puffy eyes, and then said tentatively in a shaky tone, "I can't."

Kallin leaned on the door frame, hat in hands. "You get to decide that." He replied firmly. He watched her sit, looking as afraid as he felt, but there was something else: The darkness in her hounded her every thought, tormented her relentlessly now that she was human he could see it clearly. The fatigue was apparent even in how she moved.

"You're holding a knife Lune, and you're pressing your hand against the blade...and you can't let it go." He watched her carefully, staying in the doorway.

"There's no one making you hold it...you're the only one who can take your hand back."

He sighed and stepped into the room, summoning his limited magic as he went to her. "But I don't think you're fit enough to try this tonight..." carefully he raised a hand over her head.

"You need sleep." He said, his voice laced with the spell. He muttered several words of strengthening, entwining them with the magic and then gave the command; "Let sleep fill the mind, let darkness overcome the space of dreams, still and restful...let the sun see the magic break."

The enchantment was designed to prevent dreaming, she would sleep undisturbed provided he had cast it properly. Kallin waited for the spell to take full effect.

((Obviously I can't force your char to sleep, but I really need to run this time skip))

Finally the white raven pulled back and smiled warmly at her beloved. Landing on the deck she looked up on the massive guardian and smiled, turning towards the moon and the stars. They seemed to shine brighter than ever before and she almost had a feeling that Mother Moon was indeed watching them both, smiling that them graciously. She nodded at Leo's comment, gazing at the billions of lights on the sky.

" Indeed it is. " she said silently, turning to him " Father would be really happy if he had lived long enough to see us. You would have liked him I think. "

Grabbing his extended hand the two of them walked towards her room on the lower deck. It was not a big one, in fact it was really designed for a single person but she did not mind. Ushering Leo in she offered him her bed as she sat down on the chair nearby, her eyes still looking at the majestic guardian.

" You get some rest, Leo. I am a nocturnal creature, Mother grants me strength to stay awake for an exceptionally long time. I will watch over you and ensure that your sleep is a peaceful one, filled with peace and joy. "

To signify this she lifted her giant white wings, forming a protective circle around the lion. She smiled at him warmly as slowly and silently she started to sing a lullaby for him.

Luness timidly looked over at Kallin when he began to speak to her again, her eyes and expression betraying how terrified she was inside to even begin to speak about everything that tormented her all the time. The dark circles under her eyes also betrayed the lack of sleep she'd been suffering from over the past week or so, when everything began to get unbearable.

When Kallin called Luness by the nickname, Lune, her eyes widened slightly, exhibiting the surprise she felt. The last time she'd heard that nickname, it had been from her mother years ago before everything began.

Shaking her head slightly, Luness then focused on what else Kallin was saying and shifted her gaze to the ground upon him mentioning her holding the blade and cutting herself with it. It certainly felt like that at times, but it wasn't her fault! It wasn't her holding it there, it was the nightmares, the memories, the night terrors, everything. Her mistakes. Everything was pushing her closer and closer to the edge...

Yet, Kallin was not. Every time he spoke to her, it was as if his voice pierced the veil of darkness enveloping her mind with ease. In a sense, he was the flickering light in the darkness, that no matter what Luness tried, she couldn't reach it. The darkness was threatening to drown her, and she felt like she could do nothing to stop it.

At the mention of sleep though, Luness' eyes widened, fear overwhelming her within seconds. She quickly looked at Kallin, seeing him holding his hand over her head and then muttering some incantations or sorts along with saying a cryptic sentence.

With every rapid heartbeat, the fear sent a shockwave through her mind and Luness whispered to Kallin, "I can't sleep, I can't."

Yet, even after saying this, she could feel the realization of just how little sleep she'd gotten over the past week kicking in. Her head even slanted a bit before she righted it again, her eyes closing for a moment before she struggled to open them again.

She was desperate for sleep, but at the cost of what?

Thinking over the cryptic sentence Kallin had said, Luness then realized with a start that when he said, 'let darkness overcome the space of dreams', he was saying that she wouldn't be able to dream tonight.

That thought alone banished the fear from her mind, even if it was only momentarily, and Luness frowned slightly while she began nodding off, before saying softly, "Perhaps, just a little nap won't hurt..."

The moment these words left her mouth, Luness' eyes flitted shut and then she began to sleep peacefully for the first time in months.

While she slept, Luness' face finally relaxed into a calm and peaceful expression, one that was rarely, if ever, seen when she was awake.

(I gotcha ^^)

The kelpie nuzzled closer to him, listening to his voice in her mind. It took all of her effort to not allow herself to question it, effectively shutting down her mind to keep it quiet. She remained silent, leaning against him lightly, breathing in his smoky scent. His actual voice sounded, rumbling in his chest and tickling her cheek. Drawing away, she blinked away the wetness in her eyes and looked up, meeting his gaze shyly. "You should rest as well. Tomorrow will be an important day, especially for our dragons." She spoke softly, gently rearranging his scarf into its proper place. Quincy sighed slowly, looking up to the stars as they suddenly grew brighter. Glancing around the deck, she saw a pair of familiar figures, enchanted in a moment of love. "This has turned into a love boat." She joked quietly, nodding toward Leo and Nyr as they retreated below deck. Her eyes turned back to him, a smile dancing over her lips. "Come. Bed time." She said, leaving no room for argument as she took his hand and started below, finding two empty rooms next to each other. "Goodnight, Alexanderite." Quincy whispered, his full name rolling off her tongue lovingly. She stood on her tip toes, brushing her lips against his once more. "Sleep well." She added before retreating into the room, with a final grin at him over her shoulder. She left the door ajar, slowly pulling off her boots and climbing into the bed.
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Elena sat by where Ward decided to curl up and sleep. She drew a bit from her old life for a bit, trying to focus on the good. Trying to think of the face or Jeremy again, and see herself at his place. It would be wrong to forget the good, after all. She also watched Ward sleep for a bit as she laid back against the railings and let the night drift her away.

Elena dreamt stronger than she ever had. She was floating again, muggy air burning her throat as she gasped for air. She drowned? Oh, no.. She jumped off. Elena moved her vision to the bridge, her scarf with the ziplock of all her money barely visible on the fencing. Her shoulder hit a rock as she floated down, breaking her thoughts and forcing her back under water. The water filled her mouth and nose, and Elena found her body not caring if she drowned. She tried to scream, search for help. Ward? Luness? Nyr or Leo? She couldn't remember their faces either.

She grabbed for a rock and felt the stone cut into her numbing hands. How was she still awake for this..? Her eyes shifted to the side of her as a floating object caught her eye. The pale and water swollen body held the familiar features of her delicate golden haired mother.. But the stormy blue eyes were grey and the gold darkened like seaweed strangling its head. Elena looked to her own skin and saw it similar, decayed and pale. She prayed for it to be over.

Elena drifted back slowly, her body shivering and curled into itself. Breaths much more rapid than she wanted them to be. Her face was wet and she didn't want to open her eyes, but she felt daylight on her cold skin.

(Dunno why. I felt like something gruesome.)
Leo followed Nyr and was surprised by the size of the room. He was a little more surprised when Nyr offered the bed to him. He had not given much thought but he was hundreds, possibly even thousands of feet above the nearest forest of shrubbery for that matter. This would be one of those rare occasions where he would have to actually sleep if he was to be strong enough for the up coming challenges. He eyed the bed curiously and sat on the sheets curiously. They were scratchy against his fur, and when he tried to lay down it was not suited for him in the slightest. He chuckled at his predicament and walked over to Nyr. He gave her a kiss and found a spot next to the chair she sat and sat in his meditative pose. He smiled at her "Creature of habit i supose. I think I prefer being closer to you anyways. Besides, should you feel the need fro rest, you may rest on the bed." He leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eye. It was an odd feeling letting his mind drift into darkness. Lilly would visit him in his dreams, but her influence would be lessened in his unconscious state. However, the last thing he could remember as his mind finally released him was not Lilly, but Nyr's face smiling in the moonlight as her lullaby drifted him into deep sleep.

Achyls looked down only to see the others leaving to sleep inside the ship's body, in simple pairs or lovestruck couples. It dawned on her that she ought to sleep too, but found herself too enthralled in the stars to bring herself to drift into unconsciousness. She stayed in the Crow's Nest, still unnoticed by anyone, with her head lulling on the horizontal beam that connected the posts to the platform. Love was surely blossoming on this journey, and inside her it seemed there was only darkness. A feeling of loneliness overshadowed her desire to stare at the stars, thinking only about the relationships the others had with one another. Even Kallin had found someone, someone who felt as he did. A pricking sensation tore at her as the thoughts crossed and settled in her mind.

"A lonely little raven..." she said to herself with a pathetic smile. She lifted her arms carefully onto the beam with her head placed on top, and frowned, "You're used to that though, Achyls. Why does this bother you now?"

Letting a sigh fog her head, she closed her eyes and hoped only for sleep to take her thoughts away.
((@SkywardSocks Hey, Achyls can still hang out with Leia and Malachai. :P ))

Kallin lifted the sleeping girl into his arms, turning to the bed and pushing back the covers with one knee. He lay her down gently and pulled the blankets up to her chin.

"Rest well Lune," He said softly before picking up his hat and leaving the room as quietly as he could.

Lucille had let her helms master take the ship back from Anya when she had flown it a good distance. Now she sat across from Leia, a hand of cards held nonchalantly in one hand.

"I am afraid you will lose again." She smiled sympathetically.

"I'm not beat yet..."

Lucille put her cards on the table.

"What?! Aw man!" Leia slapped her hand down.

"Do not worry ma puce, I am sure you will get ze 'ang of it eventually." Lucille looked like she was enjoying herself a little too much.

"She cheats princess." Kallin walked into the mess hall, arms crossed in his usual fenced-off demeanor.

"I know! I can't figure out how she does it though!" Leia groaned.

This earned a chuckle from Lucille and even Kallin cracked a smile.

Tad and Lee could be seen out one of the ports, playing with each other in the clouds.

"I wish that earth spirit could have come..." Leia sighed regretfully.

"Oh its here." Kallin replied. "You can only see them when they possess their element, but they're always around you...Skies know why they like you so much."

"Probably because I'm nothing like you." She shot back and Kallin raised his hands in defeat.

"I like zis one Chaton, she 'as ze spirit of a sky pirate." Lucille giggled.

"Yeah? Awesome, but for right now, this sky pirate needs her shut eye." Leia saluted the captain and nodded to Kallin before getting up to retire to her cabin.

Kallin sat down opposite Lucille and regarded her seriously for a moment. "I need you to keep something for me."

This peaked the captain's interest. "Oh? and what would zat be?"

Kallin took something from a pocket hand slid it over to her. It was a small slender package wrapped in cloth. Lucille moved to touch it.

"Don't take it out...its the StoneHeart dagger."

The captain snatched her hand back quickly. "You are a crazy fool, bringing one of 'er artifacts on this ship with you!"

"I've sealed it. She can't track it, but it might be able to tell us what she's looking for...its not just about the ShadowWood or killing real-worlders anymore."

Lucille regarded him with a hard expression. "Very well, for old times' sake chaton, but you need to figure out what to do with it quickly. I don't like this."

He flashed her a smile. "Thanks Lucille, I can always count on you to watch my back."

"I take it zen you have not told your little friends about zis?"

"They have enough on their minds at the moment...this is for later."

Lucille took the knife gingerly and got up.

"I 'ope you know what you are doing Kallin...it seems like a very dangerous game."

"We were never safe Lucille, not since Caraboss first came here."

Ward had woken to the sound of Elena's fitful sleep. He watched her for a moment, concern etched on his feathered face. When he saw her begin to stir he shifted, stretching out his massive forelimbs and folding her in them, taking care to curl his claws into the center of his talons so they would not hurt her. He drew her into his big fluffy chest, rolling on his back and folding his golden wings over top of them both. He held her like that for a moment, pressing his massive feathered head against hers and rumbling happily.

"Good morning sleepy head." He purred. Then he drew his head back on a flexible, avian neck and regarded her curiously. "Did you have bad dreams again?"

((I see your gruesome, and raise you a gryphon glomp))

Kallin had felt the transformation a few hours ago, he still sat at the mess hall table, not needing sleep thanks to the curse. Now his face was wreathed once again in shadow, his glowing yellow eyes regarding the card in his hand thoughtfully.

Leia came in not long after, her hair disheveled and a pair of similarly-fatigued spirits trailing after her. Leia sat opposite Kallin, mumbling something inaudible and Tad and Lee curled up on the table.
When Luness finally awoke the next morning, she shot out of her bed like a cannon, in her werecat form once more.

Her eyes were wide and fearfully scanning the room, looking for the nightmare. She always had one, so where was it? Yet, the fear began to fade and her racing heart began to slow, as she realized that there was nothing there.

Her senses slowly returned to her and she could hear the faint creaking of the ship along with seeing the light rays of sunlight shining through her window.

Her mind went back to last night, moments before she'd fallen asleep, when Kallin had cast that spell and spoken that cryptic saying, 'let the sun see the magic break.' With the sun faintly shining through the window, Luness could realized that the spell had worn off and the fear had skyrocketed in her subconscious, so much so that it'd woken her up.

Letting out a weary sigh, seeing as she was still feeling weary despite finally getting at least one night of proper rest, Luness then grabbed her knapsack and slung it over her back before leaving her guitar propped up against the windowsill. That thing would be useless in their adventure so she'd leave it somewhere safe for now.

Exiting her room, Luness let out a small yawn, rubbing her scarred eye before letting her hand drop to her side, as she walked up to the deck and then soon made her way into the room, which everyone seemed to be congregating in this morning.

Upon seeing Kallin, Luness froze in step and then felt her face flushing at the thought of what had happened last night.

Walking over to the nearest window, Luness then leaned against the wall and casually peered outside while trying to bring her thoughts into some kind of order.

All she could think about was how close she'd let Kallin get. What was she trying to play at here? Did she actually think that letting someone get close to her was a good idea?

Everything just felt like one big paradox in Luness' mind. She wanted someone to worry about her, to show her that she mattered. Yet, whenever someone did, she'd push them away with such force and anger. Like, it was so wrong for them to care about her, even though she wanted someone to do that so badly.

Maybe she was just hoping that after pushing everyone away...someone would still come back and try to help break her out of the prison that was her own mind.

The night had been exhausting for Leo, the biggest reason he never actually slept anymore. When you sleep, there is the chance of waking up, which always ruins the magic of sleep. But when he had his conscious commune, he was already awake. It was almost like sitting in a garden of light enjoying the warm glow of a perfect summer day. But sleep's dark enclosure was not what Leo liked. After jolting in and out of sleep several times, he gave up on the prospects of meaningful sleep and stood from his spot on the floor. He left the room quietly for Nyr to have to herself and headed down the stairs in the direction the captain had told them was the mess hall. As he rounded the corner of the stairs he gave the two sitting at the table and Luness who had found a window. He smiled and dipped his head as he addressed them "Good morning you two. I hope you both were able to restore your strengths for the day." He found himself a seat at a table facing everyone.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @DawnAntalios
(That.. Was so cute *-*)

Elena felt the heat of the sun turn into that of a familiarly warm and soft feathered body. She never opened her eyes while it happened in fear of being underwater, seeing her face again. She sniffles and wrapped her hands around him tightly. His arms around her made her feel secure enough to reply but she still kept her eyes firmly shut. She could identify his body without looking, but with the way it felt against her.

"I.. Yeah.. It was bad..." She said quietly, finally opening her eyes and wiped the sleepy blur away, happy that he was the first thing she saw.
Ethan was up early that morning and already out on deck, enjoying the quiet. He realized then that the others were likely up and went to the hall, sitting down at the table. He looked around, then went to grab a plate for himself.
Anya was never satisfied with the amount of time she was given to pilot, but she also didn't show it when the helmsman had taken control of the ship back. Well, if I can't make my way home, at least I could always find some kind of aircraft to pilot. It's not Phenom, but still. She thought to herself as she had gone below deck to find somewhere to sleep herself.

She slept in the next morning, and dragged herself to the mess hall with the others. Her hair was still a mess, but she was dressed for the day, and had clearly spent at least a moment trying to fix her appearance up.

"Ethan." She said with sleep weighing on her voice. She joined him in making her own plate and followed him when they finished and headed for the others.

Alexander, meanwhile, didn't need to sleep that night. He had stayed with Quincy for as long as she had remained awake. If she requested he stay by her when she slept, he was more than happy to oblige. The dragon had never wanted to keep someone close to him as fervently has wished for Quincy to stay near.

Now, with the morning sun peaking over the horizon his stomach called to him and told him that it was time for food. Never one to disobey his stomach, Alexander headed down to the mess hall himself, wondering what the day would hold and how the council would meet them.

Sapphire had spent the night on the deck. Once or twice she dove out off the edge of the ship and transformed as she fell, opening her wings to catch herself and flying alongside the ship. The pace was quick, so she could only do it in short sprints for fear of getting left behind.
Achyls awoke as a chill wind broke the solitude of her sleep. Her eyes snapped open and she pulled her legs back up through the gaps in the posts. She rubbed her eyes, removing the dust from her eyelids. Under her eyes, a residue had lingered over the course of the night.

Tears? she thought to herself, frowning. She neglected the thought immediately, brushing away any signs of sadness or fatigue and made her way down the Crow's Nest.

The solitude of the upper deck was a strange one. There wasn't, as of yet, any sign of life, save the few that were hard at work, minding their own business. She wandered into the hall with the others, looking a little worse for wear having spent the night out in the cold. She felt uneasy being around them, but took a seat at the table, not really in tune with her surroundings. Her eyes were fixed on the woodwork, it looked to her as if even each scratch and scrape upon the table had been purposefully carved, or coincidentally well placed.

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