
Alpha, Beta, and Gamma all let out tremendous roars, dodging the trees before charging the blood soldier. The blood soldier fires, but Beta catches the bullet in his teeth. Alpha then leaps at the soldier, landing on his shoulders before pushing off, sending the soldier stumbling forwards, and Alpha flying in the opposite direction. Landing on the ground a good twenty feet away from the blood soldier, Alpha stumbles for a moment, before regaining his footing. He then takes off at a run, Jackie on his back, sprinting through the forest.

(last post of the night. I'm sick and exhausted. Gotta get some shut eye)
Daimao said:
Alpha, Beta, and Gamma all let out tremendous roars, dodging the trees before charging the blood soldier. The blood soldier fires, but Beta catches the bullet in his teeth. Alpha then leaps at the soldier, landing on his shoulders before pushing off, sending the soldier stumbling forwards, and Alpha flying in the opposite direction. Landing on the ground a good twenty feet away from the blood soldier, Alpha stumbles for a moment, before regaining his footing. He then takes off at a run, Jackie on his back, sprinting through the forest.
(last post of the night. I'm sick and exhausted. Gotta get some shut eye)
(Feel better!)

Jackie, nearly deafened by the roars, grips Alpha as he sprints away, but it's significantly looser than it had been a few minutes before as she becomes weak from blood loss. Jackie slouches against Alpha's back, breathing shallowly as she fights against Sanctum's hold, trying her best to get through the test without magic.
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(I guess it's safe to assume that the rank up test is still going with the whole hurricanes in the woods and such. I already know the rules, no magic or weapons. Correct me if I'm wrong, though.)

The three West siblings had set out together, each remembering to leave all their weapons behind at the guild, which was quite a heavy load off for Layla and Lana. Each knew they had an advantage over some of the others because they didn't rely on any magic whatsoever and they didn't necessarily need their weapons. They all knew they were in danger as long they were in these woods but yet neither was fazed by it. The sisters had even started humming a cheery tune.
''Mist, I know you can hear me, so I'll just tell you this: I am here just to observe the rank up, not participate in it'' said Charles, through telepathy. Sincerely there was no need for him to participate anyway.

Light said:
Alpha and Jackie seem to be in the eye of the storm. The safe part. For now they should get good shelter.
( @CelticSol @Daimao )
Noticing that the heavy rain has lightened, Jackie inspects their surroundings to gouge whether or not they would be safe to stop here, then peeks back to check their pursuers, seeing that they have stopped following. She scoots up carefully, so she doesn't pull at her wound, and speaks in Alpha's ear instead of screaming at him, like she had been before. "I think we can take a break, no one is following us anymore," She says, then winces, "Or, to rephrase, we need to stop so I can deal with an injury."

(@Daimao )
CelticSol said:
Noticing that the heavy rain has lightened, Jackie inspects their surroundings to gouge whether or not they would be safe to stop here, then peeks back to check their pursuers, seeing that they have stopped following. She scoots up carefully, so she doesn't pull at her wound, and speaks in Alpha's ear instead of screaming at him, like she had been before. "I think we can take a break, no one is following us anymore," She says, then winces, "Or, to rephrase, we need to stop so I can deal with an injury."
(@Daimao )
"As you wish," Alpha said, stopping his movement and laying down on his stomach. "How bad is it?"
Daimao said:
"As you wish," Alpha said, stopping his movement and laying down on his stomach. "How bad is it?"
She slides off, stumbling a bit when she does, then she shrugs off her sweater, hissing"ow, ow, ow, ow," under her breath as she does, leaving her in a tank top. On her upper back, from shoulder to other shoulder, she has three long, deep gashes that are still bleeding freely. She tries to get a look at the wound, but due to it's placement, it's anatomically impossible for her to see it, so she looks at Alpha over her shoulder. "It hurts like a bitch, but I can't see it. How bad is it?"
CelticSol said:
She slides off, stumbling a bit when she does, then she shrugs off her sweater, hissing"ow, ow, ow, ow," under her breath as she does, leaving her in a tank top. On her upper back, from shoulder to other shoulder, she has three long, deep gashes that are still bleeding freely. She tries to get a look at the wound, but due to it's placement, it's anatomically impossible for her to see it, so she looks at Alpha over her shoulder. "It hurts like a bitch, but I can't see it. How bad is it?"
"It looks rather bad," Alpha replied, looking closely at the wound. "I would imagine it would hurt very much. You have three long gashes on your back. Unfortunately, I can't heal humans."
Daimao said:
"It looks rather bad," Alpha replied, looking closely at the wound. "I would imagine it would hurt very much. You have three long gashes on your back. Unfortunately, I can't heal humans."
Jackie laughs, then looks back at Alpha with a raised eyebrow, albeit slowly to not aggravate the wound. "Alpha, who the fuck told you I'm a human? I'm not human. I'm a demon," She pauses a second, then adds, "But if healing involves magic, then you'd be disqualified."
CelticSol said:
Jackie laughs, then looks back at Alpha with a raised eyebrow, albeit slowly to not aggravate the wound. "Alpha, who the fuck told you I'm a human? I'm not human. I'm a demon," She pauses a second, then adds, "But if healing involves magic, then you'd be disqualified."
"I said humans, but I meant I can't heal any creatures. Only kill them." Alpha said, before cocking his head to the side. "However, I do know basic first aid. You should wash the wound and cover it," he said, trying to be helpful.
Afrobrony said:
(I guess it's safe to assume that the rank up test is still going with the whole hurricanes in the woods and such. I already know the rules, no magic or weapons. Correct me if I'm wrong, though.)
The three West siblings had set out together, each remembering to leave all their weapons behind at the guild, which was quite a heavy load off for Layla and Lana. Each knew they had an advantage over some of the others because they didn't rely on any magic whatsoever and they didn't necessarily need their weapons. They all knew they were in danger as long they were in these woods but yet neither was fazed by it. The sisters had even started humming a cheery tune.
Sharp crystals of blood rain down. Practically cutting them from all over. A large ball the size of a truck made of hardened blood smashes into the ground in front of them, making shrapnel spray everywhere. Mini blood mist hurricanes zip around them. Attempting to take off their heads. Blood mist eagles swoop in and attack them as well.


Mist actually wasn't here. The storm itself was controlling what's going on.
Daimao said:
"I said humans, but I meant I can't heal any creatures. Only kill them." Alpha said, before cocking his head to the side. "However, I do know basic first aid. You should wash the wound and cover it," he said, trying to be helpful.
"The washing out thing isn't very possible right now, seeing as the only thing I could use is blood that doesn't belong to me, but I can use my shirt to cover it up," She picks up her shirt, ripping a part of it, and shredding it into long strips. She looks to Alpha like she's about to say something, but then she looks more closely to Alpha then grins, "I almost asked for your shirt. Fuck, I'm stupid," She goes back to her task, tying the strips around her upper back to staunch some of the blood flow.
"You're not that stupid," Alpha said, watching Jackie. "After all, when I am in my human form, I do wear a shirt." As he watches her, he sharpens his claws on a rock.
Daimao said:
"You're not that stupid," Alpha said, watching Jackie. "After all, when I am in my human form, I do wear a shirt." As he watches her, he sharpens his claws on a rock.
(Sorry, had a bit of a dance fest with my sister, lmao)

Jackie finishes tying up the bandages, then meets Alpha's eyes with a raise to her brow, "You know, it's considered perverted in human culture to watch a woman if she's a state of undress," After keeping a somewhat straight face, she grins wickedly, "I'm just fucking with you. And what the hell do you mean 'you're not that stupid'?"
Daimao said:
"Nothing. Nothing at all," Alpha said, straight-faced.
She strides over, grinning and nudging his claws off the rock he was sharpening them on. She sits on the rock, crossing her arms in a way that would seem serious if she weren't smiling. "No, no, you have to tell me!"
Light said:
Sharp crystals of blood rain down. Practically cutting them from all over. A large ball the size of a truck made of hardened blood smashes into the ground in front of them, making shrapnel spray everywhere. Mini blood mist hurricanes zip around them. Attempting to take off their heads. Blood mist eagles swoop in and attack them as well.
"Well, there goes the peace," said Bruce. All three did their best to deflect the shrapnel. "Isn't this great, Bruce?" said Lana, still cheery. "We get to spend quality family time together" finished Layla, also still cheery. The two sisters started catching shrapnel and throwing it at the eagles. They also started humming "In the Hall of the Mountain King". Eventually, Bruce joined in as well. He ran around in a circle around them to create wind to keep the hurricanes back.
Afrobrony said:
"Well, there goes the peace," said Bruce. All three did their best to deflect the shrapnel. "Isn't this great, Bruce?" said Lana, still cheery. "We get to spend quality family time together" finished Layla, also still cheery. The two sisters started catching shrapnel and throwing it at the eagles. They also started humming "In the Hall of the Mountain King". Eventually, Bruce joined in as well. He ran around in a circle around them to create wind to keep the hurricanes back.
The shrapnel either went through the eagles since the only hard part on them were there talons or were absorbed. Them running in circles did nothing for them at all as one blood mist hurricane flew by and entirely cut through Lana' left Achilles heel. An eagle flew by and ran it's talons across Bruce's chest.
Light said:
The shrapnel either went through the eagles since the only hard part on them were there talons or were absorbed. Them running in circles did nothing for them at all as one blood mist hurricane flew by and entirely cut through Lana' left Achilles heel. An eagle flew by and ran it's talons across Bruce's chest.
Lana fell to one knee but kept up her defense as best she could, Bruce managed to move enough to not let the eagle dig in too hard. Each was trying to figure out a way to fight back at these things. Layla quickly used her legs to prop Lana up on her back on her feet while rotating her around, sending out waves and streams of ki at the eagles. The eagles wouldn't be able to absorb these attacks. Bruce started concentrating his ki into strengthening his body so that he could hold up against the hurricanes and try to keep them back like that. This would cause him to wear out faster but he had plenty of energy left to spare.
Afrobrony said:
Lana fell to one knee but kept up her defense as best she could, Bruce managed to move enough to not let the eagle dig in too hard. Each was trying to figure out a way to fight back at these things. Layla quickly used her legs to prop Lana up on her back on her feet while rotating her around, sending out waves and streams of ki at the eagles. The eagles wouldn't be able to absorb these attacks. Bruce started concentrating his ki into strengthening his body so that he could hold up against the hurricanes and try to keep them back like that. This would cause him to wear out faster but he had plenty of energy left to spare.
Suddenly a funnel of blood dropped down from the hurricane in the sky in their area of the forest and sucked up both Layla and Bruce. Sending them back to the guild due to using a physical enhancement. Lana on the other hand didn't use Ki so she's still eligible for the rank up.
Light said:
Suddenly a funnel of blood dropped down from the hurricane in the sky in their area of the forest and sucked up both Layla and Bruce. Sending them back to the guild due to using a physical enhancement. Lana on the other hand didn't use Ki so she's still eligible for the rank up.
(Actually it would be Lana and not Layla, maybe I didn't describe it right, but it was Lana who was firing the ki while Layla was simply rotating her around. Sorry for the confusion)

The two transported back to the guild looked around a bit confused. "What did we do wrong?" Said Bruce "we didn't bring any weapons and we didn't use any magic." Lana replied "I think it was our use of ki, maybe they think it's magic. Regardless, Layla won't last too long out there."

When the two were taken away Layla decided that she had to get away from these things so she rushed forward, putting more concentration into dodging any attacks or shrapnel then trying to fend them off.
Afrobrony said:
(Actually it would be Lana and not Layla, maybe I didn't describe it right, but it was Lana who was firing the ki while Layla was simply rotating her around. Sorry for the confusion)
The two transported back to the guild looked around a bit confused. "What did we do wrong?" Said Bruce "we didn't bring any weapons and we didn't use any magic." Lana replied "I think it was our use of ki, maybe they think it's magic. Regardless, Layla won't last too long out there."

When the two were taken away Layla decided that she had to get away from these things so she rushed forward, putting more concentration into dodging any attacks or shrapnel then trying to fend them off.
The storm may notice she's injured but it doesn't let up.
Light said:
The storm may notice she's injured but it doesn't let up.
(All right, we need to straighten things out. Lana is the one injured which is why Layla spun her around while Lana fired out her ki. The ones that should've been taken back to the guild are Lana and Bruce. Sorry if I sound picky.)
Afrobrony said:
(All right, we need to straighten things out. Lana is the one injured which is why Layla spun her around while Lana fired out her ki. The ones that should've been taken back to the guild are Lana and Bruce. Sorry if I sound picky.)
( Alright. I apologize. )

The eagles start to swoop in at Layla. The blood mist hurricanes attempt to cut her down.

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