
CelticSol said:
(Heading to bed. Last post for tonight.)
Jackie starts to nod off as well, laying down, "Mm," she hums, then tiredly says, "I'm gonna catch some shut eye, but wake me up if anything happens, 'kay?" She doesn't wait for his response, falling asleep.

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Daimao said:
"That is entirely possible."
In their section they had light drizzle and what seemed to be some mini blood hurricanes zipping around. They were cutting down trees and the wind became a lot harsher and ended up blowing the trees into a certain formation. Into a square box around them with only one opening. Above. Mini blood mist hurricanes go to the spots that blood could leak out the formation of trees and turn into hardened blood. The trees keep stacking higher and higher. Soon it no longer rains, a literal river of blood is floating in the air and streams into the box filling it quite rapidly. There are mini blood mist hurricanes outside the wood box so if they try to escape out the sides they'd be torn to shreds. Another batch of mini blood mist hurricanes start to zip into the water.

So it's like being trapped in a growing cage that threatens to drown you if you stop swimming. With bullets zooming through.


Peaceswore said:
Nether splashed into a pool of blood still laughing. "Hahahaha! That was cool!" He exclaimed happily as he got out of the blood. He did what he could to get as much of the excess blood off of him. Once he was satisfied it began to rain...blood. He let out a small sigh and looked around to see if he could find anything to use as cover.
A torrent of blood smashes into him and starts to carry him through the forest. Soon the river of blood starts to curl and spin until it forms a whirlpool of blood and starts rising up with him. Throwing him around in it while taking him higher and higher.
"HAhahahaha! Weeee! This is so much fun!" He exclaimed as he was being carried by the blood torrents. "But this is getting a bit high so..." He was about to blast away the blood with his power before he stopped. "Right...no powers allowed...uh oh." He muttered as he began to spin around. At first he struggled violently, but soon relaxed since struggling only worsened his situation. He looked around and saw a tree branch not to far away. Without hesitation he took off his jacket and threw it at the branch. The hood hooked onto it and he pulled him self out with quite a bit of difficulty. When he was out he was hanging by his jacket at least thirty feet from the ground.

He soon heard his jacket begin to tear so he started to swing to the nearest branch. Just as his jacket gave out he was able to latch onto another branch. He pulled himself up and smirked. "That was fun...better get out of here." He mumbled before jumping from branch to branch away fom the blood. ((Using his jacket doesn't go against the rules right?)) @Light
Peaceswore said:
"HAhahahaha! Weeee! This is so much fun!" He exclaimed as he was being carried by the blood torrents. "But this is getting a bit high so..." He was about to blast away the blood with his power before he stopped. "Right...no powers allowed...uh oh." He muttered as he began to spin around. At first he struggled violently, but soon relaxed since struggling only worsened his situation. He looked around and saw a tree branch not to far away. Without hesitation he took off his jacket and threw it at the branch. The hood hooked onto it and he pulled him self out with quite a bit of difficulty. When he was out he was hanging by his jacket at least thirty feet from the ground.
He soon heard his jacket begin to tear so he started to swing to the nearest branch. Just as his jacket gave out he was able to latch onto another branch. He pulled himself up and smirked. "That was fun...better get out of here." He mumbled before jumping from branch to branch away fom the blood. ((Using his jacket doesn't go against the rules right?)) @Light
( No. )

There was no way her could possibly escape the blood completely since the sky is filled with the large blood mist hurricanes. The threat was all above him.

Suddenly mini blood mist hurricanes zip by and cut him. Not too deep but they frequently do so. Blood rises from the ground and wraps around his arms and legs. They form into hardened blood chains with heavy balls at the end so hold him down. Suddenly a spring of blood erupts from under him. Since he's so heavy because of balls he can't float up. He just stays there with the complete risk of drowning. Before he does though the blood stops rising and the chains break off. The mini blood mist hurricanes start to chip away at the trees and the wind blows the tree pieces around into his eyes.
When the blood gushed around him he remained still and just held his breath knowing that once again struggling would have wasted his breath and breathing is very important to him. When the blood finally stopped and the weight was lifted off his leg he stayed still and listened before feeling something cut the side of his face, but it didn't feel like the usually blood hurricane. He opened his eyes for half a second so he could understand his situation. Sadly because he opened them a few small chips entered his eyes. He gritted though the pain and turned around so he began to run down wind, the chips now hitting the back of his head.

He kept stumbling around a bit till he was able to blink out the chips that were in his eyes. His right eye was fine, but his left had to remain close for a bit since it was burning pretty badly, he would have healed himself, but once again...no powers. "That rule is annoying...but it makes things fun!" He exclaimed happily as he continued head down wind, his jacket (now missing the hood) was tucked under his arm incase he needed it for future use. @Light
Peaceswore said:
When the blood gushed around him he remained still and just held his breath knowing that once again struggling would have wasted his breath and breathing is very important to him. When the blood finally stopped and the weight was lifted off his leg he stayed still and listened before feeling something cut the side of his face, but it didn't feel like the usually blood hurricane. He opened his eyes for half a second so he could understand his situation. Sadly because he opened them a few small chips entered his eyes. He gritted though the pain and turned around so he began to run down wind, the chips now hitting the back of his head.
He kept stumbling around a bit till he was able to blink out the chips that were in his eyes. His right eye was fine, but his left had to remain close for a bit since it was burning pretty badly, he would have healed himself, but once again...no powers. "That rule is annoying...but it makes things fun!" He exclaimed happily as he continued head down wind, his jacket (now missing the hood) was tucked under his arm incase he needed it for future use. @Light
A large blood mist figure rises from the ground. It slams its staff into his chest.
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Nether saw the figure and backed up in time to soften the blow, but not completely dodge it. He stumbled back a bit before going into a fighting stance. "This is going to be one long and very exciting night." He said with an insane smirk. He then ran up and brought his fist up as if he would attack the figures head, but instead brought his knee up at the last second and slam it onto its knee intending to break it. Not waiting to see what he did, he bolted down wind doing sudden turns incase the figure tired to throw anything at him. @Light
Its weapon is made out of hardened blood but its body is made out of blood mist. Nethers fist simply passed through it. The blood on the ground from the rain hardens around Nethers foot as the warrior throws a hardened blood spear. Nailing Nether to the ground by the shoulder.
Nether felt a piercing pain in his shoulder as he fell to the ground. He was in a small daze as he looked over at where the pain was reminting from. When he saw the spear his eye widened and his smirk turned to a...broad grin. "Hahahaha! I remember this! This is pain! I haven't felt something like this in awhile! Hahaha! I love it! Though....I prefer to give it to other." He exclaimed as he grabbed on to the spear. With brute strength he snapped it in half so only a few inches of the stick was showing out of his shoulder. He continued to laugh insanely as he forced himself up. 'Will Mist kill me? I wonder! I can't wait to see! Hahahaha This is too much fun.' He thought as he did one final heave pushing himself up.

He looked behind him and waved at the blood creature once before bolting. This time making even more spontaneous movement to just in case and becoming more aware of the blood at his feet. As he ran he used his jacket to cover his bleeding shoulder whenever he looked at his wound he just laughed at it though he felt some pain he was just to excited to care about it. @Light
Peaceswore said:
Nether felt a piercing pain in his shoulder as he fell to the ground. He was in a small daze as he looked over at where the pain was reminting from. When he saw the spear his eye widened and his smirk turned to a...broad grin. "Hahahaha! I remember this! This is pain! I haven't felt something like this in awhile! Hahaha! I love it! Though....I prefer to give it to other." He exclaimed as he grabbed on to the spear. With brute strength he snapped it in half so only a few inches of the stick was showing out of his shoulder. He continued to laugh insanely as he forced himself up. 'Will Mist kill me? I wonder! I can't wait to see! Hahahaha This is too much fun.' He thought as he did one final heave pushing himself up.
He looked behind him and waved at the blood creature once before bolting. This time making even more spontaneous movement to just in case and becoming more aware of the blood at his feet. As he ran he used his jacket to cover his bleeding shoulder whenever he looked at his wound he just laughed at it though he felt some pain he was just to excited to care about it. @Light
The rain starts to get heavier and the winds become brutal. The hurricanes have no activated. Nether is nos in the middle of an active hurricane. He needs to find shelter fast.
Nether would be laughing but if he opened his mouth he would drown in the blood that was raining down. 'How is there so much blood? I have to ask Mist later. And shelter....where would I find a place like that here? Is there a cave? A hole would get flooded and a regular place like a deer den would be blown away. I need to find something stable.' He thought as he covered his eyes with his hand trying to move against the winds. He was utterly soaked, but soon he found a skeleton of a bear and what seemed to be two cubs. 'A bear? Don't they live in caves? Since the cubs were here...there has to be one somewhere. I guess now it is only a matter of luck.' He walked to a random direction doing his best against the winds without using his powers.

After two minutes of walking, he finally found something. It wasn't necessarily a cave, but seven huge stones that rested against each other forming a tepee like shelter the stones were so close together that the blood didn't seem to leak through. It was on a small mound making it so the blood would run down hill an the entrance was facing downwind. He went straight to it and as soon as he entered he stopped getting pummeled by blood and winds. He was panting a bit as he sat down and tried to get some blood off of him, but knew it was impossible. "I'm really F-ing lucky! And this is amazing. Haha I wonder if I'm allowed a break or..." He muttered as he looked at his bleeding shoulder. @Light
Peaceswore said:
Nether would be laughing but if he opened his mouth he would drown in the blood that was raining down. 'How is there so much blood? I have to ask Mist later. And shelter....where would I find a place like that here? Is there a cave? A hole would get flooded and a regular place like a deer den would be blown away. I need to find something stable.' He thought as he covered his eyes with his hand trying to move against the winds. He was utterly soaked, but soon he found a skeleton of a bear and what seemed to be two cubs. 'A bear? Don't they live in caves? Since the cubs were here...there has to be one somewhere. I guess now it is only a matter of luck.' He walked to a random direction doing his best against the winds without using his powers.
After two minutes of walking, he finally found something. It wasn't necessarily a cave, but seven huge stones that rested against each other forming a tepee like shelter the stones were so close together that the blood didn't seem to leak through. It was on a small mound making it so the blood would run down hill an the entrance was facing downwind. He went straight to it and as soon as he entered he stopped getting pummeled by blood and winds. He was panting a bit as he sat down and tried to get some blood off of him, but knew it was impossible. "I'm really F-ing lucky! And this is amazing. Haha I wonder if I'm allowed a break or..." He muttered as he looked at his bleeding shoulder. @Light
For now the blood couldn't get to Nether. Only a mini blood mist hurricane could. It all depends on if they find him though. So for now Nether has a resting spot.
Light said:
In their section they had light drizzle and what seemed to be some mini blood hurricanes zipping around. They were cutting down trees and the wind became a lot harsher and ended up blowing the trees into a certain formation. Into a square box around them with only one opening. Above. Mini blood mist hurricanes go to the spots that blood could leak out the formation of trees and turn into hardened blood. The trees keep stacking higher and higher. Soon it no longer rains, a literal river of blood is floating in the air and streams into the box filling it quite rapidly. There are mini blood mist hurricanes outside the wood box so if they try to escape out the sides they'd be torn to shreds. Another batch of mini blood mist hurricanes start to zip into the water.
So it's like being trapped in a growing cage that threatens to drown you if you stop swimming. With bullets zooming through.
Jackie awakes suddenly when her head is submerged under the blood, and she lurches out from under the surface, gasping, then looks around, spotting the trees being stacked higher. She surveys what she can see; the blood very steadily rising - now at her waist - and them trapped within the confines of this cage. She glances up, guessing that's where they'll have to go, and kicks Alpha with her foot. "Wake up! Alpha, wake up!"

(@Daimao )
CelticSol said:
Jackie awakes suddenly when her head is submerged under the blood, and she lurches out from under the surface, gasping, then looks around, spotting the trees being stacked higher. She surveys what she can see; the blood very steadily rising - now at her waist - and them trapped within the confines of this cage. She glances up, guessing that's where they'll have to go, and kicks Alpha with her foot. "Wake up! Alpha, wake up!"
(@Daimao )
Alpha's eyes instantly snap open and he splashes to his feet. Looking around he growls. "This could be a problem," he growls. Then he looks up, grinning. "I think I can get us out. Climb on my back."
Daimao said:
Alpha's eyes instantly snap open and he splashes to his feet. Looking around he growls. "This could be a problem," he growls. Then he looks up, grinning. "I think I can get us out. Climb on my back."
Jackie nods, getting to her feet and splashing blood around. She walks over and gets on his back, noticing the smaller blood hurricanes spinning in the blood that's getting to the point where they'll have to swim to stay above it. "Be careful, there are little hurricanes in the water."
CelticSol said:
Jackie awakes suddenly when her head is submerged under the blood, and she lurches out from under the surface, gasping, then looks around, spotting the trees being stacked higher. She surveys what she can see; the blood very steadily rising - now at her waist - and them trapped within the confines of this cage. She glances up, guessing that's where they'll have to go, and kicks Alpha with her foot. "Wake up! Alpha, wake up!"
(@Daimao )
Daimao said:
Alpha's eyes instantly snap open and he splashes to his feet. Looking around he growls. "This could be a problem," he growls. Then he looks up, grinning. "I think I can get us out. Climb on my back."
The blood thats already waist deep turns to hardened blood around them. New blood starts to fill in even more rapidly. The winds start blowing downward in the hole as blood mist hurricanes start rushing in more. The walls get higher.
CelticSol said:
Jackie nods, getting to her feet and splashing blood around. She walks over and gets on his back, noticing the smaller blood hurricanes spinning in the blood that's getting to the point where they'll have to swim to stay above it. "Be careful, there are little hurricanes in the water."
Light said:
The blood thats already waist deep turns to hardened blood around them. New blood starts to fill in even more rapidly. The winds start blowing downward in the hole as blood mist hurricanes start rushing in more. The walls get higher.
Alpha flexes his iron-hard muscles, breaking free from the dried blood. Climbing on top of the hardened layer of blood, he leaps into the air towards one of the wooden walls, with Jackie on his back. Slamming into the trees a good 10 feet above the blood level, his large, sharp claws dig into the wood, keeping them in place. He then leaps across the area, landing a few feet higher than where he had just leapt from.
Daimao said:
Alpha flexes his iron-hard muscles, breaking free from the dried blood. Climbing on top of the hardened layer of blood, he leaps into the air towards one of the wooden walls, with Jackie on his back. Slamming into the trees a good 10 feet above the blood level, his large, sharp claws dig into the wood, keeping them in place. He then leaps across the area, landing a few feet higher than where he had just leapt from.
Blood mist hurricanes start to shoot down at Alpha and Jackie.
Daimao said:
Alpha flexes his iron-hard muscles, breaking free from the dried blood. Climbing on top of the hardened layer of blood, he leaps into the air towards one of the wooden walls, with Jackie on his back. Slamming into the trees a good 10 feet above the blood level, his large, sharp claws dig into the wood, keeping them in place. He then leaps across the area, landing a few feet higher than where he had just leapt from.
Light said:
Blood mist hurricanes start to shoot down at Alpha and Jackie.
Jackie lets out a very high pitched shriek of surprise when Alpha leaps against the wall, holding onto his neck for dear life and burying her face into his fur. He can hear her cursing harshly as he jumps away from the wall, and she looks up just in time to see the hurricanes shoot at them. She manages to shove all three heads down in time for one to fly over their heads. "Run, Alpha, fucking run!"
Light said:
Blood mist hurricanes start to shoot down at Alpha and Jackie.
CelticSol said:
Jackie lets out a very high pitched shriek of surprise when Alpha leaps against the wall, holding onto his neck for dear life and burying her face into his fur. He can hear her cursing harshly as he jumps away from the wall, and she looks up just in time to see the hurricanes shoot at them. She manages to shove all three heads down in time for one to fly over their heads. "Run, Alpha, fucking run!"
"Technically I'm jumping," Alpha said, pushing off with a massive leap, soaring through the air like a majestic fucking eagle. An eagle shaped like a giant, three headed dog being ridden by a woman. At the end of his majestic flight, he slammed into the wall, close to the top, before leaning to the side to avoid a speeding hurricane. "This is fucking awesome!"
Daimao said:
"Technically I'm jumping," Alpha said, pushing off with a massive leap, soaring through the air like a majestic fucking eagle. An eagle shaped like a giant, three headed dog being ridden by a woman. At the end of his majestic flight, he slammed into the wall, close to the top, before leaning to the side to avoid a speeding hurricane. "This is fucking awesome!"
"Shut up, technicality!" Jackie shouts, leaning to the side to avoid the same hurricane. She nearly falls off, yelping, clinging desperately to Alpha's neck and crushing his ribcage with her legs. She buries her face into his neck again, and he can hear her groan, "Fucking hell, I hate heights..."
Daimao said:
"Technically I'm jumping," Alpha said, pushing off with a massive leap, soaring through the air like a majestic fucking eagle. An eagle shaped like a giant, three headed dog being ridden by a woman. At the end of his majestic flight, he slammed into the wall, close to the top, before leaning to the side to avoid a speeding hurricane. "This is fucking awesome!"
Suddenly the entire trap along with the trees and blood start floating up. Along with Alpha and Jackie. The winds are lifting it all up into the large hurricane above them in the sky. One tree touches it and is instantly turned to shreds. Large blood mist eagles with hardened blood for talons fly by them. Attacking them while mini blood mist hurricanes attempt to attack Jackie.
Light said:
Suddenly the entire trap along with the trees and blood start floating up. Along with Alpha and Jackie. The winds are lifting it all up into the large hurricane above them in the sky. One tree touches it and is instantly turned to shreds. Large blood mist eagles with hardened blood for talons fly by them. Attacking them while mini blood mist hurricanes attempt to attack Jackie.
One of the eagles swoop down at Jackie, and even though she ducks, it's talon slash across her back, shredding her shirt and leaving deep, long gashes along her shoulder blades. She curses, barely able to keep her powers from lashing out. She grabs one of the eagles and tears it's talon off with enough force that it not only halts it's flight, but falls all the way to the forest floor. Jackie taps the back of Alpha's head, "Get us out of here!"
CelticSol said:
One of the eagles swoop down at Jackie, and even though she ducks, it's talon slash across her back, shredding her shirt and leaving deep, long gashes along her shoulder blades. She curses, barely able to keep her powers from lashing out. She grabs one of the eagles and tears it's talon off with enough force that it not only halts it's flight, but falls all the way to the forest floor. Jackie taps the back of Alpha's head, "Get us out of here!"
"As you wish." With that, Alpha releases the tree he had been firmly gripping. As they went tumbling back downwards towards the earth, Gamma bit the head off an eagle attempting to attack them, laughing the whole time. A few moments later, their fall was broken by a tree branch....right before their fall broke the branch. They fell down alongside the trunk of a tall tree, shattering every branch on the way down, Alpha turning so only he would hit the branches. As they neared the ground, they hit one final, thick branch, which halted their descent. "All d-"


"Fuck," groaned Alpha as the branch snapped, making them fall the remaining few feet to the ground.
Daimao said:
"As you wish." With that, Alpha releases the tree he had been firmly gripping. As they went tumbling back downwards towards the earth, Gamma bit the head off an eagle attempting to attack them, laughing the whole time. A few moments later, their fall was broken by a tree branch....right before their fall broke the branch. They fell down alongside the trunk of a tall tree, shattering every branch on the way down, Alpha turning so only he would hit the branches. As they neared the ground, they hit one final, thick branch, which halted their descent. "All d-"

"Fuck," groaned Alpha as the branch snapped, making them fall the remaining few feet to the ground.
Jackie sits up, twigs in her hair and holding her head from all the jostling. She glances down, and, seeing they're on the ground, sighs in relief. She pats his neck, "Thanks for taking the fall," She says, then looks up to the eagles diving down to greet them. "Rest time over, we need to move. Like, now."
CelticSol said:
Jackie sits up, twigs in her hair and holding her head from all the jostling. She glances down, and, seeing they're on the ground, sighs in relief. She pats his neck, "Thanks for taking the fall," She says, then looks up to the eagles diving down to greet them. "Rest time over, we need to move. Like, now."
Daimao said:
"As you wish." With that, Alpha releases the tree he had been firmly gripping. As they went tumbling back downwards towards the earth, Gamma bit the head off an eagle attempting to attack them, laughing the whole time. A few moments later, their fall was broken by a tree branch....right before their fall broke the branch. They fell down alongside the trunk of a tall tree, shattering every branch on the way down, Alpha turning so only he would hit the branches. As they neared the ground, they hit one final, thick branch, which halted their descent. "All d-"

"Fuck," groaned Alpha as the branch snapped, making them fall the remaining few feet to the ground.
A blood mist soilder walks out from behind the trees. About 8 feet tall. The soilder holds up a gun that fires bullets made of hardened blood. The winds aiding the bullets. There was also blood mist hurricanes and eagles swiftly chasing them. Visibility is low and blood rain pours hard. The blood on the ground seems to be lightly grabbing onto their feet to slow them down.

Blood mist hurricanes tear trees to shreds to make them fall on the two and also made the bark act as sharpnel.

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