"Catalonia Conducts Military Maneuvers as a 12 day long excerise comes to a close."
"This excerise, the largest Catalonia has conducted since the founding of the independant provience has sparked great concern and anger from the Spanish government. A comment from their foreign affairs office reads as "Catalonia's military drills have forever given us great concern over the security of the peninsula, this excerise has been no exception as it was way bigger and more aggressive compared to previous events. This has led us to believe that Catalonia is preparing for something." Catalonia has a rocky history with Spain since it's depature from the country, although backed by Great Brittney, Spain has always announced it's eventual invasion of Catalonia to retake it back into the fold. Perhap this was a show of strenght to Spain to show them that Catalonia will not be bullied or pushed over. This is Mike Williams, World News and now back to the studio."
Catalonia has been spending the past 40 years building it's military up both to the public eye and behind closed doors, while the world saw Catalonia as small military force they failed to realise that they became a very well prepared and highly advanced fighting force.

Catalonia's military has been slowly increasing in numbers as the Government starts a new recruitment drive since their last one in the 1980s. This excerise also proved a great way to get footage for their campaign of increasing their standing army both in regulars and reserves.

This excerise also saw Catalonia using it's newly aquired Leopard 2CAs, these large steel beasts where specially produced for the needs of Catalonia by KMW, boasting incredible modularity and firepower with the L/55 120mm Main gun. This kitty packs a really punch. Catalonia purchased a total 50 of these over a total of 2 batches containing 25 each.

This excerise took place over a vast area in South-Western Catalonia, near the border with Spain. This is what primarily causes the great concern as Spain feels like it's about to be invaded. There will come a point where it was be like the boy who cried wolf and Spain may never realise they are being invaded if it ever comes to it.

And now as the dust settles, the exercise is over the Spainish Government can sleep soundly tonight knowing that it was just another exercise and that Catalonia would never invade them to retake their native lands...
...Or will they?
The future only knows the answer to that one.
"This excerise, the largest Catalonia has conducted since the founding of the independant provience has sparked great concern and anger from the Spanish government. A comment from their foreign affairs office reads as "Catalonia's military drills have forever given us great concern over the security of the peninsula, this excerise has been no exception as it was way bigger and more aggressive compared to previous events. This has led us to believe that Catalonia is preparing for something." Catalonia has a rocky history with Spain since it's depature from the country, although backed by Great Brittney, Spain has always announced it's eventual invasion of Catalonia to retake it back into the fold. Perhap this was a show of strenght to Spain to show them that Catalonia will not be bullied or pushed over. This is Mike Williams, World News and now back to the studio."
Catalonia has been spending the past 40 years building it's military up both to the public eye and behind closed doors, while the world saw Catalonia as small military force they failed to realise that they became a very well prepared and highly advanced fighting force.

Catalonia's military has been slowly increasing in numbers as the Government starts a new recruitment drive since their last one in the 1980s. This excerise also proved a great way to get footage for their campaign of increasing their standing army both in regulars and reserves.

This excerise also saw Catalonia using it's newly aquired Leopard 2CAs, these large steel beasts where specially produced for the needs of Catalonia by KMW, boasting incredible modularity and firepower with the L/55 120mm Main gun. This kitty packs a really punch. Catalonia purchased a total 50 of these over a total of 2 batches containing 25 each.

This excerise took place over a vast area in South-Western Catalonia, near the border with Spain. This is what primarily causes the great concern as Spain feels like it's about to be invaded. There will come a point where it was be like the boy who cried wolf and Spain may never realise they are being invaded if it ever comes to it.

And now as the dust settles, the exercise is over the Spainish Government can sleep soundly tonight knowing that it was just another exercise and that Catalonia would never invade them to retake their native lands...
...Or will they?
The future only knows the answer to that one.