Rowboat Girlyman
New Member
Ormoc Airfield, Mid-February...
Whitman would be meeting with some of his oldest colleagues to discuss details of an upcoming plan...
Skellen (left guy): So you actually got Cordoba to sign off on this mental shit?
Whitman: Yeah, what you got a problem with it? I know you know people down south with connections.
Skellen: I thought you wanted to clear these guys off the island, don't this defeat the bloody point?
Whitman: Look in the meantime it's just as good, we give them the letters and they keep the government occupied long enough for us to get shit done.
Collins: Yeah I have to agree with him Whitman, you can't trust pirates. How you gonna guarantee they won't stab you in the back huh?
Whitman: If you two would quit bitching long enough to listen then you'd understand the plan. You two get in touch with some people you can trust, people who know the waters and can get the word out. We send some captains down, they recruit some crews from the local trash and they get to keep a cut of whatever supplies they pilfer for us. We'll have guys down there keeping them on a tight leash but I'm sure the allure of being able to plunder while we turn a blind eye will be too much for them to resist.
Skellen: And Barerra's put his stamp on it then?
Whitman: Well I still have a few more details to smooth over with him but I think he should be happy with it.

Barerra: I should certainly hope so too my friend. Come, it's almost time for us to depart. I want to swing by and talk to Ignacio before we leave.
Whitman: Right boss. he would turn to his two men Look you two start putting together a list of all the names you can trust, we'll finish this discussion later.

The two would stroll along for a few minutes before finding Cordoba chatting with a few enlisted men in one of the nearby smokepits
Barerra: There you are Ignacio, I figured I'd find you out smoking behind the school with your little friends.
Cordoba: he'd give a little chuckle as the other two men give a quick panicked salute Hey relax guys, it's just my boss. He's cool.
Barerra: Come on Ignacio, we're about to leave for Isabel and I want to hear more of this plan you and Whitman are putting together.

The now trio continues toward Barerra's waiting helicopter...
Barerra: So you want to hire privateers? What is this, 1715?
Cordoba: Look I know it sounds like a crazy idea but if I send some of my loyal men down there to recruit the crews, and Whitman has his local guys draw from pools they can trust...
Barerra: I swear, every time the two of you pitch me a new plan it sounds like something out of an action movie.
Cordoba: But I mean they've worked so far haven't they? I'm telling you, we let these guys keep a little cut of whatever they raid from government ships and they'll stay... well maybe not loyal but at least we won't have to worry about them stabbing us in the back for a while.
Barerra: Whitman I know he's a young impressionable idiot but you can't seriously be on board with this plan too can you?
Whitman: I don't see why not. I know a lot of guys in the south, that's where most of the contractors who didn't come work for us fled to when the shooting started. This would bring a lot of them back where we can keep an eye on them instead of them running around helping out the warlords you know?
Barerra: Ugh... Look I'll give it some thought and we'll talk more about it when I get back, alright?

At that Barerra and Whitman would climb into their chopper with a small escort of Whitman's mercs...
Cordoba: And where exactly are you off to in such a hurry? Don't you think you should tell your top general when you're going on a trip somewhere?
Barerra: as he adjusts the chinstrap on his helmet I'm going on a business trip to meet with some associates I've been in contact with for a while now. If things go well, our situation could improve quite dramatically in the coming months. Just wish me luck.

Cordoba backs away as the chopper dusts off, shielding his face from the debris kicked up as a private frantically approaches him with a salute...
Soldier: General Cordoba! Some of the commandos from the Tacloban mission have returned! It's not good sir, you need to see them immediately!
(to be continued in a later post...)

Isabel, a few Days Later...
A few miles off the western coast of Leyte, a single stealthy submarine manages to slip through the a brief gap in the Filipino naval blockade. Surfacing just long enough for the lookouts on the conning tower to send a few Morse code signals to a waiting party on shore; when the proper signal is returned via spotlamp, the PSS Hawaii discharges a squad of Raiders who quickly pile into two RHIBs and make their way toward land...

Once ashore they're greeted by a waiting FWA party who quickly help the men stash their boats and proceed to take them the rest of the way into the city of Isabel...

To help keep things inconspicuous, Barerra has arranged for the meeting to take place at yet another one of his half-built properties scattered around Isabel. Once the leader of the party of Raiders is cleared to enter, Barerra would shake the man's hand and offer a friendly greeting.
Barerra: Welcome to Leyte my friend, I wish we could have met under more hospitable circumstances but you understand how it is here.
Marine: Completely understandable Mr. Barerra. I'm Captain Erroll Dannagher, 2nd Raider Battalion.

A chair would be brought out for Captain Dannagher and the two would take a seat as they begin to discuss things...
Barerra: Can I offer you a cigar before we start Captain?
Cpt Dannagher: No thank you sir, I don't smoke.
Barerra: Well then, forgive me for being blunt Captain Dannagher but I certainly hope a single squad of marines isn't all the support your government intends to provide?
Cpt Dannagher: We've been tasked with simply observing and reporting on the situation. My team and our sub will remain on station for a time and report our assessments back to our government. From there it's in congress's hands what direction they want to go.
Barerra: I'm not asking your government to fight our war for us Captain, I was simply hoping for a bit more of a show of solidarity or at least sympathy.
Cpt Dannagher: Yes but this is purely a domestic conflict for your people, for our government to step in could potentially risk escalating the situation into something much greater than it already is.
Barerra: Yes because America doesn't make a habit out of meddling in other peoples' wars right?
Cpt Dannagher: Listen sir I'm not here to talk politics with you, I'm simply relaying to you what message I was given. The only reason we're in this area in any capacity is because the PS is worried about instability spreading to other Pacific interests. If it's found out we were to interfere in this war with no justification-
Barerra: Yes yes Captain Dannagher, I understand. I do thank you for coming in any capacity at all.
Cpt Dannagher: If it's any consolation we've been authorized to provide limited advisory support for your men, unofficially of course.
Barerra: he would perk up a bit at the mention of that Well Captain, I'll certainly see to it that your stay on our island is as comfortable as possible. Hopefully in time your leaders will come around and a fruitful relationship can bloom from this...

Whitman would be meeting with some of his oldest colleagues to discuss details of an upcoming plan...
Skellen (left guy): So you actually got Cordoba to sign off on this mental shit?
Whitman: Yeah, what you got a problem with it? I know you know people down south with connections.
Skellen: I thought you wanted to clear these guys off the island, don't this defeat the bloody point?
Whitman: Look in the meantime it's just as good, we give them the letters and they keep the government occupied long enough for us to get shit done.
Collins: Yeah I have to agree with him Whitman, you can't trust pirates. How you gonna guarantee they won't stab you in the back huh?
Whitman: If you two would quit bitching long enough to listen then you'd understand the plan. You two get in touch with some people you can trust, people who know the waters and can get the word out. We send some captains down, they recruit some crews from the local trash and they get to keep a cut of whatever supplies they pilfer for us. We'll have guys down there keeping them on a tight leash but I'm sure the allure of being able to plunder while we turn a blind eye will be too much for them to resist.
Skellen: And Barerra's put his stamp on it then?
Whitman: Well I still have a few more details to smooth over with him but I think he should be happy with it.

Barerra: I should certainly hope so too my friend. Come, it's almost time for us to depart. I want to swing by and talk to Ignacio before we leave.
Whitman: Right boss. he would turn to his two men Look you two start putting together a list of all the names you can trust, we'll finish this discussion later.

The two would stroll along for a few minutes before finding Cordoba chatting with a few enlisted men in one of the nearby smokepits
Barerra: There you are Ignacio, I figured I'd find you out smoking behind the school with your little friends.
Cordoba: he'd give a little chuckle as the other two men give a quick panicked salute Hey relax guys, it's just my boss. He's cool.
Barerra: Come on Ignacio, we're about to leave for Isabel and I want to hear more of this plan you and Whitman are putting together.

The now trio continues toward Barerra's waiting helicopter...
Barerra: So you want to hire privateers? What is this, 1715?
Cordoba: Look I know it sounds like a crazy idea but if I send some of my loyal men down there to recruit the crews, and Whitman has his local guys draw from pools they can trust...
Barerra: I swear, every time the two of you pitch me a new plan it sounds like something out of an action movie.
Cordoba: But I mean they've worked so far haven't they? I'm telling you, we let these guys keep a little cut of whatever they raid from government ships and they'll stay... well maybe not loyal but at least we won't have to worry about them stabbing us in the back for a while.
Barerra: Whitman I know he's a young impressionable idiot but you can't seriously be on board with this plan too can you?
Whitman: I don't see why not. I know a lot of guys in the south, that's where most of the contractors who didn't come work for us fled to when the shooting started. This would bring a lot of them back where we can keep an eye on them instead of them running around helping out the warlords you know?
Barerra: Ugh... Look I'll give it some thought and we'll talk more about it when I get back, alright?

At that Barerra and Whitman would climb into their chopper with a small escort of Whitman's mercs...
Cordoba: And where exactly are you off to in such a hurry? Don't you think you should tell your top general when you're going on a trip somewhere?
Barerra: as he adjusts the chinstrap on his helmet I'm going on a business trip to meet with some associates I've been in contact with for a while now. If things go well, our situation could improve quite dramatically in the coming months. Just wish me luck.

Cordoba backs away as the chopper dusts off, shielding his face from the debris kicked up as a private frantically approaches him with a salute...
Soldier: General Cordoba! Some of the commandos from the Tacloban mission have returned! It's not good sir, you need to see them immediately!
(to be continued in a later post...)

Isabel, a few Days Later...
A few miles off the western coast of Leyte, a single stealthy submarine manages to slip through the a brief gap in the Filipino naval blockade. Surfacing just long enough for the lookouts on the conning tower to send a few Morse code signals to a waiting party on shore; when the proper signal is returned via spotlamp, the PSS Hawaii discharges a squad of Raiders who quickly pile into two RHIBs and make their way toward land...

Once ashore they're greeted by a waiting FWA party who quickly help the men stash their boats and proceed to take them the rest of the way into the city of Isabel...

To help keep things inconspicuous, Barerra has arranged for the meeting to take place at yet another one of his half-built properties scattered around Isabel. Once the leader of the party of Raiders is cleared to enter, Barerra would shake the man's hand and offer a friendly greeting.
Barerra: Welcome to Leyte my friend, I wish we could have met under more hospitable circumstances but you understand how it is here.
Marine: Completely understandable Mr. Barerra. I'm Captain Erroll Dannagher, 2nd Raider Battalion.

A chair would be brought out for Captain Dannagher and the two would take a seat as they begin to discuss things...
Barerra: Can I offer you a cigar before we start Captain?
Cpt Dannagher: No thank you sir, I don't smoke.
Barerra: Well then, forgive me for being blunt Captain Dannagher but I certainly hope a single squad of marines isn't all the support your government intends to provide?
Cpt Dannagher: We've been tasked with simply observing and reporting on the situation. My team and our sub will remain on station for a time and report our assessments back to our government. From there it's in congress's hands what direction they want to go.
Barerra: I'm not asking your government to fight our war for us Captain, I was simply hoping for a bit more of a show of solidarity or at least sympathy.
Cpt Dannagher: Yes but this is purely a domestic conflict for your people, for our government to step in could potentially risk escalating the situation into something much greater than it already is.
Barerra: Yes because America doesn't make a habit out of meddling in other peoples' wars right?
Cpt Dannagher: Listen sir I'm not here to talk politics with you, I'm simply relaying to you what message I was given. The only reason we're in this area in any capacity is because the PS is worried about instability spreading to other Pacific interests. If it's found out we were to interfere in this war with no justification-
Barerra: Yes yes Captain Dannagher, I understand. I do thank you for coming in any capacity at all.
Cpt Dannagher: If it's any consolation we've been authorized to provide limited advisory support for your men, unofficially of course.
Barerra: he would perk up a bit at the mention of that Well Captain, I'll certainly see to it that your stay on our island is as comfortable as possible. Hopefully in time your leaders will come around and a fruitful relationship can bloom from this...

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