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Realistic or Modern Espionage Wars V9: Migration Edition

Ormoc Airfield, Mid-February...
Whitman would be meeting with some of his oldest colleagues to discuss details of an upcoming plan...
Skellen (left guy): So you actually got Cordoba to sign off on this mental shit?
Whitman: Yeah, what you got a problem with it? I know you know people down south with connections.
Skellen: I thought you wanted to clear these guys off the island, don't this defeat the bloody point?
Whitman: Look in the meantime it's just as good, we give them the letters and they keep the government occupied long enough for us to get shit done.
Collins: Yeah I have to agree with him Whitman, you can't trust pirates. How you gonna guarantee they won't stab you in the back huh?
Whitman: If you two would quit bitching long enough to listen then you'd understand the plan. You two get in touch with some people you can trust, people who know the waters and can get the word out. We send some captains down, they recruit some crews from the local trash and they get to keep a cut of whatever supplies they pilfer for us. We'll have guys down there keeping them on a tight leash but I'm sure the allure of being able to plunder while we turn a blind eye will be too much for them to resist.
Skellen: And Barerra's put his stamp on it then?
Whitman: Well I still have a few more details to smooth over with him but I think he should be happy with it.

Barerra: I should certainly hope so too my friend. Come, it's almost time for us to depart. I want to swing by and talk to Ignacio before we leave.
Whitman: Right boss. he would turn to his two men Look you two start putting together a list of all the names you can trust, we'll finish this discussion later.

The two would stroll along for a few minutes before finding Cordoba chatting with a few enlisted men in one of the nearby smokepits
Barerra: There you are Ignacio, I figured I'd find you out smoking behind the school with your little friends.
Cordoba: he'd give a little chuckle as the other two men give a quick panicked salute Hey relax guys, it's just my boss. He's cool.
Barerra: Come on Ignacio, we're about to leave for Isabel and I want to hear more of this plan you and Whitman are putting together.

The now trio continues toward Barerra's waiting helicopter...
Barerra: So you want to hire privateers? What is this, 1715?
Cordoba: Look I know it sounds like a crazy idea but if I send some of my loyal men down there to recruit the crews, and Whitman has his local guys draw from pools they can trust...
Barerra: I swear, every time the two of you pitch me a new plan it sounds like something out of an action movie.
Cordoba: But I mean they've worked so far haven't they? I'm telling you, we let these guys keep a little cut of whatever they raid from government ships and they'll stay... well maybe not loyal but at least we won't have to worry about them stabbing us in the back for a while.
Barerra: Whitman I know he's a young impressionable idiot but you can't seriously be on board with this plan too can you?
Whitman: I don't see why not. I know a lot of guys in the south, that's where most of the contractors who didn't come work for us fled to when the shooting started. This would bring a lot of them back where we can keep an eye on them instead of them running around helping out the warlords you know?
Barerra: Ugh... Look I'll give it some thought and we'll talk more about it when I get back, alright?

At that Barerra and Whitman would climb into their chopper with a small escort of Whitman's mercs...
Cordoba: And where exactly are you off to in such a hurry? Don't you think you should tell your top general when you're going on a trip somewhere?
Barerra: as he adjusts the chinstrap on his helmet I'm going on a business trip to meet with some associates I've been in contact with for a while now. If things go well, our situation could improve quite dramatically in the coming months. Just wish me luck.

Cordoba backs away as the chopper dusts off, shielding his face from the debris kicked up as a private frantically approaches him with a salute...
Soldier: General Cordoba! Some of the commandos from the Tacloban mission have returned! It's not good sir, you need to see them immediately!
(to be continued in a later post...)


Isabel, a few Days Later...
A few miles off the western coast of Leyte, a single stealthy submarine manages to slip through the a brief gap in the Filipino naval blockade. Surfacing just long enough for the lookouts on the conning tower to send a few Morse code signals to a waiting party on shore; when the proper signal is returned via spotlamp, the PSS Hawaii discharges a squad of Raiders who quickly pile into two RHIBs and make their way toward land...

Once ashore they're greeted by a waiting FWA party who quickly help the men stash their boats and proceed to take them the rest of the way into the city of Isabel...

To help keep things inconspicuous, Barerra has arranged for the meeting to take place at yet another one of his half-built properties scattered around Isabel. Once the leader of the party of Raiders is cleared to enter, Barerra would shake the man's hand and offer a friendly greeting.

Barerra: Welcome to Leyte my friend, I wish we could have met under more hospitable circumstances but you understand how it is here.
Marine: Completely understandable Mr. Barerra. I'm Captain Erroll Dannagher, 2nd Raider Battalion.

A chair would be brought out for Captain Dannagher and the two would take a seat as they begin to discuss things...
Barerra: Can I offer you a cigar before we start Captain?
Cpt Dannagher: No thank you sir, I don't smoke.
Barerra: Well then, forgive me for being blunt Captain Dannagher but I certainly hope a single squad of marines isn't all the support your government intends to provide?
Cpt Dannagher: We've been tasked with simply observing and reporting on the situation. My team and our sub will remain on station for a time and report our assessments back to our government. From there it's in congress's hands what direction they want to go.
Barerra: I'm not asking your government to fight our war for us Captain, I was simply hoping for a bit more of a show of solidarity or at least sympathy.
Cpt Dannagher: Yes but this is purely a domestic conflict for your people, for our government to step in could potentially risk escalating the situation into something much greater than it already is.
Barerra: Yes because America doesn't make a habit out of meddling in other peoples' wars right?
Cpt Dannagher: Listen sir I'm not here to talk politics with you, I'm simply relaying to you what message I was given. The only reason we're in this area in any capacity is because the PS is worried about instability spreading to other Pacific interests. If it's found out we were to interfere in this war with no justification-
Barerra: Yes yes Captain Dannagher, I understand. I do thank you for coming in any capacity at all.
Cpt Dannagher: If it's any consolation we've been authorized to provide limited advisory support for your men, unofficially of course.
Barerra: he would perk up a bit at the mention of that Well Captain, I'll certainly see to it that your stay on our island is as comfortable as possible. Hopefully in time your leaders will come around and a fruitful relationship can bloom from this...
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12:30, Presidential Residence, Sacramento, March 9th

A brief statement was released by the Office of the President of the Pacific States earlier today announcing talks between Pacific-American and Canadian representatives to strengthen both nations' economical ties. A Canadian delegation headed by the Canadian Ambassador to the Pacific States was received by President Gallagher shortly after.

Pictured: A picture taken by journalist Antoinne Larrise during the delegation's reception

18:52, Pacific States Capitol, Sacramento, March 10th

Diplomacy between the nations has come to a sudden halt as all diplomatic channels have been severed. Footage captured at the Capitol shows the Canadian delegation angrily storming out of the building. According to multiple reports the delegates immediately returned to Canada. The government of the Pacific States has yet to make an official comment.

Pictured: A picture taken by journalist Antoinne Larrise immediately after the delegates' meeting

02:23, Outskirts of Vancouver, British Columbia, March 11th

Footage captured by civilians has begun surfacing on social media, showing large convoys of military vehicles driving into Canada.

Pictured: A civilian passes by a large military convoy as he films it with his mobile device

12:41, Pacific Ocean, near the coast of Vancouver Island, March 3rd

Pictured: The PSS Lyndon B. Johnson deploys its airwings

Pictured: F/A-20 Banshees soar over the Pacific Ocean towards Vancouver

Pictured: A makeshift PS Army and Marine Corps blockade on one of the main roads leading into Vancouver

17:20, Presidential Residence, Sacramento, March 11th

A press conference was held by President Gallagher starting at 17:00 PST, addressing the rumors of possible Pacific-American military operations occurring in Canada.

"It is with deep regret that I inform our nation of the total collapse of diplomatic channels with Canada. I have therefore mobilized our military forces and ordered them to commence military operations to protect Pacific-American interests in the region. To the citizens and servicemen of Canada watching this press conference, we are not here to harm you. Any act of aggression by our military forces against the civilian populace of Canada will not go unpunished. I plead with the servicemen and servicewomen of the Canadian Armed Forces; lay down your arms and do not cause unnecessary bloodshed. You will be cared for and released to your families as soon as we reach an agreement with your government."

Pictured: A still of President Gallagher's press conference

14:21, CFB Esquimalt, March 13th

Pacific States Marines have succeeded in capturing the outer section of CFB Esquimalt where they are now mustering their forces to prepare for a possible Canadian reprisal.

Pictured: Marine reinforcements arrive at CFB Esquimalt
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(map of current front lines in Leyte)


VICE News Presents:
Leyte: Island at War

(some names and identities have been withheld at the request of the participants)
The sound of Kenneth Farraday's New Zealand accent would come on, narrating over a somber scene of a funeral procession through the streets of Ormoc. Barerra would be addressing the crowd as a nearby priest would be blessing the dead on their journey to their final resting place. These are the 32 students and faculty of Ormoc Christian Academy, killed by jihadists during the Taking of Ormoc in June of 2021. Now that the city and area around it are firmly under their control, Barerra and Cordoba can finally make good on their promise to send the dead home for a proper funeral...
"The Philippines have never been a stranger to civil conflict. Since the nation's emancipation from the United States at the end of World War 2 the archipelago has suffered from strife between ethnic groups, ideological factions and political opponents everywhere. Leyte was a relatively peaceful exception, though for almost two years now the island has been wracked by a civil war that has claimed almost 2,000 lives..."

Footage of combat taken at various areas around the island would play in rapid succession...
"Late last year the Free Waray Army began a major offensive that took the Filipino forces on Leyte by complete surprise and allowed for swift gains including the coastal cities of Ormoc and Isabel. As the situation stands right now the front lines have stabilized to the north along the Daguitan River and there's been prolonged fighting in the rises around Heaven's Peak. To the southeast a number of amphibious landings have been attempted by Filipino marines around the municipality of MacArthur. As of early March there's been a number of breakthroughs and there have been reports of encircled Waray units in the coastal town of Abuyong still holding out though this is unconfirmed at the time of this recording.

The scene would change to Farraday standing in front of a fortified crossroad, the caption reading "MacArthur Municipality.."
Farraday: "So far in MacArthur the terrain has heavily favored the defenders. The mountains around the province make movement anywhere other than marked roads next to impossible, meaning the battlefields in Leyte aren't so much dynamic front lines, but a single nightmarish corridor. Crossroads like this have become key strategic junctions, and the Waray defenders have no intention of handing them over to the enemy any time soon."

We'd cut to a scene of a few armed men sitting in a spider hole, smoking cigarettes and joking with eachother as well as making the occasional remark to the camera. Farraday's narration would resume...
"Most of the fighting in the south has primarily been between Filipino Marines and Waray Irregulars; the civilian militia component of the FWA. Since the landings the Irregulars have been fighting a series of delaying actions, giving the main army units time to fall back to urban areas and dig in. Many of these militia units have placed themselves square in the path of the advancing enemy, knowing full well that they most likely won't survive the impending assault. Still, each one of these brave volunteers knew the risk when they signed up, and they remain stoic in the face of certain death..."
Middle Soldier Being Interviewed: "(speaking in Tagalog, English subtitles at the bottom of the screen) Most of the time it's just waiting. You go on the occasional patrol, set and check booby traps here and there but for the most part you're just sitting in your fighting hole waiting for something to happen."
Farraday: (having an English-speaking soldier translate for him) "Where your unit is sitting right now you're directly in the path of an enemy armored company, they should be here in a day at most. Aren't you and your friends afraid that you might not get out of here alive?"
Middle Soldier: "Of course I'm scared but, what other option do we have? I'm not going to just lay down and let them come for my family next."
Right Soldier: "(also in Tagalog with subtitles) Fuck that, if I'm going to die I want to take as many of them with me as I can."

"Tragically the day after this footage was taken all contact was lost with these men and their unit. It's unknown if there were any survivors.."

Footage would switch to a train of water buffalo being led by Waray regulars up a mountainside path. The buffalo are loaded down with supplies such as ammunition and food, the caption reading "Heaven's Peak"...
"November would see the Free Waray Army's advance reach it's northernmost point; the mountain of Heaven's Peak. Sharing a name with a small village at the foot of its southern slope, FWA forces reached the town and fought their way up the slope over the course of two weeks, eventually taking the summit on the 24th despite heavy casualties from constant Filipino artillery. For two months now FWA troops have held the peak against constant attacks, though they've been almost completely cut off by the vicious monsoon conditions and incessant shelling. Unfortunately my cameraman and I were unable to make it to the summit due to the hazardous conditions. There's been reports that the summit has changed hands several times, and the Waray soldiers up there now are only hanging on thanks to a trickle of supplies coming from buffalo trains like this one..."
The footage would focus in on a soldier standing in front of the train, his face is blurred and his voice is vocorded...
Soldier Being Interviewed: "Three days ago shell hit another train, washed away whole trail and everyone on it. Men up at top, they run out of bullets twice this month already, say they have to fight with knives and rocks, very bloody. These men very brave, they go up and bring supplies, they know they probably not going to come back down. Many time mud slide wash away trails and men who bring supplies get stuck there too and have to stay and fight. We no can push off hill but they no can take it."

Once again the footage would change, briefly showing the faces of a few FWA soldiers stationed in fox holes somewhere else in the mountains to the north...
"Elsewhere in the rises around Heaven's Peak both sides dig in as the advance grinds to a halt. With monsoon conditions making terrain nearly impassable, neither side is able to make any progress in the bloody stalemate..."

Now the screen displays the aftermath of a police raid, the caption reading "Ormoc"...
"Even though the FWA achieved their stated goal of reclaiming Ormoc as their capitol, the old domestic woes are far from gone. Once the islamist militants were pushed from the city illicit elements immediately began to start back up their old activities. The fledgling Ormoc Metropolitan Police Force has made an alarming number of cocaine and heroin busts since the beginning of the year, and with that rise in drug trafficking has come a significant rise in gang violence. So far it's estimated that almost 10,000,000 USD worth of narcotics and other contraband have been seized since the end of December last year alone."

The footage then shows a soldier being interviewed while some militia fighters are being led away at gunpoint, the caption reads "South of Ormoc..."
"Sadly the territory to the south of Ormoc is in a much worse state of affairs. Since the 80s the Filipino government had been exporting many of its Waray political rivals from their native home of Samar Island to Leyte to the south. This has historically led to tensions between the Waray and native Bisaya peoples, the former feeling as though they're marginalized in society and have no say while the Bisaya have typically seen them as unwanted intruders. With the recent explosion of violence over the past year, tension have finally boiled over between the two ethnic groups. The fighting has unfortunately become a significant enough problem that the FWA has had to move much-needed troops to the south in order to quell the situation."
Farraday: "So can you tell me why these men are being placed under arrest? They claim to be FWA like you."
Soldier: "These men, they say they're Free Waray Army but they are not. When they heard we were advancing south they took advantage of the confusion and started killing their Bisaya neighbors. They had already dragged several of them out and shot them in the street before we got here and put a stop to it. This is a war but we absolutely will not tolerate the willful slaughter of innocents."
Farraday: "So what will happen to these men now?"
Soldier: "(he pensively drags on his cigarette, holding it for a moment before slowly exhaling, then speaking with a somber expression on his visage) They'll be shot."
Farraday: "You say they'll be shot? Just like that? No trial?"
Soldier: "This war, it brings out the worst in people. These murderers are like dogs, once they get the taste of blood they have to be put down. Trials are for humans, these? They're animals, nothing more."


Part Two Airing Soon...
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Khabarovsk Federation,
February - March 2022

As tension swells to an all-time high in the East, the Russian military maintains an aggressive stance to the Far Eastern Alliance,
Small arms fire exchanges became a near-monthly occurrence between guards at the standoff height, resulting in casualties on both sides.
They took place notably along the Khabarovskan and Kamchatkan borders. FEA politicians stayed silent, not wanting to risk a full-scale conflict. Moreover,
Russia still does not officially recognize the sovereignty of all FEA nations and claims them as part of the Russian Federation.

In response, combined-arms war game scenarios and military exercises in Komsomolsky district were conducted to examine the cohesion of Far Eastern Alliance forces,
and to test if they are truly capable of fighting a war with Russia. Operation Snap Check, a military exercise conducted by the Republic of Primorsky, Khabarovsk Federation, Union of the Free Republics and Democratic Republic of Kamchatka.

According to leaked information, both defensive and offensive military maneuvers were practiced during the month-long exercise. However, while defensive maneuvers were proven to be an overwhelming success, offensive maneuvers fell slightly below expectations. FEA generals move quickly to fix their shortcomings
Operation Snap Check


Soldiers of the Far Eastern Alliance in front of their exercise camp on the Amur river (from left to right, UFR, KF, RP and DRK)


Primorskian forces crossing a small river near the Amur river


Kamchatkan and Primorskian joint exercise in urban environments around Komsomolsk-on-Amur (Pic by Matt)


UFR and Kamchatkan Joint exercise in close quarter combat near Komsomolsk-on-Amur (Pic by Matt)


FEA soldiers standing next to each other after completing an exercise (Pic by Matt)

UFR Base in the Komsomolsky mountains, soldiers of the UFR rearming the Helicopter (Pic by Sergay)


Primorskian T72b3 moving out of cover near Komsomolsky


FEA joint exercise in trench clearing, Khabarovskan soldiers demonstrating it


FEA airborne forces in a joint exercise being deployed into an urban area


Primorskian and UFR artillery exercise lead by Kamchatkan advisor


Samogitian advisors teaching Primorskian soldiers close quarters combat

FEA FOB, a night before the start of the war game


Kamchatkan airborne forces about to deploy their BMD's (Pic by Matt)


Start of the war game Snap Check, Khabarovskan Mi24's giving air support (Pic by Brezz)

CFB Esquimalt, March 14th

Despite the encirclement and severance of supply lines to the base, multiple attempts to push into the center of CFB Esquimalt have failed, consistently being repelled by the staunch Canadian defenders. Heavily fortified corridors and roads have proven to be a significant boost to the vastly outnumbered Canadians and a significant hurdle to the PSA's Marine forces.

By the end of the evening PSA forces had fully retreated to friendly lines, giving the Canadian forces their first victory.

Pictured: Marine forces engage the Canadian military in an Esquimalt barrack building.

Undisclosed location, March 15th

Canadian personnel was awoken today by an orchestra of explosions as PSA artillery began raining down on CFB Esquimalt. The bombardment lasted a few hours and laid waste to any person or item not hiding in a protected structure.

The Canadian government released a statement shortly after, calling for the mobilization of Canada's only other West Coast military unit, the Whitehorse Reserve stationed in Yukon, to reinforce and relieve the encircled and isolated Esquimalt garrison.

Pictured: Army artillery units pound CFB Esquimalt from an undisclosed location.

Pictured: An artillery shell hits CFB Esquimalt's fuel depot.

Somewhere between Yukon and British Columbia, March 16th

Operator: "Eyes on a sizeable military convoy, presumably Canadian forces, how copy?"

PSANORCOM: "Confirm and neutralize, over."


The Canadian Whitehorse garrison intended to reinforce the encircled forces in British Columbia was welcomed by multiple drone strikes shortly after it crossed into British Columbia earlier today. Though not entirely decimated, it is estimated roughly 40% of the garrison was rendered combat ineffective as a result of well placed strikes.

Damaged and irreparable vehicles were abandoned to prevent further delay of their arrival. The remaining forces made it to Vancouver the same day and were immediately engaged by various Army units lying in ambush, causing even further damage to the already weakened garrison.

Pictured: P.S. Army soldiers prepare to launch a FGM-148 Javelin at Canadian armour entering the city.

Pictured: Aftermath of a PSA Javelin attack. Survivors are gathered and transported to nearby field hospitals.


Pictured: P.S. Army post being overrun by Canadian forces.

Undisclosed location, British Columbian Coast, March 17th

Destroyers from the Carrier Strike Group Lyndon B. Johnson began launching cruise missiles early this morning in an attempt to further break Canadian morale and force them to surrender. Although initial targets were Royal Canadian Navy vessels anchored in the Esquimalt port, further strikes against strategic targets in the base also occurred.

Pictured: The PSS Sacramento fires a cruise missile from its fore VLS.

Pictured: A cruise missile strikes the HMCS Regina as it lies anchored in the Esquimalt port.

Whitehorse, Yukon, March 18th


Army units of the Alaska regiment landed in Whitehorse early in the morning and began their advance to essentially no Canadian resistance. The regiment blocked essential roads and began occupying crucial public service and government buildings.

CFB Esquimalt
, British Columbia, March 18th

Constant artillery and cruise missile strikes have finally taken their toll on the Esquimalt garrison. Canadian forces laid down their arms and surrendered to P.S. Marine forces on the frontline this noon, 12PM PST.


Pictured: Canadian soldiers approach P.S. Marines holding a white flag.

Presidential Residence, Sacramento, March 19th

President Gallagher addressed the nation earlier today as he provided an update on the situation in Canada. He finished his address with a message directed at the Prime Minister of Canada:

"To The Right Honourable Prime Minister of Canada; I implore you to end the bloodshed and the fighting. Brave Canadian soldiers have died needless deaths at your hands and more will perish if you refuse to come to your senses. Your military forces in Vancouver have already surrendered as they do not wish to die a needless death. I implore you: take a seat at the negotiating table once more and let us end these hostilities."


Pictured: President Gallagher appeals to the Prime Minister of Canada.
Ormoc City Hospital...
Cordoba arrives upon receiving the news that some of his commandos had returned. When hearing a close personal friend of his was in the hospital in stable condition, Cordoba made his way straight there to find out what happened...
Cordoba: "Hey, Manuel. You look like shit."
Manuel: "Still better looking than you hermano. Thought I was here to heal but no they're trying to scare me to death sending your ugly mug in here."


Cordoba takes a seat next to his friend, taking on a more somber expression...
Cordoba: "How are you feeling brother?"
Manuel: "Better than I look honestly, I've had worse. Just a few cracked ribs and some cuts and bruises. Doctors say I should be out of here in a month or two."
Cordoba: "Good, good. Look Manuel I'm sorry to sour the visit but, the reports say only you and 3 other commandos made it back in one piece. They're debriefing the others right now but, I wanted to hear from you personally. Tell me what happened up there Manuel. What happened to your platoon..?

Manuel: (narrating) "We were coming down one of the passes near Jaro; we'd been hitting targets of opportunity on our way back south, and our scouts brought us back word of what looked like an enemy commo unit holed up in an old abandoned mining depot. It was too fat a target for us to pass up, and it was on our route back to Ormoc so our PL decided to go for it..."


Manuel: "When we got there everything was wrong. The place was a complete ghost town despite the fact our scouts said it had been crawling with activity the day before. There's no way they could have packed up and left that quickly in those kind of conditions..."

Manuel: "Of course by the time we realized we'd walked right into a trap it was too late. We started getting lit up by mortars and overlapping fields of fire from nearly all sides. The LT got hit right off the bat and was killed instantly and the rest of us just panicked and scattered..."


Manuel: "I lost my rifle and my helmet when the first volley of shells landed so all I could do was hide. I could hear gunfire and screaming all around me but I couldn't tell where any of it was coming from. The smoke from the explosions and burning industrial equipment was so thick I could barely see 3 feet in front of me. When I finally came out of hiding I couldn't tell how long it had been... maybe only a few minutes? An hour? Who knows. There were just... bodies everywhere, all ours.. We didn't even get a chance to fight back.. they just fucking slaughtered us all before we could react. These guys they, they weren't normal troops. They came out of nowhere and moved like shadows. Fucking sombras mano."

Manuel: "I'd been wandering for a few minutes trying to find my way out before thankfully some other surviving soldier pulled me into his hiding spot. As we hid I could see a few of them pass us by, they were following the sounds of the wounded crying out and putting them all down. They didn't even try to take any prisoners or interrogate any of us. I don't know if I was just delirious with fear but, I swear to god their faces were just bone white like death itself.."


Manuel: "We managed to sneak our way to the perimeter of the compound and thankfully found a gap in the fence. It was on the side of one of the sheer drop offs so we had to be careful but... They spotted us eventually and well... I don't know who that other soldier was but he saved my life by dropping me ironically. Sure it hurt like Hell on the way down but thankfully the mud at the bottom was soft enough it didn't kill me..."

Manuel: "I came to and made my way into Jaro then hitched a ride the rest of the way here with some farmers. We picked up the other 3 guys on the side of the road along the way..."

Having heard all he needs, Cordoba would rise and place a consoling hand on his friend's shoulder...
Cordoba: "Okay hermano, thank you. Get some rest alright? I got a nice cushy desk job waiting for you when you're back on your feet."
Manuel: "Puta madre.. You stick me behind a fucking desk I'm gonna kick your teeth down your throat you hear me?"
Cordoba: "Love you too."

Cordoba exits the hospital, producing a pack of smokes as his aide joins his side...
Aide: "Where to now sir?"
Cordoba: "Ops center, ASAP. When we get there I need you to send a dispatch to my top brass. I need them all assembled in the war room by 1345..."

CFB Esquimalt, March 19th

Army trucks arrived at CFB Esquimalt this noon and were loaded up with Canadian POWs as PSA forces began the process of sweeping and clearing out the entirety of CFB Esquimalt. The Canadian POWs were transported to the PSA border to begin processing before being relocated to undisclosed prisoner holding sites.

Pictured: An army transport truck is loaded up with Canadian POWs.

Pictured: POWs receive rations and water as they arrive at the border for processing.

CFB Esquimalt, March 21st

PSA forces succeeded in fully sweeping and clearing out CFB Esquimalt this morning. Canadian equipment was inspected, disabled and stockpiled in the ravaged resource depots of the base.

Pictured: Marines gaze upon a dump of C7 and C8 assault rifles in one of CFB Esquimalt's depots.

Vancouver, March 23rd

In an unsuspected change of events, officials of the Pacific-American government were informed that the Canadian government was willing to once again step to the negotiating table. As such, delegates of the Canadian government arrived in the PSA-occupied city of Vancouver at 4PM PST.

Unsurprisingly, little negotiation actually took place after the delegation took a seat at the table. Coercion and a display of military power as the delegation rode into the city proved to be an adequate motivator as the delegation buckled under the circumstances. The Canadian Instrument of Surrender was signed at exactly 5:32PM PST.

Pictured: The Canadian delegation arrives in Vancouver.

Pictured: Canadian delegates sign the Canadian Instrument of Surrender.

Presidential Residence, Sacramento, March 24th

"My fellow Americans:

Before me lies a folder, therein contained the Canadian Instrument of Surrender. This document allows me to share with you the following message: I can now inform our nation that hostilities between the Pacific States and Canada have ceased. Canadian military units and authorities will withdraw from the provinces of British Columbia and Yukon with immediate effect. Therefore, I have also instructed our military forces to begin withdrawing all unnecessary personnel from the region and release any prisoners of war to the corresponding Canadian authorities.

I will sign an executive order shortly releasing emergency funds from the Federal Reserve to aid in the recovery of any family, institution or infrastructure that may have suffered damage as a result of military operations. Furthermore, legislation will be introduced to congress to admit the former Canadian provinces of British Columbia and Yukon to the Pacific States as the States of Columbia, Williston and Yukon, respectively. With this development, challenges and responsibilities arise. I pledge to you tonight that I shall meet these challenges and responsibilities with all of the strength and wisdom I can command as President of the Pacific States.

Thank you and goodnight."

Pictured: President Gallagher addresses the nation.
Southern Leyte, March 9th. Panan-awan Mountain...
Shortly after arrival in mid-February, Captain Dannagher and his Marines began to spread out to the fronts around the island. Dannagher himself made the rounds to each significant flashpoint along with a few of his men, personally inspecting and shoring up their defenses as well as offering tactical advice for future operations. By March, Dannagher and his entourage had made their way south to FOB Paz (so named in a bit of dark irony by the troops after the nearby besieged town of La Paz). The Marines had been traveling in plain clothes with no identifying markings in order to avoid drawing any undue attention. As far as anyone was concerned they were just a few more of Barerra's foreign mercenaries there to lend a hand...

Once the Marines had themselves settled in they quickly got to work addressing the tactical situation. So far local forces had been affecting a fighting withdrawal since enemy amphibious landings hit the eastern shore in MacArthur back in early February. Forces at Abuyong are surrounded and cut off but still holding. The enemy was advancing slowly but surely and had reached La Paz to the southeast as well as a few thrusts coming from the far south along the major highways. Taking stock of everything, Captain Dannagher began to retool the FWA's battle plan. Rather than having the Irregulars sacrifice themselves to buy the professional troops time to dig in at strategic points and waste valuable assets, it's decided that the militia will handle the defenses while the Regulars will go on the attack and harass the enemy's flanks while they're held up.

By the 31st of March the FWA's revised tactics have been showing significant results. Filipino marine casualties have increased exponentially since the initial landings in January, having jumped from around 130 killed or wounded to almost 400 in just under a month. The much more well equipped and trained Regulars have been far more effective on the attack, striking the flanks of stalled enemy columns and melting back into the jungle without warning. Long stretches of Leyte's few highways lie littered with burned out husks of Filipino 4x4s and the bodies of slain marines; left where they fell in the mud as a grim omen for whatever reinforcements come this way...

By the end of March, the advance had all but ground to a halt for the Filipino forces, signalling the beginning of potentially a long, bloody stalemate for both sides...

To Be Continued...
Faction Introduction Template

Varania is a Eastern European country located in southern Russia, It is bordered by The Tsardom of Volhynia,and Russia.The population of Varania is estimated to be 17 million mostly living in the southern part close to Volhynia.Through the ages it kept good ties with neighbouring countries and still does to this day.Most of Varania's equipment comes from The Tsardom of Volhynia as a result of weapon and equipment purchases.

1. - Varania

2. Faction Alignment and/or mission - Neutral,in good relations with neighbouring countries

3. - Image of the Armed Forces of Varania

4. - Territory of Varania
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Minutes later, Li, Chief Radio Officer of the Wall Cloud, gets an urgent message.

“Wall Cloud, Wall Cloud, Wall Cloud, be advised, this is Philippine Coast Guard patrol craft no. 19. There is a significant piracy threat on your expected course. You are ordered to adjust heading 30 degrees East to avoid risk of boarding.”

Li holds the radio away from his mouth.

“Bullshit, there’s no way pirates would be this far away from the coast, these assholes are trying to get us to pay them for protection. They can kiss my -”

“Hey, we got three unidentified pings on radar.”

“Fucking … “

“Phillipine patrol craft, acknowledged. Changing heading to 235.”

Minutes pass, and the Filipino patrol craft gives no response.

“Phillipine Coast Guard patrol craft, we have adjusted heading to 235, respond?”

“PCG Patrol Craft, respo-”


The crew on the bridge rush to the windows, where the Officer on Watch points out, barely viewable in the distance, an unidentified ship with three fast moving skiffs spread out from it.



“Holy shit is that an RPG?”

“Relax, Zheng, no way they could fire that from a skiff like th-”




After a short but intense gunfight, the pirate Ismael and three crewmembers of Wall Cloud are dead, but the large ship is completely under the marauders’ control.

Terrified, the bridge crew stare in silence as a large figure, his face masked by a balaclava and eyes guarded by expensive sunglasses, strides into the room, beaming with the confidence of a demigod.


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March, City of Omsk...
After his sons were kidnapped and his assets wrested from his control by Fortvna, the former crime boss Josef Stetchkov finds himself brought before his tormentors once more...
Cowboy Mike: "There he is, the man of the hour! Take that sack off his head will you guys?"


The goons remove the hood, and Stetchkov is understandably less that thrilled to be face to face with the man who has been the source of so much misery in his life lately...
Stetchkov: "What the hell is it now? I've done everything you pricks have asked of me, when do I get to see my sons again?"
Mike: "Oh don't worry about them partner, you've been a good little doggy so your boys are fit as a fiddle. But this ain't a two way conversation so button your yap and listen for a spell now."
Stetchkov: "I hate your stupid fucking cowboy speak so much..."

Mike: "Right now listen up. My bosses decided that since you've done so well and made us so much money, we're gonna give you an offer you can't refuse. See now even with all your resources we've got a few little humps in the way, mainly the cops and politicians that don't wanna play ball with us since they were so used to doing business with you."
Stetchkov: "I don't see how that's my problem. You idiots should have thought of that before you came in and stole my fucking business."
Mike: "Well now's your chance to move up in the world. What we're gonna do now is run your little ass for mayor and smooth out all the cracks."
Stetchkov: "You're crazy, that'll start a war. Omsk is supposed to be neutral ground for all the families.."
Mike: "You don't worry your little head about that. You just do what we tell you and let us do all the busywork in the background. You do want to see your boys in one piece again don't you?"

Stetchkov: he would hesitate for a moment but eventually relents once his sons come into the picture "Damn it... fine, I'll do it..."

So Fortvna puts its considerable assets to use making a rising politician out of Stetchkov. To help aid his chances of getting elected it's decided that one of the easiest platforms to run on is being tough on crime. So Fortvuna decides to artificially give the local crime situation a little boost...

The gang violence begins to spread unchecked until it begins to spill into locals' backyards. Eventually the epidemic starts to claim more law enforcement lives too, at which point the calls for an end to the issue signal Fortvna's chance to jump on the situation...

Enter one Josef Stetchkov, local businessman (and some allege organized crime affiliate, though no proof has ever been brought to light) and ambitious mayoral candidate. To aid the city's critically overwhelmed police force, he introduces a new private law enforcement unit (for hire of course) of his own design. After shopping the idea around most are impressed with what he has to offer...

Not to mention the locals are ready to go with any solution to end the violence rampaging through their streets; by May his poll numbers are absolutely soaring through the roof versus his opponents. It also helps that other important local officials have been seen being escorted by security details wearing a familiar red and black patch...

Meanwhile in the shadows, Fortvna cleans up any loose ends that can't be bought or intimidated...

All of this has not gone unnoticed by the other crime families in the oblast. The city of Omsk was considered neutral ground that all the families could conduct business in peace on, and now Stetchkov's actions are seen as a play for power against the rest of them. It's decided that if Stetchkov wishes to commit such a grievous breach of the rules, then they'll give him a war he can't possibly win...
Leyte, Late June....
Though the fighting may have calmed down along the lines to the north and south, the Confederacy still finds itself plagued by many internal threats. Drug gangs are still one of the most prominent issues to address, and law enforcement has been receiving increased funding and equipment to deal with the problem. Ormoc is the first city to incorporate a heavily-armed tactical response team to their police department...

In addition to the drug gangs, jihadists are still a nuisance in the areas to the south of Ormoc. Lately the island has seen a resurgence of juramentados: muslim swordsman doped to the gills on pain-suppressing narcotics who have sworn an oath to kill as many infidels as possible before meeting their own death. Though the casualties from these attacks are not numerous, these fanatical killers have struck great fear into the rural communities and have tied up many assets that could be used elsewhere on the island...

One of Ormoc's most distinguished SWAT units is lead by one Sgt. Angelo Del Rosario Sgt Rosario has been a distinguished member of the Ormoc police department since their founding back in 2021, having quickly moved up the ranks from a beat cop to lead one of the most successful SWAT teams on the island. He is also the man who killed Sergeant Tan during the New Bilibid Prison Break back when he was still a private in the Philippine National Police, officially giving him the accolade of the first confirmed kill of the civil war. After another raid on a known drug den, Sgt Rosario finds himself approached by a couple of g-men types in suits and plate carriers...
Agent: "Are you Sergeant Rosario?"
Angelo: "Yeah, what do you guys want?"
Agent: He would flash a badge at Angelo; it looks pretty official and he can still smell how fresh the paper and faux-leather binding is... "We're here on direct order of President Barerra and General Ignacio Cordoba of the Confederate Armed Forces. We've been instructed to extend an invitation to you Sergeant. You've been selected to take part in a special program the details of which we're not at liberty to divulge at this time. If you'll come with us everything will be explained once we reach our destination."

Later That Same Day...
Cordoba would be busy going through piles of intelligence reports as Raider captain Dannagher would enter his office...
Dannagher: "General Cordoba, I have those FLIR images for you."
Cordoba: "Hmm? Oh, yes. Come in Captain. Want a smoke?"
Dannagher: "Uh... no, thank you sir."

would present Cordoba with a tablet containing some FLIR images from the Raider squads' raven drones...
Cordoba: "Well shit... you couldn't have brought me some good news huh?"
Dannagher: "Unfortunately not. The front lines are stable but there's too many gaps in them, we've been seeing a lot of enemy special forces moving through a few particular areas to the northwest. They seem to match the MO of your uh... what did you call them before..?"
Cordoba: "Sombras. Those were the bastards that wiped one of my commando platoons up around Jaro..."
Dannagher: "Yeah well, they seem to match the reports. They come through, take out everyone but leave one or two guys to spread the story."

Cordoba would scroll through the images, a few FLIR shots and some normal vision shots of a squad of professional-looking troops moving through the jungle. He would linger on one of the close-in shots; the image is grainy and hard to make out though the image of a skull-print balaclava is impossible to miss...

After looking through the intel Cordoba would take on a somber expression, setting the tablet down and reaching for his pack of smokes, lighting one up and taking a pensive drag off of it. Dannagher would lean against his desk before speaking...

Dannagher: "As far as we can tell they're the same guys from Jaro. We've been seeing a lot of activity from them along the major highways leading from the north, but any pursuit teams the advance units send out are too late to intercept them before they've moved on..."
Cordoba: "If you don't mind me asking Captain... How do you handle it? Being in charge of men you know you might have to send to their deaths at some point..?"
Dannagher: "To be honest with you sir, it never gets any easier no matter how long you've been doing it. I started out as an enlisted man and went CO after I was in for a while, had some experience leading a squad before-hand but... it can't possibly compare to what you have to do. I know most of my marines on a man-to-man basis so.. I couldn't imagine having to sign an order that could send hundreds of men to their deaths. Now if you don't mind me asking, what did you used to do before all this?"
Cordoba: He would chuckle as he puffs on his smoke.. "Well... if you can believe it, I was going to school to be a lawyer."
Dannagher: "No shit? What were you gonna be a big-shot criminal prosecutor or something?"
Cordoba: "Ha! No, nothing that fancy. Was just planning on being a small-claims lawyer, mostly civil disputes over property and visitation rights, that sorta thing."

Dannagher would place a hand on Cordoba's shoulder and offer him some reassuring words...
Dannagher: "To be honest, you've done a hell of a job so far. It takes a lot of guts for someone to step up and take command of a whole military operation with so little experience. Gotta say, I respect that a lot."
Cordoba: "Thank you Captain, I appreciate that... I only wish it helped me sleep better at night... No amount of kind words and sympathetic thoughts are going to bring my men back..."
Dannagher: "I know sir. Like I said, it never gets any easier. I lost a few men while I was a squad leader back in Afghanistan, and I still see their faces sometimes when I close my eyes. All we can do is keep pushing forward and do what we can to help keep the rest of our brothers alive."
Cordoba: He would check his watch before giving a frustrated sigh... "Damn it... I'm sorry to cut this short Captain but I have an important meeting to attend."
Dannagher: "I understand sir. I'll keep you posted on any further happenings behind the lines."

Some Time Later at an Undisclosed Location...
Sgt Rosario and a small group of others he isn't familiar with would be gathered together at a black site somewhere near Ormoc. No one in the room has been given any specific details on why they're here, though the crowd seems to be a mix of both military and law enforcement personnel. After a while General Cordoba would enter the classroom; the person nearest to the door would call "At ease!" and everyone would stand and assume the position of parade rest regardless of whether they're military or not...
Cordoba: "Carry on gentlemen. If one of you could get the lights we can get started."

The room would take their seats, the lights dimming as the projector flickers to life and illuminates the screen next to Cordoba...
Cordoba: "Alright everyone, you're no doubt curious as to why you're all here so I'll keep this as brief as possible. Each one of you has been hand-selected from the best of the best in both military and law enforcement fields and can contribute greatly to this new program. As many of you are aware we've pushed the enemy back to a stand-still both in the north and south, though our territory is by no means safe. Since many of you are law enforcement you're no doubt familiar with the drug cartels and other criminal threats we've been dealing with."

Cordoba would click the projector remote and switch to a slide that shows an image of a few islamic militants posing in front of some mutilated corpses on a childrens' playground...
Cordoba: "So we're all very familiar with the jihadi pieces of shit on our island right? Well we figured we'd seen the end of them once we pushed them from Ormoc, though they've made quite the comeback. As you can tell from images we've received from the media they've gotten more well-organized and seem to be operating under a unified banner. We've been seeing this gold and black shahada armband popping up more and more in rural areas where terror attacks have been increasing in frequency."

Clicking over to the next slide would show a group of men in black uniforms wearing red armbands adorned with a Soviet hammer and sickle...
Cordoba: "As for the cities themselves, we've had a lot of unrest from the local Bisaya population over the last few years. Recently we've been seeing a lot of the college-age Bisaya on the island popping up under this new communist banner. So far they haven't resorted to any radical means but they have been threatening our productivity as of late, since they've been inspiring a lot of the ethnic Bisaya islanders to walk off the job and join them in labor strikes. This is a dangerous powder keg situation, and we have to be careful how we approach it. If we crack down on them too hard then it'll drive them to become another extremist group more than likely, but if we ignore them then it's likely the ideology will continue to spread through the Bisaya and could potentially shut down our economy completely."

After going through a few more slides addressing other less-dire domestic situations, the presentation would end and the lights would come back up...
Cordoba: "So this brings us to the reason why you've all been selected. We've been having to draw military assets away from the front lines to address these internal threats and it's been leaving gaps in our lines that the enemy could potentially exploit to their advantage. You're all here because if you choose to join this new program you will be the first law-enforcement organization dedicated to tackling these domestic threats. We've selected the best soldiers, investigators and SWAT operators to become part of this new agency. If you all so choose to take the oath, you will become part of the Leyte Internal Security Service and will be the first line of defense between our citizens and the desperados that would do harm to them. Should you choose to join you'll be provided with a case folder containing your next instructions. The choice is entirely up to you gentlemen, no one will force you to join. If you do this, you do this for all the good people of Leyte, Waray or otherwise. I hope you'll all make the right choice..."
“Ladies and gentlemen: what is discussed here today does not leave this room.”
“It has been apparent this past year that, while as an ideal and symbol America and the American Revolution will always stand as a shining city on a hill, as a political entity the United States has become drastically too unstable to promote the safety and wellbeing of its citizens.”

"The US federal government was unable to reverse the economic turmoil resulting from the 2008 stock market collapse, leading to major public outcry and distrust in the federal government. This outcry soon led to unrest, and initially peaceful protests soon spiraled into violent riots across major cities. This in turn led to more and more forceful crackdowns by the federal government."

"The secession of the United States’ west coastal and insular territories to form the Pacific States of America was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Losing the entirety of its access to the Pacific Ocean, as well as the Californian economy, devastated US economic and military power, and led the federal government to reach tyrannical levels of power to prevent further secessions."
“Which, well, clearly didn’t work, considering that the PSA’s secession was followed 11 years later by Detroit and New York leftist groups seceding to form the American Worker’s Commonwealth. While popular uprisings in New Jersey failed to materialize, the Garden State was particularly hard hit losing its connections to New York and Philadelphia to the communists."

“And now, ladies and gentlemen, it is 2022. The federal government has lost any and all ability to govern, protect its citizens or hell, even accept reality. It’s time we stop pretending this is a temporary spat and accept the truth."

The USA is gone.

But that doesn’t mean our story is over.​


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Barerra and his trusted financial manager-turned acting Vice President, Raul Vega, meet for a rare quiet moment...
Barerra: "So what's the word on our 'friends' over in America?"
Vega: "Well, still no word on open military support or formal recognition yet but there is some good news. They did agree to sell us a few shipments of captured Canadian rifles."
Barerra: "Okay, the rifles are a start but is that it?"
Vega: "They did also mention sending over some FBI liaisons to help us get the LISS off the ground."
Barerra: "Better than nothing I suppose."
Vega: "What about you? Have you heard anything coming down the pipes about peace talks?"
Barerra: "You haven't been watching the news lately?"
Vega: "Been a little too busy trying to scrape together whatever funds I can to keep our military afloat. I've managed to line up a few interested offshore parties who are looking to invest in our captured industrial facilities in MacArthur. Mostly looking for iron ore, willing to pay at the typical market rate."
Barerra: "But there's the issue of actually getting the product to them without enemy ships sinking or seizing our boats. You think maybe the Americans would be willing to help us move it?"
Vega: "If they are I'm sure they'll want a decent cut of the profit."
Barerra: "Either way it's only temporary until we can get our port facilities operational and broker some kind of ceasefire with the Filipinos."
Vega: "Speaking of which, you sounded like you had some hopeful news earlier..?"
Barerra: "Oh, right. Well the Philippines had their presidential election not too long ago. Duterte's not in power anymore."
Vega: "Okay, and where does that put us?"
Barerra: "Well as of now, nowhere. But from what I understand this new guy, Marcos, he wants to reverse a lot of Duterte's more hawkish policies so... maybe there's a chance he might be a bit more receptive to peace talks."
Vega: "I admire the optimism but let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Even if he's for peace that's still likely a long ways off, and a lot of things can happen until then."
Barerra: "True but, it never hurts to have a little faith now does it? God will see us through this safely in some way or another, I'm sure of it."

Elsewhere on the Island...
With the Confederacy's military having swelled in numbers over the last year, it's decided that they will take advantage of the lull in hostilities to begin a serious reorganizing campaign. All militia units have been folded into the Regular component and are receiving the same training and equipment that the professional troops have. By now the average Confederate infantryman is more than a match for his Filipino counterpart, as almost all are now battle-hardened veterans. One of the first major points Cordoba wishes to address is adopting a proper camouflage. A series of trials were performed to gauge the effectiveness of a few different patterns, with the final 3 candidates being M81 woodland, MARPAT woodland, and a home-grown pattern that most of the troops have come to fondly refer to as "MelonPAT" for its resemblance to the rind of a watermelon...

In the end after extensive testing, it's decided that the armed forces will adopt the homebrew pattern for mass production. The first units to field test this pattern will be the commandos, with more units receiving their new fatigues as time goes on and the supply grows...

Some Time After the Camo Trials...
Cordoba's next order business is the taming of their southern territories. Many of the areas to the south of Leyte have become lawless and flooded with criminal elements, particularly Sogod Bay. With the southern coast practically being a pirate stronghold and the inland territories being roamed by bandits and other thugs, neither the Confederacy or the Philippine government are able to keep a hold on the situation. That will all change soon with the establishment of the LISS. However to address the pirate issue, Whitman's more creative solution of hiring them as privateers is implemented to augment the LISS's mission. The man for the job is one Captain Arturo Peña (the guy in the bush hat and glasses), chosen because of his background as a seasoned fisherman (and occasional pirate) before the war, and most importantly because his history with the southern region gives him a lot of pull with the local riff-raff. (It also doesn't hurt that he has impeccable fashion sense). Captain Peña's mission is to recruit as many local seamen as possible to form a sort of privateer flotilla that can raid enemy ships with lightning speed and be gone before trouble arrives. The stipulations of the contract each man signs (or scribbles on since most of them don't know how to read or write) are that each man will receive a fair cut of whatever valuable goods are taken, but any materials that can be put to use for the war effort are to be turned over to Confederate agents back in port. Failure to do so will result in termination of the contract and a return to criminal status. Any crewman who harms an unarmed civilian during a raid will also have his contract terminated immediately (along with his life more than likely). Double the bounty will be paid for any seized Philippine military vessels, or any vessel civilian or otherwise that flies the Chinese flag. (due to much hassle with illegal Chinese fishing and piracy in local waters, most of which is obviously sanctioned by the CCP)...

Back to the North...
Kenneth Farraday and his loyal cameraman Donald Martell continue to document the various horrors of the civil war. Sombra raids target both civilians and military. Due to the Confederacy's extensive use of water buffalo to transport materials where needed in the mountainous terrain, the sight of mutilated livestock everywhere is becoming increasingly common...
Somewhere above Leyte, June 21st

"We're nearing the airfield, get ready to touch down."


Shortly afterwards...

"Here's the rifles courtesy of Lady Columbia and Canucks...sort-of. Once we get the crates unloaded we'll talk about your proposed return parcels. Oh - right, you might want to keep your head down for the next few hours, I heard there's going to be a lot of thunder."


Undisclosed location, Leyte, a few hours later...

Unknown: "Inform the locals that they should stay inside, their request has been granted by Capitol Hill- Heaven's Peak is going to get one hell of a pyrotechnic display."

Dannagher: "They'll be glad to hear it. I'll transmit the message at once, out."


PSS Hawaii, somewhere off the coast of Leyte, shortly afterwards...


National Maritime Center, Norfolk Virginia, June 22nd

Iowa Class Foundation Representative: "We are thrilled to sign this agreement here today to preserve and refurbish the USS Wisconsin and USS New Jersey and would like to extend our sincerest gratitude towards the Battleship New Jersey Foundation and the Nauticus Organization for allowing this to happen. We would also like to thank our benefactor and founder, Argle E. Hagbolt, for financing the initial purchase and refurbishing costs. The New Jersey and Wisconsin will be transported to the Long Beach Naval Shipyard where they will rejoin their sisterships Iowa and Missouri to undergo extensive refurbishment before being returned to their respective museum ports when deemed complete."


June 23rd, North of Heaven's Peak...
With the PSA finally having granted their request for cruise missile strikes on enemy artillery positions along the northeast coast, the stalemate around Heaven's Peak is finally broken. Hordes of Confederate troops pour down off the mountain, making their way toward Tacloban City at the very northern edge of the island. The sudden nature of the strikes leaves the Filipino defenders dazed and confused, allowing the Confederates to quickly overwhelm them and make great pushes to the north already...

Ormoc, 0537 Hours. June 24th, Independence Day...
Barerra and some of his men would be visiting the newly-rebuilt police station. The purpose of this visit is to interview a few enemy prisoners that were taken much earlier in the war...
Farraday: "Alright so we'll start with a wide angle shot with all of you in-frame, then when you start laying out what you want we'll pan in for a tight shot, then we-
Barerra: "This isn't a press expose Mr. Farraday, I invited you along merely so we'd have an account of our good will. I don't want you turning this into a Jerry Springer session or something.
Farraday: "Uh... y-yeah sure.. You got it sir.
Barerra: "Just get your footage, keep your mouth shut and go on your way. 5 minutes, no more no less. Agreed?"
Farraday: "Agreed sir..."

Barerra and the VICE crew would enter a holding cell containing the two Filipino Bronco pilots that were shot down some time last year. The two look much more scroungy and unkepmt, though they're well-fed and seem to be in good health for the most part...
Barerra: "Guard, give these men a smoke. They look like they could use it."
One of Barerra's escorts would step up and offer the two men a cigarette, then light it for them before Barerra would pull up a chair brought in for him to address the two...

Barerra: "So my friends, I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to speak to you two directly but a great many things require my attention."
Pilot: "What do you want from us? You trying to get us to renounce our citizenship and defect on camera or something?"
Barerra: He would light his own cigar and take a few deep puffs, swishing the sweet smoke around and savoring the taste before exhaling slowly "No soldier, nothing of the sort. The only thing I want is to show the world that you two are alive and well, and I'd like a chance for you to get a message out to whomever you'd like."
Pilot: "What's the catch..?"
Barerra: "No catch at all. I want the two of you to speak your minds freely and honestly. Tell the world how your experiences have been, don't filter out any details. If you feel we've been unfair to you, then say so. Like I said, I simply want to give the two of you a chance to let the world know you're still breathing. Kenneth, go ahead and get set up, we'll start rolling in a moment when they're ready."

After some time the pilot and copilot would compose themselves and would finally be ready to give their message. Kenneth and his cameraman would set up and begin filming...
Pilot: "I uh... My name is Chief Warrant Officer Pascal Gutierrez... This is my copilot Sergeant Francisco Montalbán... We've been help captive by the Leyte Confederacy since September 7th of last year and uh... Shit, they told us we could say whatever we wanted, I..."
Copilot: He would break down and start crying, holding his head in his hands as he sobs "God I just want to go home... I miss my mama...."
Pilot: "I just... I just wanna say that they've been good to us... They've been feeding us well and giving us clean clothes and blankets, haven't been mistreating us at all or anything... We just want to go home... It might not be terrible physically but mentally... being separated from our homes and our families like this... We just want to see this conflict end. These people are the same as us, they don't want to take the fight into our homeland and hurt us or anything, they just want a safe place to raise their families like the rest of us. I.... I swear they didn't coerce us to make this statement but... I genuinely want to see our governments make peace. Not just so we can go home, but so that way the suffering can stop for both sides... I just... I hope someone takes what we say into consideration..."

Downtown Ormoc, City Hall, 1230 Hours...
In comemoration of a year since their official declaration of independence from the Philippines, Barerra and his vice president Raul Vega would give a series of inspirational speeches to the people and the press to immortalize the occasion...

June 25th, Ormoc, 0013...
Barerra would be speaking to his treasured wife who is safe from the conflict in Barcelona...
Barerra: (speaking Castellon Spanish) "Mariela please... I promise you things are going fine here. I'm in a safe place, no one is going to get to me or anyone else important... You and the kids will be home soon, honest..."

Barcelona, 1813...
Mariela: "You've said that so many times before Constantin... Your children miss you, they can't keep growing up without a father. What am I going to tell Paulo and Fabiana? What excuse can I possibly make if they see on the news someday that their father was a terrorist who was killed by the government..?"
Barerra: "Don't you dare talk like that mi amor, you know I'm not a terrorist. I want nothing more than to bring you and the kids back home but it's just too dangerous right now. Don't worry too much though, it looks like things might shifting toward a more peaceful resolution soon. Believe me when I say that every day I can't see you and the kids is an agonizing blight on my soul. It's like feeling a thousand cigarette burns all over my body. But for now the safest place for you to be is in Barcelona with your parents. I couldn't live with myself if I put you and the kids in harm's way..."
Mariela: "I know Constantin, I know... I just miss you so much every day... I want these children to know who their father is, I don't want to have to show them pictures and tell them stories about who their father was."
Barerra: "I know Mariela, I know. I love you so much, I hope you never forget that. You and the children are one of the biggest reasons I'm doing what I am. I want them to grow up on the same ancestral ground that their father and grandfather and his father before him did. I'm so sorry that you have to go through this but... I promise you it will all be worth it in the end mi amor... I love you more than anything in this world, you and the children..."
Mariela: she would tear up a bit before speaking "Damn you Constantin... You had better get out of this in one piece... I'll never forgive you if you die, or else I swear I'll kill you..."
Barerra: "Heh... I believe you Mariela... Please just stay strong... I assure you that things are in the works now and this conflict will be over sooner than you think... Please don't lose faith in me Mariela... You're one of the only things keeping me going now..."
Mariela: "I love you Constantin..."
Barerra: "I love you too Mariela. I'll call you again soon, I promise... Kiss Paulo and Fabiana goodnight for me and tell them papa loves them..." he would hang up his satellite phone..

At the time Barerra would be finishing his phone call one of the guards would let Cordoba through the door onto the deck where Barerra is sitting...

Barerra: "My word friend... Don't you ever sleep?"
Cordoba: Pulling a pack of smokes out of his breast pocket "Sleep? Shit, that's a luxury these days my friend. I could ask you the same thing anyway."
Barerra: "Was just checking in with the wife."
Cordoba: makes a whip motion with his hand and a whip sound with his mouth "Had to ask the old lady for permission to keep fighting?"
Barerra: He would chuckle softly "Yeah, something like that. She's not exactly happy I'm out after my bedtime..."
Cordoba: He would also chuckle as he lights up a cigarette "Yeah well you always were a bit whipped if you don't mind me saying..."
Barerra: "Yeah well screw you. You also don't have a wife and kids to think about during this whole thing.."
Cordoba: "I know I know, I'm just messing with you..."
Barerra: "Where on Earth did you suddenly get glasses from anyway?"
Cordoba: "Oh you like them? They finally rebuilt the LensCrafters down the street so I went in and got a pair."
Barerra: "How did you manage to get by all these years as my top general without being able to see past your nose..?"
Cordoba: "Hey for your information I'm near-sighted. All I needed was Allah to guide my bullets!"

Cordoba would sit down and puff on his cig, Barerra leaning in close with a solemn expression...
Barerra: "Tell me what you think about these Sombras of yours.."
Cordoba: "Are you sure you want to hear? It's not pretty news."
Barerra: "I know about the casualty reports; I mean I want to hear what you think we should do about them."
Cordoba: "They attack our civilians and our military alike, we should take the fight back to them in kind."
Barerra: "And have you considered the optics of this move? If we start indiscriminately targeting Filipino civilians-"
Cordoba: "Look Constantin, we're WAY beyond that point. I don't know why you want to keep pretending that we don't have as much blood on our hands as they do at this point, but it's naive and it needs to stop. We cannot keep fighting this war without incurring civilian casualties. I know you don't like that fact but it's the reality of war."
Barerra: "Damn it... I hate to admit it but you're right... The Americans finally came through with those missile strikes, I don't know how you pulled it off..."
Cordoba: "Don't look at me, your man Vega was the one that set all that up."
Barerra: "Alright... You're correct.. We need to end this as quick as possible... Do what you need to do to take Tacloban as quickly as possible just... Try to find a way to spill as little unnecessary blood as possible..."
Cordoba: "I promise you Constantin, we'll find a way."
Barerra: "As for these Sombras of yours... No prisoners."
Cordoba: "Are you sure?"
Barerra: "We're so close to achieving a true victory now, we can't have these monsters terrorizing and demoralizing our people. They kill without mercy like animals, I need you to put them down like animals.."
Cordoba: He would finish his smoke and stub it out "Consider it done sir..."
I welcome you to the United Island of Ireland. Goodbye Catalonia

*boots them of the stage*

Ahem, queue some patriotic Irish rebel music

Éire - The Emerald Isle.

Country Flag

Coat of Arms

Ireland, once a nation emboiled in rebellions. Now an united island, a some what rocky stability with the unification of both the free state and the north. Ireland unified under the promise that Northern Ireland could it's traditions and flag. The only way to keep the Unionists in a happy state was to let them keep their sense of identity. Ofcourse this was opposed by some members of the loyalist paramilitaries, resulting in an uneasy tension in Northern Ireland.

After the 1993 Good Friday Agreement, a proposition was given to the people of Northern Ireland. If they decided to join, even against the wishes of many who would vote no, there would be a great effort to include them in the new society. That would be no small feat, as hundreds of years of tensions and violence would be a hard topic to brush under the carpet. To many an united Ireland was not something many would see in their lifetime, but much to the shock and disbelief of many it happened. Not because of a majority republican vote, but through the idea of recognising the protestant population and welcoming them and their beliefs.

Now many people on the outside world would look at Ireland see a divided country of two different religions facing off against each other, but in truth it was merely a political stand off and conflict. Many believe the IRA was founded by Catholics, it was in fact founded by a Protestant and the UVF was founded by a Catholic man from County Monaghan. The irony in this showed that no matter if you where Catholic or Protestant, it didn't matter. This was a driving point in securing the vote of many Protestants in the north.

Now in the year 2022, Ireland is a some what stable nation, there is still some tension in the north from both sides, but as it stands the country as a whole is doing well. Thanks to Irelands neutral stance in the worlds geopolitics they have stayed out of many conflicts. While being neutral, Ireland does maintain a professional military force to protect the nation and it's interests. While not massive in size compared to many other nations, it still is a nation to vary of especially its civilian population.

Army Patches dependant of the Provience they are based in. The exception is the Unionist Red Hand of Ulster being issued to Protestant units based in the defacto region of Northern Ireland. (Mainly as a gesture of goodwill)


Images of some IAF troops doing various training stuff in the Glens. Notice the Royal Irish Caubeen, adopted as the head dress of choice for the armed forces.

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Leyte Island, Early July...
With the fighting having ground to a near-halt and Confederate troops camped on the outskirts of Tacloban City, the two sides have finally agreed to come to the table for peace talks. The Philippine government sends a delegation to Tacloban, and Barerra along with his retinue are allowed to cross no man's land to enter the city...

The talks take place in Tacloban's city hall building over the course of a few weeks. The Philippines are willing to agree to a ceasefire if the Confederacy withdraws back to the south of Heaven's Peak and is willing to compromise by designating their small section of the island an autonomous zone that is able to semi-independently govern itself. The Confederacy however demands to hold on to all land territory it has seized during the conflict, as well as the government conceding Tacloban and the Camotes Islands to the southwest. The Philippine delegation finds these demands to be outrageous, and it seems negotiations are on the verge of breaking down as soon as they began...

Behind the scenes however, Barerra and his higher-ups have been communicating with various parties in the PSA government and have secured the sale of a few nasty surprises for the Filipino government. Upon hearing the news of their arrival Cordoba had to go and personally thank Captain Dannagher for all he'd done to help...

A group of 3 Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates makes its way off the coast of Leyte, locking down key straits and restricting Filipino navy movement around the island. The government dares not try to engage a group of considerably heavier warships, especially once it's seen they're flying the Pacific States flag...

After some time of prowling the coast near Tacloban Barerra plays his hand. He claims the PSA is interested in seeing peace return to the region in order to keep shipping lanes in the region secure and have sent a small force in order to ensure that peace talks move along smoothly. Realizing that they've been backed into a corner, the Filipino delegation relents and settles in for the long process of eking out a peace deal...


Omsk Oblast...
After securing their foothold in Omsk and taking over the majority of local businesses, it's decided that Fortvna will be branching out its enterprises. The drug trade has been particularly lucrative in Russia as of late, opioids specifically, and this is an opportunity the group can't afford to pass up. After putting out some feelers for new sources, a contact is made in Afghanistan that claims to be able to provide high-grade raw product. Fortvna will trade weapons and other commodities for this opium and return it to Omsk for refining into more potent narcotics...

All the arrangements are made ahead of time. The crooked Kazakh border guards are paid off and the shipments continue along their way south through Nur-Sultan and Karaganda...

They continue south through along Lake Balkhash then head down into Uzbekistan, passing through Tashkent then Samarkand before hopping across the border from Termez to Mazar-i Sharif in Afghanistan, however shortly after they cross they're met by a Taliban patrol...

Taliban Soldier: "(In Pashto) My friends, welcome to our humble home! You should know that this is dangerous country, many bandits roam these roads. We'd be more than happy to provide an escort for you for the right price. You don't want to go alone in these canyons with bandits all about, believe me."
Convoys find themselves being shaken down by Taliban once across the border, with those who refuse to pay for "bandit protection" never making it to their destination...

Despite these inconveniences, the majority of shipments get where they need to go. Many of the clients are local non-aligned warlords who are more than happy to trade off their abundant supplies of marijuana and opium for military-grade hardware to fight the Taliban with...

Once the raw opium is back in Omsk proper it's sent to local processing plants to be refined into various other more potent substances. Heroin is by far Fortvna's most popular product, though they make a good amount off of opioid pills and Afghan hash. Soon Fortvna-produced narcotics begin to find their way to areas of Russia far outside Omsk oblast...
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Western Anatolia

With 4th year since the end of the Anatolian War gaining momentum, instability and sporadic fighting between ATO and local opposing groups is intensifying...

2 months ago Around Eskiŗehir, Anatolian Liberation Campaign launched a series of bombings near ERR military installations, killing and injuring dozens of ERR troops and damaging a few vehicles. While last year the city was deemed secure and the situation was described as "calm, with few minor engagements around the outskirts", it is evident that lately, Turkish partisans are managing to evade local ERR forces with increasing success. With ERR having deployed over 12,000 troops in and around the city, the rebels are understandably avoiding direct confrontation, but the constant danger of armed revolt pressures the already overstretched ERR army to keep its Legions around this sector.

In Bursa, outrage over the recent assassination of a beloved local Thracian official and his family sparked a deadly ethnic riot, claiming 7 lives. Though far away from many of the horrors and skirmishes of post-war Anatolia, the city has lately become a hotbed of ethnic tension, just as was previously expected. With much of the city already rebuilt and key areas restored, both ethnic Thracian and Turk populace started to once again settle the city. A spike in the population will no doubt cause more unrest which could spell a lot of trouble for local ERR administration.

In the Crusader State of Attaleia, Mehmet Kurtoglu, the leader of the Anatolian Mujaheddin Front is still known to be alive somewhere in vast mountainous territories in central Anatolia. Estimates by Holy Inquisition put their remaining numbers at 10 000 active fighters spread around wide areas in and around Attaleia. But even with these numbers, jihadist dreams of carving out their own small caliphate in the hills of Konya are slipping away, as their veteran fighters are perishing each week in greater numbers than before. Tired, isolated, demoralized, and hunted by a vastly superior enemy, they cannot hope to endure for long.

So instead, the cursed mujaheddin turn their ire toward exhausted civilians. There exist many remote hamlets and villages from which jihadists still draw their strength - either from acquiring supplies or recruiting new fresh-faced and angry recruits to their rotten jihad. But others, who are not too supportive of their radical neighbors, get attacked and massacred in classic jihadist fashion. Decapitated corpses litter the streets of such settlements, reminding the region of yet another barbaric threat that is looming over.

Order's response is usually simple and equally barbaric - purge everyone who is sympathetic to their mortal enemy and leave nothing standing for them to use.

Two Order Militant soldiers scouring the countryside around Çiçektepe, a former Jihadist stronghold, during the recent Karaadilli offensive. As Order's patrols comb the territory, they demolish any free-standing structure to prevent it from being used by hostile elements around the area. Local settlements have been all but depopulated due to intense military operations around this sector.

Order militant recon team in Davraz Valley, some 30 kilometers away from Polydorion (formerly known as Isparta)

Units belonging to ERR's XI Legion 14th Motorized Assault Brigade move through the streets of the port city of Mersin in the eastern portion of Anatolia. The city has been almost completely abandoned by its populace as 4th year of continuous fighting between Turkish resistance and ATO forces enter its second half.

A scene from the recently released Kergikstani war documentary "Türkiye - The Thracian Experience", shows Lt. Serban Antonescu congratulating the film crew on narrowly surviving a rebel ambush.

Adrianople, ERR

We who mystically represent the Cherubim,
and who sing to the Life-Giving Trinity the thrice-holy hymn,
let us now lay aside all earthly cares
that we may receive the King of all,
escorted invisibly by the angelic orders.


In their two millennia-long history, nothing was more important or sacred for the Thracian people than their Faith in God, his Son and the Holy Spirit. Ever since the split of the Roman Empire and its evolution into two distinct Christian worlds, Thracian people were caught in the center of rise of Orthodoxy. Along with the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, Thracian Orthodox Church is among the world's oldest and most honorable, still vigorously practicing its Byzantine traditions and rites.

But as times change, so does the faith adapt to new winds of political and ideological thought. The Nicaenist ideologists have perpetrated the Holy Thracian Church since the 1990s, after Hector Van Reyes and his 24 followers laid down the tenets of this pervasive Christian cult. Each day since then,
Patriarch Theodoros III of the Thracian Orthodox Church was diligently spreading their radical idea of reviving militant and mystical Church, inviting the increasingly zealous masses of Thracians to its flock. Few Thracians could resist the call, as forged in war and the constant threat of destruction by their Turkish neighbours, they sought solace in militancy and strength of their faith.

It was unavoidable, but soon enough the minority catholic community of Thracian Catholic Church also succumbed to inducement of Nicaenists.

Each holy day, in each Roman city or town, or village, the faithful flock to worship and hear the teachings of Christ. Whereas for most outsiders it would appear that they shed blood in Anatolia for their political overlords, in truth most Thracians fought a holy crusade for their Lord. And won. For Thracians, faith in Christ and his Father is the universal truth of life and their political system, history, and daily life is reminiscent of this.

By the twilight of Anatolian War, the vast majority of Thracians were Nicaenist. Furious by this development, the ever-corrupt Vatican disavowed its clergy in ERR and declared them all false bearers of Christ's teachings. Meanwhile, the now almost non-existent Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople was revived by installing a new Nicaen Archbishop in its place.

With all cards set in place, Nicaenists under now Arch-Pontiff Hector Van Reyes set out to make their final move...


Crowds numbering thousands of people have flocked the central streets of Adrianople, the hegemonic capital of ERR. In the center of its bustle and majesty, the historic Scipio Aurelius Square, the crowd awaits in unison a declaration of good news. As far as the eye can see, holy banners, icons, and flags of both the Republic and Order of Christ's Blood are proudly displayed in hypnotizing swaying.

TV crews are ordered to focus their attention on the grand balcony of the Republican Palace, on which a commotion has finally started, signaling something is about to happen. The crowds, hold their breath as fanfare is heard throughout the square and the rest of the City.

Millions of Thracians, as well as thousands of watchers worldwide, gather to watch their TVs and witness the incoming historical moment...

A delegation of top ERR political figures and clergymen gather on the balcony, flanked by numerous guards. Finally, everything quiets down as Grand Pontiff Hector Van Reyes, the supreme ideological and religious leader of all Nicaenists, the unifier of Thracian Christians, appears on the balcony...

The crowds greet their religious leader with thunderous applause and praise. Grand Pontiff allows his flock to enjoy a moment of zeal, until an energetic hand wave quiets down the people, finally allowing him to speak:

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My Faithful. My Sons and Daughters.

Upon all of you, I invoke the blessing of the The Most High, and all strength and prosperity. I wish to express my most high respect towards Supreme Legatus Lucius Quinctilius Varius. I greet all government and church officials, commanders and soldiers of Republican Army and Divine Order of Christ's Blood. I greet all those who have gathered here or hear my words at home and abroad, all of us who follow Christ and seek to live in His Immortal glory.

Not too long ago, your nation celebrated the 4th year of our victory against Mohhamedan heathens in Anatolia. Thanks to the sacrifice of thousands of our martyrs, once again the holy light of Constantinople shines in its eternal glory, signaling to the world that the Church of The Most High on his Earth held its own against those who seek to trample it and cast us all into darkness.

In your holy perseverance, you have shown to everyone that you carry the banner of Nicaenist Christ, who, in contrast to those in the Vatican or elsewhere, wish to distort His words and progress, by subduing the Holy Spirit and further cursing us to spiritual darkness we have just started to drag the world out of.

And shall it be, that from today to the day of His second coming, Thracian people shall live by Nicaean Creed, and safeguard the Nicaea Romanus until their dying breath!

And as such, ERR becomes the very first nation in the world to officially adopt Nicaenism as its official state religion.

One of the primary steps of Nicaean Creed - the establishment of the New Christian Realm, has been successfully completed. No matter what, Nicaenism is here to stay. Time will tell if more of the realms appear...


After the ceremony and announcement of Nicaea Romanus, Grand Pontiff arrived in Constantinople to hold an auspicious mass in the recently rebuilt Hagia Sophia cathedral. A celebratory gathering of top ERR figures was held afterward, however, Grand Pontiff refused the invitation and boarded his private aircraft headed for Spain, saying he had urgent matters to take care of.

Alcantara Castle, Spain

I knit the flesh and it lives again... I breathe life into long-dead lungs, and they function again... And how do I achieve this? Rebuilt by power of genetics, or restored by will and power of God's glory? How can we play God? Huh? How can you?

How can

- Professor, Lord,

Zietsman awakes from his shallow slumber instantly, streak of nasty fluorescent light enters his quarters as his servant holds the door wide open. Despite being the steward of this grand estate, he still prefers to rest here, at the bottom levels. Where it's closest to the labs.

Still reminiscing about yet another one of those dreams he just had, he sits up, glances at the clock [00:24], and clears his throat.

- My Lord, His Holiness shall arrive soon. They were delayed by the storm but should be here in an hour. Shall I gather everyone?

- Yes, yes, do that. Everyone at the entrance hall, 40 minutes.

- Yes, my Lord.

Even after all these years, he cannot get used to this kind of formality. Lord? But then again, it's his life now. Scientist turned fugitive turned associate to one of the most powerful men in the world.

Zietsman got up, put on his trenchcoat, glanced at his computer monitor and smiled "Reyes will be pleased, it's all going well. And most importantly, it's almost over..."



With the staff of the castle lined up at the entrance, Zietsman composes himself and tenses up. Each time he first sees Reyes after a long time, he relives that fateful day when he met him. Once he agreed to perform the procedure on him, it changed everything. He woke up here, in this Castle, as if he took a blink and was teleported thousands of miles away. He was kidnapped using unnatural means, and brought here, to serve. It would be most ironic if Reyes, being the head of Christian Church, was actually a demon, Zietsman thought to himself, before shooing that thought away. Even though he was a logical man, he could not help but have an irrational fear that Reyes, as enigmatic and strange as he is, can feel and even read his thoughts... And who would know? After all these things he witnessed and heard from Reyes here...

Zietsman's rumination was interrupted as the immense doors started creaking and slowly opened. The Grand Pontiff has returned.

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Reyes and his entourage entered the hall, approaching Zietsman as gathered servants, clergymen and guards all bowed in respect to their Pontiff. Zietsman, in a show of usual archaic courtesy and respect propagated by the Nicaen inner circle, made an awkward bow and extended his hand, to which Reyes answered by uttering a blessing and gracefully touching his palm.

- My friend, please stand.

Zietsman obeyed and arose, looking at Reyes as he smiled slightly from his hood. Though he returned from an exhausting event in ERR, he looked vigorous as ever. Most unusual, for a man of his age...

- I have returned here for a short time, though I suspect you know that I look forward to hearing the progress of his recovery.

- Yes, my Lord. All is prepared and he is ready. Would you like to go now?

- Of course, let us proceed to the lab.


- ... as I informed you the last time, my Lord, the final batch of cell therapy should not take too long to take effect. In the meantime, I managed to look into the problems that we could not alleviate still.

- hmm, the sickle cells?

- Yes, unfortunately, we cannot risk it anymore and keep manipulating the gene structure in regard to this. I'm afraid we will need to look for an alternative way to fix this problem. He is in remission period, you see. The risk of catastrophic failure now is too high. The process is like molding clay - early on it's easy and the genes and cells obey, but now as it's "hardened"? Too risky.

- it is understandable, my friend. You did everything science can do. Now, it shall be time for God and is will to work its course...

- ...

- I'd like to access the procedure chamber. How long have I desired to speak to him again.

- Of Course, my Lord.
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Zietsman clicked a quick combination into the nearby keypad, and the metal door audibly unlocked itself. With a swish, it opened, and an aroma of incense could be felt. Reyes then descended into the dark chamber, from which emanated a strange, yet particularly strong energy, something Zietsman would need to get used to after all this time. And yet, he felt goosebumps as it washed all over him. This is the reason why he preferred to monitor him remotely, in his quarters above...


"Dominus vobiscum", Reyes uttered as he slowly walked through the shadowy room.

The procedure chamber he stood in was nothing like a typical laboratory setup one might imagine. It was dark, lit mainly by blessed candles which were changed and relit by his priest aides. The air was pulsating with unknown, almost mystical energy, and a heavy aroma of blessed incense swiveled around, as it provided the chamber with an even more sinister, but sacred atmosphere. A hum of computers and bubbling of unknown liquids could be heard, sometimes broken by slight screeches and ominous booms, emanating from what it felt like deep below the chamber itself...

And in the center of it, adorned by dozens and dozens of holy icons and engravings stood a strange, brass throne-like contraption, with wires and various tubes entwining it like veins on a brain. Even looking at it was somewhat difficult, as the aura that surrounded it felt... otherwordly, almost transcendent...

But the very most important presence of this chamber was... a man, sitting completely still on the throne contraption. His massive figure was somewhat obstructed by thick, incense-filled air around him, though one could see he was connected to several tubes and wires that pierced his skin. An especially bulky-looking metal arm-like contraption held him in place, with its steel claws buried deep into his right chest. The figure sat there, seemingly ignoring Reyes as it approached. Holy icons and sacred engravings all surrounding his place of slumber as if the saints in them were standing a vigil... He was hibernating...

- My son... Praise the Most High, it is a blessed day. We have achieved it. Our Faith has been entrenched. And soon, you shall break free from this... martyrdom. And you shall see the glory of it all by yourself.

...Invictus..., he suddenly awoke from his slumber, and whispered loudly.



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With peace talks in the works, the two sides have agreed to a temporary ceasefire. In spite of the agreement, the jihadis and other dissidents on the island have made no such treaty and must still be dealt with in force...

With PSA's involvement now out in the open, authorization is given for Captain Dannagher and his Raiders to take more direct part in anti-insurgent actions in the south. With the Raiders advising on operations, the commandos clear a number of jihadist positions in a relatively short time with frightening efficiency...

Despite the ceasefire the Sombras still continue their harassment behind the lines. With the increasing PSA support the commandos have managed to snag a few familiar skull balaclavas as trophies...

With the LISS off the ground and receiving assistance from FBI liaisons the authorities are finally able to put together a more comprehensive picture of the drug problem on Leyte. Databases and profiles are set up for notable offenders as well as their known associates, and hundreds of warrants are issued in just the first month of the Service alone...

On the high seas, Captain Arturo Peña and his band of nautical misfits continue to raid Chinese ships in the straits around Leyte, bringing in significant booty for the Confederacy to profit off of. The attacks are quick, efficient, and the crew/vessel are typically turned loose once the privateers have what they're looking for...

February 25th , Kergikstani Occupied area of kazakhstan

As the war continued to ramp up, The kergikstani Army Corp of engineers sucessfully managed to fix up bombed out railways and roads that were damaged during the kazakhstan's army retreat from the Aketobe region. Although kergikstan maintained an alright enough logistics corp, Kergikstani military command hoped that the fixing of the damaged highways and railway would finally alleviate certain logistics problems like spare parts for the aging Bradley IFV system and more. With trains runnings in 24/7 and more logistics lines being established New military gear and equipment will soon hopefully flood the frontline.

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New kergikstani military equipment vehicles crossing the Kergikstani-Kazakhstan border through railway.

February 26th , Outskirts of the City of Shalkar, Kazaksthan

With the push of Joint Kergikstani-Volhynian and ERR forces the Shalkar defense line was broken routing the majority of Kazakhstani forces deeper into the city, Artillery and Rocket strikes were lunched straight into the city. After that Kergikstani military command ordered Coalition forces to encircle the Kazakhstani army forces who retreated deep into the city to prevent any possible retreat, in an attempt to cripple the Kazakhstani army. While 68th Shock troops, 1st recon and Various army units of the 1st Infantry division moved into the city. ERR, Volhynian and detachments from both the 2nd Infantry division, 67th Shock troops and members of 2nd recon With armored support from the 204th Armored Corps will Help with the encirclement of Shalkar.

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Members of D Company, 2nd platoon of the 68th Shock battalion secure the outer industrial area of Shalkar.

February 29th , Outskirts of the City of Shalkar, Kazaksthan

As the Seige of shalkar continued, Kergikstani army units in the city were quickly securing many area's of the City by the February of 29th all of the industrial area was captured by the Kergikstani army and thoroughly secured, 68th shock troops suffered not much casualties suprisingly during the Industrial area battle and Most of the Kazakhstani army and Militia forces retreated even deeper into the city. However other area's were not so lucky various units from the 1st Infantry division had the misfortune of fighting against Kazakhstan's more seasoned and veteran units, Which delayed the capturing of the Suburban and Outer area of Shalkar.
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Members of C Company, 3rd platoon of the 68th Shock battalion clearing an Militia holdout near the Industrial area work camps.

March 8th, Outskirts of the City of Shalkar, Kazaksthan

The encirclement took time but the combined efforts of ATO Coalition forces most of Shalkar was already encircled, However continued urban fighting was already taking a toll on the Kergikstani forces stationed in the city by Nightfall, irregular forces would often take to the night to strike makeshift kergikstani army camps or attack troops who are moving more and more closer to the inner parts of the city. Kergikstani rocket strikes destroyed various buildings near the inner part of the city with atleast one strike managing to topple a small tower onto the chaos below. By this point of most of the outer area of Shalkar was secured but with mounting casualties ranging on a rumor up to 150+ The kergikstani Army was paying a heavy price in this seige.

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Kergikstani Army squad moved through ruins of Inner Shalkar.

March 20th, Inner City of Shalkar, Kazaksthan

Urban Fighting finally had reached it's heaviest once All army units that were sent in met up near the Inner city, By this point most of the best of what Kazakhstan had to offer was defending this part of Shalkar, and top it off Ambushes and traps that were set off and prepared for were unleashed on the Kergikstani soldiers that arrived inflicting casualties on the Kergikstani army, In return Artillery, rocket and secret drone strikes were starting to target Shalkar Main administration area or the city hall district which was being used by the Kazakhstan army as their Main base and possibly a place to stage an last stand.

On the same day ERR bombers that were suppose to assist on the airstrike on the cities capital district area were, unfortunately shot down by a Kazakhstani air force squadron and went down on the city and crashed straight into the battlefield inflicting heavy casualties on both sides.

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Kergikstani Army Platoon Fighting their way into a Kazakhstani national guard unit. The Battle ended with 4 Injured Kergikstani soldiers and the national guard unit wiped out to the last with no prisoners taken.

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202nd Mechanized Corp and 68th Shock battalion troops get into a firefight with the Kazakhstan special forces embedded with Kazakhstan Airborne troops. Battle ended with Kergikstani troops pulling back to regroup for a second counter attack.

Febuary 26th, City of Shalkar, Kazakhstan

With the successful breakthrough on the kazakhstani defences in the outskirts of Shalkar, coalition forces moved into the now infested Shalkar, though a lot of kazakh personnel was either killed or injured in their trenches, more retreated into the city taking advantage of the difficult fight in urban environments.
The Volhynian soldiers also finally found great use for their new electronic equipment, part of the BORKA system, this made it easier for units to coordinate much better with each other.

Volhynian squad taking a much needed rest, as their squad leader coordinates the next movement with their platoon.

Febuary 29th, City of Shalkar, Kazakhstan

Casualties was initially low for Volhynian forces until nightfall, with both sides fielding night vision and thermal equipment, it became an even fight, something the volhynian personnel isn't used to, as they had mostly been fighting ill equipped insurgents in Kyiv and other parts of Ukraine. In just the 2 days, Volhynian casualties reached 100, with 15 of them KIA.

Volhynian soldiers assaulting an office building occupied by better equipped Kazahk forces, in the industrial sector of Shalkar

March 15th, City of Shalkar, Kazakhstan

With the city severaly destroyed by coalition artillery, traversing the city is much more difficult, Kazahk both irregular and regular forces has an easier time using using hit and run tactics and hiding snipers and machine gunners in the ruined buildings. Total Volhynian casualties so far has reached 220, 54 of them KIA.

Volhynian squad crossing a street littered with debris from the heavy Kergikstani bombardment.

July 29th, Donbas Oblast, Volhynia

Volhynian patrols in the eastern provinces of Ukraine, primarily Donbas has been in contact almost daily with either small groups of insurgents or mines and IEDS planted by them. The insurgents here are not in support of reestablishing Ukraine, but create a new state for the ethnic Russians in the Donbas and Luhansk regions. Mostly small indepedent groups as of now, but something big could rise up at any moment..

Volhynian soldier from the 4th Hussars hit by an IED planted on their usual route.
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Leyte, mid-August...
Since July things have simmered down to a stand-still between the Confederacy and Philippines. Troops along the lines are more than content to simply sit in place and stare eachother down across no man's land, many taking advantage of the halt in fighting to get some much-needed rest...

There's no rest for the wicked however. Commandos continue to conduct operations to the south of the island around Sogod Bay against pirates and drug runners, having taken down a number of high-profile targets in the narcotics trade so far. All this is made possible by the PSA's generous offer to loan a few choppers in support of the operations...

While one frigate is tasked with anti-piracy operations to the south, the other two ships begin taking on local sailors and performing training exercises around the western side of Leyte. The ships make it a point to be seen prowling around the Camotes, letting their presence be known while not making any overtly hostile actions as a firm reminder of the nature of the situation. Filipino ships frequently tail the ships closely, though so far they haven't made any aggressive motions against the frigates...

Finally after much arguing and many long weeks of peace talks, a resolution is finally struck. Realizing they're backed into a corner and facing both a conventional war as well as a long grueling insurgency, the Philippine government finally agrees to meet the Confederacy's demands. The island of Leyte will be ceded to the Confederacy and will be recognized as a fully-autonomous sovereign state. In addition the Camotes Islands off the western coast will be surrendered to the Confederacy as a naval buffer. Officially the nation of The Confederacy of Leyte is born on August 15th, 2022. It was decided to change the name from Waray Confederacy so as not to alienate other ethnicities within their new borders. All remaining Filipino forces will withdraw completely from the island and the surrounding waters by the 30th of August...

With the deescalation of conflict on the island Rebel Rock Radio's objective had shifted to helping coordinate anti-piracy options in the south, however today La Alma and La Voz are overjoyed to announce to the nation that their long struggle has finally come to an end. After a devastating three-year conflict that claimed somewhere close to 15,000 lives, the island of Leyte is finally free...
Sinese (pronounced Sin-eess)

Ey bru, eard you wer looking for a place to escape ey? Well my friend, we're all escapees ere, you'll fit right in...welcome to Sinese

Faction History

After the recognition of Zimbabwe on the 18th April 1980, and the dissolution of Rhodesia, many former Rhodesians were angry that their nation, in their eyes, had been wrongfully killed off. Whilst most moved to South Africa or other nations with ties to Great Britain, a small band of ex-Rhodesian Light Infantry and civilians with an axe to grind left the comfort of their old lives behind and melted into the Bush, taking with them a moderate stockpile of weapons and ammunition stolen from former Rhodesian military stores. These guerillas, led by a former Selous Scout, Sergeant Joseph Pierre-Ancambe, laid low, silently monitering the situation in Zimbabwe under Mugabe's leadership. They would continue to document the various criminal acts committed by Mugabe's troops towards Zimbabwean citizens, most notably the Matabeleland massacres and the forced aquisition of farmland through the late 1980s and early 1990s.

On the 29th of September 1994, after ammassing a sizable force from dissolusioned Zimbabwean citizens, and having spent years quietly training them into capable guerilla fighters, Sergeant Pierre-Ancambe launched a series of attacks on Zimbabwean soldiers and police tasked with enforcing the compulsory land aquisition. The attacks were successful and forced Zimbabwe to deploy troops to the region; it was at this point that the guerillas declared the region as the sovreign nation of Sinese, and gave the Zimbabwean army an ultimatum to either leave peacefully and surrender the region, or be violently driven out...Mugabe chose the latter.

The Zimbabwe-Sinese insurgency lasted for three years, and gained global attention. Due to the actions of Mugabe's forces both before and during the insurgency operation, many nations were quick to cut ties with Zimbabwe, and the United Kingdom quietly sent aid in the form of weapons and SAS instructors to Sinese, hoping to use the conflict as a proxy war against communist influence in the region. Ultimately, the insurgency concluded in a hard-won victory for the guerillas, and Joseph Pierre-Ancambe declared Sinese a soveriegn territory on the 1st of November 1997, though the nation would not be officially recognised until the 29th of September 1998, exactly four years after the insurgency began.

An election was held on the 15th of April 1999 in which Joseph Pierre-Ancambe won and became Sinese's first serving Prime Minister, famously declaring that "any displaced, dissolusioned, or persecuted individuals who wish to escape Zimbabwe, our borders are open to you." Following this decree, and with aid from several NATO-allied nations, Sinese would quickly establish its' capital, Pierresburg, in late 2005, as well as a number of large towns; East Town, Waigo, and Josephs Town. Today Sinese continues to grow as a promising, yet still developing nation, where the implimentation of values and freedoms many nations take for granted, are at the forefront of Sinesean policies.

Below; Sinesean military troops patrolling the Bushland that defines its border with Zimbabwe.
SineseanPatrol smol 2.png

Below; Sinesean National Police CTSFO, aided by a Sinesean police officer, conduct a raid on a slum dwelling in Pierresburg suspected of housing a large drugs operation.
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Below; The Sinesean Long Range Patrol, or LRP, is the special operations wing of the Sinesean Armed Forces. Initially trained by the SAS, the LRP models itself on the former Rhodesian SAS and Selous Scouts.
SineseanLRP smol 2.png

Sinese Borders

Bulawayo is now Pierresburg
Plumtree is East Town
Zvishavane is Waigo
Masvingo is Josephs Town

Sinese territory .png
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Sinese-Zimbabwe Border, Near Gutu

A squad of Sinesean troops board a large transport helicopter and are briefed by their Sergeant during the flight. They are to land and disembark at a Border Patrol FOB around three miles from Josephstown and will patrol the border from the FOB to the border checkpoint on the road to Buhera. Rumours of unusual troop movements in Zimbabwe have begun to circulate amongst the Sinesean populace, but without any proof, they have no choice but to continue on as normal.
Sineseanhelicopterbois smol.png

The troops disembark and begin on their patrol route...
SineseanBorderPatrol smol 2.png
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