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Realistic or Modern Espionage Wars V9: Migration Edition

January 4th 2023
Russian Federation / Khabarovsk Federation

Khabarovsk armed forces have advanced deeply into the territories of the Federation, capturing key cities Obluchye and Stoiba and encircling Birobidzhan.
Russian resistance is weak and breakthroughs from the FEA forces are easily made throughout all fronts.

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Helicopters from the 22nd Squadron giving Logistical support to the forces fighting on the front

FEA troop movement has been spotted near the town of Vidanovo near the Sakhalin island. Naval equipment is being sent over to the location, spotted and recorded by locals living near Vidanovo.
January - 7th February

Russian Federation, Jewish Autonomous Oblast


The city of Birobidzhan was the headquarters of the Russian forces in the Jewish Autonomous Oblast. The city was made before the war a fortress and were prepared for a siege. At the start of the war, Khabrovskan divisions coming from the north surround the fortress city of Birobidzhan clearing the outskirts of the city house by house, aided by Primorskians. The resistance is fierce, as a bulk of their military forces in the region were situated in the city as well as the retreated troops. The city was finally captured on January 25th, with Russian forces surrendering to the Khabarovskan and Primorskian units.

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FEA Forces at the outskirts of Birobidzhan, around January 6th

Through the fall of the city of Birobidzhan, the entire Russian forces in the Jewish Autonomous Oblast surrendered on January 30th, the Jewish Autonomous Oblast was in full control of the FEA forces. Through the securing of the Oblast, trains from Khabarovsk started to departure and heading to the west, resupplying and aiding the troops on the Frontline.
Advanced in the North of the Amur Oblast have been reported by the Russian forces and by Telegram channels focusing on the war


Khabarovskan and Primorskian troops showcasing equipment captured from the Russians around the location of Talakan in the Amur Oblast

Videos and Images have surfaced of a PMC Group called "Taneyev" fighting on the side of the FEA, they have been spotted in the fight around Birobidzhan and Amur Oblast.
Recently also seen on the Island of Sakhalin on the 1st of February. Securing the north-east of Sakhalin and disrupting communications and bringing disorganization upon the Russian Forces stationed on the North of Sakhalin. On the 2nd February, Primorskian marines supported by Amphibious vehicles landed on the north-east and securing their foothold on the Island.

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Taneyev PMC Group assaulting Russian positions in Sakhalin

Southern Leyte, Sogod Bay. Early January...
Great efforts continue on the island to eliminate the rampant banditry and drug trafficking that afflicts the south, particularly around the area of Sogod Bay. The metro areas are almost completely lawless, with Filipino authorities having been driven out early in the civil war and Confederate forces never having managed to get in before the bandits and gangs took over...

A police helicopter hovers over the streets of Sogod Bay, tracking a particular vehicle on camera...

Spotter: "Blue team lead be advised this is Spotter, target vehicle has stopped approximately half a block away from your current position, we got about two... make that 3 individuals exiting. Can't verify if they're armed or not. They're headed your direction from your southwest, you should have visual on them in approximately 5 mikes, how copy over?"

Newly-minted LISS Lieutenant Rosario would be observing a suspected drug den from a second story cafe across the street. He'd key the mic hidden in his lapel...
LT Rosario: "Spotter this is Blue lead, lima charlie. We got positive visual on suspects approaching the target building. Negative visual on weap... break. Okay they're knocking on the target building. Looks like they're meeting with armed individuals inside, repeat confirmed armed inside. All teams move to your rallies and wait for my go."

A second loaded police chopper on standby prepares to take off with an insertion team. Tagging along with them would be the Vice crew who once again managed to pester and bribe their way into a number of favors...
Red Team Lead: "Okay this is gonna be a quick in and out job. You'll stay in the chopper until we have the building secure, then you can come in and get your shots. Just stay out of the way of the emergency crews while they do their jobs alright?"
Farraday: "No problem, you won't even know we're here right?"

LT Rosario and his team gear up and wait for red team to arrive on station. Red team will insert via rooftop while blue team will clear from the ground up, with both teams meeting in the middle on the second floor...

The teams breach and clear their way into the building, meeting stiffer resistance than anticipated though suffering no casualties themselves in the assault...

Once the floors are secured, Farraday and his cameraman are allowed in to film the aftermath. Inside they discover a number of ghastly sights. The gangs in these parts certainly aren't shy about making grisly examples out of their opponents...

With the raid over, Farraday manages to snag a moment with LT Rosario for a quick interview...

Farraday: "So what kind of haul do we have today?"
LT Rosario: looking particularly pleased "Today was a bigger catch than we usually get. This was a major smuggling hub, a lot of narcotics were being sold and shipped from here. Now the next step is to figure out where it's all coming from."
Farraday: "You mean to say these guys weren't one of the sources?"
Rosario: "Definitely not, this was just a distribution spot. We didn't find any kind of refining supplies or labs so it had to have come from somewhere else. But look at it this way, it's like a slow bleed for these bastards. We take out enough of these hubs and it'll force the suppliers to either shut down or do something desperate and come out where we can shut em down."

Late January...
After a thorough investigation and multiple interrogations of captured drug traffickers, the clues begin to point in the same direction. Though they have no concrete details about the group that's supplying these drugs, they now know that the majority of the island's narcotics are coming from this one source. It's heavily implied the jihadists may be involved somehow...

Through the rest of January and the early weeks of February the authorities continue to round up as many more suspects as possible to piece together more leads. Some come willingly, and others are much less cooperative...

Tacloban SWAT moving to clear a drug den in the city.
Federal Police arresting gang members after a traffic stop goes bad in MacArthur.
Elsewhere on the Island...
With the purchased PSA equipment having been in Confederate hands since late last year, one of the biggest priorities has been for the Confederate Armed Forces to begin training with them immediately and as much as possible. Emphasis is placed on training up pilots so the fledgling Air Wing can become combat-ready ASAP. Pilots fly endless training sorties in their new F-16s; with an accompanying E-767 AWACS providing an invaluable eye in the sky. The artillery units have also been hard at work familiarizing themselves with the M109a6 Paladin. With most units having come up using towed pieces during the civil war, the added mobility of the Paladin is a much welcome change...

With the mountainous jungle nature of the island, an absolute premium is placed on troop mobility. This has led to the development of an infantry doctrine similar to that used by US air assault units, centering heavily around helicopter insertions...


Unfortunately with all these welcome new arrivals, the time has come to say farewell to old comrades. With other developments in the world, Captain Dannagher and his Raider team have been recalled to the PSA. Before he boards the waiting chopper with his marines, he finds a waiting Cordoba and Barerra on the tarmac bearing parting gifts...
Dannagher: "Gotta say I'm surprised you came to see us off in person!"
Barerra: "Well it's the least we could do for you boys after all you've done to help us. Here we got you a few going away presents. I know you don't smoke but, I unfortunately didn't have time to shop for a proper gift and I had this box of Cubans lying around so.."
Dannagher: "No no, what the hell, I'd be happy to."
Cordoba: "And here, not trying to upstage you boss but me and a bunch of the boys all pitched in to get you this. I don't know how good it is for shooting but it's engraved and looks fancy so we figured you'd like it."
Dannagher: "Guys this really means a lot, thank you. Maybe someday we might run into eachother again, God willing..."
Cordoba: "Hey after this I might seriously consider taking a vacation. Always did want to go to California."
Barerra: "Well my friend, we'd best not keep you waiting any longer. Best of luck to you brother. Go with God..."
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16:23, Four Corners Monument, 36.9990° N 109.0452° W, March 1st

The conflict between the Pacific States of America and the Children of God has come to an end. After many twists and turns (that have yet to be posted!), the sun has finally set on the Children of God's rule of the Four Corners. Time will only tell how much this conflict has changed the political landscape in North America...

A momentous occasion warrants a momentous speech, which was promptly given - at the symbolic Four Corners Monument.

An excerpt of said speech has garnered quite a bit of air time on North American media channels;

"The violence and destruction has finally come to an end. The four corner states once again stand free and liberated. There can be no denial that this war my predecessor started was solely motivated by his nefarious intentions, and I assure all of you that he will face justice. Yet, this needless conflict has resulted in what we may call a better and freer world. Our servicemembers fought bravely and valiantly against evil, many at the cost of their own lives. Their sacrifice must never be forgotten. Every single individual that fought against the evil and oppression is a hero and directly responsible for where we stand today. Together we will rebuild and protect the Four Corners as we welcome them into our Pacific Union. I have spoken to President Hailey and President Veselova of the United Atlantic Commonwealth and the Republic of Tchvonia respectively and I will depart on state visits to both nations in an effort to strengthen global freedom, peace and prosperity shortly."

President Park addresses the crowd at the Four Corners Monument.

16:35, Denver Outskirts, Colorado, March 1st


A fireteam of the PS Army patrols a neighborhood in the outskirts of Denver.

17:05, McClellan AFB, California, March 1st


18:59, USP Alcatraz ADMAX, California, March 1st


05:30, Somewhere in the Far East...

"Neptune touching down at LZ sierra, give our friends a heads-up."



Since gaining independence in September 2022, the United Atlantic Commonwealth has begun strengthening its geopolitical position. The Commonwealth Authority Foreign Relations Department has been busy establishing relations with other emerging nations. For now, the main focus for the FRD is the Pacific. Lisa M. Chang, FRD Undersecretary for the Pacific, was sent to Sacramento to forge new economic, scientific and military ties with the Pacific States of America. After a very fruitful meeting, the PSA and UAC have agreed to establish trade relations, while the two nations' respective militaries have agreed to begin joint training drills for mutual defense against aggressive nations.

One of the more interesting results of the meeting was the establishment of the Twin Oceans Center for Science and Technology (TOCST), an international research organization partially funded by both national governments and staffed by some of the finest minds in each country. The purpose of TOCST is to advance research and development in key industries, such as computing, biotechnology, robotics and healthcare.

TOCST computer scientists researching AI and machine learning in one of the inaugural research facilities
Meanwhile, Deputy Secretary for the Pacific Martin Sanchez was sent to Tacloban to establish relations with the Leyte Confederacy. One major result of the discussions was the agreement to send Atlantic engineering companies and universities to Leyte to improve the nation’s industrial capacity, medical infrastructure and port facilities. Among the companies chosen to participate in the exchange are Bath Iron Works, Worthing Maritime Engineering, LD Eastman Architecture & Consulting, and Hudson Technologies, as well as several universities across the UAC.

Consultants from Worthing Maritime Engineering discussing improvements to dock facilities near Tacloban City with a Leyte municipal official
In addition to sending engineers and heavy equipment, the program will also involve sending engineering students and interns to Leyte to learn and assist with the construction as a field study program.

Ben Goldstein, Prof. Environmental Science at Rutgers University, with his PhD students in the outskirts of Ormoc, studying the quality and pollution levels of the city's water resources
The Commonwealth Defense Authority has begun efforts to streamline and strengthen the Commonwealth military and National Guard units to maintain peak efficiency and combat potential. While the changes entailed are still in development, Commonwealth soldiers at Fort Dix got a glimpse of one of the first. Speaking to soldiers about upcoming operational changes, Col. Mark Richards was seen wearing Crye Multicam Tropic camouflage uniform - a prototype for the Commonwealth Army’s new primary field uniform.


Flag of the Newly-Formed Special Actions Group

Primarch PMC Patch
Seal of the Leyte Internal Security Service

Sometime shortly after seeing off Captain Dannagher, Barerra and Whitman would briefly be stopped upon leaving Ormoc airfield. Taking the opportunity, Whitman decides to hit Barerra with his pitch...
Whitman: "So boss, I got something I need to talk to you about. It has to do with the security detail."
Barerra: "What about it? I think it's the best it's ever been before."
Whitman: "Well I was just thinking that given the state of things around here and a lot of talking points on your platform... I figure it would probably be better for your public image if your detail consisted of locals. It kinda looks weird for the brand talking about putting the natives first and then you have my big white ass in the background."
Barerra: "Oh come now Whitman, you've been my bodyguard going on seven years now? You can't just up and quit, I need you now more than ever."
Whitman: "In all honesty I'd be better off helping in other ways. I've been talking to a bunch of my mates and I have a solution for a lot of our problems. I want to start a private military company here on the island. We could help provide security for humanitarian work and some of the private companies setting up shop."
Barerra: "I see... It could be quite useful. Nobody wants to try to run supplies to a lot of areas in the south now because of the bandits. How exactly are you planning on getting this venture off the ground now?"
Whitman: "Well see that's... sort of where you come in.."
Barerra: "Are you asking for a handout from the president? You know that's typically considered bad form."
Whitman: "We'd be willing to run jobs free of charge for the government of course, at least until we made enough money to pay back the loan."
Barerra: "Well that won't do, most of the cabinet has been pushing for legislation that limits the government from directly contracting third party companies. However... I do have something big coming up and I could put you in touch with the private venues we'll be using..."

Since the end of hostilities Barerra and Vega have been hard at work scraping the many disparate political factions on Leyte into one cohesive government. A parliamentary style government will be adopted that will allow for all sides to air their concerns and grievances and allow matters to be settled democratically. One of the first major acts is to hold the first truly free elections on the island in almost four years. Despite the overwhelming popular support for him and his Centrist Party, Barerra considers it a show of faith to the people that he would be willing to step down from office after leading the Confederate people through Hell if it was what they desired...

With preparations underway, Whitman gets to the task of training up his new group of contractors. With Barerra's blessing, they'll be establishing their head office in Ormoc and have purchased a substantial amount of leftover civil war equipment from the government to outfit their employees...


When election day arrives, Primarch is on the scene to provide security. Due to them being unable to contract directly with the government, instead they use the loophole of being hired on by the private venues which are being used as voting centers. In order to alleviate any unease, it's decided to use all locals for the visible physical security positions rather than foreign contractors. For the first time in years, the election goes off without any signs of violence or voter coercion...

In the end it's a landslide victory for Barerra and his cabinet...
Barerra: "On behalf of the Confederate people I thank them for the opportunity to continue leading them through these coming years. As part of my administration's commitment to the betterment of our island, we are introducing legislation that will provide thousands of new jobs for our islanders. This new law will require that any foreign companies who seek to establish themselves on this island will be required to hire a certain percentage of locals as part of their labor force, as well as offering stock options for those employees. In addition the legislation places bidding priority on domestic corporations over foreign when competing for a contract. We hope that these new laws will be one small step toward helping rejuvenate our economy after our country has been through so much hardship over these past years..."

One sector seeing heavy investment is the port facilities on the island. With companies and NGOs from the United Atlantic Commonwealth providing support, drydock facilities have been brought back up to operational capacity in record time. It's estimated that Confederate shipping will be back at pre-war capacity by the mid-year...

After months of cleaning up the drug cartels on Leyte, all signs point to the jihadists as the main supplier of narcotics in the country. It's decided that a final effort will be made to destroy the last vestiges of organized jihadist activity in Leyte. That last vestige is the island of Panaon to the south of Leyte. The bulk of the leftover jihadists fled to the island during the civil war and blew the main bridge connecting it to Leyte. Ever since they've been staging raids across the channel into the south of the island...

With the restructuring of the military after the war, the commandos are reformed into a self-sufficient branch containing their own vehicles and support personnel known as the Special Actions Group (SAG). After aerial reconnaissance scopes out the northern coast of Panaon, a company of troops from the newly formed SAG are inserted into the jungles and cities the night before the amphibious invasion. Their mission is to eliminate anti-air positions, then mark hardpoints along the main forces' route of advance for preliminary air strikes. Once resistance is softened up for the landing force, the SAG company will remain in the jungles mopping up any positions that may potentially reinforce the enemies along the coast...


The next morning the landing force departs for Panaon from Leyte's southern coast. Due to the lack of amphibious transports in the Confederacy's arsenal, the majority of vessels used to carry troops and equipment across the channel are commandeered civilian ferries and barges. The CWS Vega, along with a small escort flotilla of patrol boats, is tasked with overseeing the landings and providing missile support if need be...

With preliminary air strikes softening up hard points along the main force's route of advance, the landings meet no resistance and Confederate troops are able to quickly establish a beachhead in the city of Liloan...

The main force is spearheaded by the newly-formed 1st Motorized Rifle Company. Their newly-purchased Strykers will be perfect for the coming rapid advance. The plan is that the 1st Motorized will make a rapid charge down the island's only major highway along the western coast and link up with 12th and 15th Air Assault Companies, who will be inserted at key junctions to allow the Motorized Rifles to keep advancing unimpeded until each city is taken one by one...
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Thursday, 16th of March 2023, 05:45am, Near Sinesean border.
A local farmer converses with a Sinesean soldier, having heard exchanges of gunfire the night before. The soldier explains that a ZNA patrol crossed into Sinesean territory and clashed with their patrol, though the ZNA soldiers surrendered after being pinned by the Sineseans. Apparently no casualties were suffered from either party and the ZNA patrol are cooperating peacefully. The farmer and the soldier exchange some banter before a Sinesean NCO, presumably the patrol leader, walks over and dismisses the soldier. He apologises for the commotion and subsequent inconvenience potentially suffered by the farmer, to which the farmer laughs, shakes the NCO's hand and thanks him and his boys for keeping his land safe.
Sinese arrest zimbabwe smol.png

Pictured below are two Sinesean soldiers handling and unloading Norinco Type 56 II assault rifles captured from the ZNA patrol.
Sinesehaul smol.png

Whilst checking his land, the farmer discovers the bodies of two ZNA soldiers discarded in an irrigation ditch. The soldiers appear to have been bound before being seemingly executed with shots to the back of the head. Dumbstruck, and horrified by this discovery, the farmer races back to his house to make a call to the local Gendarmerie...
Sinesenaughties smol.jpg
Mid-March, Leyte...
By now life on Leyte seems to have relatively gone back to normal for the average person. Unemployment has decreased by 15% since the previous year and the president's approval rating is up to a soaring 58%. After the long road to this point, Barerra genuinely discusses the idea of taking a well-earned short vacation to see his wife and children in Spain. Vice President Vega would be more than capable of handling affairs while he's away. At this point no one would begrudge the president a rest...

As for other news, the Director of the Leyte Internal Security Service, Emilio Salazaar, gives a televised address on the state of affairs regarding domestic concerns of late...

Through a combination of the Service's actions and the administration's policies, support on the island for the communist protestors has all but evaporated as workers return to their jobs...

Known agitators have been arrested, and after obtaining credible leads a number of their funders have been arrested too. Many high-profile businessmen are discovered to be part of the plot and are either arrested or brought in for questioning by police...

Meanwhile a sore spot of talks between the Confederacy and the Philippines has been the release of POWs. The two parties had agreed on a deadline of February 28th to release their POWs, though the Philippines has been dragging their feet for some time. Despite this, the Confederacy decides to pull a publicity stunt by releasing the two Bronco pilots who had been captured toward the beginning of the war. They're hoping this move will garner international sympathies and paint the Philippines in a negative light...


Panaon Island, South of Leyte...
In the south on Panaon the advance is making rapid progress. By mid-month the Confederate Armed Forces have advanced halfway down the island to the city of San Francisco. Charlie Company from the 4th Recon Battalion ranges ahead in their Cadillac Commandos, rolling with their lights blacked out and their thermals on during the dark to remain concealed as they spot targets for mortars and frigate strikes...
The strategy of air assault units grabbing important intersections before linking up with the motorized infantry proves successful as each city falls one by one, before long the troops find themselves at the final stronghold of Pintuyan. Top brass estimates the last major pockets of resistance on Panaon should be mopped up by next month...

Elsewhere on Leyte...
Both the civilian sector and the military sector continue to grow in the Confederacy. Its goal of restoring hospitals and emergency services in major cities has been realized, and now it turns to establishing medical clinics in rural areas...

The Confederate Air Wing takes to converting two of the C-130s purchased from the PSA into gunships, while the Ground Branch raises up more recruits, boosing the overall numbers of the Confederate Armed forces to near 20,000 troops...

As the raids to the south continue the LISS is hard at work unraveling the web of crime on the island. A break comes when they manage to capture a non-local working with the jihadists, an ex-Iranian special forces member who has been helping run guns into the country. The jihadists grow their narcotics and sell them off, then use the money to buy weapons to harass the government. The man will have to be questioned further to see how much deeper this lead goes...

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Lt. Coetzee dreamt peacefully into the night. He could never remember much in his dreams, but one always stuck with him: a warm Friday night several years ago, sitting at a pub with his friends, the men he graduated basic training with. He could almost taste the beer, feel the pride of being accepted into the Sinesean Army that permeated the table that night. It was one of his happiest memories. This time, however, his dream was permeated with a gentle thumping sound. Each time he heard it, he asked his friends, but they just kept talking like nothing was happening.

His eyes gradually opened. “Damnit,” he thought. “I’m not going back to sleep anytime soon.”

He tried to close his eyes - and the thumping sound persisted.



Anna stood outside, trying to make sense of the soldiers screaming and the smoke rising in the distance. She worried she had forgotten about some training exercise - most of the village's residents were Army reservists, including her and her husband. Just then, a Sinesean Army jeep was knocked off the road by a massive explosion - an artillery strike that landed almost in their front yard.

Pieter rushed down the stairs, frantically putting on his army gear. "What the fuck is going on?"
"There's explosions all around, I think it's Zimbabwe."

"There's no way, they told about the artillery exercises, there's no way, there's no way" Pieter frantically repeated, trying to make sense of what was going on as he was talking.
"Anna, get the kids in the basement and stay with them."
"What? No, I'm coming with you!"


"Come on, Anna, I - we need to - we don't know - Anna please just stay with the fucking kids!"

"I'm in the Army too, I'm coming!"

"And what happens if something happens to me? What happens if we're being invaded, what abo-"



"Mum, what's going on?"

"Mumma? Daddy?"


"MUMMA?!? DADDY?!?!"


"MUMMY WAKE UP! PLEASE! DADDY WAKE UP!" The little boy screamed.

His parents did not move.

"MUMMY! DADDY!" His screams turned into tears, as the shouts of soldiers outside turned into a blur of noise.




In other news, the National Army conducted an pre-scheduled artillery training exercise early into the morning of the 14 of April, in order to maintain combat readiness. This is after several incursions into Zimbabwean border regions by Sinesean soldiers, in flagrant violation of our territorial sovereignty. The Ancambeist Government has protested any response to ensure the safety of Zimbabwean citizens, despite its clearly provocative actions. Officials in Pierresburg have been notified several times previously of the scheduled artillery exercises. The Commander of the Zimbabwe National Army has once again committed that the people of Zimbabwe will always be protected against harm by any foreign aggressors.

March 15th
In the wake of multiple secessions and armed conflicts, it has been made evidently clear that North America has fallen far from where it stood a mere decade ago. The fledgling West Coast nation, the Pacific States, has managed to prosper under these less-than-ideal circumstances. The Rust Belt, free from the United States and under the wings of the American Worker's Commonwealth, has turned into a socialist utopia. New England, too, has left the United States in its rear-view mirror.

In the wake of the breakaways, the United States has undergone a significant shift in its political structure. The military, once seen as a protector of democracy and the American way of life, has become increasingly powerful, with the government serving as little more than a puppet regime for the generals and admirals who control the armed forces.
This shift has been fueled by a sense of fear and uncertainty in the face of multiple crises. The rise of extremist groups, the breakdown of the global economy, and the threat of war with foreign powers have all contributed to a feeling of instability and chaos. In this environment, many Americans have come to see the military as the only institution capable of providing security and stability.

Unsurprisingly, this shift in sentiment has paved the way for democratic institutions to be undermined by the once renowned institution. The military high command has all but rejected the President's authority, as Presidents that refuse to fall in line with the policies proposed by the military get the axe. All this considered, it should come as no surprise that the US has had 5 Presidents since the Pacific States' secession, a sobering indication of how the office of President of the United States has diminished, both in executive authority and renown, instead becoming an office now seen as corrupt and cursed.

Not everyone is happy with this state of affairs. There are those who believe that the military's dominance is a threat to democracy and the rule of law. They see the puppet government as a betrayal of the ideals that the United States was founded upon. Against this backdrop, leaders from the Pacific States of America and the United States of America have begun meeting to discuss what the future of North America may hold.

The pinnacle of these discussions is the upcoming state visit of U.S. President McKinley to the Pacific States on March 25th, the first state visit by a U.S. President since the PSA's secession. Accompanying McKinley, a sizeable delegation of the U.S. Congress.

March 17th

President McKinley disembarks Air Force One as he and his delegation arrive in Sacramento.

President McKinley, flanked by his USSS detail, navigates through the Pacific States Congress.

P.S. President Emilia Park and U.S. President Charles McKinley with their respective delegations, discussing the future of America.

March 31st

What many Americans may have thought to be an early Aprils-fools joke, has somehow turned into reality. After weeks of intense politicking, President McKinley's visit to the P.S. has resulted in talks of reunification between the Pacific States of America and the United States of America going from a mere fever-dream to a principle agreement. President Park is expected to present the agreement to the P.S. congress in the upcoming days after which, if passed, it will be presented to the U.S. congress by both Park and McKinley during an upcoming state visit.

P.S. President Emilia Park and U.S. President Charles McKinley moments after making the announcement.

April 2nd

The Executive en-route to Langley Air Force Base.

The Executive after landing at Langley Air Force Base.

April 3rd

President Park's motorcade arrives at the U.S. Capitol in anticipation of a historic day.

April 10th

The never-ending nightmare has finally concluded. The agreement, much to the surprise of political watchdogs and reddit pessimists, passed both the U.S. house and senate with resounding success. A joint PS-US committee has been established to re-evaluate, amend and combine the constitutions of both the PS and US. As written in the agreement, the Pacific States will formally reunify with the United States on May 1st, when the Pacific States will cease to exist as an independent nation. Also on the agenda is the executive situation; a situation that will most likely be temporarily resolved by a congressional vote to determine the next President to serve until at least the next election.

Border Station New Mexico - Texas; a P.S. soldier poses with a U.S. Army Ranger after hearing the news.

April 30th, Camp Pendleton

The flag of the Pacific States is lowered for the last time.

Time will only tell what the future holds.
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0445, Daniel Z. Romualdez International Airport, Tacloban City...
With things having been relatively peaceful within the Confederacy's borders, channels have been opened with neighboring nations in the region and beyond. It's agreed upon by exporters from Japan, South Korea, the United States and UAC to hold an arms expo in Tacloban City. Potential Confederate buyers will be putting on various military demonstrations in the hopes of striking a sales deal with one or more of the foreign exporters. The attendees begin touching down as early as 0300 and continue to arrive long into the early morning hours...

0523, South Real St...
Tacloban City is abuzz with the sounds of police escorts shepherding VIPs back and forth from DZR International. Officers from both Tacloban City Metropolitan Police and the National Police Force have been called in to pull security. It's been many years since the streets of Tacloban have seen this sort of police presence, most citizens saying they haven't felt this safe since before the civil war...

0555, Tacloban Astrodome...
Most of the attendees have arrived by now. Unbeknownst to them a few more guests not on the register will be showing up...
Armed Man: "It's time. Everyone knows their jobs, we have 10 minutes to pull this off. Don't fuck it up."

The men don masks and dismount from the back of a parked delivery van. They ready their weapons as they move toward the entrance of the Astrodome...

The group moves inside after gunning down a few civilians and police outside the front door. Once in they shoot two more police before fanning out to round up the panicking attendees. They move through the various halls and conference rooms of the center, making sure no one is able to hide away...

However before they can sweep the upper floor bathrooms, one frightened guest hiding in a stall manages to get a call off to emergency services...

0649, LISS Tacloban Headquarters...
After city police receive the initial call, it is passed on to the LISS where a frantic agent brings the news to Lieutenant Rosario...
Agent: "Lieutenant! Sir we got multiple calls that just came in from TCMP, reports of multiple automatic weapons fire inside the Tacloban Astrodome. Unknown number of suspects inside, it seems like they've cut all the CCTV feeds inside the center so we can't get eyes on them. Local and National police have already cordoned off the area and sealed off any potential means of exit for the suspects."
Lt Rosario: "Alright, prep a chopper for me, I wanna be on-scene for any further developments. Tell Sergeant Garcia to meet me on the helipad in 10 minutes."

Lt Rosario and Sgt Garcia arrive at the Astrodome and immediately demand to see the officer in charge of the situation. They're immediately taken to one Captain Ernesto Juan-Valdez who fills them in on the situation...
Cpt Valdez: "So we've sealed off the maintenance tunnels below the Astrodome, all main surface streets have checkpoints every few blocks and we've got overlapping foot patrols in all directions. We haven't heard any demands from these guys yet but we've been trying to establish contact for about an hour now."

Little do they know that inside the Astrodome the assailants are preparing to put the second part of their plan into motion. The hostages are wired with explosive vests and moved to different rooms of the convention center. Once they're ready, the leader of the group has his men ready a camera so that he may make their demands known finally. Whether they succeed or fail, they'll make sure this is a day the Confederacy will never forget...

To Be Continued...
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With the Pacific States of America’s recent reunification into the USA, the government of the UAC has begun debating whether they should follow suit. However, despite the efforts of PSA’s President Park - herself generally well-liked in the UAC - to spread a sense of American unity, the general distrust towards the US federal government as a whole has not been greatly decreased. This, combined with the changes already being made - the United Atlantic Commonwealth Authority has been finally organized into permanent directorates - led President Hailey to announce at a speech at Harvard University that the UAC will not rejoin the United States for the foreseeable future.

An excerpt from President Hailey's speech:
The American federal colossus has proven, time and time again, to be not only incapable of preserving the rights and liberties of the American people but to be the antithesis of liberty and civil rights. There is no government nor congress that can better lead the people of New England than the people themselves. Entrusting an overburdened, overstretched and overreaching federal government with the rights endowed upon us by nature and by God, after we have so daringly ripped them away from the hands of the rich, the powerful and the corrupt - that would be akin to giving the Devil the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. That is not to say that we do not trust the members of the new American administration - I cannot stress enough my respect for Presidents Park and McKinley, and the bold move they have made in surrendering their individual power in favor of reunification of their realms. But I am, above all else, a servant of the people of New England and New Jersey - and they have made their choices heard, loud and clear. We will control our own destiny, neither bending our knee to a foreign power nor demanding it from others.

The Directorate of Commerce has been hard at work revitalizing the economy of New England and New Jersey. The strategy being used is one of “positive non-interventionism” inspired by places such as Hong Kong - these include decreasing restrictions on the flow of capital into the Commonwealth, and lowering income taxes on small businesses, middle and lower class individuals. After the economic collapse, the UAC has sought to make the Boston Stock Exchange a major center for financial services in North America.

Wary of the economic inequality present in the United States before the 2008 economic collapse, the DOC’s policies are far from laissez-faire hyper-capitalism - the government has implemented significant taxes of the top 1% richest individuals and corporate profits, and invested the money into infrastructure and education. The government has also increased funding for research and development in critical industries, mainly computer, electrical and chemical engineering. Port facilities and shipping are also slated for increased funding.

The UAC-flagged container ship "MV Skidbladnir" arriving at the Port Newark-Elizabeth Marine Terminal

The Directorate of the Armed Forces has announced the first major steps towards modernizing and standardizing the military of the UAC. Starting January of next year, all soldiers of the Atlantic Commonwealth Army, Atlantic Commonwealth Air and Space Force (a combination of the US Air Force and Space Force branches), and the Atlantic National Guard (Commonwealth Guard was proposed and rejected), will field the new Standard Combat Uniforms, printed with Atlantic Operational Camouflage Pattern - the UAC's version of the Multicam Tropic pattern.

The DAF has announced that a major evaluation of inherited US Armed Forces small arms, heavy weapons, gear and vehicles is underway; the results of the study should be available in the coming months.
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08:00, May 1st, Camp Pendleton, California

The flag of the United States is raised once again.

10:32, May 1st, U.S. Capitol Building, Washington, D.C.

A major issue that emerged in the wake of the reunfication of the Pacific States and United States was the Executive situation. In order to resolve this aforementioned issue, lawmakers proposed modifying and invoking the 12th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, empowering the House to elect the next President of the United States. In accordance with the modified amendment, a contingent election was to be scheduled to take place during a extraordinary session of a joint P.S.-U.S. Congress.

Leading up to the contingent election, both candidates opened public interaction platforms to inform and spread awareness to the American populace. Facing heavy scrutiny amid many controversies and accusations of potential ties to the now well-documented corrupt military leadership, U.S. President McKinley announced his withdrawal from the contingent election shortly before the House vote - leaving P.S. President Park as the sole candidate for the Presidency. With McKinley withdrawing and no new candidates stepping forward, Park "ran" unopposed and was elected by Congress as the 50th President of the United States. After much further debate, May 1st, symbolically also Law Day, was chosen as the day and date for the impending inauguration.

The Presidential motorcade arrives at the west facade of the U.S. Capitol Building.

President-elect Park is sworn in as the 50th President of the United States of America.

14:06, May 1st, The White House, Washington, D.C.

President Park speaks with Charles McKinley outside the Oval Office as he says goodbye to the White House.

13:27, May 14th, Oval Office, Washington, D.C.

President Edward Hailey of the United Atlantic Commonwealth was welcomed to the White House today as the first head of state to visit the United States under its new administration. Aside from the expected pleasantries and forced smiles for the various press teams, meaningful progress was made related to an initiative initially proposed to the now-defunct Pacific States of America; the Twin Oceans Center for Science and Technology. The TOCST, now simply the North American Center for Science and Technology, will build on the few foundational blocks that were already laid down by the original proponents mere months ago.
President Park and President Hailey together in the Oval Office.

01:12, Pennington County, South Dakota

A gruesome discovery has rocked the county of Pennington as County Sheriff deputies, upon responding to an emergency call, uncovered a mass grave at the Black Hills National Forest. We will have more for you as this story develops.

The United Atlantic Commonwealth’s Directorate of the Armed Forces has made significant efforts towards the standardization and modernization of the military’s weapons, gear and vehicles. After testing various different assault and battle rifles, such as the XM8, Steyr AUG, and HK416, alongside the current standard issue M4 carbine, the DAF has determined that there is no significant benefit to be had by replacing the M4, which will remain the standard service rifle of the Atlantic Commonwealth Armed Forces.

Various assault rifles in testing by the Atlantic Commonwealth Army at Camp Edwards, Massachusetts
However, the DAF has decided the UAC’s armored warfare and combined arms capabilities were in need of upgrades. The two main areas of focus were main battle tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. After significant testing, and consultation with various armored warfare experts, the DAF announced that it would be phasing out the venerable M1 Abrams MBT and M2 Bradley IFVs.
On August 23, the DAF finally revealed the new main battle tank of the United Atlantic Commonwealth - the Type 1 “Norman” MBT - a locally produced variant of the experimental Challenger 3. Named after Trenton-born General Norman Schwarzkopf, who commanded US forces during Operation Desert Storm and oversaw the American armored victory at the Battle of 73 Eastings, the prototype of the tank, dubbed the “Stormin’ Norman”, was revealed at the New Haven Arms Exhibition, where it was demonstrated in a driving and shooting test.

The "Stormin' Norman" prototype of the Type 1 Norman MBT, showcased at the New Haven Arms Exhibition. The New England Armaments Company Public Relations Officer, Martin McMichaels, was criticized for not washing the tank after its live driving showcase the previous day - McMichaels defended his decision, saying "this is a tank - no one cares about it looking pretty, they care about knowing it can get dirty and still function"
Also revealed at the arms exhibition was the Type 2 “Viking” infantry fighting vehicle - a locally produced variant of the Swedish CV90. Both the Norman and the Viking will be produced by the New England Armaments Company, and will feature upgraded computers, engines and sensors.

The prototype Type 2 Viking and Stormin' Norman during the live driving event on the penultimate day of the New Haven Arms Exhibition
The Directorate of Health Services has announced that the United Atlantic Commonwealth would begin the implementation of a single payer healthcare system and phasing out the private healthcare system inherited from the United States. The new “Commonwealth Care” healthcare will be implemented fully by January 2025, according to DHS director Dr. Riya Kulkarni.

While relations with the NUSA have only improving since independence, relations with the American Workers Commonwealth have been poor. While acknowledging the UAC as an independent state, the AWC has decried it as “simply another flavor of capitalist oppression” that is functionally no different than the USA, and has refused to work together to implement trade deals, resolve border disputes or commit to defense agreements.
The UAC has enacted several policies meant to prevent the Red American state from gaining any sort of advantage against the Americans or Atlantic Americans. Red Americans who flee the Workers Commonwealth are given expedited paths to citizenship, especially those who hold advanced degrees and work experience. Most damaging of all, the UAC and USA have pulled almost the entirety of capital from banks located in the AWC, and placed trade embargoes on vital technologies including microprocessors, leading to a catastrophic hit to the Red American economy.

An ACA AH-1Z Viper attack helicopter patrolling the New York-Vermont section of the UAC-AWC border. Dude to the length of the border between the two states during the region's time under both the USA and UAC, as well as the rapid pace of independence of both nations, the border between the Atlantic and Red Americans remains poorly defended and monitored, with the Atlantic Commonwealth Army and Atlantic Commonwealth Air and Space Forces diverting significant manpower to air patrols, in order to detect military or covert incursions and to spot Red Americans attempting to defect

December, Russia, Irkutsk Oblast...

With the outbreak of war in the far east, many radical groups have taken the opportunity to rise up against their Russian masters. One such faction is an exclave of radical muslim undesirables from China, Russia and other central Asian countries. Located around Lake Baikal in the Irkutsk Oblast, these secessionists bid their time and waited for when the Russians would be most distracted to make their move. Only in December, after months of bitter fighting between the FEA and Russia, have they decided to finally announce their secession. They have taken to calling their new territory "The Islamic Republic of Baikal."
Flag of Baikal
All around Lake Baikal, a number of sleepy Rosgvardia posts awake to find their perimeters being breached by large numbers of armed combatants. Supported by mortars and technicals, the attackers overran the positions before an effective defense could be mounted. Videos of hostages are taken soon after and released to major Russian media outlets (though it's debatable whether the government won't just cover them up or not)
Having seized many key roads in the area, Republican troops begin to set up road blocks as the bulk of their forces converge on the city of Irkutsk itself. While the chaos around the lake unfolds, a few platoons of Republican spetsnaz make their way across the highlands to cut off major enemy logistics chains and prevent reinforcements from moving into the oblast at an overwhelming rate.

Aiding in the effort are scores of volunteers from other Islamic countries such as Syria and Afghanistan, bringing much-needed combat experience to the green Republican troops.
Despite no major engagements having taken place yet, Republican anti-air systems have managed to down a few Rosgvardia helicopters. So far they've been effective protecting the armored columns moving toward the city of Irkutsk, though that's liable to change once the Russian military mounts a proper response. Many units find it extremely slow-going, as the winter conditions make it impossible to move along anything other than marked roads without special equipment. This leads to many miles-long traffic jams where military and civilian vehicles alike are stuck in the gridlock.
With Baikal's plight becoming known to the larger muslim world over the weeks, even larger news networks have started to air pieces on the situation. Many argue for the declaration of a jihad and call on all true muslims to do their part, while other parties call for less overt confrontation that could drag other nations unnecessarily into the conflict.
Either way, MEMRI TV as usual produces truly epic content on the situation.

"You filthy dog. I should beat you with my shoe for such blasphemy!"
"Gentlemen please, try to keep it civi-"
"You're not fit to scrape the dog feces off the bottom of a true muslim's shoe! You shame Allah with your foolishness!"


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