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Realistic or Modern Espionage Wars V10: Aurora Epoch


New Member
Hotter than Texas during a heat wave...
Livelier than Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign...
Colder than a Moscow outhouse...
Fresher than a TikTok Alpha Male's collection of black t-shirts...



What is Espionage Wars?
Espionage Wars is a roleplaying game where you control one or multiple factions - they can be nations, cults, businesses, PMCs, mercenary groups, etc. - and have them interact with the rest of the world. You can have your faction create alliances, form trade deals, control internal policy or fight wars with other players or NPC factions. You tell your faction’s story by creating pics using the Source engine (Garry’s Mod, SFM, etc.) or Blender.

What is Aurora Epoch?
Aurora Epoch is the newest stage of Espionage Wars, set in an alternate reality where global communications and technology were drastically curtailed by a geomagnetic storm. Players now have the opportunity to think of new and unique factions, with a wide breadth of differing technology and cultures


Useful links

We have our own Google map! Check it out over here: Espionage Wars Global Map
We have our own Espionage Wars Wiki! Check it out over here: Espionage Wars Wiki
We have our own Deviantart group! Check it out over here: Espionage Wars Deviantart Group
We have our own Discord server! Check it out over here (This is a must-join if you plan on playing EW!): Discord Invitation

Previous Threads
Espionage Wars V1
Espionage Wars V2
Espionage Wars V3
Espionage Wars V4
Espionage Wars V5
Espionage Wars V6
Espionage Wars V7
Espionage Wars V8
Espionage Wars V9

Espionage Wars is focused on faction building RP based on creating pics with the Source Engine. You must create pics in order to play the game. Here are some helpful tutorials on Source engine lighting, as well as links to download Garry’s Mod and Source Filmmaker.

Lighting Tutorials
Ninya's Basic Four Point Lighting Tutorial
Olmate Ubafest's Gmod Soft Lamps Lighting Tutorial

Store page links
Garry's Mod
Source Filmmaker

Click the hyperlink to the wiki page below to check out the rules, please do this semi-frequently. If you have any questions about the rules ask the Game Masters or myself.

Espionage Wars Rules

Rules are subject to change

These guys control NPC factions, provide general support regarding the game, Help out the OP (Me) with the rules and decisions, and can answer any of your questions.


System Operator - TheFrostBible (Helps maintain the Wikia, Discord, Deviantart group and map)


Faction Name
Faction Alignment and/or mission (Very Chaotic-Chaotic-Chaotic Evil-Neutral-Neutral Good-Good-Very Good)
A few images of your faction (they can be whatever you want to show)
Map image of your faction's starting territory
(OPTIONAL) Picture of your faction's leader

Belgica - TheFrostBible
Children of God -ANIMAL MOTHER
Confederacy of Leyte - Rowboat Girlyman
Essequibo - Rowboat Girlyman
Federal Republic of Germany - Albino
Federation of Ireland - Komrade Matt
Getania - Josef
Independent Republic of Cascadia - Neptune
NUSA - TheFrostBible
Kergikstan - FBISWATGUY
Kingdom of Helvetia - Alyx
People's Republic of Poland - OutlandSpecialist
Sagittarius Group - RobotHunter
Soviet Union
Tatar Crimean People's Republic of Crimea - Grunstala
Tchvonian People's Republic of Tchvonia- Tbone
Trotsland - Brologna
United Cities of Scandinavia - MisterSpooks
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On July 20, 1969, the Apollo 11 mission would land men on the moon for the first time in human history.
It would prove the final highlight of human civilization before the world as everyone knew it came to an end.

September 19th, 1971

"And where were you the night of August 20, 1969, Mr. Davids?"

"Af-after I uh microphone screech -"


"Sorry, after my team observed the solar flare that afternoon I logged it and submitted a report to the department head. Then when the day was done I drove home."

"That's it? This massive solar flare larger than any you've ever seen and you just go home?"

"Solar flares are fairly regular occurrences, Senator, besides logging it for further research no precautions are generally considered necessary. It's very, very rare for one to actually impact the Earth's atmosphere."

"Ok. Please continue."

"At dinner my wife Elizabeth wanted me to explain how solar flares work, so, uh I just started going into detail about, you know, when charged particles interact with the plasma that’s present in layers in the sun’s, uh plasma layers. The sun’s magnetic field is more active in certain spots, when these sunspots get unstable they’ll release electromagnetic particles at the speed of light -

"Can you speak English?"

"Yes that's exactly what Elizabeth said!"

"No, I'm telling you, speak English, Mr. Davids."

"Ok, right, I'm sorry. Basically when the sun's plasma becomes unstable it'll eject huge portions of matter out into space. Normally they just miss the Earth's, but it is theoretically possible for the particles to impact the Earth's atmosphere. When this happens, their magnetic fields generates an electromagnetic current."

Senator Carmichael interrupts him. "And when that electric current interacts with machinery ..."


Terrence Davids pauses. "Our power went out at 7:09pm. Lizzie thought someone blew a fuse in our building, but I think that's when I thought about the solar flare. When we heard our neighbors outside, we went out and ..."

"And what, Mr. Davids?"


"That's when we saw the aurora"

"And you couldn't see any building within a few miles that had power, correct?"

"That's right."

"You later consulted with a second scientist to confirm your findings, correct?"

"That's right, Dr. Nikolai Tsoilkovsky, Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics in Moscow."

Another senator bursts out as the room is clearly unsettled. "I'm sorry, what the hell were you doing talking to Soviet scientists, Mr. Davids?"

"It's regular for the American and Soviet scientific communities to share findi-"

"You know after you failed to warn anyone about even the potential dangers this solar flare could have cau-"

"DECORUM! Senator Richards please allow Mr. Davids to finish his testimony!"

"Thank you, Senator Carmichael. We determined that the epicenter for the solar flare's impact had to have been Subsaharan Africa. For a solar flare to have caused auroras in New Jersey where my wife and I could see them, you can imagine that any important infrastructure connected to the power grid would have been severely damaged"


Lünen Power Station, West Germany

"Otto, disconnect your generators!"

"What, what are you talking about?"

"Just do it, fucking disconnect everything, we just lost two stations down -"


"Or completely destroyed."

"Yeah that's, that's right, Senator."

A U.S. Army general interrupts. "Dr. Davids may I ask you a question."

"Of course, sir."

"So it's been about two years since the, uh, DT Event, I think we're calling it. And we still are re-establishing power in parts of this country. When exactly do you think the world will be back to working condition, I mean pre-August 1969 levels of working condition."

Terrence Davids sits quietly for a minute. The question was one that he dreaded to even think about, but he couldn't lie. Now was not the time for false hope.

"For the U.S., probably at least another year. For Western Europe, 2-3 years. For the Warsaw Pact nations and Japan, a decade. And for the Third World ..."


"Dr. Davids?"

"Frankly I don't think we will ever fully recover from this. We are living in an entirely different world than before."

The year is 2024

Global infrastructure and communications have only recently begun to be re-established

Much of the world as you knew continues to suffer dictatorship or anarchy

Megacorporations enact free reign over much of the world's resources, bringing riches to a few, and poverty and environmental collapse to millions

This world was not meant for you

So how will you make it yours?


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Faction Type - Megacorporation/Private Military Company

Faction HQ - Nicosia, Cyprus

Faction Leader - Jean-Martin Arceneaux

What became Sagittarius Group started in 1901 as Compagnie des mines de Calais (Calais Mining Company), founded by Michel Jacquard. CMC was eventually bought out by François Arceneaux, CEO of Arceneaux Holdings, ownership of which eventually passed to his son Jean-Martin. Following the DT Event, Arceneaux Holdings capitalized on the instability and resource necessities around the world, especially in the Third World, in order to become one of the world’s largest mining corporations. Under Jean-Martin, Arceneaux Holdings greatly expanded its area of operations, expanding from mining to science and technology, R&D and agriculture. After purchasing the Belgian private military company Black Eagle, Arceneaux officially rebranded as Sagittarius Group.

Sagittarius Group has been accused by numerous governments, activists and NGOs of exploitative business practices, intimidation, and unnecessary violence. Of particular concern for many was Jean-Martin's noted expansion of operations into North and Central Africa, decried by many as a neo-colonialist venture. Arceneaux fought back against such accusations, saying that GS was a major factor in bringing stability back to a region that had been plagued by chaos and strife for decades following the Davids-Tsoilkovsky Event. Groupe Sagittaire currently acts as a significant component of policing operations for several large North African cities, the primary being Algiers.

The mercenaries of the Sagittarius Group use primarily French equipment and weapons. The main service weapon for GS contractors currently is the Manurhin MR-73 revolver. Typical Sagittaire squads consist of 4-5 soldiers equipped with revolvers, led by a rifleman equipped with a FAMAS assault rifle. Additional weaponry, such as shotguns (primarily the Mossberg 500), sniper rifles (FR F2 or Remington 700) and machine guns (primarily the CETME Ameli) are allocated depending on necessity. Beyond the standard private soldiers, Sagittaire also maintains a elite division known as "Hannibal Group" (JM Arceneaux is a noted admirer of the ancient Carthaginian Empire), used primarily for VIP escort services, recognizable by their distinctive black uniforms

Sagittarius Group mercenaries on patrol in the city of Algiers

Jean-Martin Arceneaux, CEO of Groupe Sagittaire

An official from Arceneaux Mining (one of Groupe Sagittarie's primary mining company holdings) observing a platinum mine in Central Africa
The (New) United States of America


Capital City - Washington, D.C., United States

Leadership - President Emilia Park​

The United States of America is a country primarily located in North America consisting of 50 states, a federal district, five major unincorporated territories, nine Minor Outlying Islands, and 326 Indian reservations. It is the world's third-largest country by both land and total area. It shares land borders with Canada to its north and with Mexico to its south and has maritime borders with the Bahamas, Cuba, Soviet Union, and other nations. With a population of over 340 million, it is the most populous country in the Americas and the third most populous in the world.

The United States faced turmoil and the possibility of a southern secession for the first time since the Civil War in the 70s, as scandals uncovered during Richard Nixon's presidency shook and tested the resolve and very foundation of the U.S.'s constitution and democracy. Nixon's handling and subsequent suppression of the attempted insurrection resulted in impeachment proceedings and subsequently, Nixon's resignation. His successor, Gerald R. Ford, faced similar scrutiny and resigned the office as well, leaving Robert Gallagher to fulfill the term as successor. A constitutional reform committee was established in the wake of the political mayhem of the 70s, championed by President Gallagher.

In the following decades, the U.S. thrived and has continued to thrive well into the 21st century. Expanding on the Medicaid, Medicare and Great Society programs championed by Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson respectively, universal healthcare was fully rolled out and introduced in 1984. Today the United States ranks as one of the world's most developed countries in terms of economy and international rankings. It ranks among the highest in the world in the international measures of human development, income, wealth, economic competitiveness, productivity, innovation, human rights, and education. The United States is a founding member of the Columbia Accords, a military alliance and the de-facto successor to NATO. Together with its allies, the US battles Soviet and wider communist influence over the globe.

President-elect Park takes the oath of office
Marines conducting amphibious exercises at Parris Island
U.S. Navy fighters intercept a Soviet MIG violating U.S. airspace
U.S. Army conducting PATRIOT exercises
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Welcome back to the Confederacy of Visayas (formerly known as the Leyte Confederacy)
( feel free to read back through the previous thread if you're not familiar with the lore)

Formally declaring independence on June 24 of 2021, The Confederacy of Visayas consists of the majority of territory that made up the Visayas region in the Philippines. Having fought a brutal war of independence for four long years against the Filipino government, the Confederacy finally managed to win sovereignty with the clandestine support of the NUSA. Over the years they've fought a series of on and off wars with their Filipino neighbors and the various Islamic movements throughout the archipelago. As of 2025 the Confederacy exists in a state of relative peace, having stabilized the borders between themselves and the Philippines and destroying or capturing most of the jihadists. They have formally been a member of the Columbia Accords since December 28, 2023.

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General Ignacio Cordoba, supreme commander of the Confederate Armed Forces (left); President Constantino Malik Sinagtala Barerra (right) circa 2022.

Confederate Armed Forces performing training maneuvers circa 2023.

(actual content coming soon)

The Independent Republic of Cascadia (IRC)


Capital City:
Vancouver (Former British Columbia)

Leadership: Richard Becker - Executive Minister

The Independent Republic of Cascadia (also known as the Cascadian Republic, or simply Cascadia to locals), is a breakaway/separatist state formed from a number of western Canadian provinces. Following the Davids-Tsiolkovsky Event of 1969, the Canadian government enacted a series of Emergency Powers Acts in an attempt to counteract the devastating effects of the solar flare event. These laws severely limited civil liberties, turned control of the Canadian economy over to government authorities, and rescinded constitutional guarantees. Wide-scale protests and anti-government insurrection movements erupted in response, many of which were put down with ruthless violence. Canadian officials argued that such drastic measures were necessary; prior to the DT Event, much of Canada's economy and infrastructure relied heavily on international trade agreements and partnerships. With the world in chaos, nations were forced to fend for themselves.


The Kamloops Massacre, 17 April 1981: Protestors flee from Canadian military and police authorities after shots ring out. 114 civilians would be killed and at least 300 wounded. The incident would spark nation-wide insurrection movements across Canada, and become the rallying cry for the IRC.

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A contingent of IRC militants, May 1986. Many of Cascadia's founding members have roots in the early resistance movement.

The ensuing crackdowns and use of the Canadian military to put down unrest quickly led to uprisings and revolts throughout the country. Most were quickly dismantled and destroyed, though anti-government sentiment persisted in the form of guerilla attacks, kidnappings, bombings, and assassinations. In September of 1991, the Independent Republic of Cascadia declared themselves a sovereign nation and seized control of strategic ports and infrastructure in the Vancouver area, as well as launching attacks into surrounding provinces. Stretched thin by years of counter-insurgent warfare, a crippled economy, and overwhelming opposition by the population at large, the Canadian government's attempts to retake the area claimed by the IRC were met with failure. Establishing a foothold on the western coast of Canada and taking advantage of their support amongst dissatisfied citizens, the IRC quickly pushed east to gain more territory. The conflict, which would come to be known as the Cascadian War of Independence, would last until 1997 when a shaky ceasefire agreement was signed with the Canadian government. By that time the IRC had expanded their claim to the north as far as Whistler Mountain, and east to the Similkameen river.

In 2002 a series of border clashes led to hostilities resuming between the IRC and Canadian troops. With their military being a mere shadow of their former selves by this point in time, the economy in shambles and public support at an all-time low, Canadian forces found themselves being slowly but steadily pushed back to the east. While IRC leadership celebrated these victories, the resumption of armed conflict has created new problems for the fledgling republic. Refugees flee areas impacted by the fighting, often south towards the United States. There are also allegations that mega-corporations have begun funding the IRC in exchange for mineral rights and shipping lane access, though Cascadian officials deny this claim.

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IRC troops prepare for a patrol along the Cascadia/US border. Tensions have been growing between the two nations regarding the ongoing influx of refugees fleeing south into the United States.

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