ESCAPE: Experimental Special Containment Act of Protecting Earth.

Nova relieved Venn of the box, feeling much more comfortable with her working on the computer rather than him, afterall, it's what she did most of her life as it was. It didn't take her expert hands long to attach the device according to Kai's instructions.

Once the device was securely wired in, Nova had the speakers ask "Now what" on his end, though she didn't actually speak.

"A trigger for a computer? Just what the hell was going on?" She thought to herself as she looked around at all those present in the room.

"It's connected" she responded in her strong voice again, trying to persuaded everyone that even if this didn't work, she would still make sure they found a way out somehow, even if the thought was a bit far-fetched considering she would be coming up with everything on the spot.
Kai nodded at the trigger being wired in. "Okay, I need you to unlock all the doors on this path:" A map of the facility appeared on Nova's screen, and flashing red and white was the path he was indicating. "Once you do that, tell me, this will be the last time we'll talk until we're making our last run for our escape."
Nova released her aggression against the security protocol's of the doors along the path as she commit the image to memory.

"It's done" She announced firmly before continuing. "You mean there's something ELSE that has to be done after we arrive at the location on the map? This isn't the way to the elevator?"

She didn't exactly expect it to be easy to break free of a place designed to trap them all, but then again, he certainly didn't make it seem as if it would have been this complicated at the onset.

(((btw, i've been wondering how you've been making things pop up on our screen for a while now. Are you sending it from the computer you jerry-rigged? Not nit-picking, just curious)))
Venn let Nova take the absurd box feeling better since she seemed skilled in electronics. "I'm hungry.." He went over too the middle of the room and sat. His legs crossed beneath him and he set the palms of his hands, which were covered by the scuba suit like materialized gloves, a top his knees. His eyes fluttered closed and he took in a deep breath. A loud vibration came from his stomach suddenly and he sighed. He would need too eat something soon or his stomach would give their cover away later on in the journey. Ignoring his stomach he spoke up after hearing that they would not communicate with Kai for quite some time, "Wait, if we won't be able to speak to you for awhile then what are we going to do? How do WE escape?" Venn was unsure why he hadn't questioned his trust in Kai before, the plan didn't seem, well, planned out thoroughly and he needed to make sure that their leader was stable enough too get them out of this hell hole. His eyes were still closed as he pondered wearily over Kai, but he swatted the indecisive thoughts away and just focused on the task at hand. Escaping.

​((Edit: Gotta get too bed, see you tomorrow.))

(I'm sending the things from the computer.)

(I fell asleep, but I woke up and got on to tell you guys I'm out for the night.)

Kai sighed in frustration. "Like I said, it's up to you to trust me, there is always the option of having a calm and warm discussion with the guards. Anyways, no, there's nothing more. The path you've just opened up is for me, not you. Here's your path you're taking from where you are, it'll take you straight to the elevator," another flash on the map indicated where they would be going. "If you're wondering how you're going to get passed those guards, well, don't worry about it." He looked to his left, scanning something on the wall that they couldn't see.

"Anyways, 1 minute from my mark, hit the trigger you've just installed and go into the room that the guards are in. Don't go in swinging like mad men, you won't have to worry about a thing. Just, run for a straight shot out of here, to the elevator. You can make it if you don't stop." He looked back at the thing on the wall, and sighed "It's time to get a move on. Mark." By saying 'Mark' he was signaling for them to start their minute countdown until they hit the trigger and make the run for it. As soon as he said mark, the computer they had completely went black and powered off.

Kai looked at bone guy after his business was finished. "Let's get the hell out of hell." he said, sprinting out of the door.
StealthNinja115 said:
The path you've just opened up is for me, not you...
((( could my brilliant scientist electro-master hacker inside the computer fail to see what path the doors were on T-T. Can you give hint's next time i'm in a position to know these things so I stop making her seem like an idiot on some of the obvious things?)))

StealthNinja115 said:
Okay, I need you to unlock all the doors on this path
(((Like changing the words 'on this' in this sentence to 'in my' ? She's just starting to come off as giving Kai trouble for no reason, something she wouldn't do or even want to appear as doing for fear of unnerving everyone else >_<)))

Nova's face blushed from her incompetence. Had she really allowed herself to be so caught up by emotion to lose sight of something so obvious as where the doors were, especially considering that she could see had even been presented with a map? The new map Kai had transmitted appeared along the screen on the bottom right corner as he continued to bark his orders.

"Way to blow it Trisha...calm down, deep breaths. Think clearly or YOU, not Kai, will be the one getting these people killed." She thought to herself while still watching them secretly with the camera inside the room. "​This is the final stretch Trisha...there's been a bit of stumbling with this experiment, but all that matter of the results. Get it done!"

"It's time to move on. MARK."

Within a mere nanosecond of his declaration, a brilliant blue timer replaced his image on the screen, counting down with a level of precision only required for experiments with Super-Collider's. Thin lines of electricity crawled up Nova's neck unconsciously while she continued to psyche herself up.

"This is it!" She shouted to the group, turning the face them while clutching tightly at the trigger.

"Don't fall behind, be ready for anything!" Nova continued to shout, though the instructions were meant equally for herself.

"No one is dying today....I wont allow it.." She growled in her own mind as every digit on the screen turned to blinking zero's and the light 'click' of the trigger rang through the room.

Nova wasted no time after hitting the trigger to drop it and take off into a sprint, rushing off to the front of the pack. She marveled at how much faster she was now that she wasn't abysmally low on energy. It was definitely more than was normal, almost like she was as light as air. She felt unstoppable as she charged forward, her bare feet making dull padding noises on the cold metal floor as she made her way down the hall and placed a hand upon the iron slab.

The iron barricade flew away from the wall like a bullet, leaving behind a wispy trail of sparks in it's wake. Much larger bolts rolled along Nova's outstretched palm as she pulled it back to her side and checked the progress of the others.

"None of you are dying..." she repeated in her head while she watched them catch up. "None of you..."
(For the moment, Kai and Jeremy are just running towards the elevator too. I won't be posting on Kai's behalf until you guys get to the elevator)

When Nova hit the trigger the sound of an explosion was not mistaken, when she ran out into the room, the guards were hidden under the pile of ash that covered everything. Irota followed closely behind Nova, as she was leading the group. Did Kai really do it? He thought, are we really going to get out?
(I'm just never gonna sleep again)

I nodded, finally I was gonna get out of here. I finally had a chance to clear my name soon. This was great except for the fact that we weren't out yet. I bolted out the room trying to catch up with Kai. "Ae we really getting out? Is this just some trap? I began to get worried, it was weird for some random people to just come and save us out of no where.
"Oh yay!," Esmion said cheerfully. His hair grew acted like very long spider legs and rushed along with the group. Esmion was overjoyed to know that freedom was in everyone's grasp at last. Everyone would have their lives back, and most importantly, they could perhaps make a difference in the world we live in.
ToxicCupCakez said:
(Forget my character was ever in this rp. You guys are WAY too fast for me -.-' I'm going back To HexRp.Com... Bye. >.>)
Sorry to lose you, though there appears to be plenty of slow RP's on this forum as well >_< this one just sort of screamed bullet like from the gate. As the thread maker stated earlier, we already have like 1/4th the posts of some threads that have been out for months
((I got on at the right time it seems. Lol))

Venn had heard the instructions Nova clearly shouted at them, but he was waiting patiently for the last second on the timer. He opened his eyes and stood up; patting excess dust that clung to his clothes. His eyes planted directly where the door would open and they would have to book it. "Just run Venn, run..."

The timer counted to its last second and he silently got into his running position, "5..4..3..2..1.." The door had started to slowly pull up to reveal an opening that would lead them too the elevator.

At this point Venn was deep inside his own mind and he had not been listening to Nova as intently as before. "0..." the timer blinked its last second and the metal door was gone. He focused on his superhuman speed and pumped the power into his legs. He followed behind Irota and Nova not searching the surrounding area for guards just yet.

For the whole time the escape was going on he was silently waiting for that one guard that ticked him off the most. And he was hoping he was still alive and ready for Venn to keep his promise. He promised the guard would be the first one to be killed at Venn's own hands. With thoughts of blood crowding his mind Venn smiled and continued to pump his legs.
(((There is no door opening, we're going back through the iron slab path that Nova sealed off when we entered the room in the first place Dr. Who O.o ) you didn't notice my last story post?)))

The iron slab clanged hard in the room as large pieces of the roof continued to fall around. The majority of the gaurds had been either crushed under debris, or scorched away by the explosion orchestrated by Kai's trigger mechanism.

Nova waited a moment for the others to catch up behind her, caught a little off guard by Venn's impressive speed.

"He's even faster than me...and I feel like a bullet" Nova thought to herself surprised.

The weaponry of the guards that had survived the initial encounter ripped free of their respective grasps, heading the overwhelming force of Nova's magnetism. They each turned on their former owners, threatening to fire if they so much as moved.

Once everyone was through the initial blast site, Nova sealed the entrance into the new hall with a Frankenstein-like assortment of metallic debris and started sprinting forward, carrying Irota so that he would not struggle trying to keep up with the more adult escapee's

"This way!" Nova shouted as she took a corner hard, loosing large bolts of electricity in a brilliant flash just out of view.

Gunfire started to rain from behind her, and while she had managed to rip a door free of it's hinges to serve as a shield for her and little Irota on her shoulders, she had been pinned down. That was, at least for the moment.

Nova reassured Irota, knowing that the others would soon be here to assist the both of them.


Three shell-shocked gaurds stood on alert, marching towards where the escapee's had been.

"Cant believe this sh** is really happenin'. Just what the hell were these cell's for in the damn place!" shouted one as he threw a cigarette but away into the hall

Right before their eye's a women who appeared to be a scientist sped down and made a sharp turn away from them.

"Heh...She never even checked her blindspot...OPEN FIRE" shouted the obvious team lead watching in horror as she electrified another two that had been on the opposite path.

Hearing the shouted command, the scientist suddenly turned, much faster than was humanly possible and swung her hand forcibly through the air. Moments later a near by door ripped away, taking a portion of the wall with her.

"Damn...Keep it up...we've got her locked!" shouted the lead

(((sorry for taking forever with stopped in the middle by the door)))
Esmion was so ecstatic for freedom, but they weren't out of the woods just yet. He decided to give his hair and start running to catch up with Nova and the group. He couldn't seem to get the female scientist out of his mind. He wondered if he was alright? Did she even want to be here? Would he ever see her again? "Well, I might see her again." he thought to himself.
Cato was hidden in the silence of the shadows. He was near the two people pinned, and he decided it was time to act. He had the art of surprise on his side, and so he took his bow in his right hand, and grabbed three arrows with his left. He lined up the shot, and fired. The three guards struck with the arrows dropped like flies. He then leaped up to a higher place, knocking another arrow, and taking cover. If he could yell to his allies below, he'd tell them to run, and he'd keep them covered. Which, he'll cover them anyways.

(([MENTION=3924]Doctor Who?[/MENTION] And [MENTION=3957]Pristine Dark[/MENTION]. MUTE GUY TO THE RESCUE! ))
(((To be pinned down by gunfire means it is impossible to move from the location without getting shot. I'm pinned by the three guards shooting at me. The fate of it all removed the problem though)))

The moment those three were down Nova tasked her make-shift shield to another endevour. It slammed hard into another door along our path, easily bursting through and into the other side.

Two guards behind the door found themselves crushed to the ground and pined under the doors magnetically enhanced weight. Nova ran across the door and into the room, loosing bolt after bolt at yet another door. The wooden door singed away revealing a large metal walk way suspended dozens of feet above a large thermal oxygen refresher.

Another guard that had been quickly hustling down the walkway was caught surprised by the sudden appearance. Quick on his feet, he raised his automatic rifle and began to fire and Nova spun hard to the wall, narrowly avoiding the shots.

She quickly jerked her head out of cover and again swung her arm, sending his portion of the walkway shaking wildly side to side. Finally losing his balance, he fell hard into a side rail which snapped under the force, sending him falling away into the oxygen refresher. Nova began her dash down the walk way as a set of large doors on the other-side slowly opened, revealing at least ten more, well armed military personal.

"Damn it" Nova screamed suddenly before coming to a revelation.

She jumped off the side of the walk way, holding onto the shaken Irota tightly before suddenly rising back up to walk along it's bottom, holding herself to it tightly with magnetism. She and Irota were safe, but this wouldn't last forever and there was no way to attack what she could no longer see.

Nova shouted out for assistance while she finished her run across and placed her hand on a smooth amber light designed to illuminate the long way down to the oxygen refresher. It took only a few moments to hack into the system and open the door's behind the gaurds, now if only there was a way to get there...

(((An oxygen refresher is a device designed to...well...make oxygen. The one they would use in such a large building is a thermal version, so think a large bowl of lava below the walkway and you wont be far off)))
Cato saw her movement, and followed her, taking the high path, and wen they reached the walked way, he was on the railing. His balance was more than perfect, and the fact that he was still shooting guards with arrows just proved that he had skill. He stopped beside her, looking down at the oxygen refresher. He knew that there was a way down, but it was risky, and he might now be coming back. So, he looked at her, and smiled a little. Then, he realized something. He walked to a dead guard, and grabbed a rope by him, then walked back to Nova, fastening the rope to an arrow. He fired it into a wall near the oxygen refresher, and then tied to rope to part of the walk way. He pulled out a random piece of paper, and wrote these words.

"I'm going to rappel down, and try to disable it, unless that is not in your wishes," Was what he wrote, and he stood there, waiting her reply. He also knew, that, if it does what he thinks it will, this will be his last act of honor.

(( Cato is brave, yes, and great with his bow. He's smart, so, this is something he'd figure out. ))
Evelynn watched as people quickly sped past her, noticing how fast Venn and Nova were and mentally cursing her researchers. She was never trained for so much physical exercise, even though she was fit by practicing with her rapier. Running was something she had never had to do. So it was only normal that she would fall behind. She simply did not predict that she would fall behind by so much. She allowed her cells to speed up metabolism for bursts of energy, but even that did not get her very far. However, when she heard gunshots, she knew she had to make it somehow.

She passed a group of dead guards and frowned, but did not stop at all. Dead bodies were things she had to get used to. Somewhere deep in her mind, she registered the fact that three of those guards had been shot by arrows, which meant the archer guy was probably there as well. She stopped for a brief while to catch her breath, and looked around. Where to go...Follow the dead bodies, or something. She sighed, which hurt her lungs, and she resumed running, following her mind's morbid suggestion; as morbid as it was, dead guards probably meant that the group had gone through that way.

Evelynn attempted to smile when she reached a walkway and saw Nova, Irota and the archer, but she was having trouble breathing and settled for a look of relief. She quickly walked to them, careful to not get shot, and slumped down next to the child, facing the archer. "Okay, what's the plan? Where on earth is Nova?"
Venn had ducked miraculously at the rain of bullets that had pinned Nova and Irota down. Venn's speed had stopped some lucky shots, but he had to keep dodging them or he would be hit. He wouldn't be able to help his teammates at the moment. To his amazement another attribute had shown up and his arrow's took out enough guards to where Venn could move freely, Nova and Irota could also return to their feet and escape. Now free to move, Venn followed the three through doorways and then into the thermal oxygen refresher.

"Holy sh**.." As Nova took out the surprised guard on the walkway he leaned over to peer into the thermal oxygen refresher. It was humongous and it was filled with boiling lava. His head snapped up just as Nova's words reached his ears. His eyes caught the ten or more guards filling up the other side of the walkway. One guard stood out to Venn and his lips played a deadly sneer. "Maybe I could buy some time.."

The guards had their automatic rifles ready to fire, but Venn was no longer afraid. He put his hand up into the air and begun to step onto the walkway. Before he could speak a very special guard decided to push his way to the front and let his bellowing voice ring out.

"Oi look who we have here.. Venn Knightingdale. The insane pyro who thinks he can kill me." The burly guard laughed and a few others behind him joined in. It was true that this specific guard was larger than the rest and he was head of the security system here in the facility, but he was also the number one guard who had tortured Venn during his sensory training.

The memories filled Venn's vision and he could feel his skin heat up to almost the same temperature as the lava. "You have quite the confidence now don't you?" Venn walked closer to the group and he grinned wickedly. At his closer range a few guards even took a step back. Right now Venn was trying to give Nova and the archer some time to figure out their next escape move.
Nova shouted over the gunfire to Cato "We need to get there!" pointing to the door she could barely see from her position. She clutched tightly to Irota to prevent him from falling to certain death while electrocuting any guard foolish enough to step onto the walkway.

"Where was Evelynn...she didn't fall behind did she.." Nova thought to herself before sighing in relief.

Though the world was upside down, she could still make out an exhausted Evelynn rushing up to meet us all.

"Cato...cover them, let Venn and Evelynn take them out on the other side, don't waste shots" She continued to shout, surprising herself at how quickly she had slipped into the role of leader.

"Don't wait for me, when it's all clear, head into the room, me and Irota will be right behind you" she finished as she continued hacking deeper into the system. She would make sure that any door in our path that was needed was open. Any others will lock themselves down to reduce the amount of guards.

"Almost there Trisha...almost there."
Cato took another rope, and shot someone yet again, this time, he pulled them off of the walkway. The man fell into the lava below. Ouch. Cato fired three more arrows, and he was out. Well, that was bad. So, he charged the guards, and leaped at them, swinging the metal bow at one of them, sending him to his demise way below, not the lava, he missed. He fell into the fog of an abyss. Cato then turned his left hand into the claws of a raptor, velociraptor. He let out a low hiss, and cut at one of the guards, he was moving fast, and he then put his bow on his back. He picked up two of their guns, a belt of ammo, and then jumped back to cover. He then started to rain a hail of bullets at them, for to cover his allies.

If his allies would be his friends, they'd find out as soon as they where out. If they got out.
Elvara sat in her specially made cell,in anger and anguish.She felt this way everyday,if on her best days.Her cell was strangely big,it contained a bed and nothing else.The bed was not hard nor soft,but it was comfortable to her,since she had been sleeping on it for a few years,so she had gotten used to it,but what she hadn't gotten used to was the scientist that visited her everyday,just to talk down to her like he was god and she was nothing but an ant.Before the out break happened he had came to visit her for the day.His words were acid to her ears,and fuel to her rage.Everyday he would talk about and describe how he cut up her family,how they screamed and begged him to stop.Seeing her squirm to was like a kid in a candy store with 15$.He would laugh and snicker at her in delight,until she lashed out at him through the cell door,which she could not break and barely damage from the inside.She hoped that the others would come for her,so she could exact her revenge on that scum that says he is trying improve the world for the better.
As Venn watched each and every guard behind his favorite was electrocuted to death he could see that the only one left was the burly head of security man in the front. His eyes looked fearful and he dropped his rifle. It fell off the walkway and into the lava bowl making a hissing sound as it was combusted into nothing. Venn closed the wide space between them with his speed and grabbed the man by the neck, his gloved fingers pushing against his air waves. "Hello again. It looks like my words will come true today. You will be the first to die by my hands," Venn's eyes glistened with power and his skin was heating up to extreme temperatures.

The guard could not speak. He had heard what the woman in the lab coat had said and he guessed this would be his last strained breathe. His face twisted into a smile though, if he were to die by the pyro's hands then he would go with a cocky grin plaster don his face.

"You know if you really want to be remembered that way I can melt your face into that exact expression, only if you'd like though?" Venn was enjoying this exchange of words between him and the guard. only because he knew exactly what needed to be done. His fore finger and thumb pinched the guards lips gently, as not to ruin his pristine smile, and he then concentrated on all the heat around him forcing it to escape through his finger tips. After a second or two the guards knees buckled and he was sent to the floor, Venn's hand still around his neck. Popping and sizzling could be heard from the guards face and screams that had been muffled out were escaping the holes that formed on his cheeks. The heat intensified behind his fingers and a small flame erupted in the guards mouth searing off his gums along with his fatty cheeks. The guard suddenly went limp and Venn dropped him like a sack of potatoes. He smiled to himself satisfied.

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