ESCAPE: Experimental Special Containment Act of Protecting Earth.

"Is it over? Did we make it?" Echoed Evelynn's voice in the elevator breaking Nova free of her mental declarations.

"Yes, it's unlikely they had anything bigger than this planned. We're out..." She said looking over at Evelynn, her smile changing from that of victory to that of relief.

"You managed to pull it off Trisha, nobody died, not a single one." She thought to herself, increasing her glow slightly to combat her rising election production.

"So, my body has already started regenerating my electrical resources again...? I thought I would have had more time, at least a couple of days."

"We're out, for sure. But we might not be out of the water just yet. Someone might notice the plume of smoke, and they'll definitely pick up on the seismic activity of an underground facility exploding. We'll need somewhere to hide out their searches." Nova said, still smiling at Evelynn "...but it shouldn't be too hard to evade them. At least not until the daybreak."
Elvera stood in the corner with her hand on her hips,and the short blade in hand.She held it in it's sheath,and that in hand,so she could use the right hand to quickly draw it out if needed.She watched Castor,when he stepped in,with caution,she did not trust him,but she could not remember why.He was a special alteration too,but the scientist could not figure out why he was so special,or his alteration,but they did know he was indeed intelligent,they called him one of the best tactitian they had ever seen,and most of them were tactitians themselves.She turned her attention to Nova who sat against the wall released energy,and also made the elevator move at it's incredible speed.

Elvera felt the energy coursing through the elevator,and through the air.It all came from Nova,which she found amazing.This girl had almost complete control over her power,and yet her own ability with her alteration,is not the best,"Hmmm..."Her thoughts began to flow slowly,and quickly all at the same time.She looked at her hand,which felt different,as she stared at she noticed her finger nails had harden and turned into metal.At the sight of the she gasped rather loudly,her alteration had evolved even further.She even felt a small spark on her other hand,but she shook it off as nothing.
As Castor boarded the elevator,the woman in the coat,seemingly the leader,began to glow blue and the lights around them began to flicker and die. The elevator rose,and before the woman stopped glowing,he saw her face. She looked worried. Panicking. Was something amiss" The emergency lights in the elevator shaft provided enough illumination for his low light vision to clearly make everything out. Castor looked smug,as usual. It needs to be brought down a peg...I'll watch it closely. The electrical woman was still panicked,and he smelled sweat,and was most profound in her direction. The elevator's sudden acceleration upward drove Saren from his squat into a seated position,which he wasn't comfortable with. He wouldn't be able to act. However,with the involved g-forces,he was helpless to move. The elevator slowed to a stop after plowing through what Saren assumed was a steel roof,considering the screeching of rending metal he heard,quite clearly.

Then,curiously,the elevator began to list.

The rear wall,the one the electrical woman was propped against,slowly became the floor. Saren quickly moved beside her,and moved his feet to keep from tumbling over. Then came the explosion. Saren heard it clearly. It roared like a thousand savage beasts,and the concrete below collapsed with the resounding cacophony of clapping thunder. It was painful,to be sure,and he winced. He didn't bother covering his ears,as it would only serve to turn his hands into acoustic amplifiers. When the explosions subsided,the new floor came under assault by the debris which was launched skyward by the blasts. The pieces were small,thankfully,and it sounded like rain beneath their feet. When all of the noise and commotion died down,Saren said, "A failsafe." He focused his attention at Castor. "The smug creature is lucky it wasn't caught in that." Saren snorted,then added, ​"Such a pity."
(( Update on the administration of this RP. Stealth will not be on until either tomorrow, or the day after. And, he has left me in charge, of letting new people join. I shall check the new people soon. ))
(Sorry for not being here for the last couple of days... I've noticed that the RP has gotten extremely far, to the point that all my plans for why Kai was "already out" have been dashed and now it will be next to impossible to get the group to trust him again... Isn't that great?!)

Kai sighed with frustration from the top floor of the facility. The scientist had told them that he was already escaped and that he had used them as a way to hide his own escape. That was a strike. The one from earlier, the one who called himself 'The Master' killed the scientist before he could touch the panel. Then the Master touched the panel himself and pulled it up, and nothing happened. Pity, that Master figure must have known I rewired the panel to deal a lethal dose of electricity to anyone who touched it... But if he countered that plan so that he could kill the scientists himself, what is he thinking? Kai thought to himself for a second, then realization had struck him. The Master must be framing me to be the bad guy so he looks like a good guy in comparison, so he can use the group to his disposal should he later need to. Kai heard the beating for a couple hundred footsteps as the guards on the upper level had started running towards the elevator shaft. The escape below had triggered the alarm on the upper floors.

Kai waited for the guards go run by the room he was in, to run out of the facility. He got out and ran to the trees, he blew a detonation charge to kill the guards at the top of the elevator shaft, the explosion wasn't big enough to dent the door, but it had the power to kill all the guards there because of its positioning. The elevator itself bursted through the top of the facility. The killing of the guards at the top of the elevator was proven useless as this happened.

"Well, I guess it's time to-" Kai's sentence was cut short at the explosion of the facility.

"Well, Shit." He muttered as all of his actions were put to place before him, undoubtedly by the Master. Everything he did to help the group was turned against him, now he was the bag guy...

(No joke, everything I had planned happened while I was gone. It sucks to not be at home for multiple days in a row...)

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