ESCAPE: Experimental Special Containment Act of Protecting Earth.

(((Sorry...I need to poof for a while, prior arrangements, but to Dr. Who, It's unlikely he COULD make a fire with the level of Co2 that would be pumped into the room to kill us, unless his means of doing it also supplied it a vast quantity of oxygen

To ryker, my ability is actually the control of electrons, producing magnetism through electromagnetic force, in the case of the coils, I would probably just steal it from them or better yet, take control of them while still inside and produce a powerful magnetic moment, effectively making the elevator frictionless if we're guided by them, or at the very least increasing our speed of escape

In any case...I didn't intend this to become a battle of science, just wanted to see if he wanted us to figure a way out, or if there was a story way out)))


(((edit: actually, no...I put a range limit on my ability to touch for the start of the story on top of a ton of other strike that)))
I had just stood there in the elevator, seeing this man claw at the ceiling. I was just waiting to go, I couldn't stand this place anymore. And that scientist just pretty much ended our lives as it is, I was done. I jut sat here in a ball and cried. I was never the fighter type, the tough guy, I was the nerd. I had loved the idea of college and all of that discrimination would go away. Then this whole thing, I was framed for countless murders and made into a monster. This was the least of my problems. NO, I WASN'T DYING WITHOUT CLEARING MY NAME. I stood up and whipped my face. Looking around for an access point for the chemical. "Don't worry people, I will Handel this" I had found the acces point and cracked my knuckles. My bone on my left arm exposed itself and expanded, making a round shield like bone on my arm. I moved the shield up my arm and formed it on my knuckles. I potitioned my shield in front of the tube. "They figured out that my bones are resistant to every known acid and chemical on this planet. If I can block it from coming in with my bone we should be fine." I talked in as quiet voice as possible so the scientist couldn't hear us.
([MENTION=3442]weirdbraxto[/MENTION] That's not going to work, as there are multiple places for the Co2 to come in at. Therefore, even if everyone was to plug one the pressure would more than likely build up to the point that it would blow the plugger backwards and then the pressure inside of the elevator would all but crush everyone inside. I'm no man of science so there's probably like a million things wrong with what I just said.)

The scientist laughed at the attempt the man made to plug up one of the holes.

"I'm surprised Subject-255 lead you on so well. He used you to mask his escape. Now that he's out, he doesn't care a single thing about what happens to any of you. He managed to pull off his escape, at the cost of oh so many other subjects...." The scientist croaked out between laughs, the scientist might end up getting himself killed if he doesn't stop laughing long enough to breath.
([MENTION=3442]weirdbraxto[/MENTION] I'm sure there are multiple access points, as you called them. However, your plan works, and it involves pure logic, instead of a lot of science, so I applaud you for thinking that up while we were babbling. However, I'm sure that the scientists can increase the pressure, thereby pushing your bone out of the access points, although the bone itself, being impervious, won't break. At that point, Castor has a little something to help you guys.)
(We got this far and I have something planned, I know Castor is a tactician and what not but I really would like this to just play out.)
(Letting Castor do his thing would be a part of playing it out. Unless you have something like "we all pass out and then Kai bravely comes to the rescue" in mind? So confused.)
(You know, never mind, what happens happens I'm just going to say I had something planned but if it doesn't work out so be it. I really just wanted something to happen but it won't do anything to the story line... Yes, one of the walls is glass, but it's pressed up against the wall of the elevator shaft, and the one-way glass or whatever isn't breakable because of a material they put in it. The power of the future.)
(Well, I need to reintegrate Castor, and somehow make the group accept him, if only just for saving them, so I'm going to go ahead with my little plan, deal?)
(Alright, but while Castor doesn't have any connection to Kai, what the scientist said about "Kai using the others to mask his escape" still applies. to everyone else.)
(((First off...I want to apologize for starting this, I wasnt trying to break anything I JUST wanted to know if there was a STORY way out, or if he wanted us to FIGURE our way out (in which case I would have done what I asked, which is why it was a question in the first place rather than me RPing it through).

For brax, even with them keeping the pressure the same, eventually the gas would push you away and fill the room, and yes that's assuming they were dumb enough to make only ONE exit point

No pressure wouldn't kill because it would disperse quickly, but we only have 45 seconds anyway...

The walls are probably a glass SUBSTITUTE as real glass on such a long range elevator would crack every single time just from heat change over distance, not to mention the possibility of corrosion of the tunnel cracking it. I would recommend not trying to "worm your way out" of whatever was supposed to come. The idea is to enjoy the story and I cant imagine it's much fun spending an hour trying to wriggle free of the intended situation.

Go with "as intended" rather than "as written"

Btw...even if it were glass, the elevator shaft itself would have to be pressurized for the kind of distance it moves and so it would be harder than most steels due to the force exerted on it from outside.

again...I apologize for what I started, it wasn't my intent....and again I really do need to leave, I just couldn't help noticing all the OOC posts and read them before going off)))
(well god damn I'm not putting my bones in front of anything else cause you guys will just throw a hissy fit.Also all of these OOC post kinda piss me off, you could have very well said MOST of your stuff in a nice post ABOUT the rp)
(Don't worry about it, it's not a big deal as I can always change what's going to happen based off of what the others are doing. Anyways, we've spent probably about an entire page on OOc posts, maybe we should get back to RP.)


Naruto:In that moment it was all over... My entire life flashed before my eyes until I was nothing more than just a little child. I was ready to accept defeat....

Random guy: Naruto, you musn't give up!

Naruto: Sensei, is that... you?

Sensei: If there's only one lesson that I ever taught you that you must remember, it is this: BELIEVE IN THE ME THAT BELIEVES IN THE YOU THAT BELIEVES IN THE ONE PIECE!

*In the background, the most epic 6 word phrase ever is heard... "ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH!" Naruto bursts from beneath the ice. "Libera Me From Hell" Plays in the background*

Shamamalama-sama: What?!

Naruto:How's this for a plot twist, Shamamalama-sama?

Shamamalama-sama: It's not the kind of twist I LIIIKE!

Naruto: Evil such as yours cannot go unpunished! This is for all of the fans of Avatar the Last Airbender, you wise-watching son of a *****! Wish me luck princess!

Princess: Whatever.


Shamamalama-same: Aaaaaahhhhhh! You punched me in the tummy!

This is a mix of all of the best anime's of all time. )
(Sure, sure. As I said in Castor's bio, everything he does is for himself, no matter how selfless he seems. Plus, he doesn't hesitate to throw others away like trash when he is done with them. He is, as I said, a certified psychopath, and he loves every minute of it.)

Castor had told the others that he'd needed to check in with a guard. Well, check in in the sense that he'd actually decapitated the guard with a clever ploy involving a swinging cell door and a sword. But, that was besides the point. Castor was well aware of Kai's intentions from the beginning. So, he'd taken it upon himself to save them. Not for any noble reasons, of course. No, Castor had no need for such wasteful emotions as empathy. However, he could see what Kai could not, namely the value of the group. Yes, they'd become Castor's pawns, and aid him until such a time that they became useless to him, at which point... he'd dispose of them.

Castor, being aware of the groups' predicament, was not worried in the slightest. During his walks over the years, he'd taken the liberty of weakening walls, widening ventilation shafts, perhaps even creating new holes in walls. Now, he had a veritable secret system of little tunnels that led all around the facility. It just so happened that Castor had created just such a precaution as the one needed in this situation. He tapped a seemingly random point of an arbitrary wall, which creaked and groaned until it gave way, after emitting some dust and a long sigh, and revealed a dark passage. The passage which led to the scientist's control room, allowed Castor to incapacitate him. Of course, Castor, not being one to leave jobs unfinished, was compelled to crush the man's neck, just to be safe. Speaking into the same mike the scientist had used, he said, "Don't worry. The Master is here to help you out." With that, he released the valve that was pouring in the vaporized cyanide and disabled the degaussing mechanism that was preventing the magnetic one from propelling the group. With a smile heard in his voice, he continued, "You are now free to proceed to freedom."
Nova held her gaze on Caster's confident, amused face. It was clear that he wasn't quite right, none of this was any more than a game to him. Simple pieces on a chess board being pushed about to the amusement of a mentally imbalanced person, if not at least brilliant. If there was a single person that deserved the cages of this place....he was definitely it.

" it is, we're probably in more danger around this guy than we were from the guards. Has he noticed that I've noticed yet though?" Nova thought to herself while she weighed her options.

"Thanks...I really thought it was over there" Nova shouted back at Caster though the glass. "How are you getting out though if we take the elevator up?"

She had secretly hoped he would say something like "I'm not interested in escaping" but she knew it was probably a long shot.

"If he leaves the room to join'll be my chance to just leave him while he's unaware..." She considered to herself while waiting on his reply.
Saren raged in his cell. Pandemonium had been unleashed upon the facility,and he wasn't at the heart of it. He was manacled to the wall opposite the door in his cell,which was featureless. After several minutes,he heard a voice. A young woman's voice. Urging them to be free. Then,Saren's door sprang open on it's remote hydraulic pistons,and his manacles sprang open,liberating the savage metahuman. A smile immediately found it's home on his face,and he let loose a bloodcurdling roar of triumph and bloodlust. Diving to all fours,the monstrous humanoid bounded out of the cell with great haste. It bit it's tongue and spat out a wad of acidic blood at a nearby security guard,who was panicking in the sudden cell release. The wad struck him square in the face. His shrieks of terror and agony filled Saren's ears as he bounded down the hall,to where he could feel and smell a slight breeze of fresh air. The guard's screams were sweet,sweet music to his ears. A mere prelude to what he will inflict to those who have wronged him in the past.

As Saren approached the source of the sweet scent of freedom. By now,his tongue has healed,and he saw a gaggle of humans near the great door of a freight elevator. His face twisted into a savage snarl,distorting the uppercase Sigma that branded the left side of his face. Rising to his feet,he approached slowly,smelling them from afar. They don't smell human...They smell like me...And one smells of ionized oxygen...The young woman with a tanglevine of brown hair... He didn't let his guard down,but he approached without making any violent gestures. "Kin." He tilted his head to the right,as a way of greeting with the word.
Evelynn had dropped to the floor when she heard the scientist's words, feeling as if she were on the verge of a mental breakdown. They had gotten so close...She had killed all those people. Just to be killed in an elevator she ended up in because she put her trust in the wrong person. Again. Go figure, Ev. Left behind. Just like last time. ​She sighed and curled up, hugging her legs to her chest.

She heard the Master's voice as if from afar, but then she registered the meaning of his words. Then she heard sighs of relief from around her, and Nova thanking the guy. Evelynn looked up, wondering if it was true. Look at that. Another guy helping you. See a pattern? She ignored the voice in her head. Who cares if he ended up leaving them behind as well? For now, what mattered was that he had saved them. She stood up in one fluid motion and took a deep breath. Perhaps they still had a chance at this escape thing.

She turned around when she heard a voice she did not recognize from the earlier fray and saw a guy standing seemingly calmly, and smiled tentatively at him. The fact that he was in the elevator with them probably meant that he was not with the facility's scientists, which made him an escapee. And right now, escapees were allies. What about the Master guy, then? He's not in the elevator. How can you trust that he's on your side? For once, Evelynn agreed with the voice, but she ignored it nonetheless. She would think about it once she was out of the elevator, preferrably above ground. She tilted her head, as the other guy had done, and mouthed one word, smiling. "Allies."
Castor could feel the gazes of the escapees on him. He knew they wouldn't all trust him, especially that Nova. However, what the others didn't know was that they couldn't fully trust her. So, he decided to get close to her, if only to protect his other assets. He heard the woman's question, and he also recognized that she didn't feel any safer around him. Nevertheless, he responded to her query openly.

"Why, yes. I do believe that I'll be escaping with all of you in the elevator." he said confidently, still smiling. Most likely, the woman would attempt to leave while he was boarding the elevator. Of course, that wouldn't help them much.

"I'll shall be there presently." Then, Castor brought down an opaque panel in front of the glass. As he spoke, he removed the switch that controlled the degaussing coils from the control panel, and then he created a closed circuit. This way, he'd control the degaussing coils remotely, preventing the woman from leaving him behind. Satisfied with his impromptu handiwork, he left the control room with a confident gait, certain that everything was going according to plan.
Almost immediately as her view was obscured, Nova focused her magnetism onto the elevator. It slowly crawled up a half of a foot or so before she could feel it slowly slipping away from her. After only a couple more inches, the elevator ground to a halt, creating the distance of only about a step from the original entry point.

"What the hell is this? It's like the magnetic fields are shifting on their own..." Nova thought to herself before quickly coming to the realization of what had happened. "...He lifted the panel so that I would not be able to see him while he tinkered with the computer system. The facility must have possessed an incredibly powerful degaussing unit somewhere nearby, randomizing my field enough that I couldn't effect such a heavy object."

Sighing faintly, Nova again tried to pretend that nothing was wrong, even as a whole lot of wrong was headed towards her. He was probably taking his time, admiring the scenery as he did. "....Did he read my mind, or did he just anticipate my actions? Did it even matter which it was? The end result would be the same in either case... There has to be some way out of this....think Trisha THINK." Nova thought as she looked around the large elevator casually.

Inside there had been no control mechanisms at all, not even a simple switch. Probably to make things just 'that' much harder should something like an escape occurred. Finally, her eyes came to rest upon a two small bulges of metal that probably concealed a motor to pull the elevator up and down along it's track.

"hmm..." She let out unconsciously as she thought. "I could probably activate the motor if I charged it through it's metal housing on the elevator...."

Nova again looked around, her gaze inevitably stopping upon Evelynn. "If I did that, the entire elevator would be electrocuted...everyone here would die...Was this what he wanted? Me to kill them all to escape him? or had the though even crossed his mind..."

Her thoughts however were cut short by 'The Master's' inevitable appearance. Nova looked up to him as he walked and smiled sweetly, though the smile did not quite reach her eyes. "Basterd!"
Castor walked slowly towards the elevator, deliberately cutting his gait short to lengthen the time needed to reach he elevator. As he walked, he thought, 'My, my. That one is quite intelligent. I wasn't aware that her power allowed her to energize objects. An interesting development, and it proves her resourcefulness. However, executing her plan would kill the others. I wonder what she will do?' Having reached the elevator, he stopped just outside the metal threshold.

"Hello, I'm Castor, although you may know me as the Master." Then, he stepped into the elevator. From what he'd "read" and observed, she wouldn't kill him because it meant killing the others, and she didn't have the natural ability to sacrifice so much for so little. Yes, Castor was confident of his assessment. He was never wrong, not when it came to reading other people. They were like open books on a table, sitting there, waiting to be read and their information exploited. Of course, Castor's ability was no small help with this uncanny ability to be right.
Saren released what could be interpreted as a growl of annoyance. "The fresh air is up! Why aren't we going up!?" Following everyone's gaze,and his nose,as it discovered a new scent. A metahuman. Barely. He glared at the instigator of the delay,and growled savagely. The man had an air of pompous arrogance about him. This man felt himself to be above all others. And it annoyed Saren. No,not annoyed. It doesn't adequately describe how it made him feel. It...Maddened him. Infuriated him. What makes him so much better than everyone else? Then,Saren spotted the gait. He's intentionally moving slowly! This is an escape and he's WASTING TIME!? Then the infuriating creature introduced itself. The Master!? We are rational beings! He has no right to hold that title among us! Saren squatted,and drew a savage glare on the thing thinking itself as a master,and said,with barely contained savagery, "Hurry up! Do you want to die!?" His taloned fingers tapped and scraped the metal floor before him,ready to spring forward to pounce. Freedom was so close,and this man was an obstacle. He was a problem. He had the perfect solution. In reality,the talk was just a smokescreen. He was trying to find the ideal method to remove this bully from the equation. He had a handful of viable options.

Those will do...
Evelynn rolled her eyes ever so slightly as the man introduced himself with an actual name rather than a title he had for himself. a beaver. She bit her tongue to suppress a chuckle and simply watched as he came into the elevator, taking a deliberate step back from him. She jumped visibly when the guy that she had heard earlier talked and started to make all sorts of noises with his hands. She briefly wondered why he was in such a position in the first place, but decided to not judge. She had done far stranger things that day than squatting. Like killing those guards. She sighed and shook her head. That was necessary. Concentrate on what's going on right now. ​She took a deep breath and looked at the guy on the floor again, hoping that he wouldn't do anything stupid, but not daring to approach him. What had gone wrong? One moment he called himself kin, the next he was all hostile against the man that had saved them. Or maybe there really is something iffy going on with Mr. Beaver there. She looked at Nova and Castor, wondering how the situation would develop, and silently took out her whip in case things turned violent.
Castor heard the creature's outburst, but its petty threats didn't faze him in the slightest. He was obviously a novice at smooth talking because his smokescreen was absolutely ghastly. Castor saw through it instantly. All of the plans that the creature came up with were clear to Castor, and to be honest, many of them were plain dreadful. He continued to engage Nova in conversation.

"Well, although I can't say that my stay in prison was as treacherously horrid has yours, I'd say it's time to get a move on." he said, smiling. The first part of his plan involved the escape of the entire group, so Castor was anxious to get going. However, he was aware that this Nova was the most intelligent one in the elevator, save for Castor, himself, of course. He would have fun maneuvering around her attempts to reveal his ability, which he was sure she had deduced, rather quickly at that. In passing, Castor effortlessly perceived another girl in the group drawing a weapon, seemingly a whip.

Addressing the girl, he said, "Uh, uh. There is no need for violence, little girl. We all have much to much at stake here." As he said this, he emphasized the word "all", intending for Nova to be the only one to fully comprehend his meaning. However, the woman's true test was yet to come. When removing the degaussing mechanism, he'd also released the adjacent component that controlled the security circuit of the complex. If this circuit is open, the facility itself begins to destruct, removing incriminating evidence. Now, Castor was eager to see if Nova, having worked in the facility, was aware enough and understood the mechanics to the extent that she could deduce his actions and act accordingly.
Nova, feeling the magnetic fields around her snap back to normal nodded silently at 'the Master' and slowly began to raise the elevator. "Finally....I will see the light of day, and breath natural air again. Even if it was under such horrible circumstances..." Nova thought to her self as the elevator picked up speed.

Nova leaned her back against the back wall of the elevator and allowed herself to glow brightly, to both burn off her excess electricity, and to light the cabin of the elevator that was now running exclusively under her power.

"The degassing mechanism almost certainly placed by Traven as a counter measure to me...he wanted to trap me that badly? Though I guess it would make sense in the case of other's who were altered to control magnetism as well. They made us so very dangerous, and then lock us away for being as they made us...." Nova sighed at the foolishness of those she had originally called comrades. "I had wanted to make a better, brighter world...but instead all I did was help to create more monsters to dwell in it's darkness..."

Nova glanced over at Evelynn who seemed to be shifting her view back between herself and 'The Master'. "She has been through a lot in such a short time...There were plenty of times it looked like she wouldn't make it, mentally speaking..."

Nova turned her glance towards Venn who seemed to be standing quietly. "I wonder how he combusts the way he does...? Probably a chemical reaction of some sort, which might explain why he burned himself that once. The Co2 was probably used as much to stop fire alterations as it was to poison us to death. Did they know Venn would be there? If they did, it was probably because of 'The Master'. I mean, they didn't even have the foresight to see how their alterations would come back to bite could they see something like that...."

I tight gripping feeling overcame Nova, who turned to look towards 'The Master'. "....Just knowing Venn would be here meant they knew there would be an attempt at escape. Just knowing there would be an escape would make them plan for the escape, and a good scientist never has just one safety precaution.... If there was another precaution...what was it? What was it?!" Nova thought frantically to herself, images of possible gruesome deaths for everyone here flitting around in her mind.

"A firing squad upon the surface? No, they'd have to have the ability to talk with them to let them know we were on our variable. Than what? The only thing that makes sense is to destroy the elevator shaft entirely, seal everyone in a hole in the ground to eventually suffocate to death when the Oxygen Refreshers went out from lack of maintenance. How do they destroy it? An explosion...?...Yes, an explosion is the only thing that makes sense...they could even destroy the entire facility that way and rebuild immediately"

Nova, trying to look as relaxed as possible greatly increased her magnetic output to hasten their movement. "Cant stop glowing or they'll freak out in the dark, but it's wasting power. How much time was left?"

The elevator very noticeably increased in speed, rising almost bullet like towards the surface. "Best case, i'm wrong and this was nothing more than me being excited to be free...". Bumping around slightly, the elevator finally reached the top of it's shaft and was ripped free of it's track, sliding forward and out of whatever building hosted it. She couldn't be sure that it wouldn't be affected as well.

Finally coming to rest a good distance away from the now mangled opening, Nova turned the elevator to have it's metallic back face the building, shielding those inside from any debris that might burst loose. Waiting was the hardest part, but it didn't take very long. The world shook and rumbled, and though she could not see it, smoke and dust plumed out of the shaft a few dozen feet into the air.

Nova looked over at 'The Master confidently. He had indeed set things perfectly, but the plan presented a problem. "Psychopath's might not care about harm to others, but they still felt self-preservation. He wouldn't put himself in a situation that could cause his own death without a damn good reason, which meant he was testing me for some reason or another. Which means, he needed me for some reason or another." She thought as a small smile creeped along her face despite herself from the familiar feeling of coming to the correct answer. "Your busted" she thought clearly and intentionally, so that if he was indeed a telepath, he would get the message. Though she held no expectation that he would allow it to show, it still brought her great satisfaction. "Your not infallible."
Evelynn huffed in impatience as Castor began speaking to Nova again. Really, he had gotten on the damn elevator, so why were they not moving? She felt on edge, and Castor's manner of speech was not helping her. In fact, it was only making her more frustrated. 'Little girl'. Hah! Man saves you once and he thinks he owns the place. She tightened her grip on her whip, glaring daggers at Castor. She had taken a breath to speak, but the words died in her mouth when the elevator started to move. She simply sat down with her eyes closed, not wanting to fall over from loss of balance, and waited for the elevator to stop moving. She was actually very excited and a bit scared to finally leave the facility, but she would have never admitted this, thanks to Castor getting her in a foul mood.

While she was stuck in a rather heated internal argument of 'He saved our lives, but he's sorta kinda really annoying', she noticed that the elevator had stopped moving, and opened her eyes. She blinked a couple of times, and stood up. Where in the world were they? It was rather dark, but she could make some rather strange shapes. Were those trees? Or other things? She was about to ask why they were not moving when she felt a great amount of rumbling and shaking, like an explosion. She could not see, but she had been alarmed enough. When it subsided, Evelynn took a deep breath and turned to Nova's general direction, her eyes not yet fully adjusted to the dark. "Is it over? Did we make it?" She had assumed they had, but she did not dare be hopeful before getting confirmation.

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