ESCAPE: Experimental Special Containment Act of Protecting Earth.

((Right now they are escaping,and coming to rescue my character,who has had a special cell made))
Evelynn jumped when Nova's voice came from seemingly below, but she had better things to worry about. Nova is safe...Now make yourself useful. She looked back to the archer and smiled, her breathing and all other body functions back to normal. She felt in great shape, and the run had given her an adrenaline rush. While the archer was shooting at the guards, Evelynn stood and unsheathed her rapier, closing her eyes to take a deep breath. Go on, Ev. Let your anger take over. Don't pity them. And she would not. She opened her eyes, picking a target, and smirked. No pity.

She took a running start and jumped, landing in front of a guard and stabbing him in the chest, grateful for the fact that the rapier was not too flexible. She quickly withdrew the blade and pushed the dead guard down, flicking her blade to get rid of excess blood. She needed it to stay sharp for as long as possible. She turned to the other guards who had realized what she had done and were now shooting at her. The flashing of their guns was a bit annoying, but she ran over to them, barely acknowledging the fact that a bullet went through her arm and another one grazed her cheek. No pity, Ev. Not even for yourself. She healed quickly and lunged forward, feeling the blade penetrate a guard's arm. "Eye for an eye...Except you don't heal." she muttered before slashing his throat. She increased her healing rate and killed the guards who were standing, wiping the blood on her rapier on their clothes. Yes. I can definitely do this.
Nova took a moment longer to open the final door in their way and had the elevator recalled to the installation so that it would be waiting on us when they arrived.

She could scarcely believe that their systems had been so ridiculously easy to penetrate, even for something so important. She could feel every room, every door, every camera...and every cell. She couldn't believe how many rooms there were, the sheer scope of it all was astounding.

"Just how many people did they have locked up like caged rats. How many of them were like me and weren't even allowed the possibility of seeing another living thing for their entire stay?" She thought to herself as her rage bubbled to the surface.

"No more..." she thought to herself angrily. "You want them? Go fetch!" she continued, though this time out loud.

It took only moments for her mental command to become the reality of this installation. "OPEN". Every cell, every confinement tied to the system simultaneously bursting out and away on their own hydraulic systems.

It took only moments for her thoughts to be transmitted to every speaker, and her image to appear upon every monitor in the facility. "The path to freedom is unimpeded. Follow the path of open doors and you'll see the light of day once more!".

With that she struggled to pull herself back up and onto the walkway, witnessing the deeds of those she had finally accepted as true allies.

"I'll catch you later...Traven." she thought as Evelynn, Venn and Cato took out the last of the gaurds in this room, and the uproar of escapee's began.
Esmion heard the noise and used his hair as grappling hook to catch up with Nova, and saw the scientist in a window, supposedly saying "We'll meet when you're finally free." He smiled and then said to Nova, "Thank you, Nova and everyone else," he said running to open doors.
Venn, after burning his 'favorite' guard to a crisp, had seemingly taken out five other guards with his kunai swords. Details did not need to be said as he had given them a cruel treacherous death. As he wiped the access blood of his sword onto a nearby guards uniform he heard the clambering of metal doors and such opening throughout the facility. A smile played at his lips and he felt his skin heat up in excitement. "It is time to go..finally,"​ Venn turned back towards his allies as they all finished the last of the guards off. He was ready to go.
Elvera looked up from her corner,and noticed the door the held her cell shut was wide open.She stood up from her spot,and took a slow stride over to the door.She took her time because she did not want her hopes to be crushed,when it was slammed in her face,but instead her anger and anguish disappeared,as the feeling of joy filled her to the brim.The joy of being free and the joy of getting her revenge and finally having her freedom.She looked around as everyone ran toward the exit,except her.She would wait until everyone was gone so she could destroy this place,and that scientist,Dr.Lonx.
Evelynn pulled her rapier out of the last guard in her immediate vicinity, noticing that the rest were conveniently dead. She cleaned the blade thoroughly and placed it back in the sheath, running back to the people she now considered friends, or allies at least. She was rather bloodied up, and she could feel that her tissues had regenerated over a bullet in her side, but she ignored it. She frowned slightly at all the noise that the escaped prisoners were making. It was sending her brain in overdrive, as it was trying to isolate every single voice to register it. She needed to focus on one voice, except she didn't know whose. It might as well be hers. "Nova! Where are we going now?" she screamed over everyone else, trying to concentrate on Nova. She felt the beginning of a migraine, but she had to hold on until they were successfully out of this place.
Owing to the massive release of inmates, the halls of each containment ward was en-roiled in pure chaos. It didn't take very long for the enhanced humans to overwhelm their un-enhanced brethren. Nova, having already removed every obstacle in her path, placed Irota down on his own feet and held his hand tightly while she walked towards the elevator.

Everything from beams of energy, to streams of acid rained around as the massive exodus of escapee's dealt with the dwindling guard force.

Nova gazed back at her compatriots as she walked, and couldn't help but let out smile...only the second one since Traven betrayed her. She pulled Irota along a bit more firmly as they exited out into the last containment ward before the elevator.

"It's right there..." Nova shouted over the chaos while pointing forward with her free hand towards the elevator systems currently being flooded by escapee's. That was except for a single female who appeared to be hanging back for some reason.

"Hey..the exit's that way!" Nova shouted towards her. "That way!"
Elvera had not noticed that the girl was yelling at her,but she could not stand to wait any longer.She started at a slow stride through the crowed,but started to pick up speed.Soon enough she had jumped in the air,and was using her brethren as stepping stones.She got rather annoyed looks and shouts from them,some of them even tried to attack her,but all of them were ignored or knocked down.After a minute or so she had made it to the other side of the lab.There was a specially made door that was not controlled by any of the other electronics in the place,it was made specifically for this situation.She looked at the keypad,then punched it with her hand coated in fire.The door stayed closed,so she coated her foot in the strongest rock she had in her system,and kicked the door down.She started to walk down the secret path,which led to the scientist panic room.
(((I can think of absolutely no reason to try and stop you, nor do I control the story any longer now that we have made it to the elevator (the thread leader gave me permissions up to that point), so from here on till you escape, I think your own your own Mitaku...sorry >_<)))
Evelynn stared as the girl Nova had shouted at began to jump over the prisoners.That is bloody barbaric! How dare she? She had no idea who this girl was, but Evelynn knew that she would have a hard time getting along with her. She huffed angrily as she helped the prisoners who had been knocked down, helping them make their way to the elevator, Kai had instructed. She actively ignored the fact that the girl who walked over the other people went a different way, trying to not care whether she got herself recaptured or not. Hmph. Ungrateful cheek. She'd better not get herself killed, after all the trouble we went to free her. She silently hoped Kai would arrive quickly as she tentatively pressed the spot where the bullet was embedded and winced in pain. Come on Kai...What is taking so long?
((No worries,she is just gonna do what she do,and turn around.))

Elvra made her way to the little pack of scientist,some of them tried to attack,and others back away in fear.Surprisingly she had to actually fight,one who seemed to be an ex-soldier.She took him quickly,by freezing him to the wall.When she was fighting him,he had slashed her face with a short blade,after freezing him to the wall she picked up the blade,and walked over to Dr.Lonx,"I have come to repay for all the sorrow and pain you have caused me over the years."She roared as she looked at him quivering in fear,then she thought about how she did that when she first came in here.She shook her head,"Your not worth it,you worthless trash."She said turning away and running down the hall to find,some of the test subjects where still escaping.

((See :3 I did not plan on anyone else chasing after her))
(((No kuja..the RP isn't done, but my control over it is. It now returns to the thread maker who isnt here to announce what happens next.

I dont think it was intended that she knocked them over, but rather she couldn't "swim" through the crowd, so she went over it. I think the point is to show she's agile rather than to cause them to falter, or was it just that your character misunderstood?)))
Hey, Pristine, you seem quite knowledgeable about this RP. I have been gone for the entire day, unable to get online. So, I was wondering if you had any suggestions as to how to integrate my character, Castor or The Master, back into the RP. Keep in mind how much freedom he had as well as the fact that he is carefree and the best tactician the group has got, sensing others motives before they act. Send me a PM if you get an idea. Also, I'll have another question to ask you.
(I am SO sorry for being gone all day, but luckily the roleplay got to this point on it's own. So, Everyone's in the elevator I'm going to assume based off what Pristine Dark has told me, and Jeremy (weirdbraxto's character) is there as well, we've already spoken about this. While Jeremy is there, Kai is not. Kai is still nowhere to be found. [MENTION=3596]Gabriel Ryker[/MENTION] I'm not sure what Pristine Dark has told you, but if she's told you anything it's probably better than what I'm about to advise you to do.

I think to get Castor back into the roleplay you should probably just have him be in the elevator. Really, that's where everyone else is, so why not?)

Before everyone had even gotten into the elevator, the doors started to slide shut slowly. Those who got in before the doors were closed, were the lucky ones (This includes everyone in the roleplay) those who didn't, weren't so lucky. Once the elevator doors were shut, the bolts locked them. Suddenly, the speakers on the inside of the elevator turned on, and a scientist spoke.

"Well, looky here, a group of attempted escape-artists on their final stretch for the way out. HAHAHAHAHAHA! To bad you guys aren't getting out, that elevator's not going anywhere, but the inside will soon be filled with the last experimental chemical you will ever breath- vaporized cyanide. Sounds fun doesn't it? I will enjoy seeing you all fall to the ground one by one," the rest of the sounds were just the menacing laughter of the scientist.

(Also, the elevator is literally just a metal square, again, but one side is glass, and on that side you can see one-way glass that the scientist is looking through, but you guys can't look through.)
Cato had just made it inside the elevator. He sighed, and started to look around. He saw it, the hatch in the ceiling. It was their only way, and he knew it. He jumped at it, and clawed at it, but it wouldn't open. He sighed, and sat in the corner. It was hopeless, now. He, and the others are going to die. It's game over, man, game over. He just sat there. Why did it have to end like this? In an elevator?
(((err...question. first off...cyanide kills by attaching to blood and preventing it from absorbing oxygen, killing by asphyxiation. The process takes about 5 minutes in total if it is an exceedingly high concentration, but usually takes 15~20 minutes in terms of leaks. Assuming we're going with a high concentration, 5 minutes should be well more than enough time for my juiced up Nova to simply magnetically pull the metal cart you described up the long tunnel to the surface. Was there some other intended escape method? or is it fine if I go with the obvious here?

I'm not even including the "latch" that Cato tried to go after, which I could also easily open with magnetism and buy us more time. In that eventuality the box would be an unsealed environment and the weight of the gas, pushed by the air that would force itself due to the high velocity movement of the elevator would actually fall to the ground harmlessly at our feet, making it even further a non issue

Once we've escaped the elevator shaft, if Evelyns ability works by cellular regeneration, she could easily make all of us simply make new blood cells to lessen the effect of those that had their hemoglobin bonded to by the cyanide and greatly reduce, if not minimize even the aftereffects)))
(You know, sometimes I feel like I want to tell science to kiss my ass. Don't go with the obvious, I couldn't think of any way for him to threaten you guys so I just said cyanide, to be honest, I thought completely around this part but not on this part completely. Just, *sigh* I dunno, just act like he said something different that changes the entire situation. I really do hate science.)
(((I see, well in this case Carbon Dioxide is much more efficient, even if we did all that I stated, we would die by hypercarnia in about 45 seconds, and since Co2 is a natural component of air...rushing up would do very little slow the situation unless we had something like 20 miles in less than a minute)))
Venn had reached the elevator and slunk to the back where he could see everyone in front of him. "Finally.." He rested his head against the cool metal behind him and closed his eyes for a moment. A the speakers inside the elevator blared his head snapped up immediately to listen. Once the scientist had told the escape group about the Co2 Venn sighed heavily. This meant he could not exactly help with his fire abilities since that may endanger the group even more. Instead of mentally slapping himself Venn face-palmed harder than usual. His forehead turned a tint of red and his eyes turned dark. "I was finally going to leave this hell hole... why me man?" ​All hope seemed to be lost for good.
(Hey, two can tango at the game of science. I believe that this is a good chance to bring my character back into this RP. So, first off, I need to make unaided escape impossible. Since the facility is well funded, we could assume that they placed degaussing coils built in place around the facility, especially when containing a magnetically-powerful detainee. The coils' alternating current scrambles the magnetic field being put out by Nova, and sensors can vary that alternate current as Nova attempts different fields. Thus, eventually, the cyanide will take effect and kill everyone. At this point, I can have Castor reveal something or other that saves the others, perhaps integrating him into the group.)

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