ESCAPE: Experimental Special Containment Act of Protecting Earth.

(The camera inside of this room is off, and the camera outside of it doesn't reach inside far enough to see what's about to happen.

Kai walked into the room, looking inside the right of the room to see if anyone was there. He walked into it, and started to look right. Kai was grabbed by the neck by an electric pole, which brought him to his knees.

"I should have known you'd come here," the scientist said, pushing Kai to the ground. He pulled out a pistol that all scientists had, and aimed it at Kai's head.

"Now, you should be thinking about an afterlife," he commented, pushing Kai to the ground and pushing the pistol to the soft spot on the side of the head.
(((Lol Dr. Who adopted my OOC comment style <3)))

Nova glanced over at Venn, feeling the obvious but momentary flare of heat he gave off. She, for a moment, had a bit of fun imagining him doing that to the child's song "liar liar" and couldn't help chuckling lightly before giving him a very apologetic look.

Seeing it cool so quickly however quickly stole her interests away from her haphazard apology.

"Instant cooling? That's the kind of material's they use on space shuttles and such, why would they make a suit out of the stuff, and more importantly, how could it be so flexible?"

She turned her attention towards Evelyn shortly after, seeing her engrossed in her conversation with Esmion. She got the distinct feeling that she was again hiding something, the same as back when she had healed her foot for her.

"Just what is she hiding....and why? Than again, could I really blame her considering I did the exact same thing with my exhaustion...was it perhaps some weakness she didn't want us to know about also? I guess i'll have to keep a closer eye on her...make sure she's alright."
She thought to herself before returning her attention to Kai, or rather the lack there of.

"Wait...what the hell?" Nova uttered loudly while staring blankly at the screen, even going so far as to cycle through nearby camera's.

She searched for nearby audio equipment, but found that this portion of the facility didn't seem to possess any, the nearest one being an entire section back in the direction he just came from.

Doing the only thing left to her, Nova activated the nearest speaker to the area she lost track of him and announced "Kai, I can no longer see you...the camera's in the area have had their power cables cut or something. Your on your own till I can track you down again."

(((Stupid future not containing floating wireless camera's that can see through wall's and shoot lasers at meh enemies >_> I should have been working on that instead of some power source when I was a normal scientist >_> why oh why couldn't I see the future T-T)))
"Along with my super strong hair, I am able to regenerate most wounds, and I can pass on this power to others by either physical contact or through my hair," Esmion said. "The thing is with sharing my heightened regeneration, their receiver's body would only be able to regenerate for about 15 minutes. So he and Evelynn both have a method of healing. That would be pretty helpful to everyone. He did want to find to know if there was Evelynn could do, but her healing powers was sufficient information enough.
I walked into the room where Kai had gone into. Before I walked all the way in I hear this guy talking about ad afterlife? I peer inane see a mad man with a gun to Kai's head. I didn't know what to do, I was stunned it seemed like. Then I charged in yelling no, made a fist and pointed it strait at the man. "Don't you ******* touch him." Insantly a bone blade admitted from the top of my wrist, impaling the man in the throat. "Hey are you alright Kai? Come on we have to get going." I reached out my hand to help him up, hoping he was alright. "Oh silly me, I don't really know how to put my blade back in, hang on." I stood there with my eyes closed thinking, retract, sheath, go away blade. Then I just cracked my knuckles and it went away. "Well there we are." I retracted my new non-deadly bladed arm back at Kai.
Kai looked up at the bone-guy, and took his hand. He pulled himself up.

"Thanks," he said, his arm twitching from electricity overdose. Kai grabbed the electric pole from the scientist's dead body and walked over to a monitor. He messed with it for a second, then he appeared on the monitor Nova was messing with.

"Well, can you see me now?" He asked with a serious face.
((It looks so organized and neat. Hope you don't mind. :toung:))

Venn was someone who didn't care if people saw him doing stupid or childish things. He was rarely embarrassed, it was true, but when it came to his powers he tried to act cool. ((pun intended lol)) If he had to do something embarrassing and it had nothing to do with his powers then the teen was more than happy to do it. He scooted farther down the hallway away from the group and begun too strip down to his undergarments. He quickly slipped the suit on and zipped it up all the way. The collar came up to about the middle of his neck, but since it was black it matched his long-sleeved sweater just find. As he redressed again he also applied the matching gloves to his warm hands.

He returned back to the group a moment later. Venn was back in his original clothes, but the only difference was you could see the gloves. Looking over Nova's shoulder at the computer screen he asked, "What is going on?" Since his absence he had not heard about the camera thing, but from what he could figure out himself it looked like she had lost Kai and the kid with the bones that could be used for weapons.
Evelynn nodded and exhaled slowly at Esmion's explanation. "So we both heal. That's so cool, and a bit reassuring. Or not. Depends on what your tests were like." She said this nonchalantly, even though she was a bit angry inside. There are multiple people here who have similar alterations...Repeating the same process over and over. That's horrible. She sighed and looked at Esmion nervously. Perhaps she could tell him. He seemed nice. And she really needed to get it off her chest, because she felt like she was lying to the same people who were helping her escape. "Well, there's something else I can do, but--"

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sudden motion in Nova's screen and a voice that said "Well, can you see me now?" She recognized the voice immediately, as her second alteration allowed her to retain such information. It was the same guy that had freed them from their cages. She smiled apologetically to Esmion. "Sorry, I'll tell you later...Maybe." She rushed over to the screen to see what was going on. "Is he okay? Why did we lose him?" She was back to her habit of asking questions in succession, but she hardly cared about that now.
Nova sighed loudly to herself as Kai reappeared on screen. The power levels being transmitted to the camera seemed rather unstable, producing a bit of static in the display and audio, but it was definitely him.

"What happened?" Nova said strongly while the camera twisted and turned to scan the room, revealing the eviscerated scientist. "Never mind..." she quickly continued now that it was obvious.

"How much longer till you make it here? Eventually they'll wise up and just cut the power to stop our escape you realize?

We'll be in a pretty bad place if that happens" she said as Evelynn made her way over.

"They seem to have a decently competent computer expert on their side, it'll be troublesome if they find enough ways to slow me down. I might be better, but they've still got more manpower than us." She continues, leaving out her suspicions about Traven.
Esmion was enjoying his conversation with Evelynn, but he had almost forgotten that everyone in the group was aiming to get out of this place where they were treated like much less than human beings, as if they were lepers. "Oh goodness. The enemy is deciding to step their game up slightly. We're clearly outnumbered, but we can still do this," Esmion said cheerfully. And in his mind, he was thinking Nova could not have been more right. We were up against scientists, not some new FBI agents who don't have a clue of what they are doing.

(I'm gonna call it a day. Good night you guys.)
It took Evelynn a while to register what was happening in the screen, but when she made out the dead scientist's corpse, she whimpered and stepped away from the screen, feeling sick. As a healer, she was used to seeing blood, but she had never really seen that much blood coming out from a human. It was a bit sick. And it was on the throat...Evelynn covered her mouth with her hands, hoping that the nausea would go away quickly, and dropped to the floor in a squatting position, gently rocking herself. "I'll be okay...I'll be okay...That was so bloody disgusting...I'll be okay...So gross...I'll be okay..." she whispered this to herself as if it were some sort of enchantment, hardly caring how crazy she looked at the moment. Maybe she had to get used to blood if she really wanted to get out of this place. After all, she had gotten those knives out the dead guards without problem...It's a simple matter of need, Ev. Come on.

She straightened slowly and wiped her eyes, which had gotten slightly damp, and simply focused on Kai's face, trying to not look at the corpse behind them. She couldn't find her voice, so she remained silent, hoping that they would just get here quickly.
Venn didn't want to disturb Evelynn as she sat on the floor and rocked herself, whatever she was going through she would be strong enough to overcome it. He just decided to examine the monitor and the bloody mess. "Bloody hell...literally," his eyes widened slightly, but he swallowed loudly and shook his head. He would just have too get over it a lot of blood was going to be shed sooner or later.

His eyes grazed over Evelynn as she stood once more, wiping her damp eyes slightly, so to show reassurance he gently patted her back and gave her a sheepish smile. He then looked back over at the screen, "Kai when will you be back? Its becoming a tad restless just sitting in here waiting for the inevitable." He was determined to escape the facility, yes, but they would need to do it strategically. He remembered what 'The Master' had said about holing up and being lined up and shot at... That seemed like a likely scenario, yet again, if they continued to stay in this little hallway. "Did Nova even block off the entrance to here?" He puzzled over several things, but he always came back to being holed up in this small hallway. It was getting rather stuffy and it wouldn't be long until they all became more than just a little edgy.
Nova, witnessing Evelynn's reaction, commanded the camera to tilt back, leaving only a small portion of the corpse's leg in view.

"Can't believe I was so thoughtless...what's wrong with you Trisha? isn't something like that the more normal reaction? I didn't even feel a thing when I saw him...Damn it" She thought to herself as she awaited their fearless leader's answer.

"He initially said this would take only a few minutes, but it had clearly ballooned into significantly more time. I certainly hope whatever he was planing wasn't time sensitive..." She thought while gazing back upon Evelynn using one of the camera's in the room, not displaying it's feed on the screen.

"Why the hell did I feel so protective of her anyway...not just her, but the kid Irota and to a small degree, everyone else. We only just met...was this just because of my being alone so long in that tube?" She grimaced slightly at the thought that she could be so easily manipulated by something like that, whether it was true or otherwise.

(((We're actually in a room at the end of the hallway, full of weaponry of seemingly all sorts. This position isn't too undefended. Also SilentNinja's been gone for more than an hour, he may have called it a night and not told us. >_< Considering he set himself up as the one with the "master plan", the RP might be stuck till he gets back, unless we can entertain ourselves in this room with personal interaction)))

(((Of course I don't mind Dr.Who lol, I have a habit of trying to figure out ways to make my posts nice and easily understandable)))

Kai couldn't help but smile, it must be torture to be in that hallway with the only exit filled with guards.

"Look, go back to the entrance of the hallway and the second equipment room on the left has a metal box that has two ports on it. Get that, and come back to the computer," he realized that one looked a little unnerved at the situation.

"Look, everything that's happened is exactly according to my plan, except for no-neck scientists over there, which is taken care of. We'll be to the elevator out in 10 minutes. Trust me," He reassured them, walking away from his computer to grab the "flashy-thingy" the person said they needed while he was waiting for the others to grab the device he mentioned. He knew what the boy was asking for the moment he heard about. He turned to the bone-kid.

"Hey, you. Those calcium pills you mentioned? Yeah, their in one of those cabinets, go look for 'em," he said simply.

Kai walked over to the dead scientist, and dragged him to the corner of the room, hoping to ease the feeling on the other side of the camera

(I actually had an internet cut-out. Plus, I'm doing a LOT of things aside from this RP MADNESS! Did you know this RP got over 1/4 of the replies than this other RP, when this RP has been up for less than 48 hours and the other for 5 MONTHS?! This RP is really popular!)
"Oh thank you sir!" I rushed to the cabnits, going through each one completly. I was on te last one when I saw them. I became overjoyed(as overjoyed as an emo with trust issues can be) and opened the capsule, devowering all of the pills. I could instantly feel my body requvinate with all the calcium. "Alright now that that's settled did I hear something about a elevator?"
((Edit: StealthNinja posted cx))

Venn nodded his head at the orders Kai had given him. He headed back down the hallway and turned left as he entered the second equipment room he glanced around searching for the metal box. There wasn't any noise from the door in which the guards had been trying to break down. Now that Venn thought about it, it was deathly quiet and that made him search in a hurried manner. Once he found it he quickly swiped the metallic box and jogged back down the original hallway where the group was.

He entered the security room and stood back in front of the screen. His hands lifted the box up to the computer screen, breathing heavily and trying to calm his rapidly beating heart he spoke, "I got it Kai...Wow I am really out of shape." He spoke the last part mostly to himself.

(((I had tilted the camera view up to remove him from it, so only a very tiny portion of him could be seen in frame)))

"Really?..." Nova said brazenly before thinking better of continuing. She had already seen Evelyn's resolve start to crumble, she wouldn't risk making things worse by unnerving all the rest.

The fact was that even while trapped in this room, there was still a hell of a lot more leg room than back in that tube.

"...because, you do realize there's a small militia back there just itching to see how quickly their automatic weapons can empty their clips at us. Your telling me you want us to go back through them to get to a supply room? Why didn't you just tell Irota here to tell us to grab it on our way in?"

Nova found herself becoming more and more aggressive despite herself. She absolutely wouldn't tolerate them getting hurt at this point, not so much as a paper-cut would go unpunished.

"I cant believe this...Forced to trust some guy I had never met, who had a plan he never bothered to tell us... This whole situation was just unreal." She screamed inside her own head while nodding to the screen.

"I hope you know what your doing..." she responded back while again turning to Evelynn, her voice coming out with just a tinge of a threat.

(((I did read that right? you told us to go back down the hallway but you didn't describe any rooms, just that it curved sharply once and that this room was at the end. So the only thing down the hall would be the large iron slab that is currently keeping us from being swiss cheese >_<)))
Evelynn smiled weakly at Venn when he patted her back. See, now you worried everyone. Good job. Evelynn sighed and lightly rolled her eyes. Why was her own mind so mean to her? She visibly relaxed when the camera tilted to hide the body. "Thank you, Nova." she whispered. She really hadn't meant to draw so much attention to herself, which was why she had stepped back, but perhaps that attracted more attention. Too late to worry about it now. She sighed in frustration and went back to watching the screen, fully registering everything now that the body was gone.

She widened her eyes when the guy mentioned an elevator, and then told them to trust him. Is it safe, though? I mean he is helping us escape, but he has been taking such a long time...She ignored the thought and decided to trust him. After all, what choice did she have? It was either trusting him or going back in a cage. She was a bit more at ease to find out that things were indeed going according to plan. She was elated that there was a plan at all. She took a deep breath and smiled. Perhaps it wouldn't be too bad after all.

She watched as Venn left, possibly to find the metal box that the guy mentioned, and jumped a little when Nova turned to her, but she quickly hid her surprise and smiled at her to let her know that she was now okay. She turned when Venn came back, raising her eyebrows slightly. That had been surprisingly quick. Despite her decision to give Nova space, she found herself drawn to the screen once again as Venn showed the guy who was apparently named Kai the box he had found.
((( Lol ok, i'm confused because I could have sworn this place was described as being at the end of the hallway, after it's sudden turn. No other rooms or even doors were described and the only exit is by the guards who would love to get revenge for all the one's the other's took down. Or is it that the room is there now and just hadn't been described before?)))
(Shh, it's a RP, just go with it xD Although if we must assume, I would go with the latter option. It was probably not mentioned before.)
((I thought the holing up room had two doors? One in which they entered and the guards were trying to break down. The second door being what led them down the hallway where they encountered the box full of switches and the computer. I guessed there could have been a third door that nobody paid attention too notice since they were all trying not to be captured again. That was how I interpreted it though... xD ))
(((Lol sorry guys, I'm really used to crafting D&D campaigns for others to run, and writing novels >_< need to suspend my disbelief a bit more for the RP than i'm accustomed to. When I write, I make sure that everything's stated in some way or another from the start, so it looks more genius when those things the players (if D&D) or the reader (if a novel) ignored before become the obvious save the day tool without ruining the climax)))
(Basically the place you're in is in the shape of an "L" and I was telling you guys to go the the second room on the INSIDE of the L, the room opened when Irota flipped the switches.)

Kai nodded at the sight of the box. "Ok, so pull on the discolored side, one of the corners will lift up, it's a trigger. There's a panel underneath the computer you're using that has the wiring to the computer and out of it. Find the green wire with the red strip going around it. Tell me when you've found it," He spoke calmly, despite everyone seemed on edge. Kai knew he had to work fast, or they'd lost trust in him, if they had any. Truth was, he knew he was taking longer than he should have, but he also knew they were less than 10 minutes away from getting out.
(((lol OIC, I was under the impression that there was no room TILL he flipped the switches and we entered that)))

(((lol so what's next? the ball's in your court atm Ninja)))
Kai nodded at the sight of the box. "Ok, so pull on the discolored side, one of the corners will lift up, it's a trigger. There's a panel underneath the computer you're using that has the wiring to the computer and out of it. Find the green wire with the red strip going around it. Tell me when you've found it," He spoke calmly, despite everyone seemed on edge. Kai knew he had to work fast, or they'd lost trust in him, if they had any. Truth was, he knew he was taking longer than he should have, but he also knew they were less than 10 minutes away from getting out.
(That's what's next. xD )

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