ESCAPE: Experimental Special Containment Act of Protecting Earth.

Evelynn screamed as the guards fired their guns. They didn't want to kill them, did they? She sighed in relief when Nova opened some sort of opening, and hurried over, helping people through. She noticed that one guy was just sitting there thinking, and impatiently nudged him. "Come on, unless you want to get shot." it sounded like more guards were coming, judging by the shuffling of boots and increased. She unraveled her whip again and cracked it a few times. Psychologically, the sound of a whip was supposed to frighten humans. She hoped it would be enough to evacuate everyone.

She looked down the opening and turned to Nova, a bit skeptical. "Do you have any idea where this leads?" She didn't want to end up somewhere potentially dangerous, especially when they were supposed to have been waiting in that particular room.
Venn looked over too the woman who had healed lab coat girl. It looked like he had been awfully lost hiis thoughts again. He nodded slightly and followed her over too the opening. It was rather dark and narrow so only two people would be able too fit at a time. Before he said something completely stupid Venn decided too listen too what the two woman wanted too do and if he could find an opening too help he would be more than happy too help.

For the moment he stood near the healer and waited for clear instructions. He too didn't just want to roam a dark hallway with no recollection of where it may lead.
"Sorry, not a clue" Trisha shouted out over the sounds of gunfire and Evelynn's whip (from now on i'll say Nova in everything but her own mental dialogs so as not to confuse anyonone). "But anywhere is better than here, and I can hold something heavy down a whole lot easier than I can hold both this door and that glorified slab of iron up at the same time. It's either that or test your healing on a couple of hundred bullet wounds!" Nova continued to shout, feeling the door give a little bit more as her electrical pool continued to be taxed.

Nova waited for her to make up her mind, hoping that it wouldn't take very long, afterall, she didn't have that much longer before the electrical drain would begin to weaken her.

"What's taking that Kai so long, at this rate i'm going to have to lock him out

(((LOL lab-coat girl, I sound like some awkward super hero :3. In any case, I did announce out that my name was Nova, a play on my real last name of Noviel)))
Evelynn looked down the opening and sighed. They had already sent the small boy through, so it was probably best that she go as well, if only to protect him. "Okay, but maybe I should go last or close to last,'s better for me to get hurt than anyone else." She smiled and stepped back from the opening, looking at Nova and the other guy. "You should go, quickly." She turned back to the door and frowned. "They're not shooting to kill...Are they?" she asked almost to herself. Where were the guys that had gone to get weapons? Hopefully they could get there quickly and take care of the guards outside. She sighed impatiently and waited for either of the two to go down the opening.
Venn smiled at the two women, "The names Venn. You must be Nova right?" He nodded towards her finally remembering the conversation between her and the healer earlier when she was freed of her tube. He then looked towards Evelynn forgetting what her name had been, "I didn't quite catch your name though. Instead of you being behind why don't you walk and talk with me?" He was trying as hard as he could too calm the worried healer.

He put on an almost boyish grin and looked at the metal door in which gun fire and shouting comensed. "Those guards really wanted their test subjects back huh?" He thought too himself, "Oh well!" In a gentle motion he patted the healers shoulder and guided her towards the opening. "Remember walk and talk.." His smile slightly faltered as he mentally slapped himself for sounding so creepy, but he had good intentions. It was best too try and have a light humor attitude if he wanted too keep even himself sane.
Siv thought and that could be it,though different things of the same color would get confusing right? He would have made each one a different color just in case,maybe they were. He didn't know and why'd he care? But then he slightly froze,where was his notebook? That guy took it! He didn't just take the map but the whole thing,and he wanted it back. But he didn't know where the person went,he was kinda lost now since he wasn't paying attention to where he was going and he couldn't get the blind off so he just went a long with the flow. Hoping he'd get his note book back later
She smiled at Venn, and nodded. "I'm Evelynn. We can certainly walk and talk, but we should hurry." She jumped a little at the touch on her shoulders, but she masked her surprise with a small smile and walked though the opening. She really was not used to being touched so gently, although she herself had made to heal countless things throughout the years. She had been waking at a brisk pace when she heard Benn remind her to walk and talk. She chuckled and shrugged. "So, what should we talk about?"

She looked back, hoping that Nova was close behind them and was not hurt. She felt a bit guilty about leaving first, but it could not have been helped. She wondered where they were going, and did not loosen her grip on her whip at all, ready to attack at the smallest sign of threat. But her face was serene. She didn't want to openly show that she was rather nervous and scared.
Being that she was literally the only thing preventing the door from sliding open, Nova just couldn't take the chance that leaving first would unlock it before everyone was safe. She sighed in relief when Venn urged her forward. Nova admired her willingness to place herself in danger...but she wanted her out and safe.

"If she were safe, as long we weren't dead, she could probably patch up any of us..."

Nova just couldn't shake the feeling that things were not going according to however they were supposed to.

"I can't just let them go down like this, what a crappy ending that would be to all this..."

Once they were safely through, Nova inched her way closer to the exit, already feeling the first signs of exaustion from the over use of her resources. The door slid over with a loud bang as she was no longer capable of fending off the guard's combined strength.

They poured into the room quickly, guns waving back and forth as they check their corners. Nova rushed towards the exit, doing little more than falling through before the iron slab dropped back into place. She panted heavily once on the other side, the light sparkling of electricity in her eye's fading to almost nothing as she struggled back up to her feet.

"If I don't find a way to replenish my electrical reserves soon, i'll be nothing more than a hindrance...Look strong Trisha, look strong.

Nova did her best to shake the appearance of exhaustion before moving to join with the others.

(((Sorry about my slow post, was doing a lot here IRL )))
"We'll walk slow so Nova may catch up." He removed his hand from her shoulder and decided too get his lighter out so they could see a little better. He pulled out the small metal box from his back pocket and flipped the top open, after a few flicks a spark went up with a flame following. The light illuminated off the walls of the narrow hallways and it slightly made Venn's eyes glow an orange color. The flame was small, but the heat was intensified once Venn's skin pulsed lightly. It always calmed the adolescent down when he had his lighter out in front of him.

Before he could fall into the flames beauty he looked back at Evelynn, "It is very nice too meet you miss and how bout you tell me what you are thinking right now. If that isn't too much too ask? I believe it is best too voice your thoughts once and awhile so you don't get lost in them alone." A boyish grin spread across his face and he put his free hand into his front pocket. He then remembered what Evelynn had said about the young boy going first and he hoped they would catch up with him in time. It was best if they tried too stick together.
I searched around the room with Kai, just hoping that I would find these pills and hopefully the chemical to test it. It didn't seem to be anywhere in this room though. "Hey is this the only place my pills could be? No other rooms?" I noticed I still had this notebook and thought i should give it back but there was no time, that person would have to come get it back.
"No sweat..." Nova uttered firmly once she had caught up with the others, eradicating every trace of exhaustion from her voice that she could manage. "They should find it pretty hard to move that thing on their own, and it's not large enough for a lot of them to try at once....we should be alright for now."

Nova turned to look at Irota, trying to tell if there was a contingency plan for this, wondering if Kai had a way of catching up with us now.

"I guess this is what battle was like..." Nova thought to herself. She had spent most of her life creating advancements that had found their way in one way or another into advanced weaponry, but had never tasted the risk of combat for herself.

"Why am I even here doing this...this wasn't how my life was supposed to go. This probably wasn't how any of our lives were supposed to go..." Nova continued to think to herself before pushing them from her mind

"No doubts Trisha, you'll get through this, and you'll make sure they all do also..​"
[QUOTE="The BetterKuja](If I may ask, where are we now with this awesome rp?)

So far on your hit drama ESCAPE:

The inmates of the large detention and experimentation facility known as ESCAPE have done just that, escaped their individual cells. The seemingly random assortment of people split into three groups. The apparent leader and organizer of the operation headed off with the archer of the party to gather items necessary for the survival of some of the physically modified individuals as well as weaponry for those adept in their use.

Before leaving, he gave order to most of the others to meet at a specific place inside the facility that could be reached following his directions. Upon arriving there, we were to "hole up" and wait on his return which he promised would be swift.

Lastly, a misterous individual calling himself "The Master" declared the foolishness of "holeing up", equating it to "lining up" to be shot and went his own ways. Curiously, this "inmate" didn't seem to be nearly as confined as the rest of us.


Upon arriving at the location given to us by Kai, the escapee's were ambushed by a large group of gaurds. Thinking fast on her feet, Nova hacked the door to the room and held it sealed with her Magnatism while Irota desperately attempted to pull free a large iron slab, revealing a concealed hallway, appearently part of Kai's escape plan.

Left with little choice, the escapee's continued in the tunnel while Nova held both the door shut and the tunnel open, exausting what little strength she had remaining.

Once all were through, Nova lost control of the door as her magnetism faltered and she lunged through into the tunnel as it sealed off.

And now we return you to *cues catchy snazzy background music* ESCAPE
Evelynn jumped when she heard the heavy iron fall back in place and unconsciously stood closer to Venn, somewhat comforted by the fire. She looked up at him at his question, and thought of the best way to answer. "It's nice to meet you as well. Right now...I'm glad that we got away by the guards, and I hope that the archer guy and our self-proclaimed leader can find us, wherever this hallway is leading us. What about you?" She was thinking many other things, such as the safety of everyone else and Nova, where the supposed Master was and whether he had told the guards about them, but she thought it wouldn't be good to come off as such a worrywart.

She smiled brightly when Nova caught up. "Nova! Thank goodness you're okay. You weren't hurt, were you?" She examined Noba carefully, and was pleased to find that there were no obvious signs of injury. "I just hope that this doesn't lead us right into more guards..." She sighed as she kept walking, a bit more relaxed since they were all together.
(Thank you very much. That was a very creative recap.)

Esmion's hair slowly began to return to its natural length, putting his mind at ease. He was even more relieved that Nova was alright, but he didn't feel like he would be or has been of much help in this escapade.
"It really is a relief that you are safe and sound, Nova," Esmion said joyfully.
" injuries Evelynn" Nova responded as firmly as she could manage, still trying to mask just how exhausted and weak she was getting from her excessive taxing on her electrical reserves.

"It's better they didn't know anyway...can't let them have doubts..." She thought to herself while Evelynn seemed to scan her over for wounds.

Nova placed a hand on her shoulder, partially to reassure her, and partially to buy her time to silently reorient herself as feelings of nausea began to overcome her.

She took a moment to nod her acknowledgement at Esmion while she tried to analyse the situation in a way only a scientist could really do

"I don't think we'll have to worry about guards for a little while at least though, that speaker I ripped off seemed to be part of their communications system, they'll have to find another terminal if they want information on this place, and it kind of feels as if this place must have fallen to disuse if they were covering it with nothing more than a rusting iron slab of metal. They'll probably need to fall back and try to find a way in on some blueprints or something..." She finally announced, exiting her contemplation.

"That doesn't mean we're out of the frying pan yet though...they wouldn't have much reason to filter the air in a disused portion of their facility. We'll have to watch out for Co2...make sure you say something immediately if your feeling dizzy, we might have to bypass whatever room we're in if it happens...I don't want to die from Hypercapnia after dodging bullets all day..." She continued before finally being betrayed by her body and dropping to the ground quickly.

Nova tried her best to make it appear as if it were just another ungraceful attempt at sitting, but was doubtful of exactly how convincing she was.

"Damn it...why now..."

(((Thanks a lot Kuja :3 everyone seemed to like it the first time, I figured i'll just keep amending it when required)))
The hallway Irota led them into was just a simple hallway with one turn, it was closed off on all sides and it was just metal walling. Irota ran up to the very end of the hallway and pulled of a thin metal sheet, revealing a set of 25 small switches, 5 rows of 5 switches. Each switch had 5 settings, making it 625 options that Irota could set them at, luckily Kai planned this out too. Irota ran through the directions in his mind, while flipping the switched accordingly. 2, 5, 3, 1, 4, 3, 5, 1, 3, 4, 2, 5, 3, 1, 4, 4, 3, 2, 5, 1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 2, 1 was the order that Irota set them in. He waited, and clicks were heard in the wall. Once the clicks happened, Irota waited about 5 seconds, then set all the switches in the middle column all the way down, another click. Irota waited 5 more seconds and switched the very middle switch to setting 2. A third click was heard, then doors on each side of the hallway opened and a crap ton of special equipment including suits, gloves, etc. On the wall that the switches were on opened too, revealing a computer. Irota looked at the others, this was as far as Kai had directed him.

Kai looked at bow-guy and bone-guy who somehow followed him here.

"Hey, if you want those pills you were talking about, they're in another spot. Trust me, I've seen them," he said, the mass of guards approaching them, "But if you want them, we're going to have to take out these 50-sum guards, you ready?"
Co2 began to ring in Esmion's mind. "I am confused, Nova." What do you mean by Co2?," he asked.

Esmion has been here for a while, but has only heard bits and pieces of the story. Out of concern, Esmion's hair began to elongate, and sharpen flowing about as they were tentacles. "Oh please. Not this again," he sighed as he was very much embarrassed Nova's abilities, in his opinion were impressive, but in his case, he was nothing more than the living example of an extremely bad hair day.
"It's a gas, you breath it out every time you exhale, but if the amounts get to high it can kill you" Nova said, doing her best not to simply gasp it out as she watched Irota mess with what appeared to be a fairly low tech control panel.

When the doors opened up, Nova sighed in relief before testing her body to see if she could manage to stand without looking like some kind of bed ridden infirmed.

"Looks like we wont have to worry about it afterall..." she said with small signs of exertion in her voice as she rose.

Making her way over towards Irota, Nova quickly surveyed the room. Once she identified a bit of electric weaponry that would be too large to feasibly carry with us, she held her hands out pulling their energy from them forcibly, melting out their battery packs in the process but making her feel much more vital, still far below normal but at least it was something
Irota turned to Nova, he heard her talking about this being unused because of the low security. "Um... Actually... That slab had a lot of security precautions, but Kai took care of most of them while they were testing him here and he was invisible. They punished him for leaving the area, but they thought he had just misheard the directions... The rest of them must have broken when you moved it...." he said quietly.
Venn was glad Nova had caught up to the group and it was a relief she had not been injured as well. Suddenly, he remembered that the lighter had a limited amount of fluid inside so he snapped his fingers close too the flame trying to create a spark. His fingers lit up dimly and then returned to their original shade of light toffee skin tone. He sighed and tried again, but this time his forefinger and thumb took the spark and were now holding a small flame on the tip. For a moment he mentally congratulated himself, but then remembered the task at hand. He closed the slid on his lighter and stuffed it back into his pocket accordingly. The flames on his fingers made him feel even safer and he looked back at Evelynn as she asked what was on his own mind.

"Well I am hungry, but if I eat now I don't want too start burping up black smoke and choke everyone inside this small corridor," he stopped and rubbed his stomach then continued on. "I am also wondering how Kai and the archer are doing on their quest. They have been gone for quite some time and I just hope the guards didn't catch them." His eyebrows scrunched together in thought, if the guards caught their leader then how else would the rest of them escape? They have all been underground for so long and they were never allowed to the surface. His mind whirled around to the one who called himself: 'The Master'. The man seemed too have potential freedom around the facility and if he was really a tactician then he would have mapped out this entire place.

"It was only logical right?"

He looked back just as Nova joined the group. Her face seemed impassive, but Venn sensed a wave of uncertainty from her aura. Evelynn took a moment too check for any wounds on her. There had seemed too be none on the surface. Venn had so much hope for the group and he didn't believe that would go away. He had hope for Kai and the archer, for Nova, and even for the little boy who had begun too play with a box full of switches. He was so intrigued by the concentration the boy was emitting that he forgot too ask Nova if she really was alright. He heard the clicking of more than twenty switches then they stopped, clicked, stopped again, then finished with one final click. As the walls around them opened up too reveal tons of equipment, Venn heard Nova fall too the ground, but in a moment she was already up.

"You sure you are alright?" He stood next too her, but kept the hand that was now fully a flame away from her.
I nodded my head at Kai and gulped. I was going to go to college to receive my phd in mathematics so I had to factor in what I could do. Let's see, I would be able to jump kill 2 at first, then do a swiping motion with my arms taking out 4 or so, then one nearby will shot but I can knock away his gun and stab him. I'll think of the rest later, it was time to move. I dashed forward putting my arms behind my back and extended my blades. Approaching the first 2 guards, I jumped and landed on top of them, stabbing them with my ankle bones. Jumping into the middle of a group I ducked, put my fist together and spun, taking out 6. I waved for Kai to come along, I couldn't take all of them without more training, this was amazing for me, the top of my skill level. I had to learn more.
(Update, Weirdbraxto's character IS with Kai.)

The bone-guy jumped right in, but that didn't seem to stop him. Kai was actually quite impressed at how fast the kid took out a good amount of the guards. Kai didn't let that fool him, he saw that the kid was capable of fighting, but he wasn't going to take down all the guards. Kai jumped over the kid and planted his feet in two guards skulls, spinning to land on his feet and slitting the throat of the guard that was about to kill the bone kid. Kai flipped backwards over the falling guard and took his gun, spraying at the other guards, killing a good amount, and injuring more. Based on the look of it, Kai estimated there were about 30 more guards, now they've lost the element of surprise, this is going to be tough.
"Is that so...?" Nova said lightly in response to Irota, mostly to herself as she moved on to searching for more electrical sources.

Nova did her best to reassure Venn that she was just fine, and in actuality she was indeed doing quite a bit

"This much is nothing..." She said to him, once again dawning the familiar mask of strength as yet another set of unusable weaponry and other miscellaneous devices found themselves drained of ever electron they possessed. Nova turned back to regard him and allow him a better look at her expression before moving on to the prominent computer system.

Placing her hands gently upon it's surface, Nova willed the screen to life.

"Just where are you'd better not be dead when I find you" She thought to herself as she tasked her concentration with breaching her former captive's surveillance systems, causing room after room to flicker on the screen much too quickly to be of any use to any normal person.

"By the way...I never did catch your name." She said to Venn, turning again to see him while she worked.
CO2, CO2...Cellular respiration. Cells take in oxygen, body releases CO2. Fire consumes oxygen. Evelynn stared at Venn's flame, wondering if it was safe for them to keep it on. They did need a light source, but Nova's condition worried her. She seemed exhausted, judging by the fact that she had no physical injuries. She sighed and walked over to the doors that the boy had opened, staring at the contents with interest. "Amazing..." She turned to the boy and smiled brightly, patting him in the head. "Good job! What should I call you? You can call me Evelynn, or Ev, or Lynn, whichever is easier for you." She was surprised that such a small child had managed to do all this, and she wondered what his role in this whole escape plan was. But she would not pester him about it.

She turned to the rest of the group, and sighed. "Okay, so...What now?"

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