ESCAPE: Experimental Special Containment Act of Protecting Earth.

"Oh well if that's the case then I'm in no need of assistance then. All I truly need is this chemical out of my system, it's trying to weaken my bones and blood but it isn't working, it just makes them adjust at random poi..." I collapsed on the ground to my knees. "Oh god not another cycle." This sort of thing happened every 3 hours between injections, I was doing its final blows on my body. Instantly I got up to my feet, jerking back and screaming in pain. Then all the bones started to crack, like when you pop your knuckles p, but this happened all over my body, admitting a loud sound from head to toe. Once I cracked my shoulders from side to side I randomly shot out my arm blades to relieve some pressure. Going back to my knees I begin to pant. I guess that dose had worn off. I panted loudly as I spoke. "sorry you had to hear that, it's just something that happened when that stuff wears off. I should be fine now." My blades were still out, and from what I could tell, they had cleaned themselfs of the chemical once more, quivering each vertebrae down its blade.
Trisha watched as her wounds sealed up right before her eyes. "What a useful ability..." she thought to herself as relatively light waves of pain caressed against her skin. It was almost like the pain she would receive when being forcibly discharged of her energy, but was much more mild.

She smiled lightly as she responded "I've felt worse".

Trisha felt more than a little uncomfortable by the contact when her healer pulled against her arm, seemingly trying to get her to sit down. She ignored the feelings while complying... "Must not seem ungrateful, but is it really ok to sit around when we should be escaping?"

"...what should I call you?"

"Tri.." she began to reply before thinking better of it. "Don't be so naive Trisha, it's only a matter of time before they turn on you also. You ARE after all one of these people who ran those experiments. I'd be better to hide my involvement, at least for now, till I can better explain things."

Trisha left her own inner reflection to see her healer apologizing to another escapee.

"You can call me, Nova" she said with as much strength as she could muster, watching the man who seemed to be the leader talking about some operation with an archer.

"They needed to be fast?" Trisha thought to herself before feeling as if a lightbulb had just flared on in her head.

She rushed to her feet, whether Evelynn was finished or not and made her way over to them as quickly as she could muster, finally regaining some semblance of control over the rubber her legs thought they were

"Take me also. I can hack their system. Make sure all the right doors open and all the wrong one's close" she declared with no small amount of confidence.

"Good, take the definitely won't be going back to how you were before..."
(Sorry I proofed >.> Internet was weird)

Venn searched around his pockets for his metal flip lighter. He brought it out of his back pocket and smiled slyly. Then he walked over too the teen, who had broken them all out, the archer, and the women in the lab coat. He wanted to be of assistance some what. "Well I could quickly get that stuff for you? I'm rather speedy and it'll be good for me too stretch my legs?" He took a look around at all the altered humans and knew that it was true that most needed something essential too survive. They would definitely need too get the stuff fast if they didn't want too get ambushed and shoved into new cells.
"Well it looks like your bones were just acting up," Esmion said to the man, looking relieved. "At least you have your mobility back." Having recent injections as well,Esmion could feel his hair becoming shoulder-length. "Oh no, not again," Esmion thought to himself. In the wink of an eye, his hair had gotten so long, that if he put in a ponytail, he could use it as a giant whip.
(((So far everyone has escaped their cells and collected in the hallway. The archer has been making sure no other guards pester us in the room and Evelynn has recovered my wounds (though i'm not sure if she finished with the small cuts on my feet before my character stubbornly ran off. We're getting ready to try and take the items some of us need in order to continue before trying to break out. (I say we're but I dont know if my character will be allowed due to her normal speed). )))
Evelynn tried to hide her frown at the sound of all the bones popping and cracking, but was gratefully distracted by the woman talking. "Nova...that's a pretty name." She was certain that she had begun to say something else, but she decided to let it go. It wasn't uncommon for subjects to momentarily forget their names. The scientists rarely called them by name, after all. She pouted when Nova walked away, but she caught herself and got up as well. Of course, there was no time to idly sit and heal everyone. What had she been thinking? At least one of Nova's feet was free of glass and cuts.

She turned to the boy who had spoken about going to fetch things and spoke to him. "If you're going to get things, could you possibly get me something from the weapon room? Possibly a sword or a rapier?" She smiled shyly, hoping that it wasn't too much to ask for. She did have her whip, as she had managed to sneak it in her cage before being moved, but she did want to have a better weapon, just in case.
Castor was taking a leisurely walk in the hallway. The scientists had long stopped trying to stop him from escaping his cell. They knew he'd never attempt to escape the facility itself because it seemed to them that he derived a somewhat masochistic pleasure from messing with those that studied him. Indeed, the sadistic happiness that he got from annoying others was, perhaps, the only thing keeping him there. But, I digress. Castor was walking, when suddenly, he found a group of escaped detainees. They seemed hurried, and very jumpy, as if they were afraid of being caught. So, Castor spoke up. "Hello! I see you've all gotten out. What a nice night it is for taking a stroll, don't you think? Personally, I enjoy my weekend strolls around the facility the most. Usually, they allow me a little extra time to walk the perimeter, as if to reward my good behavior." Smiling, he continued. "However, escaping your cell and taking a walk gets boring after a while, so I am need of a little adventure, a little fun. Something to spice up my life. So, if you guys are planning an escape, I'll be a part of it. Think of me as your tactician, the Master, as the scientists call me. A pleasure to meet you all." Castor was an odd sight, as all the others were panicked, their eyes darting to look for possible signs of being caught, and they were all bruised and cut to some degree. Yet, Castor looked serenely calm, and he was in perfectly healthy physical condition, wearing a pristine, clean, almost royal looking attire, rather than the dirty clothes of the others.
Maxim moved from her cell slowly and into the hallway with the others. She was emotionless at the moment and just watched everyone. Her Desert Eagles sat in a holster on each thigh. Her hand rested on the right one as she looked at Evelynn then to Siv then to Trisha. Her eyes where black as she looks from person to person. She pulled her right pistol out and made sure it was loaded.
"So I'm not the only one who was bored," Esmion said, not even expecting Castor to want in on the events taking place. He would get closer, but he knew that Castor was very unpredictable, so he kept his distance. "I'm Esmion. It is a pleasure to meet you as well."
Venn ignored the the one who called himself Castor, rolling his eyes, and turning towards the healer, "I was going to head up to a weapons room anyway so I could grab my kunai stuff. I could probably grab what you need as well." He scratched the back of his neck in a calm manner. He was the least bit jumpy actually only because he didn't care if he was caught and thrown into another cell. From what he could tell, escaping would be an adrenaline rush, a real challenge that could help him manifest his powers to a higher stature and even learn more about the other's alterations. His skin slightly pulsed and he felt another wave of heat wash over his entire body, 'I will never get used too that will I?' He thought bitterly too himself. The side effects of the recent skin injections caused his skin too heat up at the most randomness at time and usually at night he would wake up coughing up black smoke. It was another reason too try and escape, he needed to learn to control his powers better. He was still facing the healer waiting for a response.
Maxim watched everyone talk. She was like a ghost and was as quiet as she could be. It seemed to be working. She leaned against the cold stone wall until someone gave her directions on what to do. Well thats if they could see her. She looked at everyone and cleared her throat. No one seemed to hear her so she raised her Desert Eagle and shot the stone roof above everyone's head. Some of the stone and stone dust fell on their heads. She cleared her throat again. "Can I pleas know what we are doing?" Her ice eyes bounced from person to person.
I had stared at the ground trying to gain control again. I had instantly regained it and sheathed my arms once more. Popping my neck I peer at the 'leader' of this operation and begin to wonder why? It seemed likely enough that we all just needed to get our shit together, none of us knew what was happening. I was just ready to leave, never to be bothered by these scientist again. I listen to the man talking about getting these weapons and decided I'd go. I needed to get around and feel my bones for the first time not beig controlled by a scientist. "I'm going with you to get those weapons, I haven't gotten much use of my bones other then testing, time to see if I can be any use."
Kai turned to the healer that had asked for her rapier, he was running out of time and wasn't even sure he could make the trip he needed to now in time.

"Uh, yeah, sure, I'll try to get it if I can make it," he began to speak up, everyone was kind of doing their own thing, that wasn't good. Everyone should be trying to accomplish one task: escape.

"Everyone! I'm going to be making a run for any special needs anyone needs, if you need anything, tell me before I'm heading out for them. For everyone who is staying here, listen close! We're running out of time, go down this hallway and take a left, then down that one and take a right. At the end of that hallway will be a room, get into it and hole up. I'll show up there in no time. Already, I know we're behind schedule. If we're going to get out of here, we're going to have to make up for it. So if you need something, tell me now and if you don't get your ass moving!" Kai didn't like to come off rude, but he was the one that got all these people out of their containment, and if they wanted out, they were going to have to listen to Kai. He had scanned out every inch and corner of the path they needed to take to get out. He didn't let a single detail pass. He'd been planning this since he was detained in 2025, only 5 years had passed and he was ready to get out, and he wasn't going to let anyone slow him down.

Kai made sure he remembered this, before anything else: They'll have your head if they catch you, but most of the others will be forced to live, their escape is more important. Put them first.

"No ones coming with me, except bow guy if he wants, I'm not going to be slowed down."
Evelynn smiled brightly at their answers. "Great! Thank you so much. My rapier should be in the corner somewhere. It's probably the only one, so it shouldn't be hard to find." She loosened her whip and looked down the hallway, trying to remember everything that the 'leader' was saying. Down the hall, left, then right. Room, hole up. She ran to the girl who had fired a gun. "We're walking, that's what we're doing. Now please put your guns away, unless you want more guards to come down here after us." She took a deep breath after saying all that. It wasn't like her to say something like that to a stranger, but it couldn't be helped. They were in a hurry, and needed to get out quickly. So she started to walk quickly down the hallway, repeating the directions in her head. Down the hall...Left here! She pressed herself against the wall and looked around the corner carefully before making the turn and walking again. Hopefully, no guards would come down there.
Castor didn't like the sound of being holed up. He refused to be in such a tactically foolish position. However, these people didn't mean anything to him, so he decided that he'd let them fend for themselves, with a little warning. Waving a hand behind him, Castor began to walk away from the group, continuing in the direction he was going. Over his shoulder, he spoke. "Hey, you guys go to whatever room this guy tells you to. I can see that he knows his stuff. Probably planning for the past 5 years, so he knows what he's talking about. However, I don't feel like trapping myself in such a tactically unsafe position. "Holing up" is the equivalent to lining up for the firing squad. This facility has highly trained personnel, and they aren't going to have a problem getting into the room, at which point we'd all be conveniently trapped in one place, ready to be shot. If you want to do that go right ahead. Personally, I'll meet you all later. I have to go talk with one of the guards that keep track of my night walks out of my cell. I'll be seeing you." Saying this, he continued to leave.
Trisha carefully examined 'The Master' as he walked up in what seemed an arrogant stroll. "What exactly was with this guy? Too confident to be a detainee. Too carefree to be one of the captors....Too much wrong to be taken at face value. It was a good thing I didn't give my actual name after all it seems." She thought to herself while resting her hands inside her lab-coat.

"So I'm not the only one who was bored..." rang out behind Trisha, catching her attention.

"They knew each other? Well I guess it wasn't too odd. It didn't seem as if most were placed in so solitary a prison as myself. His behavior is quite arrogant as well, though not nearly as much so as 'The Master'."

Trisha closed her eyes in thought again, attempting to feel out just how much electricity she had been left with after her cell's countermeasures against her abilities. She was disappointed to find it was quite a bit lower than normal, not enough for electric shocks, but at least enough for some pretty spectacular displays of magnetism.

"Stay on guard Trisha. Remember, they're in it for themselves, you should be al-"

A single staccotic burst rang out through the air, sending small shards of gravel dust raining down. Trisha turned to the source and absorbed the spector-like appearance of the girl holding a golden pistol of some kind.

Finally, the orchestrator of this whole thing spoke up, shouting directions that were easily committed to memory. Trisha grimaced momentarily at his rejection of her, but figured he must be pretty confident in his own abilities if he was going to turn her down.

Turning to meet everyone else, she began to shout as best as her recovering voice would allow.

"Alright then. Let's get going, you heard him".

She started off forward, projecting as powerful an aura of authority as she could muster. Not particularly intimidating, but enough to convey that she wasn't unaccustomed to leadership, and besides, if what he said was true it wouldn't take him long to get back and take charge again.

(((I ask that you do not describe the emotions of my RP character beyond what can be easily extrapolated from my own descriptions (which I try to make quite detailed and include any relevant thoughts). My character isn't panicked as you can tell, but rather weary; Three failed attempts at posting in a row -__-)))
Despite being bored, Esmion knew he would not be able to get out alone. Esmion just wanted something to do, and anything to do. "Well don't leave me here," Esmion said, his childishness making a comeback. He knew he sounded a lot like Castor at that moment, but it was he could think of doing to stop thinking about his very long hair.
Kai glared at 'The Master' if he said holing up in the room Kai specified was a bad idea, he obviously didn't know shit about this place. If Kai wanted them to hole up in any room, he would have just said 'Hole up in a damned room until I get there' this Master guy was asking for it, Kai would by lucky if the Master gave him a reason to wet his blade.

Kai shook his head You can't think like that, Kai he thought.

Kai looked at bow guy, jumped up, pulled off a grating to the ventilation system, which Kai was convinced didn't freaking work. Once he got up, he saw the lasers that would detect any movement that went through them. Kai inched his way to the set of lasers and bent the beam, like they do in all spy movies, with his knife. Once he got through he let the beam go. He got through that, but the rest of the vent system got thinner because they were closing off any chance of anyone get through. This would have to do.

He punched through the grating and took out three guards with one swipe of his knife, throwing it to kill a fourth. The fifth and final guard started shooting at Kai, but with no success because Kai ducked, then side-rolled and tripped the guard. Kai then took the guard's gun and shot him with it. The door was open but most of the guards were taking the long way around to get to the escapees. Those guards are probably breathing down their necks already he thought to himself.

([MENTION=3382]TheFallOfitAll[/MENTION] Cato can be following Kai if you want him to.)
(((Edit: OOC: Headed to sleep for now, be back in a few hours :3 and thanks again for the RP everyone)))

go down this hallway and take a left, then down that one and take a right. At the end of that hallway will be a room, get into it and hole up." Trisha allowed the orders to replay in her head.

"Taking orders now huh..." She mused to herself before recalling vividly the betrayal of someone that was supposed to be like family.

It didn't take much to reach the target destination. It seemed as if there was nothing in the way of interference.

"...planning for the past 5 years" Trisha parroted Caster's words to herself. Judging by the lack of defense on the opposition's part, it certainly seemed as if that was accurate, though she didn't recall if the 'leader' of this escape actually said anything of the sort.

"Telepathy?" Trisha mused to herself before unlocking the door with no need of her ability.


During her running, Trisha made frequent disguised glances towards the healer of the group, Evelynn.

"How exactly did her ability to recover work? Though I guess it's a good sign that it still does on a body like mine.." She thought to herself as she so frequently did, allowing herself to hope that there was indeed a way to limit some of the more life-threatening effects of her own ability
Evelynn stepped into the room after Nova, gently closing the door behind her, and looked around, wondering what part of the facility they were at. She walked around the perimeter of the room and when she found no sign of imminent threat, she went to sit by the corner, her face fixed on the door in case something unexpected were to happen. But what exactly were they waiting for? For everyone to get back? She sighed and leaned against the wall. Don't be impatient now. At least they're helping you escape. She closed her eyes, feeling rather tired, but her grip on her whip remained strong. She hated to admit it, but she was rather useless without a weapon. Perhaps that is why you were left behind. She shook her head to chase those thoughts away and opened her eyes to look at Nova.

"So, Nova...What was in that liquid? If you don't mind me asking, that is." she asked in a low voice, almost afraid to break the silence. She had really wanted to ask what her alteration was, but she felt it was much too personal.
(((OOC: lol I hate leaving threads unanswered so, one more before I actually leave to sleep :3)))

(((Edited because I am an idiot and accidently hit send before it was

The sound of Evelynn closing the door behind her was an unexpectedly welcomed one to Trisha as she stood inside in her quiet contemplation. She tried not to look like some excited kid going with their parents to some amusement park as she looked around the room, though there were still obvious signs being given off by her. It just couldn't be helped though, for the last few years all she had ever seen was the inside of that tube. She had been fed intravenously all of nutrients and drugs the scientists decided she needed.

"So, Nova..." Attracted her attention back to the other inhabitants of the room. "Keep this up and your gonna look jumpy...".

"...What was in that liquid? If you don't mind me asking that is."

"'s a liquid's meant to keep me from affecting the world around me by dampening the effects of my electricity while not being toxic." She explained, noticing that she came off as a bit of a know it all only afterwards.

"Probably best not to explain that it was my research that brought it about in the first place. How odd it must be for a person to design their own prison and not realize it...​"
Siv was lost on what they were doing now and just sighed,standing where he has been. He put his notebook and pencil down on the floor in front of him and started trying to get the his eyes uncovered,but the blind wouldn't move. He felt along the back to find some sort of buckle with a key hole in it,no wonder it was so tight around his eyes this time. Well he didn't want to be deaf and dumb for much longer to he still tried to get it off,trying to mess with the lock to see if he could just lossen it.
(dear rpnation, let me sleep)

I had silently stayed behind everyone, trying to not to atract much attention if my bones had another spazem. My mind was set on finding the room where they kept the chemicals they used on my, I knew they would have a. Close storage room so they could regularly inject me. There didn't seem to be any sort of storage room by the looks of it. I gulped nervously and yelled, "Hey um mister Kai? If you see any sort of um storage room around with an orange liquid and pills tell me please?" I hoped he could hear me from back here.

Siv jumped slightly when some one behind him had spoken,Orange liquid? Siv didn't like that stuff,though he remembered where it was. He took his notebook and pencil and carefully began drawing since he couldn't see,he drew a map of the place and drew what the orange liquid was held in in the room it was kept. He put a question mark by it and showed the one who spoke of it,wondering if that was the stuff he was talking about.

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