ESCAPE: Experimental Special Containment Act of Protecting Earth.

weirdbraxto said:
My mind was set on finding the room where they kept the chemicals they used on me
wait? that stuff is good for you? you made it seem like that was the stuff making you spasm around in pain.
I look over and see someone handing me a amp of some sort. "Oh what is this?" I look closely at it, it seems to be the way to find what I was looking for. "Well thank you but, it might be a different liquid I'm looking for. They might have put this in you but not what I was injected with. I'll look anyways though. Thank you." I pushed to the front where Kai was and put the map befor him. "I'm looking for how to get here, could you help me?"

(yes but it's also I'm the same room where they have the calcium pills for me)
weirdbraxto said:
I pushed to the front where Kai was and put the map befor him.
Kai has already gone off to acquire everyone's stuff, but i'm certain he'll count all this as happening before he left. He also gave everyone direction to head to some sort of 'safe room' or something, asking that we wait there for his return. It is where my character Nova and Lily of the Valley's character Evelynn left off

I'll stop posting these since it seems you two are caught up and are just telling your parts of the story, sorry for my intrusion
Evelynn stared blankly for a couple of seconds. Liquid insulation? Dampening electricity? "That must have been horrible..." She didn't quite know what else to say, as she had never gone through a similar experience. She managed to smile though, a small, reassuring smile. She tried to look for a way to change the subject, but when she couldn't come up with anything, she simply sat back and closed her eyes again, deciding to enjoy the feeling of not being confined to a cage. She hugged her legs, resting her cheek on her knees, and relaxed.
"It was isolated yeah, but at least I didn't have to deal with the examiners directly. It was just me alone in my tube..." Trisha said gently, and a part of her did actually mean it.

She tried to imagine what it would have been like if she were one of the others who seemed to be checked in on quite frequently. In her case, it was more as if they were using her as some sort of portable battery and power regulator, but there was no direct interaction. "It was mostly just lonely" she thought to herself, but knew she would never say anything of the sort out loud.

Trisha watched as Lily pulled herself into a relaxed fetal position. "I a way, I did have things a bit easier than the others. Was that some twisted sense of kindness from Dr. Traven?" She sighed unintentionally from the thought before likewise dropping ungracefully into a seated position, propped up with her arms while he legs spread out in front of her.

"Oh right..." she said before turning to face Evelynn directly. "Think you can finish up while we have time?" She continued, gesturing lightly to her still cut up foot.
ToxicCupCakez said:
OOC: HOly jesus!!! What did i miss? I leave from 14 posts and now theirs 55? O.o Catch me up plz.. :x
So far on your hit drama ESCAPE:
The inmates of the large detention and experimentation facility known as ESCAPE have done just that, escaped their individual cells. The seemingly random assortment of people split into three groups. The apparent leader and organizer of the operation headed off with the archer of the party to gather items necessary for the survival of some of the physically modified individuals as well as weaponry for those adept in their use.

Before leaving, he gave order to most of the others to meet at a specific place inside the facility that could be reached following his directions. Upon arriving there, we were to "hole up" and wait on his return which he promised would be swift.

Lastly, a misterous individual calling himself "The Master" declared the foolishness of "holeing up", equating it to "lining up" to be shot and went his own ways. Curiously, this "inmate" didn't seem to be nearly as confined as the rest of us.

And now we return you to *cues catchy snazzy background music* ESCAPE

Evelynn's eyes snapped open and she immediately sat up, staring at the room in confusion before focusing on Nova's feet. She relaxed and smiled apologetically. "Sorry, reflex. I guess I was lost in my thoughts. Of course we can finish." She wrapped her whip around her waist with a flick of her wrist and pocketed the handle as she sat in front of Nova, looking at her feet. "I'm going to get all the glass out first."

She took a deep breath and started the task, carefully removing any glass pieces with her right hand and healing with her left. It was a bit confusing for her, but it worked. As she labored, she opened her mouth to speak, avoiding eye contact with Nova. "That must have been really lonely...I had contact with some of the scientists, and I think I developed a sort of Stockholm Syndrome towards my main researcher." Why was she saying this? She tried not to think about what had happened, but saying out loud helped her in a way. She chuckled emptily as she healed the last cut. "Sorry, I don't know why I just told you that. Anyway, your feet are good to go. Is there anything else?"

(Hahaha best explanation ever.)
Trisha was more than a little surprised by Evelynn's accurate assessment of her thoughts. She half nodded embarrassed before letting out "I..I guess".

It was very clear to Trisha that her lack of human interaction over the years had not done wonders for her already poor communication skills. She had long missed her days of pouring over research notes, something she knew most would find exceedingly dull.

"Stockholm syndrome...really? I guess such situations weren't that uncommon, but I would have thought it impossible in this kind of case. Maybe she was also somewhat empathic, was that how she knew how I felt?"

"...Anyway, your feet are good to go. Is there anything else?"

"No, that's everything..." Trisha started before her scientist level curiosity got the better of her and she felt compelled to ask. "What were your captors like?"

She knew immediately that the sentence was inappropriate, but with everything she had done in her past, finding out that some of her precious research had been used to manipulate the bodies of people other than herself...she just had to know what they felt like.

(((Lol thanks :3 btw...wth is with the text box constantly jumping my curser to odd places when I do things like hit backspace T-T)))
([MENTION=3957]Pristine Dark[/MENTION] I think that just made my day. xD )

(Taking in account that everything weirdbraxto said was before Kai left.)

Irota was in the corner of the room that Evelynn and Trisha were in, he knew the importance of this room. Everything important in this room was hidden, Irota knew that, this was the room they performed some of his tests in. At first sight, it was just a metal box. There was a bit more than that. Irota walked up to the cold metal wall and started to feel across it.

Kai looked out of the door before he moved, he ran across the hallway into the room that hey kept most of the subjects in their cages. The room was completely empty, any subject he didn't get, the scientists grabbed. Since this room was completely useless, there were no guards in it. Kai ran across the room in a couple of steps and stopped at the other door. He realized how close he actually was to the room they kept the chemicals, he would get them first, then get to the weapons room. This shouldn't take more than 5 minutes. He darted into the chemical room, looking through the hundreds of chemicals, there were about three dozen different orange colored chemicals. He looked through them, looking at the subject numbers. He threw out any that had the subject numbers that he knew where... Deceased. This left 5 vials of orange liquids... That's a lot of dead subjects for one colored vial. Kai turned to look out of the door again, most of the guards were going towards where the rest of the escapees were.
(Im so lost if i can't catch up right and my character not be so quiet i can keep this going. But if i can't catch up ill have to drop this PR)
Kaleo said:
(Im so lost if i can't catch up right and my character not be so quiet i can keep this going. But if i can't catch up ill have to drop this PR)
Read post 57 HERE. I already took the liberty of making a "Catch Up" post
Kaleo said:
(are we just in that room still?)
With the exception of Kai, The archer (who's name keeps escaping me), and the man that called himself "The Master", yes, everyone is in the room directed to by Kai.
Not the main cell room where you last posted if that was what you were thinking. In his last post he mentioned that it would take about 5 minutes for him to finish, and that there were guards headed our way though
Evelynn sat back, facing Nova, and sighed. "My captors...They were a bit scary, but that's to be expected. But I think it's because we scare them too, in a way. I don't know. But there was one person, my main researcher, who didn't do much but stand there and watch while they...well, experimented. Including her, there were five scientists, except they upped security when I..." You probably shouldn't tell her about that. She might think you're dangerous or crazy. She cleared her throat and tugged at a strand of hair, smiling sadly. "You know, I used to have black hair. They really freaked out when it went all white." She shrugged and stared at a small boy who was feeling around the walls. "Are you looking for something?"

(Yeah, it does that to me too, when I italicize or bold something. It's annoying)

Maxim had both her Desert Eagles in her hands. She looks around at everyone and wondered why no one seemed to answer any of her questions, but she remembered that she moved like a ghost. She needed to talk to someone so she will be seen. But who?... As much as she needed to everyone looked busy. She frowned and looked around for something that could ge everyones attention.
Trisha sat silently and listened to what Evelynn had to say. "It's obvious she's hiding a lot, unless she really went Stockhelm because they increased security after a 'Hair Color' change."

"I see..." she responded, trying to veil her thoughts by talking in that strong voice she had adopted earlier.

"...Are you looking for something?"

"It didn't take long for her to change the subject...whatever it was must have been pretty.."

Trisha stopped in her thoughts there. While her hearing wasn't anything spectacular, she had definitely heard what sounded like boots in the distance, and they were definitely headed in this direction.

"Damn...did something go wrong with his plan...was I a fool to just believe he had everything figured out?"

"Does anyone else hear that?" Trisha said while quickly rising to her feet.

(((Thanks for the compliment btw StealthNinja. Saw your post almost immediately but totally forgot to respond to it )))

(((NP Kaleo, any time :3)))
Georgie stood by silent through the whole entire scene. Usually behind the other's backs, he liked to be unnoticed. He just hoped that they would find his "flashy thingy" for him to gather sunlight for his chlorophyll-filled DNA structure. He truly didn't know what was going on though. He didn't even know what group he was in. Finally he said,"W-Where are we going...?" Hoping for someone to answer his highly quiet question.

( I think i might drop this rp as well, this site is confusing. They should send you notices when someone posts in the RP you're in... -.-')
Kai ran out of the room and down the hall, running into some unsuspecting guards who Kai made quick work of. Kai could take out a group of guards in no time. He hoped things were working out back with the other escapees because if they weren't he was probably being framed as a bad guy. He ran down the hallway taking care of any guards that got in his way (With the help of Catotengo if Fall chooses). He got to the weapons room and he knew there was going to be multiple guards inside the room. As 'the Master' says, being holed up is usually a bad thing, so hopefully these guards are easy work.

Irota finally found where he wanted to be, he felt around with his extra hands (that other people can't see) and found the access points to this sheet of metal. He pulled back hard, but the metal only moved about an inch. This was a larger chuck of solid iron and if they could get through it they would be well set to make the escape, according to Kai.

(I am aware that this RP is quite confusing, but once the escape is over and we're all out, things won't be quite as hectic therefore they won't be as confusing. As far as right now: Everyone but Kai and possibly Catotengo is in a room that Kai directed them into. I can speed up the escape if you guys want but this is probably the most confusing part of the roleplay.)
([MENTION=3825]ToxicCupCakez[/MENTION] I promise once Kai gets back, which won't be long, your character will get the attention he needs.)
"We were supposed to be waiting here for the host of our escape Kai...but it seems things weren't going entirely according to his plans" Trisha said while looking around for anything that might help her fend off an attack.

"I hated to think about it, but that Master guy wasn't entirely wrong about being cornered. I had just assumed Kai knew what he was doing after his display in the containment room.

Spotting the specter like woman from before, Trisha wondered exactly how much ammunition she had in those guns of hers, and how she had managed to keep them in her containment cell in the first place. In any case, if we got swarmed a few dozen rounds weren't going to fend off the kind of numbers she knew they should have the funds to support.

"I wanted to look useful, so be useful damn it" She yelled inside her own head before her eye's came across a small, tarnished speaker in the upper portion of the room.

Trisha wasted no time running over towards it, thanking her lucky stars they had had the time to remove the remaining glass before it would have been lodged in deeper. She stretched her hands up, rising on the tips of her toes to finally reach it and ripped it down from it's securement on the wall.

"Lets just hope that this thing is connected to the same system as the door" She thought as she ripped the speaker free of it's wiring and held the tops of the now exposed cables between her finger tips.

Tiny pulses of electricity flowed free of her fingers as she tried to see what could be done. With a lot of effort, she managed to 'short circuit' the security mechanisms for the door, freeing it of it's own hydrolac closing mechanisms and slamming the now free moving door shut with her magnetism and none too soon.

Gaurds slammed hard at a keypad outside the door, visible only through a small window in the door which they immediately began to shoot through.

"Get down!" Trisha yelled out and she instinctively moved to cover the timid looking child, keeping up as much magnetic force as she could muster on the door.

(((Didn't ignore you, you just weren't online when talking...i've been typing this post for a while and as you can see, your clearly answered right from the start; hopefully our sharp shooter can ricochet bullets or something and save us >_< I acted as best my character could with present materials (since Kai never explained what the room was supposed to look like when we got there I took some liberties >_< ))))

(((Not confused at all StealthNinja, just our available people seems to shift a lot, at least atm. Also i'm supposed to be pretty week atm after the cell stole my strength on my escape attempt, so I should be avoiding large electrical uses for fear of killing myself, which is why only magnetism and hacking were used >_<)))
(Here's the biggest problem: This escape was supposed to be chaotic, and this is due to the fact that no one knew what the others could do as it started. Everything should come together very shortly, as the biggest part in the escape is about to happen.)

(I did explain that the room was literally just a metal box. But the speaker and what not is fine I guess.)

Irota pulled harder on the block of metal, and it buckled. Something was holding it from the inside. Suddenly, bullets started flying through the glass window, forcing Irota to hide behind the part of the block of metal that he already got out. If Irota could get this block of metal out, he could force it in front of the door and the window alike. It would also unlock access to the things on the inside of the wall. If Irota couldn't get this black of metal out, then Kai's plan would fail. This was the most crucial part of the plan, after this, everything would be so much easier, Kai had said. The only problem was, Irota couldn't get this block out alone. He looked around hopefully at anyone who would know how to get this block out. "Someone... help.." Was all he could get out, but it was practically inaudible due to the gunfire.

Kai picked the lock with only his knife, for millions of dollars in security they sure didn't lock the doors very well. Kai kicked the door in, throwing in a blade to distract the guards inside. He grabbed the gun he had taken from the guard from before and peeked in, shooting one of the explosive devices used to test resistance of some subjects, killing or seriously injuring all the guards inside. Kai rushed in, killing the remainder of the surviving guards. He looked around, grabbing the rapier he had been explained to grab. He looked around, he noticed a lot of things that would come useful, but he needed to get that flashy-thing the kid had explained and get the hell out, so he ran back out of the room down the hall to meet even more guards who were already prepared for him to run around, Kai was expecting this to happen sooner or later. He couldn't do this one by himself.
Trisha cradled the boy she had yet to even get to know as bullets screamed in from over head. She held his head down as her eye's continued to flit across the room.

"" She could barely hear Irota let out over the repeated bursts of gun fire.

Seeing Irota struggling Trisha immediately figured out what he must have been doing. It didn't take much flexing of her magnetical muscle even in her exhausted state to move the entirely ferrus metal, sending it skittering up to the roof and hanging there lightly under her sustained magnetical field, despite it's weight.

The door threatened to burst open, owing to the combination of the combined strength of the gaurds, her splitting her attention between the two manipulated objects, and her Trisha's own electrical depletion.

She firmly pushed at the kids back, sending him towards the opening she Irota had pointed out, and she had finished revealing.

"GO" she shouted at him, and every one else, tapping what little electricity still flowed through the wires she had used to hack the door, hoping to lengthen the amount of time she could keep this up

(((Lol, I said I wasn't confused, but this whole time I thought Irota was with Kai, not with us :P )))
(Man finally sneak away from rpnation too get some sleep and I miss like four pages xD that's awesome. I'll try too make a long post though sorry if I mess it up though I didn't read the last two pages.)

Before Venn had snuck into the holing room behind the others he had noticed a weapons room close by. As the others continued too walk he used his speed too hurriedly go into the weapons room and retrieve his kunai swords. His fingers grazed over the cool metal and felt safer in a way. The scientist here had given him these swords too practice his superhuman senses; they thought they could make him a soldier. He scoffed at the thought, those lab coat geeks had a strict idea that they could change the world with there altered humans, but all they were doing was changing their test subjects and making them bitter.

His mind whirled back around too the room he was supposed too be in and he quickly sheathed his swords behind his back and exited the weapons room. He finally caught up with the group as they entered the room and he slipped in at the very last moment. With his speed he by passed all the other subjects and stopped in the corner of the room. He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over each other and began too think, "Why are we in here? We should be tactfully escaping not barricading ourselves in a metal box..." He was so deep in thought that he had barely noticed what was going on outside his brain. It was hard for him too focus on his own thoughts and use his sensory abilities at the same time. That may have been the first alteration the lab coats gave him, but they never thought too teach him the skill of multi-tasking.

When the sound of gunfire finally registered in Venn's mind he looked around at the chaos. He mentally slapped himself and took in the situation. The lab coat woman was doing something with the wires of a speaker, closing the metal doors in the process. A hoard of guards could be heard outside those doors and they didn't sound like they wanted a nice cup of sugar. Venn wanted too help, but what was he supposed too do? "Well it wouldn't hurt too ask now would it..." He pushed himself off wall, but before he could ask the metal door was floating in the air high above their heads and the woman in the lab coat was shouting: 'GO!'

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