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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)

Silith nodded at the message as the ships all quickly took off and started for there given coordinates. When they all got there ailing waisted no time and opened fire, the massive guns on the ship sending wave after wave of bullets that ripped through the parking lot and outside area sending the sounds of the slaughter everywhere as the ship cleared the way for the smaller landing ships which quickly landed and let at least 100 guards out which all stormed the building. "Take everyone prisoner, paralizing shots got it!" Duluth called into her mic as the sounds of gunshots rang out across the surrounding city as the big gun ship landed quickly dropping Silith off then going back to the sky and taking out any reinforcements or other ways of taking Ariel ships down
''Say dad,do you think they sell blood flavored Ice cream?'' asked the child with a smile.''And I thought you were getting better...son.'' The man said as they continued walking towards the Ice cream parlor.To this the child answered with a sarcastic answer ''Better? I'm already better than all of you,you people are boring,I'm fun.'' The man just glanced at him and said.''Well...you are an eccentric one for sure,but fun? I don't count what you do as fun kid.'' ''Well,It's not like I didn't warn them.They just didn't listen'' ''You didn't have to...do the next part.'' ''But dad! that is the fun part! tasty too!'' Colin cheered.with a sigh Francis just patted the kids head,he knew he could not cure the child's problems,best he could do was to accept it and try to contain it as much as possible.''We have been over this...just act 'normal' when we are with others.'' he said as he neared the parlor.he could see another car was pulling up.

@CERBERUS177 @Daniel reaving
''Say dad,do you think they sell blood flavored Ice cream?'' asked the child with a smile.''And I thought you were getting better...son.'' The man said as they continued walking towards the Ice cream parlor.To this the child answered with a sarcastic answer ''Better? I'm already better than all of you,you people are boring,I'm fun.'' The man just glanced at him and said.''Well...you are an eccentric one for sure,but fun? I don't count what you do as fun kid.'' ''Well,It's not like I didn't warn them.They just didn't listen'' ''You didn't have to...do the next part.'' ''But dad! that is the fun part! tasty too!'' Colin cheered.with a sigh Francis just patted the kids head,he knew he could not cure the child's problems,best he could do was to accept it and try to contain it as much as possible.''We have been over this...just act 'normal' when we are with others.'' he said as he neared the parlor.he could see another car was pulling up.

@CERBERUS177 @Daniel reaving

Isabella giggled as she pulled her fathers hand. "Papa papa papa! I see it!!" She cheered out as they neared the ice cream place before she looked to him. "What are we getting again papa?" She asked him having forgotten what they were gonna get

Isabella giggled as she pulled her fathers hand. "Papa papa papa! I see it!!" She cheered out as they neared the ice cream place before she looked to him. "What are we getting again papa?" She asked him having forgotten what they were gonna get


Dan smiled at her, "We're getting ice cream dear." he said, ruffling her hair. They reached the shop and Dan got out and helped little Isabella out. He offered his hand for her to hold if she wanted.
"I'll take a scoop of Vanilla please." said the kid with a smile on his face as he stood on his tip toes to look at the flavors."Where  did you come from kid?  Circus?"  "Nope,looney bin"  he answered not even looking at the vendor."Just give the ice cream." told Francis then gave the vendor a few dollar bills,trying to get away before the kid decided to snap.after he got his ice cream Colin tugged his father's arm."Could we stay here for some time dad? We've been insinde hospitals and home for two days,I promise I wont do anything" he asked with a pleading look."Fine,but you better keep your word and don't get out of my sighed." answered Francis as he took a seat on one of the many chairs.Col smiled at him and walked towards a nearby swing most likely placed for kids and not for pre-teens yet with Tim/Col being sickly underweight and short height he doubted and damağa could be done.hell he even doubted any one would guess the true age of the kid unless he revaveled it.While he watched Colin to make sure he Didn't try anything he glanced to his side for a second and saw a man most likely her father pulling a little girl out of a car.'Reminds me of old days.' he thought with a slight smile. What a mess the kid had been when he first adopted him,all clingy and silent.never letting Francis out of his sight in fear of being abandoned.
@High Moon

An Epsilon police squad car pulled over in front of the ice cream place. Commissioner Thorn walked out and stormed over to the back door. Flinging it open, she pulled out a young man with a smile on his face and cuffs on his wrists. "Try to run and I'll shoot you." She threatened and grabbed him by the forearm, leading him to the vendor.
'Thorn! That is what just I needed...' Thought Francis when he saw the sadistic police commissioner exit the the car.he slowly got up from his chair and his went towards the small pistol he carried for protection,he thought about just shooting the woman right then and there yet refrained from doing so.''Better get out of here..." not because he thought the commissioner would recognize him but because he didn't want to risk trigerring a violent episode from the kid. he slowly walked towards the swings where Col was but kept his eyes on the commissioner and her prisoner.

'Thorn! That is what just I needed...' Thought Francis when he saw the sadistic police commissioner exit the the car.he slowly got up from his chair and his went towards the small pistol he carried for protection,he thought about just shooting the woman right then and there yet refrained from doing so.''Better get out of here..." not because he thought the commissioner would recognize him but because he didn't want to risk trigerring a violent episode from the kid. he slowly walked towards the swings where Col was but kept his eyes on the commissioner and her prisoner.



"So, which one do you want?" Thorn smirked, placing a hand on her hip, and watching her prisoner. "Hurry up and pick. I want my information." She said, looking around and noticing Francis. Her eyes narrowed on him for a moment but carried looking around.
Francis laid his hand on Col's shoulders.''We are leaving,now.'' he ordered.''But...we've just came you promised!'' ''Yes,I know but there has been a change of plans.'' ''But why?'' He asked then fallowed his fathers eyes,though he could not see much so he got his new glasses out of his pocket and wore it.and as soon as he adjusted it the sick smile returned to his face.''Thorn! what a surprise!'' he chereed to himself,being the sneaky thief he was he had already stolen Francis's pistol yet guessing where this was going Francis grabed the kid's hand and forced him to face towards the other direction.''Walk...'' He ordered as he pushed him towards their home.

Francis laid his hand on Col's shoulders.''We are leaving,now.'' he ordered.''But...we've just came you promised!'' ''Yes,I know but there has been a change of plans.'' ''But why?'' He asked then fallowed his fathers eyes,though he could not see much so he got his new glasses out of his pocket and wore it.and as soon as he adjusted it the sick smile returned to his face.''Thorn! what a surprise!'' he chereed to himself,being the sneaky thief he was he had already stolen Francis's pistol yet guessing where this was going Francis grabed the kid's hand and forced him to face towards the other direction.''Walk...'' He ordered as he pushed him towards their home.



Thorn turned to the source of the sound and looked at the two people. "Hey!" She yelled, glancing over her shoulder to ensure her prisoner is still there.
Francis continued to walk ignoring Thorn,though he was severely slowed by trying to hold the strugling kid.



"Two of you! Stop!" Thorn got suspicious by the pair not responding to her order. She slowly reached for her gun.

"Come on, Thorn, you're really hunting people around the street?" Her prisoner rolled his eyes.
''Fuck this...'' Francis whispered and came to a halt,he still kept the kid restrained though.''What is it? I have an Important meeting in half an hour and I don't have time to waste.'' he lied,turning to face Thorn.

''Fuck this...'' Francis whispered and came to a halt,he still kept the kid restrained though.''What is it? I have an Important meeting in half an hour and I don't have time to waste.'' he lied,turning to face Thorn.



Thorn watched him, still keeping her hand on the gun. "Come closer." She ordered calmly with a frown on her face.
''You really wouldn't want that Commissioner.'' he said,sweet drops were begining to form on his forehead due to strain of trying to hold the kid with just one arm.'For a kid his size he sure struggles a lot.'' he thought.'Maybe I should just relase the kid,she wouldn't even know what hit h...no that's wrong.' he continued the monologue in his head.

''You really wouldn't want that Commissioner.'' he said,sweet drops were begining to form on his forehead due to strain of trying to hold the kid with just one arm.'For a kid his size he sure struggles a lot.'' he thought.'Maybe I should just relase the kid,she wouldn't even know what hit h...no that's wrong.' he continued the monologue in his head.



Thorn looked at Tim and paused for a moment. Then she smirked and pulled out her gun. "You're that little runt who shot Desh." She raised the gun at the two. "I remember you. So does she." She grinned. "I'm so glad you shot her, you proved me right in so many things. Still, revenge is revenge, isn't it?"
The kid did stop struggling and looked at her "Wrong person Commissioner." he said."Though I remember you too,you are the one who fucked up Timmy's life and busted dad's leg and the fool is still trying to save your worthless life" he told with the smile ever present."Fuck..this" Francis said as he held his cane and pointed it towards the commissioner."Look Thorn,I don't know what you are hinting at but you better leave us alone,that captive of yours too." he said.

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The kid did stop struggling and looked at her "Wrong person Commissioner." he said."Though I remember you too,you are the one who fucked up Timmy's life and busted dad's leg and the fool is still trying to save your worthless life" he told with the smile ever present."Fuck..this" Francis said as he held his cane and pointed it towards the commissioner."Look Thorn,I don't know what you are hinting at but you better leave us alone,that captive of yours too." he said.



Thorn's prisoner raised his hands with an amused look on his face and turned away from the action.

"So, he's your kid?" Thorn asked, moving her aim onto Francis.
"Drop the gun Thorn and yes he is my son,I'm quite proud of him too."  He said not even flinching keeping his cane aimed towards her."Didn't know that you would order to shoot kids too,it was quite a scare when I found him with two holes on his chest." He yelled.

"Drop the gun Thorn and yes he is my son,I'm quite proud of him too."  He said not even flinching keeping his cane aimed towards her."Didn't know that you would order to shoot kids too,it was quite a scare when I found him with two holes on his chest." He yelled.


"Drop the gun?" Thorn scoffed, examining the cane. She started already putting some pressure on the trigger. "It's my own fault I didn't finish the job then and there. A mistake I won't repeat."
"You are right maybe you should have." Francis grumbled and slowly relased the kid."You could have,saved your friend." he told and completely relased the kid.with a swift motion Col aimde the gun in his hand towards her but he was late.the war shaterring sound of a gun going of was heard.

"You are right maybe you should have." Francis grumbled and slowly relased the kid."You could have,saved your friend." he told and completely relased the kid.with a swift motion Col aimde the gun in his hand towards her but he was late.the war shaterring sound of a gun going of was heard.



As soon as the boy made a quick move, Thorn fired. She, however, didn't bother aiming down at the kid but kept her aim on Francis as she fired. She only aimed down at the kid after firing at Francis.

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