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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)


"Hold on a second. Wasn't that th' package that y'all had me deliver?"

"Close." Violet nodded. "That's a cloned one based off the genetic material provided by the last survivor. The clone, though, can't think of move. It's a shell. An expensive shell, worth more than you can imagine in time and money but a shell nonetheless." She grinned. "Do you know that those predators were far more intelligent than the Dyn? Extremely smart. Yet, they're not here. Can you guess why?"

"Ah guess th' Dyn were scared and desperate enough to pull themselves together and get better at killin' these things. What does this have to do with th' safety of mah family though?"

"Ah guess th' Dyn were scared and desperate enough to pull themselves together and get better at killin' these things. What does this have to do with th' safety of mah family though?"

"Patience." Violet smiled. "And you're somewhat correct again. While the Dyn realized their own survival was at stake and focused on helping one another... These idiots competed and grew paranoid. Do you know why those creatures are a myth now? Why so few people actually believe in them?"

"No, ah don't know why." Ronda wanted to know where Violet was going with this, and didn't want to waste time on some history lesson.

"Me." She said quickly. "I paid a lot of money to make sure there's no evidence left. Now, my dear, I'm all about pleasure, comfort, and addiction." She stood up. "That last one is more obvious than any other. I have a drug kingdom based on things which were illegal on Earth but aren't here. I sell liquor at my clubs. I sell flesh at my brothels..." She walked behind Ronda and placed her hands on her shoulders. "It's all morally here and there. I'm still certain that's better than the things EICA does - like supplying the rebels."
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"Wait, what?" said Ronda, surprised by what Violet just said. "Th' EICA is supplyin' th' rebels?"

"How do you think the rebels get their weapons?" She chuckled. "EICA believes they and One need an enemy to fight on Epsilon so the public wouldn't turn against them. One, of course, knows nothing about it."

"Ah'll be damned. Anyways, y'all still haven't told me what this has to do with keepin' mah family safe."

"Back to the point, yes." Violet slightly tightened her grip on Ronda's shoulders. "There were two things that made these predators special..." Violet started speaking slowly. "One was that they could flood a person's brain with pheromones. An immeasurable pleasure, immediately addicting. Enslaving... All through a single touch." She passed her finger down Ronda's neck.

"Go ahead, tell me," said Ronda as she looked Violet in the eye.

Violet gently turned Ronda's head away. "It's what makes them so special." Violet held her hands on the side of Ronda's head, holding her softly in place. "This planet looked really nice before One arrived. Honestly, though..." Her voice sounded different yet familiar. "I don't miss running around the forests and hiding in holes. This place is much more comfortable."

Ronda realized what Violet really was, and she honestly wasn't sure what to make of it. "Y'know, this doesn't happen often, but ah don't know what to say."

Ronda realized what Violet really was, and she honestly wasn't sure what to make of it. "Y'know, this doesn't happen often, but ah don't know what to say."

Violet turned Ronda's head to face Violet again. This time, it was as if she faced a mirror. Another version of Ronda stared back. Except this one had purple eyes and that almost trademarked smirk. "Don't freak out, gorgeous." She said in Ronda's voice.

"Oh mah god." Even rarer than not knowing what to say, Ronda had absolutely no idea what to do, and just looked at Violet with curiosity and slight shock.

"Oh mah god." Even rarer than not knowing what to say, Ronda had absolutely no idea what to do, and just looked at Violet with curiosity and slight shock.

"Now just take a breath." Violet let go and moved away. "I'm not some demon or anything like that." Violet sat down. "If the situation wasn't so tense, it would even be fun." She smiled. "I'm sorry, I can't pick up that accent of yours." She chuckled.

"Well, ah guess ah can't really blame ya fer that. Still, it's plain weird to see y'all turn into me. Aside from that, y'all still need to get to th' part about protectin' mah family."

"Well, ah guess ah can't really blame ya fer that. Still, it's plain weird to see y'all turn into me. Aside from that, y'all still need to get to th' part about protectin' mah family."

"It shouldn't be difficult to get close to the EICA leadership for me. From then on, I just need to lay a hand on them and you're safe." She nervously chuckled. "And I'm not. I hope you'll appreciate this. I don't put myself in this much danger usually."

"Ah really do. Mah family's more important to me than anythin' else, and ah appreciate that y'all were straight with me too. Ah owe ya one."

"I don't think you could kill me." Violet smiled as her hair slowly started turning purple again. "You're not someone who would cause an entire sentient race to disappear." She smiled as the bones of her face and body slowly shifted to their original form.

"That, and betrayal ain't somethin' ah'm too fond of. And by th' way, y'all still haven't told me if y'all ended mah employment with th' EICA."

Violet sighed. "No. One is certain that if we pull you out, they'll arrange an 'accident' for you. The only way for you and your family to survive this is my death or me taking control of EICA." Violet looked away. "And the first option is the safest for you."

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