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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)

@Crispy Fries

"Oh, finally. We were getting worried." She said and got out through the door. "Sorry about that, I'm actually unarmed." She chuckled. "I'll just check if that's what we were told we're getting." She headed to the back of the truck. "For all we know, you could have killed whoever Violet sent and took their place." She explained. "Wasn't Millie supposed to come with you?"
@Crispy Fries

"That's awful. The mistress must be really stressed out because of that." The young girl in a lab coat said, opening the crate. "Wow..." She gasped. That's really it." She said and looked at Ronda. "I guess you are who you say you are."
@Crispy Fries

"They didn't tell you?" The girl closed the crate and whistled loudly. "They really are paranoid about this thing..." She walked over to Ronda and whispered. "You didn't hear this from me but Violet managed to clone back an extinct predator from Epsilon. Apparently it possessed some amazing abilities and actual intelligence. The problem we will try to solve here is that we simply can't know how it's brain worked." She shrugged, stepping back. "Don't know why it's such a secretive project, though."
Tim had ran back to his 'Home',The Sights he saw were horrifying,'So many dead people...so much blood.'' He thought yet the other one replied.'Yes! sweet blood of the enemy! Our Comrades gave away their lifes for this! this masterpiece of Terror! and what did you do?' To this Tim answered quick.''I...Helped the cause! I...shot her.' he could hear the mocking chuckle in his own mind.''Yes you did,in a fit of rage you shot the enemy and I'm proud of you for that,but you called for medical help right after that did you not?? you sure are a brave one Little Brother,betraying the Revolution like that!' holding his head,tim stoped no longer having the power to walk.and just sat there.''I did what was right.We owed her that much.Colin to all your madness...you like living don't you brother?' and he was answered by silence.

''Timmy?'' a Voice asked,looking up Tim saw Francis.''PAPA!'' he cried as he leapt towards the man's arms.The man held him tight,hugging him with his two hands,droping the cane and the gun.''I tought you had died Son...I thought they killed you.// he said with a few tears trailing down his face.''No...no Don't cry papa I'm good,see?'' Timmy asked yet he was not in a much better condition himself,All the running had opened many of his stiches and he was bleeding but to make his Father happy was more important.''Yes son...I see'' Francis said as he grabbed Timothy,grabbed his cane and started walking.''What are you doing Papa?! you'll hurt your back,I can walk.'' Tim said but it was for naught as Francis shushed him.''Don't speak nonesense kiddo,I'm in no way going to make you walk in this state.'' as they slowly made their way Tim said.''Papa...I...I shot somebody today.'' hearing this Francis slowed down yet continued.''Timmy It's not your fa...'' he was saying but was cut short by Tim.''No...I pulled the trigger not him! it just happened.'' he said unable to stop tears that flow down his face.''Timmy,Don't cry son...It has been a hell of a day,I'm sure you did not mean to.'' Tim did not really answer other than shaking his head.''And don't worry as soon as we get those wounds of yours treated,we will be going to the countryside! How does it sound to work on a farm boy?'' he said trying to use a cheerful tone.Yet it was only a fragment of his usual cheerfulnes.''Farm? I like farms...'' he said as he was slowly drifting towards sleep.''Kid...Timmy stay awake ok? don't fall asleep until I say so ok?'' Francis asked with worry.''But I'm sleepy papa,Why can't I just sleep?'' Tim asked.''Just Keep talking to me Timmy...just keep talking.'' Francis said,as he started to walk faster,as fast as he could get with his crippled leg.''Yes papa...Do you know? I had a really wei...'' he continued to talk.
@Crispy Fries

She chuckled, looking back at the group of doctors that came out and headed to the back of the truck with a cart.

"No. WE are playing god." She placed a hand on her chest. "Sh..."

She started but another doctor yelled over. "Damn it, Jenny, get over here!"

"Coming!" She yelled and headed to the truck. "Give my best to the mistress." She waved at Ronda.
@Crispy Fries

"Check with the mistress." She yelled over as they pushed the crate on the cart. Soon enough, they were back inside the warehouse and a blanket of silence covered the abandoned city.

"Is Miss Violet here at this facility?" Ronda was hoping that whatever task Violet had for her next wouldn't end up as hectic as this one had.
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Ronda sent a message to HQ. "Ah need to talk to Miss Violet. Th' package had been delivered, and ah'm awaitin' further orders."
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@The Agent Of Agents

"Yeah..." A man in a British accent said. "We have a small problem. The mistress went to visit one of her... Brothels. The Cat House. It's in a small town, just past the Sphere. We haven't heard from her since. It's probably nothing but she wanted you to visit her when you're done anyways so... You should go there and see if you can find her." After a short pause, he added. "We also sent an ETU agent over there as well. He was meant to be Millie's replacement. He should be waiting for you in front of the establishment."

"Ah'll take her limo then and get there on th' double," said Ronda before she ended her transmission. She was found Violet's limousine, then got in and headed out to the Cat House. After another drive along some quiet roads, Ronda arrived.
(Tell me if this is wrong)S'jai would be waiting at the Cat House, Sent by the ETU For some reason, S'jai wasn't given any info, He would look at Violet's Limo before asking "Who is there?..."
@The Agent Of Agents

"Remember me?" said Ronda as she stepped out of the limo. She easily recognized the man from back in the plaza, and he was apparently Millie's replacement.
@The Agent Of Agents

The Cat House was by far the least luxurious establishment owned by Ecstasy Trust. The huge nightclubs, the luxurious lounges, and high-class brothels all stood in contrast to that run-down building with such poor sound insulation that screams of pleasure could be heard far down the street. Still, there were the trademark signs of Ecstasy Trust - purple ties on the bouncers, purple curtains, and of course, purple uniforms for the employees.
"You look hot on this one." Nicole, the head of the Sphere, said as she leaned back in an extremely cushy sofa in One's office. The Autocracy tower was still searched to the finest detail so One used a covert military base as his HQ. It was the base for his Hunters and the only base stationed by actual Epsilon soldiers and not the MP. Nicole turned her tablet towards One who chuckled upon seeing himself with a rifle.

"I guess some reporters got good shots of the battle. They had pictures of Victor helping the wounded. I saw the news, almost all channels praised us." One nodded.

"Well, yeah." She shrugged, continuing the read the article. "I mean, did you see what the rebels did? Hanging law enforcement officers on the street. Crucifying civilians. Killing their own retreating soldiers. That's sick." She grimaced.

"They lost a good portion of their army in this attack and they'll never get it back now that we're showing the population what actually happened." One crossed his arms on his chest with a sigh.

"Something is bothering you." Nicole sat up straight, her ears perking up. "What's on your mind?"

One shook his head. "I'm gonna announce the formation of an actual advisory council. It should weaken the rebels even further if we have some aspects of a democracy."

"Oh... That's not bad." She smiled. It would be something perfect for Epsilon. A council of the planet's greatest minds working together for a brighter future.

"I'll see how everyone accepts it." One shifted in his seat. "You and Black have seats on my council regardless."

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