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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)


Ronda said nothing, then headed back over to One. "Well, th' crowd's dispersed, sir. Now, ah wouldn't recommend sittin' down fer a meetin' like this guy wants. It's got trap written all over it."
One nodded and took out his phone, calling his own office. "Send out everyone." One said. "Only the two of us in the tower. There's no other way I'm meeting you."
@DC981 @Creeper

The Colonel answered the Phone.''Oh I already have,Right after your Men came into vicinity of the Tower I ordered a complete retreat,It was a great coincidence that you had so many employees here,they were generous enough to lend my men their clothes,maybe you should call your Genius Associate the Head of ETU and tell him to stop gunning down Office Workers.'' He said calmly watching the Hunters and ETU forces killing the 'Partisans' CCTV in the room.''Now,I think it is you who should recall his men One...I will be waiting'' he said ending the call.
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"No orders from me. Feel free to check with your CO." One said, looking up at the tower. "It's time to finish this." He started walking towards the tower and gave an order over the radio. "Cut the power. I don't want him to have access to the cameras. They might have a trap set up." One said and the tower went dark instantly. Even the backup generators stopped humming.

A few minutes later, there was a slow knock on the door to One's office.

Ronda was in the clear, so she got on her comms to talk to Millie again. "Millie, One's off on his own and ah ain't got no further orders from him. What's yer status?"
@Crispy Fries

"I-I..." Millie muttered. "You! Get over here!" She yelled at someone else and got back to the radio. "M-m-my sister's been shot. Bad." She stuttered. "I-I... You're gonna have to do this on your own." After a short pause, she spoke to someone else again. "Please, she's still alive." Then she returned to the radio. "The Ecstasy HQ is waiting for you. Get a big truck and say I sent you. They'll give you further details."

Ronda made her way over to the truck, but she needed a good reason to be taking it. Otherwise, she could be court martialed for desertion. Ronda got on the comms again, but this time sent a message to Violet. "Miss Violet, does Ecstasy HQ have medical facilities?"

The Door of the office slowly opened,and there stood the Colonel.''Good to see you have come One.How longs has it been? Eighteen years? Seventeen?'' he asked and he did look genuily pleased to see The One.''Come have a seat with me Sir,we have much to discuss.'' he said walking to a chair.''I was going to make some tea but,it seems like the Electricity has been cut...'' he muttured.''Take a seat please.'' he said motioning towards the One's Chair.''First I'd like to ask,Do you get what this is all about Sir?'' he asked politelly.
One by one, four of One's Hunters stepped into the office. They stopped and stared at the Colonel, breathing heavily like wild animals who sighted their prey.
@Crispy Fries

"I'm afraid that miss Violet is currently away." One of her staff members replied. "The HQ is staffed with research equipment rather than medicinal facilities. Though, having such an amount of doctors would come in handy no matter what the situation."

"Miss Violet ordered me to bring her a package from an armored vehicle, but ah can't just leave. There are plenty of wounded though, so ah figured ah could take them as cover. Besides, we're stretched thin here with medical treatment. And it'll certainly be good fer publicity if th' Ecstasy Trust lent a hand after a fight like this."
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Colonel Looked at the 'Dogs'.''No Diplomacy then...And I hoped there would be no more blood.'' He said getting up and walking towards the windows.''Tell your Master that,I conguraladuate his Victory.'' The Colonel said as he dropped himself from the Window.
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One watched a body fly out the window and land with a splat. "I'm afraid I do not converse with terrorists." He watched a few MPs gather around the body in the distance. He placed a hand on a soldier who was passing by. "Get the head of the Sphere to my... My other office. At the base." He said quietly and looked down at his own body once the soldier left. The hole in his suit was slowly dripping blood. "A doctor would be lovely as well." He said to himself, heading towards the nearest medic group.

Ronda informed the medics and put them in communication with Ecstasy Trust HQ so they could coordinate. She had the vehicle with the package in it loaded with some of the wounded, then headed off. A short time later, Ronda arrived in the parking garage of HQ.
@Crispy Fries

The doctors and researchers, all wearing at least one detail colored purple, quickly took the wounded off her hands and once the garage was empty, they brought out a large, metal crate. It seemed reinforced and locked. It was about the size that it would fit one human comfortably. "You've been told where you need to take this, yes?" One of the researchers asked with a strange accent. He motioned his hand at the crate behind him.
@Crispy Fries

The researcher lowered his tone as the rest loaded up the truck. "Stay off the main roads, don't let anyone find out where you're going." He looked around. "North of New Mobville is an abandoned construction town. Ecstasy Trust has a laboratory under the biggest warehouse." He explained. "Just park the truck in the parking lot and wait a few minutes." He sighed. "Don't damage the specimen. Consider the cargo fragile. Above anything else, don't let anyone open the crate before it arrives. The mistress and the Autocracy spent a lot of many on creating this and keeping it a secret. " He warned.

"Consider it done. Oh, and can y'all get a message to mah wife and son to tell 'em that ah'm okay? They're probably worried sick about me."
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Ronda nodded and got back in the vehicle. She followed her instructions and stayed off any major roads, eventually arriving at her destination after some time on the road. Ronda parked the car and waited for whatever was next.
@Crispy Fries

S'jai would be waiting there, He had been sent by the ETU, S'jai would greet Ronda with a nod before returning to casually leaning against a wall, He was bored to be honest
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