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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)

@DC981 @Crispy Fries

"I don't think they realize how things work." James shouted because of the gunfire, turning his head towards Ronda and One, and holding his right hand over the wound "Taking over the Autocracy Tower doesn't mean they are in control. The ones responsible for the uprising are there. We need to destroy the tower, losing their leaders will be demoralizing for the cannon fodder."
@DC981 @Creeper

"And is there a plan fer doin' that, sir?" asked Ronda. It seemed like a bit of a crazy plan, but it was one that would work. Just raising some flags and taking a building weren't enough, as the MP, ECIA, and ELE had forces all over.
A grin formed on his face as he heard a groan come from Phenomenon. If you die, I'm gonna kill you... He took his hand back and took a drink from his crown while he responded with an 'mhm' when he mentioned ground rules.

Mike, back out before it's too late. You can still run, just get up.

Michael shook his head slightly in response to Phen and then rested his head on his hand which was held up by his elbow leaning on the counter while also covering his bionic eye, hoping Phen wouldn't be able to see anymore.

Once the rules were all put out before him, he chuckled. "Yes, sir..."
@Creeper @DC981 @Crispy Fries

''You've Heard the Colonel People! Let's take back what is ours!'' Francis yelled.''Let's show that the Common folk supports the new order,and If we die we will die as Matyrs! Matyrs of the Revolution who were killed by their own soldiers! with guns bought with our own taxes!'' The Crowd agreed with him marching to the Plaza.Soon they stood just behind the Reinforcements of the Goverment Forces,Hardly any of them were armed other than a few with Pistols,Hunting rifles calling for their surrender,and their return to Barracks.

Hearing the speech,Tim grabed the Pistol he had droped,he aimed it towards Desh with shaking hands.''I...in the name of the R..red Army! I mmm.ust! arrest you!'' he stutured mutturing a silent 'I'm Sorry at the end.' ''Please do..nt make it any har-harder then necesarry Miss.Desh,If you surrender A-and help the Rev-revolution now,I'm su-sure you will,be spa-spared!'' he added.
"Good, now-" Luke began when he heard the speech coming from the autocracy towers. Luke sighed and shouted "Alright everyone, party's over! Everyone get to your home's if you want to live!". He then signaled the guards to start getting the patrons moved out of the building and said to his new subordinate "Alright, looks like there is another revolt going on, we need to do some things right now, follow me,". He then began to leave for the back which had an armor clad SUV in the back of the building

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Mike blinked, a little confused as to what was going on before sitting up straight again. He turned to the crowd leaving the bar in flocks just Luke was talking to him. "Er- yes, sir." Mike stood up and began to follow Luke.
"OK," Luke said in a serious tone as he got into his SUV "Looks like the rebels finally made their move. I need to get to that damn tower now because I'm going to need prisoners on both sides of this conflict so you got a simple job: Kill anyone that looks low ranking and knock out anyone high ranking and bring them to me. You'll have a few guys who'll help you. Got it?". He then turned around to the driver when he got into the car and said "Drive,". He then started the engine

He stood next to Luke and nodded. "Consider it done." Mike said as he reached for his emergency pistol and pulled it out. "You're just lucky I have a lot of experience, mate." He moved his head in a way that got his hair out if his face. Michael backed up afterwards. @Andros
"We're pulling back to the tower." One ordered. "The MP is rolling in with everything they've got. We just need to clear the tower." One said as more and more MP troops and vehicles arrived.

"Better shoot now, Tim." Thorn gave him a grim look. "You won't get a second chance one this is over." She said, driving to stop near a group of MPs.
@DC981 @Crispy Fries @Creeper

''The Military Police are here Sir,Also we have been notified that the Blackshirts have completed their mision to 'Give a lesson'!'' The young soldier said to the Colonel,''I see,Lt.Williams please do proceed to raise the White Flag,A commander must know when it is time to retreat...Order all Divisons to retreat and leave the city while they can,The Village Soviets of SCoE are housing the Political leaders of the Rev. There you should be able to start a True civil war,Our failure to Stop the Director Today will have a much bloodier result.That is if my last plan does not work.'' The Old Colonel said as he sat on the Office Chair of The Director.he presseed a button on the desk and started to speak.''This is Colonel Allen Brigham speaking.London Bridge Has Fallen Down repeat London Bridge Has Fallen Down.The White Army is ready to negotiate terms of surrender.''

Upon hearing the Order,The Red Masses started to retreat towards the Alleyways that they had flooded from,along the way they could see the handy-job of The Blackshirts,Many Police-stations were on fire,the streets were full of Hanged Officers and those who were fortunates bodies litered with bullet-holes laying in the sideways.And even the Cultists of the One were not safe it seemed as many Cultists were Crucifixed.The Blackshirts did take their jobs of Terror seriously.and soon all of them White,Red or Black were flooding out of the City,Occosionaly having small scale shoot-outs with Police and MP in Outer city,and Burning down buildings of Goverment,leaving a trail of Terror behind them.

''F-FUCK YOU!'' Tim shouted with sudden anger.''FUCK YOU ALL!'' he said playing with the Trigger,yet he took a step back.''Every one betrays Timmy in the end!'' he yelled,as he pulled the Trigger,dropped the gun and then broke to sprint not even looking back once.

It appeared that the partisans were retreating, but this wasn't over yet. "Sir, how exactly do y'all plan on bringin' down Autocracy Tower?"

Desh didn't see it coming. She was shocked ripped through her chest, leaving her body without any will for movement. Gasping once, she collapsed on the horn of her vehicle. The medics in the vicinity all had they hands full to notice another dying soldier.

@Crispy Fries @Creeper

"The gunships will fire upon anyone seen through the windows - that should weaken them." He gave the order and raised a hand and several nearby Hunters started gathering. "You clear out the floors. This is close quarters. I don't expect anyone to survive." He nodded and the Hunters sprinted towards the tower. "I want the MP to surround the tower. It shouldn't be difficult to hold a perimeter." He said, looking at Ronda. Once he gave that order, he pointed at James. "I want the ETU to follow and support the Hunters. Don't get in their way, though." he warned.

Ronda got on her comms and ordered for a primer to be formed around Autocracy Tower. Even though she didn't exactly have the authority to do so, she had a direct order from One, and that was enough. "Sir, what do we do about th' civilians that just gathered? It looks like they're mostly unarmed."
@Crispy Fries @Creeper

One paused for a moment before nodding. "We can't continue this bloodshed if we want to make them seem bad. Arrest anyone who seems suspicious, quietly execute anyone who might be dangerous and send away anyone else." One ordered, looking around and seeing a few reporters taking pictures. "Let the reporters stay." He added. "This will only work in our favor." He commented mostly to himself.

"Should ah address th' crowd or somethin', sir? Maybe we oughtta tell 'em that we ain't gonna hurt 'em if they back down, and just let 'em go home peacefully."
@Crispy Fries

"Do whatever it takes to get the innocent civilians out of here. You have your orders for everyone else." One nodded, looking at the tower. By now his Hunters must have cleared the lower quarter of the tower.

James' agents entered the building along with the hunters, killing every partisan in sight. Richard sighed turning towards One "I am still trying to figure out their thought process. The attack was poorly organised, and so far, they've achieved nothing."

Ronda nodded, then grabbed a megaphone and got on top of an armored transport. "Attention all civilians! MP and ETU forces have wiped th' bulk of partisan resistance and are currently reclaimin' Autocracy Tower! Y'all will be allowed return to yer homes, and we will offer medical treatment to any wounded! Those who use force will be dealt with accordingly. There's no need fer more bloodshed."
@DC981 @Crispy Fries @Creeper

The sound of non-stop horn confirmed that...Tim's shot had hit Desh,and realising that made him stop at his tracks.'I can't let her...die' he thought yet the answer came swiftly.'Yes you can! and you will Timothy,She Betrayed you!' And after a few silent seconds 'But,I owe her! she saved our life!' and he sprinted to the alleyway,to find a Phone booth,after finding an old one he got an coin out of his coat and put it into the Telephone Hastily calling the Emergency services.after the Call was answered he said,''I would like to report that An Military Officer has been shot in the Main Military Head Quarters and is in need of imidiate help.''

Francis looked at the women,his anger had not calmed even a bit.''How can we? We have bodies to burry! because to all it's Tight Control! The Goverment can't even maintain stability!'' he yelled soon joined by a Man who looked like he was a factory worker.''My Son was supposed to be stationed here today...How do I return home without knowing he is well?'' and soon all were complaining.

''You are living on barrowed time One,you have been for a long time now.'' came the voice of the colonel from the speakers of the tower.''You belong to the History books of Epsilon,Just as I do...but before we go down in History to become footnotes,I'd like to have one last chat with you my old friend.No guns,No Guards,Nothing but two old man speaking...I'm at your office,there is no Guards on the way here so do not fear,I might be many things but I'm not a Liar.''
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[QUOTE="Crispy Fries]@DefendKebab1918
Ronda nodded, then grabbed a megaphone and got on top of an armored transport. "Attention all civilians! MP and ETU forces have wiped th' bulk of partisan resistance and are currently reclaimin' Autocracy Tower! Y'all will be allowed return to yer homes, and we will offer medical treatment to any wounded! Those who use force will be dealt with accordingly. There's no need fer more bloodshed."

Ember awoke when she heard the megaphone, "h-help... I-I need h-help..." she whimpered trapped in the burning wreckage lying in the tower's ground floor

Ronda jumped down from the troop transport and approached the man who was in the front of the crowd. But, rather than shoot him, detain him, or anything else, she threw her gun down in front of him. "Y'know, ah'm a mother mahself. Ah couldn't imagine dyin' and leavin' mah son and wife. But today, there are gonna be a whole lot more homes on both our sides that are gonna have an empty spot at th' dinner table. Listen, yer badly outgunned, and fer th' sake of yer wives, yer husbands, yer mothers, yer fathers, yer sisters, yer brothers, yer daughters, and yer sons, surrender. Please."
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Michael wasted no time to start going down to find his supposed team. Let me take over. You have little experience in the field apart from sniping. Last time you tried, you ended up with that scar on your eye and with me. You let me take over and you'll be fine, your job will be completed and I'll let you keep your new job. Mike rolled his eyes. "You take over and I lose memories. I'd rather remember what happened in the fight." Heheh... Did you think you had a choice?? Mike cringed for a moment and held his head while his bionic eye turned from red to blue, a smile creeping upon his face. "Now then... Let's get to work." He said as he began to move around a little far from his team, but close enough to hear them if they got into trouble.

@Andros @DC981
@Crispy Fries

Francis looked at the woman,and he did see she was genuine with what she said.He looked back at the crowd and said with a dejected voice.''The Woman is right...We can't do anything by fighting with them.Let's return people.'' a few refused but soon they turned their back to the Military and started walking back too.But Francis did look back at the woman and said.''Why? why help something that restricts you,abuse you,take everything from you?'' but continued his way back 'home' with help of his cane.

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