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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)

James raised an eyebrow and stared at One in silence for a few seconds, after which he handed over one of the two handguns he was carrying "Let's go.".
It was when Ember joined traffic she remembered she had no idea how to actually drive, she hurtled back down the ally and was sideswiped by another car sending the two of them flipping and flying back into the plaza crushing several people as the vehicles slid along the ground
@DefendKebab1918 @Crispy Fries

S'jai would quickly duck and sweep the person's leg, he then rushed towards Ronda and her squad, as he ran, he would fire a small machine pistol at the partisans, apon reaching Ronda and her squad "Greetings...I will help you to kill the general"
@DefendKebab1918 @Crispy Fries

"Sir, the rebels have infiltrated the tower." A voice came over the radio.

"Good, good." One nodded, looking over the rubble he was using as cover. "As planned. Lock them in." One gave the order as the tower was divided into countless small sections, most containing only one room. "Let them wait for us."

"Sir, some have been reported to carry explosives. Orders?" The voice came again.

"Nothing short of a missile to the fusion generator can damage the tower. Focus your attention to the Plaza." He said and looked over his cover. "You know, James... I used to be good on the front lines." He chuckled without humor, ready to run into the frey.
James walked in front of One "Exactly , you used to be." said James as he took the gun from One's hand "But now, you have other things to do, rather than to get yourself killed. So we're taking you to safety, since you have an autocracy to run."

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@DefendKebab1918 @The Agent Of Agents

"Well, thanks fer th' offer, but ah don't exactly need help," said Ronda. The general was right in the open and leading the charge, so Ronda was able to gun him down swiftly.

One stared at James before sighing in defeat. "Fine, fine... There are too many of the bastards anyways." He shook his head and looked at James again. "You know this is going to be a blow to the morale of our people, right?" One asked, keeping his head low as several shots whizzed over his head.

"We'll cross that bridge when we have to." said James as he handed the gun back to One "Be careful with your shots , we don't have much ammo, and I doubt you want to get your hands dirty in hand-to-hand combat. Let's go!"
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the sparks from the two cars soon started a large fire which followed the corpses the two vehicles were creating before they became a mangled mess of metal and glass that ploughed into a building and eventually came to rest in a wall
S'jai would sigh, The Samoan didn't take kindly to this and lightly punch Ronda in the arm after she had gunned down the general "Your a good shot, But you spray too much..." He would return to firing his machine pistol at the partisans
@The Agent Of Agents

"Ah'm tryin' to kill him, not hit a bullseye," said Ronda as she stood by S'jai and fired at a group of partisans with her rifle. "Besides, he had plenty of his buddies next to him anyways, so it ain't like ah'm wastin' ammo."

"True..True..." S'jai would throw a flashbang "COVER YOUR EYES! He would quickly raise his forearm to his eyes, while spraying with his machine pistol using the other arm
@The Agent Of Agents @DC981

Ronda quickly covered her eyes, then resumed firing after the flashbang went off. As she was fighting, Ronda got on a private comm channel to talk to Millie. "Millie, what's th' status of Miss Violet's package?"
@DefendKebab1918 @Crispy Fries

Millie moaned into the radio. "We're not taking it anywhere in this firefight. The packge is safe and is awaiting pickup with your truck. Just... We need to make sure the Director is safe." She moaned again. "This. Hurts. We'll talk later." She said and returned to firing at the rebels.

One fired over his cover at the rebels, making good and careful shots. He was more focused on avoiding gunfire than actually hitting the rebels, yet he still took a fair share of him before his gun ran dry.
@The Agent Of Agents

As Ronda and her squad fought back the partisans, she saw One firing from cover. "Sir!" she yelled over to him. "Get behind us, it ain't safe here."
@Crispy Fries

One looked at Ronda and then at the bullets flying past. While a part of the Red army was pushing forward and would eventually reach One's cover, there was no way he could move without being in direct line of fire. "Provide me covering fire. As much as you can give." One ordered, shooting over the cover.
DC981 said:
@Crispy Fries
One looked at Ronda and then at the bullets flying past. While a part of the Red army was pushing forward and would eventually reach One's cover, there was no way he could move without being in direct line of fire. "Provide me covering fire. As much as you can give." One ordered, shooting over the cover.
Ember lent out of the wreckage pistol in hand, her legs were trapped by the wreck and she was loosing blood, she fired a single shot into the crowd directed towards her target before passing out from blood loss
James picked up two rifles from the ground, throwing one of them to One "Catch, time to show us how good of a shot you are."

"Direct your attention to the crowd, provide cover for One." James communicated to his marksmen.

@DC981 @Crispy Fries
A smile formed on his face "OK, you have a deal, so, first thing we need to do is establish some ground rules. One, if you snitch, you will die. I always tell my associates this and trust me, a snitch's death is not pretty. Second, you are to refer to me as sir from now on. Finally, you are to follow all of my orders without any question, any hesitation will not be tolerated. Plus, for now on, you get a free glass of any beer or wine every night,". He then took another swig of his Crown. "So, you ready to cause some trouble?"


One sprinted towards them, firing several shots at the crowd with the rifle, and throwing himself on the ground once he was close enough. "Bad idea." He sighed, looking down at the hole in his suit. "We need to end this sooner rather than later." He shook his head and fired at the Red army soldiers.

The MP heavy weapons teams arrived at the scene and were already making a sizeable dent in the Red army swarm.

Desh placed a hand on Tim's shoulder and lead him to a military vehicle. "Please, don't get yourself killed." She looked at him, taking the gun from his hands. She then started the car with Tim inside and headed towards the city.

"Sir, ah'd recommend y'all stay behind me or someone else on th' squad," said Ronda as she fired at the partisans. "Th' leader of th' partisan forces down here on th' plaza has been dealt with, but they're still comin' at us."
@Creeper @DC981 @Crispy Fries

''All done sir,Camreas are Ready The Banners and Flags are standing tall and proud on the Tower'' came the Voice of a young soldier handling a camera said.''Great,Let's start this'' said the old Colonel sitting inside the One's Office with Flags of the Rev. Forces standing behind him.He had a good ammount of papers on his hand.Then he started reading with a serious tone.

As the General fell down,he was stepped on by his men,''As...I...had ord..ered.'' he wheezed out his final words,he died with a smile on his face.The Red masses had finnaly breached the perimmeter and were flooding inside with bayonets.An Officer Yelled.''FOR THE RE....'' he was cut short by the Voice coming from the Megaphones,Radios,TV's and pretty much every source avaible.

''People of Epsilon,This is Colonel Allen Brigham,Former Commander of the 'Peacekeeping Force' on Earth and a Veteran of the War speaking,The Autocracy has been overthrown by the Free Epsilon Alliance,All you need to do is to look at 'Autocracy Tower' which is renamed to Democracy Tower to Understand that The Traitorous Goverment of The Director has Fallen,I call for every Military personel listening this to surrender to a Officer of Free Epsilon Allaince,these include Commissars of The Red Army,All-Officers of the White Army and Group Leaders of the Black Shirts.From today onwards,The State of Epsilon will be led by Council of Peace for Epsilon until a constution is drafted,The Councils Members include;General George Blair of Red Army,Chairman Marcus Williams of Democratic Leauge of Epsilon,General Secratary Boris Gurovsky of Socialist Communue of Epsilon,Party Leader Edward Forester of The Facist Union,And me Colonel Allen Blair.Now I will read a list of people who are to be arrested upon surrender.The Director One,Commisioner Thorn,Sgt.Major Desh,Mr.Black,James Richard.They are to be judged in Freedom Courts.I call for all Citizens of Epsilon to Help forces of Free Epsilon Alliance,For a Democratic Future,For a Better Epsilon...This Messege will repeat itself.''

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