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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)


"Yeah...I guess you are right" he said meekly."Though that does not mean I am not legaly owned and you would be obliged to return me to mistress if we are found out" he said plastering the best smile he could to his face "But chances are low that we Will see her in a freaking Military HQ"

"Don't worry." Desh said, watching military vehicles drive past them. "I doubt there's anyone with the authority to take you from me." She smiled and looked ahead at Fort Shark. "I hope they're not taking tanks to the city... Well, in any case, they aren't taking all tanks.
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Ronda got geared up, then reported to the base's commanding officer. "Ronda McAllister, reportin', sir. Ah was assigned to One's security detail."

''I hope so'' said Tim visibly realixg.''So many Military personel'' he said looking out.''You guys must have a big budget.''

"Isn't that always the case with dictatorships?" Desh asked in a teasing tone as the car got into the base and parked.

"Sergeant Major?" A trooper asked, spotting Desh with Tim. "Who... Who is that?" He asked.

"You're on the next troop transport." Desh pointed at the trooper. "Go wait for it." She ordered, ignoring his question.

''Yeah,it is'' he said just after sticking his tongue out to mock the soldier.''So...Paperwork before Tank ride?'' he asked.

"Understood, sir." Now all Ronda needed to do was wait. She was confident that she could pull off both guarding One and transporting Violet's package, and she certainly didn't intend on disappointing.
@DefendKebab1918 @Crispy Fries

"I'd rather wait for people to clear out." Desh bit her lower lip, looking around. "Don't want to be called out on it too much." She said, watching a black limo drive into the base. Another VIP, she rolled her eyes. She also noticed another female soldier stand around, probably waiting for a transport as well.
@DC981 @Crispy Fries

''Right!'' Tim said,covering behind Desh.''To much attention is bad.'' he added.then stuck his head out to look at who Desh was looking at.'Doesn't seem like some one important' he thought to himself while looking at the blurry image of the Soldier.
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@DefendKebab1918 @Crispy Fries

"I think I saw her on TV." Desh said but was looking at someone else now. A woman in a fine business suit and a couple armed bodyguards by her side. The woman was staring at Tim with a smirk on her face. "Koola, I believe. One of the VIPs. Owns a huge company." Desh explained.

''WHO!?'' Tim yelled,'Ok Timmy,calm yourself! it has been years....you will not be recognized.Just don't show your eyes.' he thought to himself.looking down and trying to eye the women from bettwen his bangs.''Ms.Desh,could we...get out of here?'' he whispered silently.

"What's the matter, Tim?" Desh looked at Tim and crouched by his side as the woman slowly started making her way over. "We can go if you want to." She whispered.

''It's...nothing just,I don't feel comfortable in the crowd'' he lied.''Could we move on please?'' he was pretty much pleading with her.

"Yes, of course." Desh stood up, by which time Koola was already a few steps away.

"Not gonna say hello?" She asked in a smug, teasing tone, looking down at Tim.

"Excuse me?" Desh stepped in front of Tim.

"I wasn't talking to you, soldier." She frowned at Desh.

'And freedom ends here...' Tim thought as he slowly lifted his head to look at koola,and silently said.''Hello...mistress,it has been a long time hasn't it?.''

"That's a good boy." Koola grinned from ear to ear.

"This child is in my custody by the order of the Director." Desh bluffed. "I will have to ask you to step back. Now."

Koola looked over Desh and chuckled. "Girlie, I could shoot you right here and now and no one would care." She leaned in and whispered to her. "I'd also like to hear One tell me about that order himself. I bet he'd be more surprised about hearing it than me."

@Crispy Fries

"Ma'am." A soldier walked up to Ronda. "A troop transport with free room is here. Do you want to load this one or wait for another?"
@Crispy Fries

The transport stopped near the empty plaza where a large stage was already set up. One himself was standing near a military tent, taking to Victor Black while surrounded by his Hunters.

''Mistress...mistress'' came the Voice of Tim,yet those who knew him could understand something was off.''I imagined many ways we would meet again,but it happening in a Military HQ was not one of them'' he said looking right at her.he then took a step forward and as he did so he swiftly took a certain something from Desh's Holster and hid it behind him,being a pickpocket had it's adventages.''Tell me mistress...did you miss me?'' he asked like a child asking his mother,but the mockery was very visible.
Ember had changed again giving herself milk white skin, shaggy blonde hair, and purple eyes. she was now underneath the stage quietly planting some low intensity explosive charges muttering quietly to herself.

"Of course I did." Koola mocked right back with a grin on her face. She then looked at Desh. "I'll be taking my property now, if you don't mind."

"Like hell you will." Desh said, placing a hand on Tim's shoulder. "Feel free to try something. Don't think any one of these people will hesitate to fire right back at you."
@DC981 @pixelated

Ronda went under the stage and saw a woman planting some sort of device. "Ma'am, put yer hands where ah can see them and come with me," she said, pointing her rifle at the woman. "Ah have one contact, repeat, one contact," said Ronda into her comms.
Ember looked up "shit, shit shit shit!" she whispered before making a break for the back of the stage, Ember wasn't stupid and had come prepared for a fight and had brought plenty of spray on cosmetics to change as she ran, Ember looked around for any way to create a distraction, she still had a few explosives maybe setting them off could do the trick, she quickly changed their frequency and hurled one into the air from behind the stage allowing it to land before detonation creating a shower of dirt stone as it landed, and detonating the charges under the stage causing half of it to collapse

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