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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)


"It's not like they can get here. I should give you a tour around the planetary defenses. Though, that might be a bit more difficult getting you in." She said, getting up and collecting her uniform which was scattered around the room.

''Yes,but they have allies i...'' he stopped himself,'Don't forget you still can't give away info to her Timmy' he thought to himself.''So,you are gonna keep your word about that Tank Ride'' he asked trying steer away from the Topic of Earth.

Desh watched him for a few moments after that awkward change of subject but accepted it. "Of course." She smiled. "It's early morning and everyone is heading to the city. No one should mind us heading out." She nodded at Tim.

''Well,Let's just hope your 'Friends' in the Military will not just fussilade me as soon as I step my foot into the HQ'' he said sarcsm driping from his words as he walked out of the room since he guessed Desh needed some privacy to dress.''And I hope the Military has an eye doctor though it is not very Important,I think I'm getting used to seeing blurry images'' he joked.
pixelated said:
Instead of the table shaking Ember and the chair began shaking causing the chair to collapse, "m-must c-change... t-t-to recognisable!" Ember moved her hands and held her head

"Miss Violet, is she okay?" asked Ronda with a concerned look in her face.
@Crispy Fries

"Please." Violet smiled at Ronda. "Follow my staff to your room and rest for the night. You have a big day tomorrow and I'd rather not have you tired." She said, ignoring Ember.

"Ever thought about joining the military?" Desh asked, getting into the corner away from the window to get dressed. "Clones are usually quite welcome."

"If y'all say so, Miss Violet," said Ronda as she got up.

George and Lily did the same, and all three of them were led to their rooms. George had his own, and Ronda and Lily were sharing a room.

Unable to hold himself Tim burst out laughing "Me? in military? Now that would be a sight to see" he said bettwen the laughs holding his stomach."Sorry" he said trying to stop the laughter."It's just hard imagining myself in soldier boots.though the other one would fit in there just good.I have or atleast had different ideas for a carrer." He wheezed out still chuckling.

''Acting for one'' he replied.''But I'd planed to go to school and IDK maybe college since There is a great chance that I would fail at the first option since it's not like Epsilon has a shortage of actors'' he said.

"Never was the one for culture and entertainment." Desh shrugged as she walked out of her room, carrying the empty glass of milk to the sink. "It's always work or drinks with Thorn." She chuckled while washing the glass. "Annoying how lives fall into a routine."

''Isn't the army like 'See new places,Meet new people then kill them' ? maybe you should apply to be reassigned to Earth'' he jested.''Or come live at the streets,everyday is just another adventure! where you either live,get raped,stabed to death or else'' he said with fake cheer.''Though,you should really come see my 'home',I'm sure Francis would like to meet you.'' he added.

"I'm quite certain I'd get lynched if I walked around the slums without any backup." Desh said calmly, opening a kitchen cupboard and pulling out her holster with a handgun still in it. "And I'd rather not go to Earth if it's avoidable. We hear the things that happen there..." She grimaced, staring at the floor while putting on her holster. "Us, the Dyn, aren't seen as people. They torture us for giggles. A lot of charred Dyn bodies have been found. I'd rather not think about it." She looked at Tim as she finished putting on the holster.

''Well,you people are the Foot soldiers,The face of the enemy to them.'' Tim said trying to reason.''Don't get me wrong.I'm against inequality bettwen races but I don't think Aliens with Supperior technology Invading does sound a bit...Agressive doesn't it?'' he muttured as he walked to stand just behind Desh.

"We didn't declare the war. We're attacking them so they wouldn't attack us. It's defensive." Desh said quickly, heading to the door and unlocking it.

''That might be the case yet it does not change the fact that there has been constant hostility for almost a hundered years.'' he said fallowing just behind her.''They are not mindless individuals who kill for fun maybe just the Higher-ranks,but just like you most of them are just normal people and they are Fighting for what they believe is right.Every Villain is a Hero in their own mind.and that goes for both Epsilon and Earth.''
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Desh smirked, looking over her shoulder. "Remember that last part if you ever meet the Director." She said and took out a phone to call a vehicle to pick her up.

''I don't think I will ever be in the presence of O'All mighty One!'' he said exaggerating and mocking,immitating the Cultists.''Heh but truthfully,I don't really think I will be the one to speak with him if I even ever got the chance to meet him.You got what I mean?'' he said looking to her.
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"Hopefully, you won't get to meet him. No offense, I just don't know how much you believe all those things you've been taught." Desh weakly smiled at him.

''Don't worry no offense taken'' Tim smiled at her. ''I'm just happy and dandy not knowing our Dictator.Though it would have been a cool story to tell when I go back Home.''

"I would take you to the speech but I'm afraid you'll try to stab me again." She joked as she stepped out of the apartment building and a self-driving car was parked in the front, waiting for them.

"Nah,Tanks are cooler then some propoganda speech anyway,plus I get enough of those during M-L Youth meetings." he said."And don't worry I'll try to not harm you if...that happens" seeing the parked car he said "You Military people have some good shit in your disposal" he grined.

"This is all hush, hush, but once the Director reveals project Overhaul, everyone should have easy access to these. That's what I heard." She said, getting into the back of the car.

"Now that is imposible" Tim said as he took a seat beside her. "I doubt there is enough funding for that...we number billions." He stated.

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