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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)

She nodded, "That's settled then. Orange, Apple, or Pomegranate?" She asked, looking to her watch to prepare the order. "We also have lemonade, I believe. Perhaps some pineapple as well."

"I guess Orange, the stuff they grow here doesn't have that good flavor." he said, thinking about all the stuff brought here, how could people eat and drink some of the stuff here? All grown on a planet they populated after Earth, it was kinda sad. "Maybe make a small cocktail with it, lemonade and orange juice?" he asked, seeing that sounded nice.

Crispy Fries] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/38651-dc981/ said:
George went to the bathroom then rejoined his parents, who were both waiting for Violet to return.
Not long after George had returned a Brown skinned Scale covered, blue haired green eyed, thing came in and looked around cautious and nervously before spinning on her heels and going to walk out the door muttering something about being in the wrong mansion
Crispy Fries] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/37340-pixelated/ said:
George noticed whatever had come in and pointed to it, saying, "Cool, what is that?"
It turned around slowly to look at who was talking "I think you mean, who is that... after all I am human, to some extent... and I have a name!"
She keyed in his order, and soon a glass appeared from a small portal in the countertop.

"There you are."

She handed it over to him.

"One Fruit juice cocktail."

Dan took a sip and nodded, "This is wonderful! Where'd you get the stuff for this?!" he asked, probably the same way she got the guns here.

Crispy Fries] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/37340-pixelated/ said:
"George!" scolded Ronda. "Ah'm sorry, mah son's real curious like that. Y'all know how kids are."
"actually no I don't"
Crispy Fries] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/37340-pixelated/ said:
"Oh. Well, anyways, ah'm sorry again about mah son. Are y'all workin' fer Miss Violet?"
"I suppose you could say that I am..." Ember felt an uncontrollable urge to change something, again

Ronda held her hand out for a handshake and said, "Ah'm Ronda, and ah'm one of Miss Violet's new hires. She just snatched me up from th' MP."

"And I'm her wife, Lily. Nice to meet you."
Crispy Fries] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/37340-pixelated/ said:
Ronda held her hand out for a handshake and said, "Ah'm Ronda, and ah'm one of Miss Violet's new hires. She just snatched me up from th' MP."

"And I'm her wife, Lily. Nice to meet you."
Ember pulled her hand back "N-Nice t-to meet yo-you too," She stammered twitching slightly "s-say you w-wouldn't k-know where a girl can get h-her h-h-air dye-d a-a-round h-here w-would you?" Ember needed to change it was almost like an addiction
Crispy Fries] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/37340-pixelated/ said:
"Ah'm sorry, we just got here, so we don't really know where things are." Ronda paused for a moment, then said, "Are y'all okay?"
"y-yep a-absolu-tly f-f-fine n-never b-better!"
Crispy Fries] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/37340-pixelated/ said:
"Are y'all absolutely sure? Here, how about y'all sit down with us and take a minute to relax. It looks like y'all need it."
"s-sit down? s-s-sit down?" Ember began fidgeting even more "o-okay t-then"
Luke walked into his bar with the smell of rum filling the air. "God," Luke thought as he walked through the door "I need to put a fucking air freshener in here once we close,". He kept walking through the bar to see the usual: Guys drinking together, girls slapping ugly men for trying to hit on them, people making out in the sides of the bar, it all seemed fine. When he finally reached the bar, he said to the bartender "Hey Jacob, I need a shot of Crown stat,". The bartender noded and whipped him up a shot with Luke chugging it down. Luke then burped and said "Thanks, Jacob,". He then slid him a tip and walked off to the back room where he had his gambling operation. He saw people playing Blackjack and Poker all around him when he heard a shout from one of the tables say "Hey, you counted cards, you fucking peace of shit!". The man who shouted it looked like he had a few to many beers and was holding his opponent in the air. "I wasn't counting, I swear!" the man being held up said whimpering. Luke then took out his pistol and shot the aggressor through the leg with him screaming like a child. Luke then motioned his guards to drag the man out and shouted "Anyone else?!". He then saw no one and said "Good, return to what you where doing," while walking back to the bar to get another drink

(Open for interaction)
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Michael continued walking down the street while holding his finger up to his ear to hold the act that he was talking to someone via Bluetooth. You're just no fun, are you? Heheheeee~ "Why am I stuck working with someone like you... Man, I just want a drink, it's been a long day..." He mumbled as he continued down the sidewalk towards a nearby bar, or as he liked to call it: "His happy place".

Mike would soon reach the door he opens in order to step foot inside. "Quiet time, Pheno... It's bad enough to look crazy outside but with a bunch of drunks, it's worse." He whispered as he let his hand fall to his side, making his way to the counter and taking a seat, sighing. "One whiskey." He ordered as he popped his neck, which was a bad habit of his.
@Creeper @Daniel reaving

The meeting ended on a tense note but everyone agreed on the general points of the security. Everyone eventually left the HQ as the evening was late and they had to get ready for the meeting.

@Crispy Fries @pixelated

Violet walked into the dining room, followed by one butler and one maid. "It's getting quite late." She said, staring at Ember for a few moments before looking at Ronda with a smile. "My staff will show you to your room if you are ready for a good night's rest."
Silith sat quiet through the hole meeting obviously displeased by this sudden meeting. When it was over she quickly got Up and started out. On the way out she tossed something to the guard she had injured. "Go get your self patched up and get something for your self." She told him as she left with her guards. She had thrown him a chip with a good amount of money on it as a form of compensation for nearly breaking his arm. Then she walked out quickly and gestured for her guards to go home as she started walking down the street alone twoards a nearby bar. She was dying for a drink, more a drink with some one but she had no one to drink with so she went alone walking down the street for the bar

@DC981 @Creeper
DC981 said:
@Creeper @Daniel reaving
The meeting ended on a tense note but everyone agreed on the general points of the security. Everyone eventually left the HQ as the evening was late and they had to get ready for the meeting.

@Crispy Fries @pixelated

Violet walked into the dining room, followed by one butler and one maid. "It's getting quite late." She said, staring at Ember for a few moments before looking at Ronda with a smile. "My staff will show you to your room if you are ready for a good night's rest."
Ember was twitching even more so much that when she put her hand on the table it also began to shake causing plates and glasses to fall to the floor and shatter
Luke took a look at the man sitting beside him and gave a small smile and said "Well, you're going to kill yourself if you keep snapping your neck like that,". He then ordered another Crown from Jacob and the man gave it to him


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