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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)

Mike looked over to the man sitting nearby who had suddenly spoken to him and chuckled. "Yeah, but probably not before one of these drunks decide to do it for me." He said as his Whiskey arrived. "Thank you." He took a rather small sip out of his shot and turned a little, knowing this would more than likely turn into a conversation.

"So, what brings a guy like you to a bar like this?" Michael only asked this so as not to create an awkward silence before either of them spoke again, then finished the shot. Awww~ Looks like Mikey is making new friends... How touching... Phenomenon piped up, making Mike's eyebrow twitch for a moment.

Tim woke up,and as soon as he registred he was awake he took a look with half-lidded eyes,he was realived that Desh was not harmed by him during the night.Trying to silently get up he soon finds out that it's imposible without waking up Desh since she has him in a tight hold.and soon he flushed red,eventhough he had been in much more inappropriate positions during his life few of the women he had worked with were as gorgeus as Desh if They even would be called women."Fuck teenage hormones" he thought.

''Yes'' came the answer,as he shifted a bit.''Could you errr...relase me please? I think it's safe for now.'' he said.then asked.''H...I did not do anything right?''
"Oh, my good sir, I actually own this bar," Luke said with a smile "Hey Jacob, get us a couple of bottles of Crown, and all drinks that he orders are on me,". Jacob went over to get the Crown and handed both Luke and the new guy a bottle of it each. He then said "So, you have the looks of mercenary, so I assume you are one?"

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"Hm! The owner, huh? Nice to meet you." He responded with a smile in return. When the call for free drinks came out, he tapped the counter and chuckled. "Well! I'm not gonna pass up some free drinks from a kind soul!" Don't you dare get drunk on me. "Ah... Well... Yeah. I am." He answered to both of them.
"Ah, so you are," Luke said taking a swig from his Crown. He then turned around to him and said "You know, I could use a mercenary to help protect my assets, would you be interested in joining me? It would pay quite well, let's say, 2,000 dollars a week, how does that sound?"

He nodded and took a drink of the crown. "Yup." He put the bottle down and popped his neck again.

"I don't kn--" he coughed a bit. "Did you say $2,000 a week?? To stand around and guard stuff? ... What's the catch exactly?"

Michael, don't. You already have enough... While it may sound tempting, this could mean trouble.
"You're not going to just stand around, of course," Luke said with a smile "I only pay those guys like 500 dollars a week, you will be an enforcer. Your job will be to make sure people pay their gambling debts and if they don't, well, let's say it won't be pretty,". He took another swig from his bottle and continued "So, do we have a deal?". He then offered his hand to him for a handshake

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After giving him another squeeze, she let go of Tim and turned on her back. "Could you... Fetch me a bottle of milk from the fridge?" She said and chuckled. "Thorn teases me for being a stereotype but I like it." She added, very gently rubbing her closed eye over which a long claw mark stretched.
A smirk found itself stretching across Mike's face as he received a little more info about the actual job. Now, Michael. Don't be hasty. We both know what happened last time, you didn't exactly get praised for what you did.

One hand was clenched because Phenomenon was getting on his nerves and the other was reaching for the outreached hand of the bar owner. Mike was probably doing this half for the money and half to tick off Phen. He grasped his hand firmly and shook. "You know, I'm not usually one to rush into things but you got me free drinks. Why not?" He chuckled as he unclenched his other hand and brushed his hair out of his face. "I don't mind getting rough with anyone who doesn't exactly do what they need to..."

Tim chuckled a bit hearing that."Of course Ms.Desh" he said as he got up and walked towards the kitchen and greabbed a bottle of milk from the fridge and a glass from a cupboard.walking back to the room "Milk as you ordered mistress" he said while pouring the bottle of milk to the glass,not noticing the slip of tongue.
"How about a bit of bloodshed to start the day on a fun note? A sacrifice to the gods to ensure One's speech does well." Thorn asked as her tower shield of a lieutenant drove her in the squad car. Like always, they were followed by two more cars.

"Ma'am?" The lieutenant asked in a growl.

"There's a den in the slums which failed to come up with worthwhile info this month." She smirked. "I want us to take the three of them out on the streets and show everyone what happens when they displease me."

"Regular execution?" He asked.

"Something more bloody. Utility axes are a part of our great, right?" She grinned as the three police vehicles drove into the slum district.

"Don't call me that, please." Desh grimaced. "Not fond of that title." She shrugged, grabbing her eyepatch. "Slept well?"

"What title?" He asked,confused a bit then continued."As good as I get when these happen,I should ask the same to you.It must have been hard sleeping after learning that the kid that you barelly know is a physco." Then he offered the glass to her.
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Desh sook her head, grabbing the glass and taking a sip. "I've met weirder people." She shrugged, drinking further. "You should see some of the VIPs we have."

"That bad huh" he asked with a smirk."Well Then you must be living around a lot of weirdos,Thorn for one" he chuckled at his own joke."Say why did you join this madness at all? Military and all.why not continue living in your tribe it seemed like a peacefull place.anything to do with that scar of yours?" he asked with genuie curiosity.

"Well..." Desh looked away. "Thorn is a strange cookie." She chuckled awkwardly, putting on her eyepatch. "As for the military. It's a Snow Dyn thing. I just had this feeling that it's what I'm destined to do and I went for it. You'll rarely see one of us that isn't in some kind of a warior service or a very strict administrator." She then slightly lifted up her eyepatch, showing the scar but keeping the eyelid closed. "This is also a Snow Dyn thing. When we reach the age when we feel mature enough, we go for a trek around the world. No accepting help, no giving help. I just got unlucky and had a bad encounter. Most drown when they have to take a raft across a body of water. We're not natural swimmers, really."

''For s sentinent species you Dyns most certainly have a connection with cats,I'd say you were created by Men of Science if I did not know better '' he said amused.''And that's harsh,not to be rude and ignorant of Your culture but,maybe you people should try more...peacefull jobs like I dont know Farming or something.It is not like there is any war other than the unecesary hostility with Earth.'' he said offering a meek smile to her.
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Desh frowned momentarily at the comparison with cats but smiled by the end. "Well, other Dyn races are more focused on those things. We're hunters." She shrugged. "Earth..." She gave him a disgusted grimace. "If what I hear is right..." She shook her head. "I honestly think we should nuke the planet and be done with it. I'm usually not this cruel." She chuckled half-heartedly.

''Well it was not like I was born there...and the fact that if I was born or not is open for debate'' he chuckled humorlessly.''But the way I look it.it is my Home planet,same goes for rest of the Humanity,and The Clones too if you want to make the distiction.'' He said seriously.''Francis is from Earth,he said it's a good place full of wonders both natural and made by men.Before shit hit the fan he said we would immigrate back to Earth when he gathered the money since there I would not count as a property in their laws.And that He wanted to see his Parents faces when they learned he ended up returning with a child rather than a wife.'' he said with a smirk at the end.''You would not like them nuking Epsilon would you?'' he asked serious.
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Crispy Fries] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/38651-dc981/ said:
@DC981[/URL] @pixelated
Ronda gripped Ember's forearm firmly but gently, and said, "It's alright. What's got y'all shakin' so much?"
Instead of the table shaking Ember and the chair began shaking causing the chair to collapse, "m-must c-change... t-t-to recognisable!" Ember moved her hands and held her head

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