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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)

@Crispy Fries

"Classy stuff." Violet repeated with a chuckle. "Well, if you're interested in spending more time at my classy home, you're welcome to do so anytime." She smiled and took a step back from the table.
@Crispy Fries

"You'll have difficulty doing that." Violet chuckled. "I have a lot of staff working around the estate. Not to mention even more doing small jobs for me around the city. Even I have a hard time remembering every name." She smiled.
@Crispy Fries

"The staff here is quite interesting if I may say so myself." Violet smiled. "They're happy when one of them is happy. They try to help each other when they're down. Quite a community to be surrounded by." She nodded.

"Well, it certainly ain't that way in th' MP. It's nice to see that th' people around here care about each other. After all, people are th' most valuable asset around."
@Crispy Fries

"Exactly." Violet pointed at Ronda. "We must never forget to help one another." She said and then sighed. "It's a shame we live in days where the rebels prohibit such behavior. You may help a man on the street only to have him commit terror attacks on unsuspecting civilians."
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She smiled happily and hugged Sarah tightly around the waist with her little arms. "Mama can I watch the glowie box?" She asked having forgotten that it was called a tv

"Sure sweetie... Go ahead. " she said, walking her to the TV and sitting down with the hyper little one, she watched TV with Isabella, it was cute on how she acted.
@Crispy Fries

"Well, you should be safe here." Violet nodded. "Though, we don't have weapons in the house. Only Millie's sidearm when she comes around." She shrugged. "I don't really believe in violence. I think it's a nasty way of doing things when there are so many other possibilities."

A confused look took form on his face then complete anger "Stop answering my questions with more questions!" He boomed.and swung the knife towards her general direction."You are trying to confuse his mind With false 'truths'! To use him for your own gain.Turn him against me!"

Desh moved back as she saw the swing. Even though she was still drowsy and sitting, she managed to avoid the ill-aimed knife swing. Still sitting down and still as calm as before, she shrugged. "Tell me what you want to know." She sighed.
@Crispy Fries

"I try to keep my employees out of danger but sometimes, it's unavoidable. Putting the few in danger for the safety of the many." She said, reminding herself of how Epsilon in general works. "I'm certain you understand."
@Crispy Fries

Violet nodded and attempted to change the subject. "I hope neither of you are nervous about the dinner with One and Black. One isn't as scary as he seems occasionally. Hopefully, he won't have much on his mind. Regardless, Victor Black is always a pleasure and I'm certain he will have a lot of questions about you." She chuckled. "He just loves interacting with people of Epsilon."

"I want to know why?" He growled."why you saved Timothy...why you saved us?" He asked. "Timothy understood something.The Assasination Attempt that Will take place during the speech is staged.then The Director would need a trigerman that eould fail,a scapegoat that would be spareable.And who better than a rebel kid? No one would care if he died...But I can't let something like that happen to Timothy...to us!" He accused.

"Ah'm sure ah can manage that." Ronda paused to take a bite of her steak, then asked, "So, Miss Violet, how long have y'all been in business?"
@Crispy Fries

"Long." Violet nodded and then chuckled. "Trust me, I'm far older than I look. A lot of time, effort and enthusiasm went into building up my company. Now I'm relaxing. More or less." She added.

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