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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)

She looked at him with concern. "You look kind of worried. Is something wrong?" She asked softly, placing her hand delicately on his shoulder.

I'm loosing my hold on him. Gotta get it back.

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"N-No, nothing really...Just, an eventful day." he said, feeling her hand on his shoulder felt, strangely nice, he wrapped his arm with guaze, and then checked the rest of his side, nothing, he was fine now. "Just got shot a few times, nothing that won't heal quickly." he said, as the Augmantations from the earth military from his days as infantry, made him a super soldier, and one of the few to be one.

"You were shot?" Her eyes went wide and she quickly hugged him. "I'm so sorry! It's my fault they were here, and now you're hurt!" She whimpered, clinging to him tightly.

"I-It's alright Sage...I get shot at, and sometimes shot, no big deal, my genetics make me heal wounds quickly." he said, feeling her warmth, he looked at her, her eyes a perfect blue, very nice... "Your eyes are...calming, did you know that?" he said, lost in thought.

She looked up at him curiously, "Thank you," she murmured, her fair skin blushing lightly. "I hope it heals soon." She murmured, looking down to his arm. She kissed the bicep of the wounded arm, looking back up at him when she was done.


Dan felt hot all of a sudden, he couldn't say anything, and he couldn't really move now, he just looked at her with a smile, 'Her eyes are just so perfect...' he thought to himself, forgetting everything.


"Smoking is bad. I couldn't give you one with a clear conscience." She chuckled. "Besides, I'd rather if you didn't smoke in here." She said and sighed. "You know... You might get your wish about One. There's a good chance he'll die tomorrow." She said casually as of discussing what's for dinner.

''Well it is your Home Miss,so I'll respect your wishes.'' he said as he looked towards her.'One is gonna die?' he thought to himself.yet seeing the Dyn woman disstresed did not go well with him.''Well that would be bad,if he Died how could I and rest of my comrades humiliate him in public.'' he joked,then added with a serious tone''But,don't worry Miss.Desh from my experiances,Bad people like him don't die easily.''

"I certainly hope so. If your comrades get the leadership, I'll be among the first in front of the firing squad." She looked at him and chuckled. "But that's not a worry. It doesn't work that way. You don't kill the current ruler and declare yourself king. With One gone, thing will just go the same way the always have, albeit a bit slower." She surfed the channels on her projected TV screen.

''I'm sure you would be tried on a court first,but I doubt that eases your concerns,and well The Director will have to surrender his possition either willingly or by force sooner or later.The poor does hate him,The Middle-class tolerate him and his own Oligarchs,The Capitalist Pigs care only for money.Nobody likes Dictators Miss.Desh.It is hight time that the Poor had some say in the Goverment,an Assembly of Workers to govern themselves,as it is clear Neither The Director or his Capitalist pigs care much about our status.'' he said as he eyed the TV.''I don't understand why he continues this...madness,why does he just not let us vote? everything would be much easier that way...'' he added but he was more focused on the TV rather tahn anything else,'Ah a Theatre at Home' he thought to himself,trying to make out what programs was on as Desh continued to change the channels.a childish smile slowly taking form on his face.
Sage planted another kiss to his neck, then his cheek, and finally his lips. She moved herself to straddle his lap, and the rest, as they say, is history.



"They've certainly been filling your head with nonsense." Desh chuckled. "This isn't far from communism, you know? The government owns anything, the government gives you a job, a place to live, stuff like that... Sure, the poor hate everyone above them but the good thing is that there are not many poor people." She paused, realizing how she sounds. "All I'm saying is that most people you call poor are simple criminals who passed up on their one chance. Not saying that's you... Just that it's most poor people." She got silent and paused on a channel called Gore TV. The most controversial channel which was dedicated to blood sports. "Though, this is messed up." She pointed at the screen as it showed a man waving a bloody chainsaw around.
After an interesting drive to the show, they finally arrived, and the back entrance was packed with ETU and ELE officers and agents, all wearing and using military gear, Dan opened the door to let Sage out. 'This will haunt me for the rest of my life...' he thought, since he just cheated on Sarah, but, he's been trained to hide anxiety and paranoia, so that's kind of a plus.


"I could disagree with everything you. Just said but Yeah...is this shit even Legal?" Tim said looking at the bloody mess on the TV."This is almost worse than what I see when I'm high" he added as he was trying to make out what kind of gory Madness was going on the screen.

Violet was pacing around the venue, followed closely by Millie. Being the biggest sponsor of the event, the name of her company was plastered on every corner and even on tickets to the show. Upon noticing Sage arrive, she made a b-line for her, holding a smoking, dark cigarette in her hand. "I heard you had a rough trip." She said with a tense look on her face. "Is everything alright?" She asked. Even Millie had a more serious look on her face but a smile was still present.

"A lot of things are legal here. Just look at the drugs Ecstasy Trust is producing. Look at their brothels." She shook her head. "There have been rumors that some people are being kidnapped to show up on the channel. If One finds evidence of that... Gore TV is no more." She gave a grim smirk to the screen before switching to a documentary about the Snow Dyn.
"N-Nothing I couldn't handle ma'am!" he said, 'Yep, sure was rough' he thought, holding back a laugh, "Turns out rebels aren't the one's we need to worry about, since the vehicles used in the attack, weren't chopped up and spliced with sheet metal. Must be some gang or something." he said, rubbing his arm.



Violet's eyes snapped onto Dan. "You did a good job but I think it's time for you to leave the detective work to the actual detectives." She said and motioned her head at Millie. "Why don't you call for someone to pick you up?" She looked at his wound. "I don't think you're in shape to protect anyone for now. I believe I have someone to take over your guard duty." She said and looked at Millie again.
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"Yes I know those drugs" was the answer Tim gave as his focus shifter from the TV to his feet,they looked very interesting to him now."They make you feel great,then it is like you are in hell until the next dosage" said the child silently.
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"No no! I'm a retired Infantry soldier from earth. Heard about 'Project:Green and mean'?" he said, "It was a successful super soldier project for the infantry's best, I was one of the thirty that made it back alive from Russia. I can handle a few bullets miss." he said, hitting the wound and not making a face or screaming out in pain.



"That's the poor man's drugs. No side effects for those who can afford the higher quality stuff." She snorted. "A real bitch is running that company." She said and motioned her head at the screen as it showed an underground city with statues made of polished ice. "That's right next to my village.
Sage pouted, taking ahold of Dan's good arm.

"Can I keep him, please? I've grown quite fond of him."

The group of stylist androids that seemed to be her constant company had already emerged and began making her picture perfect once more.

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Violet watched them for a few moments before reluctantly nodding. "Sure. Next time, though, I'll insist on having my people in your escort. I want my investments safe." She sighed and raised a hand for a handshake at Dan. "I don't believe we've met, though. I'm Violet."
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"Yes those stuff are great,but Test subjects are rarely given safe stuff" Tim said he was visibly shaking yet he answered her "Looks like a nice place." Said Tim as he slowly raised his head."It must have been a drastic change for your people...The colonization I mean,being forced to become subjects of Humans and all,Being a servant...Living to please others,it is worse than dying"
"Dan." he replied shaking her hand, "Could I get a new vest?" he asked looking at the group of ELE officers standing around doing NOTHING. "But, I'd like to guard Miss Sage until she has to leave for another place." he said, hoping to maybe not see her again.



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