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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)


Desh burst out laughing, barely stopping herself at the end. "Is that what they tell you?" She held a hand over her mouth. "The only thing funnier than our propaganda is the rebel propaganda. You know the Dyn make up more population than humans and clones together? One loves us more than humans and clones together. I don't know how the slaver groups think they could control us if they took over. The change was a bit weird, though. At least that's what I heard. Most other Dyn species welcomed it but my people decided to mostly stay back or join the army."


Violet shrugged. "Sure, sure. Just make sure she's fine. Report to me after the show is done, though. Before you pack up and leave. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a call or two to make. Have fun, Sage." She said and walked off, followed closely by Millie.
"Yes ma'am." he replied, then turned to catch a vest and assault rifle, followed by four full mags, "Alright. Lead the way, Sage." he said nicely.

She took his hand, leading him back to the dressing rooms. Before she entered her room, she looked back at him.

"Looking for something?" She asked, opening her palm to reveal his wedding band.

"I thought it best my boss didn't see that. Keep a closer eye on it next time, Danny."

She tossed it to him, then disappeared behind the door.

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Dan just had to be reminded about his wife, 'Is it possible to redo who I want...?' he thought to himself, which made him want to jump off a cliff for thinking such a thing. He took the gun into his hand, after he slipped the band onto his finger, then stood guard by the door.


"How ironic is'nt it you laugh at something so important,it is not chains that make people slaves,it is controling the peoples thoughts" Tim was still shaking, as he tales "What does it matter? Though right? you get fed clothed and under shelter.why should you care about that At the end of the day you and rest of your people answer to him,your overlord,your Master." He said his voice getting harsher with each word "Love is an illusion,it clouds your mind just like opium does.Makes you eager to please the person,just becuase you want that love to be returned,because you want to be praised.yet when you understand that you are just being used...it crushes your soul.shaters it to pieces!"
"Guess she's still alive. No pity views on the show." Millie shrugged while Violet frowned at Sage as she walked away.

"My own fault for hiring the lowest bidder when it comes to bounty hunters..." Violet sighed, slowly increasing the pressure on the cigarette between her fingers. "It's annoying."

"Didn't think you'd try to save money on something like that. Then again, I didn't think you'd try to kill someone just so more people would watch something you sponsor." Millie chucked.

"Her death is not about money." Violet released the pressure on her cigarette and brought it to her mouth, stopping an inch from her lips. "I can't have someone be immune to me. If that robot is the future, then the future is out of my control. Project Overhaul is already mostly in my hands. This thing... It's a closed system." Violet grimaced as she finally inhaled from the cigarette. "I need that toaster disassembled." She whispered, smoke slowly rising between her lips.


Rolling her eyes, Desh pulled out a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket and, after taking one for herself, she tossed the pack on Tim's lap. "You're going to get me into so much trouble for nothing." She changed the channel from the peaceful ice landscape back to the bloody Gore TV. "Don't make me believe what everyone is saying. You're making me have doubts about rebel rehabilitation."

"Rehab? Shrinks and I,we dont go well together.Francis did take me to see one back when he first found me,it did not end well...and that was years ago'please don't send me to some shrink! I can steal for you if you want,please just don't make me see one of those so fallen doctors!" he pleaded while getting a cig out and plastered it to his mouth "L'ghter please" he murmured.
She waited a few moments to make herself presentable before grabbing Dan and pulling him into the dressing room. Laid out on her vanity was a small arsenal.

"Look, I can't explain much, but this is the only place that isn't bugged." She grimaced, "Look, you don't work for her so I can talk to you." She rubbed her temples, "She's the one trying to kill me. I can't tell you why, but she is." She sighed, "That's why she tried to replace you."

Rui said:
She waited a few moments to make herself presentable before grabbing Dan and pulling him into the dressing room. Laid out on her vanity was a small arsenal.
"Look, I can't explain much, but this is the only place that isn't bugged." She grimaced, "Look, you don't work for her so I can talk to you." She rubbed her temples, "She's the one trying to kill me. I can't tell you why, but she is." She sighed, "That's why she tried to replace you."

Dan drooled a bit at the sight of the guns laid out, "...I... You.... " he had no words to describe the feeling of being here anymore, "Alright... You're officially a dream girl..." he said picking up an earth XM8, "Where'd you get this!? Only US Army and Marine soldiers are allowed these... Are you sure you weren't from Earth? " he added, looking at all the guns, she had more than he did...

"I mean... I don't think you'll ever be able to not be a rebel. Which would justify Thorn's wish to execute you." She said, tossing him a pack of matches while keeping her unlit cigarette in her mouth. "I was kinda hoping to groom you up to see the light and stuff but yeah... That's not gonna happen." She shrugged, waiting for him to light his cigarette.

Lighting his cigs with a match.he took a deep breath of the cig.''Thanks for the cig.And as you had said,dont judge people that easily,just because I have different Ideals does not automaticly make me all bad as such I do not see you as evil,it is the Idealogies and Loyalties that clash'' he said looking towards Desh.''and about Thorn.I'd like to speak with her,tell her she is the reason I joined the rebels.If you haven't figured out by now I had a pretty good life for a few years,Lived in a reallativly good standarts,Francis was even able to send me to school for some time,but shit just keeps finding me,Thorn's goons crippled Francis,with him not being able to work,he could not pay the rent,and we ended up thrown to the streets...and there you need to people to protect your back,and The Reds were the best choice,they let me keep most of the money I stole and their ideals gave hope...you had mentioned you had a family back in your town,then you must understand that I have to do what I have to do...I have an old man to look after.And food does not come free.It is either working with them or the other more exotic job...and I don't wanna really want return to being the The 'Deamon-child of pleasure' ever again. '' he said as he slowly pulled his sleeve to revavel the scared skin on his Wrist,where the code was still visible.''I can't just go and work for the Goverment...I'm Private Property,I'd be sent right back to her...''

Desh watched him for a few moments, remembering the countless, slave-like staff Violet had and thinking if he might have been one of them. "Kid... No one wants to harm you or the Reds or Francis." She sighed. "I don't. One doesn't. There are people like Thorn and, as sad as I am to say, they need to be put down. That's Thorn's ultimate goal. She talks about it all the time when she's drunk. I joined the rebels as well, you know? I still am but I don't want to be. I was invited for a drink with One and got tasked with killing him. I didn't. He's... Just not that bad. Things just go wrong, you know?" She said, watching Tim, and lit her own cigarette while the Gore TV screen repeatedly turned red.

A man in a fine suit, wearing a purple tie, knocked on the door to James' office. The man had a comfortable smile on his face and had purple eyes. Violet gave her best to market purple eyes as the latest trend - her naturally purple eyes becoming more common as other people started wearing contacts.

''You are right I guess,Shit happens'' he said pulling down his sleeve,seeing his 'tag' was enough to make him sick.''I doubt The Director was the orchestrator of my shitty life yet It just make me feel better to acuse some one...'' he said as he shifted to turn his attention back to TV.''But let's not speak about what a fucked up world we live in...So you said you have an family,how are they?'' he asked trying to change the topic.as he saw a man get brutally beaten with a electro-chair.

"My family is sticking to the old ways but they're very proud of my sister and myself. My sister..." She smiled, looking through the violence on the screen. "She's such a kid. Joined the ELE. I told Thorn to watch over her but she ended up being a favorite bodyguard to some VIPs. She refuses to tell me who she's working for most of the time. I'm just glad she's not by Thorn's side." She said and looked at Tim. "What about you? Tell me more about yourself."

''Nothing much to say,I was created in some science facility yet somethin went wrong with the batch I was created was all my 'brothers' died,I survived...yet I was Defective,so I was sold for a low-price tag to a Company,the one you talked about I guess,never cared much about it's name,I was used as a test subject in some other shitty lab before my weird look caught the eye of my real owner It was either the Eyes or the White hair it really doesn't matter,and yes I dye it...I was pulled out of the labs to serve as her...personal servant...I'll be honest I was like her Butler/Slave/Torture doll...That woman had some weird tastes for sure,who would want to keep a child as a servant really? back to the topic,I found the opportunity to run away when she was away on some buisness trip I think I was Nine or Ten.Playing the role of Obedient Little Boy has its merrits such as less people to make sure you don't run away.But being a Little Kid with no knowladge of outside world was harsh,I ended up with the wrong proffesion,as I mentioned before.That is where I met Francis,he was one of the clients thata came to the brot'' he stoped himself there.''My place of work,I think he did not really want to fuck a kid,since he did nothing to me during the time we spent...Just talked,told me about Earth and it's History.And one day he offered to 'adopt' me,and I guess that was the happiest day that I ever had.He is well was an actor,playing side roles in a middle-class thatre,he would take me to see the plays for free,I saw many classics but my favourite is The Fiddler on the Roof.It was a great two years than the thing with the police happened and we are here...'' he said.than took a long breath.''Heh...sorry If I went into too much detail with that.''
She waved a hand dismissively.

"I have contacts. Enough said." She glanced over herself in the mirror, "Take your pick. We may need the extra help." She cracked her neck, stretching out to limber up.

"All I'm saying, is I can't walk that runway."

Dan took the XM8 and laid the other gun on the bed, taking it into his hands and getting a feel for the sight, "I'll be using this...Now, care to explain...what the fuck is going on with your life? Since it seems that you have been doing this for a while now..." he said, his weapon readied in her direction, not being pointed, just a stance for shooting full auto. "I'd like to know before I go any further.." he said, in a stern tone.

She grimaced, "I thought the ride over would enable you not to question me." She glanced over at the gun, "care to discuss this when you're not poised to shoot me? Or better yet, not discuss this?"

"I'd prefer to know who, or what you are really...Because the last time I checked, XM8's and F2000's were earth and ETU basic weapons. Not something the rebels can get a hold of..." he said, slinging the gun behind him, "Look, if we're honest with each other, than we'll be able to trust each other when we're out there fighting." he said, if they were going guns blazing, then he'll be the one to put her down, he didn't want to die, and he didn't want to be arrested. He's already in enough shit with that car ride...

CERBERUS177 said:
Dan woke up to a call, "Hello?...Y-...Al-...OKAY! BYE!" he said, a bit upset, he was being told to go on patrol, "What's wrong Dan?" Sarah asked, he got up and got into his uniform, "They want me on patrol..." he said, grabbing his holster and clipping it on.
@Daniel reaving
Isabella groaned tiredly as she cuddled to Sarah tightly in her sleep not waking to dans movement

Creeper said:
"Richard would like you to attend the meeting at the ETU HQ." said the colonel hastly "It's about tomorrow's big event."
"The rest of you, dismissed for the next hour." said James as he walked out the room and called Sillith. @Daniel reaving
Silith picked up immediately as she started for the covert sector. "Hello?" She answered with a tone of stress and annoyance
Sage sighed heavily.

"I'm an AI, Dan." She rubbed her temples, "I was designed to be a sex slave amongst those in the underground. A tool for profit on the black market. I didn't exactly appreciate it, and here I am. No one knows except you...at least that I know of. She probably does...but I have no clue how." She shook her head slowly, "I've been around enough sketchy people in my lifetime to know when something is screwy. This would happen to be one of those times. So are you in or out?"

"Good evening Mr. Lavenza." said James "I'd like you to attend a meeting at the ETU HQ with the purpose of discussing One's protection during tomorrow's speech."

@Daniel reaving
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Dan's phone rang, it was Sarah, "Yes dear?", "I saw what happened on the news! Are you alright?", her voice rang through the phone, "Yes, I'm fine! Look, I have to go. I have to escort the VIP again, I'll talk to you when I get home, I love you." he said before hanging up, "...You owe me then! 2,000$. It's for my little girl, and I obviously won't be getting that raise, since...well, you know." he said before cocking the gun, "So, what's the plan?" he asked her.
CERBERUS177 said:
Sarah pet Isabella's head softly. Then went back to sleep... "Panic on the roads today, as a VIP was attacked by unknown assailants. We have video coverage from the incident, warning, the video is graphic." said the news lady, the video transitions to a video of a police car being shot, the Dan comes out of the sun roof, firing at a car behind him, the car slides side ways and rolls. "Oh my god! Dan!" she shouted, grabbing her phone.



Dan's phone rang, it was Sarah, "Yes dear?", "I saw what happened on the news! Are you alright?", her voice rang through the phone, "Yes, I'm fine! Look, I have to go. I have to escort the VIP again, I'll talk to you when I get home, I love you." he said before hanging up, "...You owe me then! 2,000$. It's for my little girl, and I obviously won't be getting that raise, since...well, you know." he said before cocking the gun, "So, what's the plan?" he asked her.
"Mama!mama!mama come play with me!" Isabella cheered out as she came running in twoard her happily

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