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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)

"Cash or credits?" She asked removing her wallet from the vanity drawer. "Plan? We leave, simple as that. We get out fast, Violet doesn't see a thing, and we use these only if strictly nessesary. Good?"

"I guess credits." he said, thinking about the plan, "I say quietly. First..." he took out a lighter, "Stack some ammo in a pile in the middle of the room, and I'll set the place ablaze, one the ammo heats up, it'll pop off rounds, and make it look like we were attacked. We'll be far gone when it catches." he said, smashing the smoke detector that was above them. "Sound like a plan?" he said.
She frowned, "I was hoping not to alert the media. They don't need to know we're even gone." She glanced at the door shakishly, "The media is just something I don't need. Can't we get out any other way?"

CERBERUS177 said:
When did you get up little one?" she asked with a giggle, "Alright, lead the way sweet heart!" she said, getting out of bed and walking with her. Isabella must have been watching TV out there.
"I guess credits." he said, thinking about the plan, "I say quietly. First..." he took out a lighter, "Stack some ammo in a pile in the middle of the room, and I'll set the place ablaze, one the ammo heats up, it'll pop off rounds, and make it look like we were attacked. We'll be far gone when it catches." he said, smashing the smoke detector that was above them. "Sound like a plan?" he said.
She giggled and jumpe onto the bed happily as Sarah got out and scrambling into the sheets and hiding in them with a happy giggle
CERBERUS177 said:
(That was so fuckin adorable!)
Sarah laughed, and got on the bed with her, and started to tickle Isabella, "Gonna get you! I'm gonna get you!" she said giggling all the while.

"Well...I'm sure we can go back the way we came..." he said, walking to the door and taking a peek. "Looks clear, you ready?" he asked her, checking the other direction too, nothing in the other direction.
Isabella squealed under the sheets as she tried to crawl away from her happily giggling and squealing as she was tickled before she soon stopped and looked around the darkness of under the sheets. "Where am I?!" She asked worriedly
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Isabella squealed under the sheets as she tried to crawl away from her happily giggling and squealing as she was tickled before she soon stopped and looked around the darkness of under the sheets. "Where am I?!" She asked worriedly

Sarah moved the sheet off her head, "Home sweet heart..." she said, smiling at her, 'Dan will have the money for the procidure soon deary, you'll remember everything soon...' she thought to herself, "Are you hungry Isabel?" she asked her.
"Wait," Sage scanned the corridors, "Okay, go." She grabbed a greatly oversized hoodie from a coat rack by the door. It was ratty looking and looked more like garbage than clothing, but that was a story for another time. She darted out of the room, begining down the hall.

"No hostile company in sight. We're clear."

Dan got in gear and walked with Sage, making their way to the same door they came into the building, peeking outside, there was a fair amount of ELE officers out there, "Crap...Alright let's see..." he said, "If anyone asks, you're my sister, and you're sick, so..." he said, then picked her up, "Act sick, or they'll suspect something." he said, opening the door.

"Okay. Got it." Her posture slacked, the hoodie went up and over her head, and she paled her complexion.

"There, look sick enough?" She murmured, trembling slightly.

"If you can change your eye color to mine, that'd make some sense, but here we go." he said, walking to the car, opening it and laying her down in the back, closing the door, then getting into the front seat, and driving off. "You're safe now but...where exactly is 'safe' for you?" he asked, scared of her answer.

"My penthouse. Mobville." She gave an address, and the penthouse's number: 667. "Drive as fast as you can." She ordered, and the sound of a gun loading could be heard from the back seat.

"I'd like to arrive before they realize we're even gone."

"Alright." he said, pulling out of the parking lot. "Alright, so who does she work for? Your 'boss' or whatever. What's their job, and why do they want you dead?" he asked her.

She shook her head, "I wish I knew. All I know is she's the one who's been organizing these mercenary attacks. I suppose she figured out what I am. How destroying me would benefit her, though, I've yet to discover."

"I'll send my buddies to help guard your house." he said, "Or, I can stay and defend you. I don't mind...I'll call Sarah and tell her I might not be home for a bit, she'd think I'm still helping you...well, be your other self." he said, meaning the one that was a super model. "But hey, if you got your own guards, that's fine by me." he said looking back at her.

"I'd like you to stay. I refuse to keep my own guards around. She could bribe them." She sighed, "If you need to be with your family, then go now. I can guard myself just fine...I'd just really like the company. You're the first person I've felt I can trust that I've encountered for a while." She smiled meekly, "I get it though," she nestled further into the sweatshirt, "Family comes first."

Dan nodded, then he put the car on auto, and took his PDA out, and scanned the back of his card, making it usable for Sarah, then he sent the following message, 'Sarah...I'm not gonna be home for a while...This went from a whole day ordeal, to maybe a whole month problem...Let Isabella know I love her, and I love you Sar...Kiss her goodnight for me.' he sent it, "I'm with you." he said, pulling into the main road.

Sage smiled, "Thank you, it really means a lot to m-" she was cut short by a bullet smashing through the back window and piercing her shoulder.

"Shit!" She grimaced, leaning back in her seat and clutching her shoulder. Despite being robotic, she did bleed, although it was darker than human blood. Like oil and red blood mixed. She winced at the color coating her hand. She hastily took the large bow from her hair, wrapping the thick fabric tightly around the wound to stop the leak. She looked back at the vehicles trailing them.

"This isn't Violet's work. I know these guys." She rolled down her window, "Most people don't meet their maker and live to tell about it."

With that, she hung out of the window, hood up to conceal her identity, armed with an MK48 which was blazing.

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"So sexy..." he whispered, holding onto her while he drifted around a corner. Then letting go, "Short controlled bursts Sage!" he shouted, picking up speed as they drove down a rural road, her house was, defiantly out there. "If you need something a bit more accurate, I still have the XM8..." he said, slipping it back there if she needed it.

"Nah!" She called back, "An unending hail of bullets is exactly what we need! Accuracy doesn't matter, so long as we damage them and cause them to-" the car trailing them swerved violently, then crashed into a wooded area, smacked in to trees, then burst into flames due to the high speed impact, "-Swerve." She grinned, sliding back into the passenger seat.


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"Mistress." Millie walked up to Violet who was holding yet another cigarette in her hand.

"Where is she?" Violet looked at the stage. "My people are ready."

"Well..." Millie sighed. "She's gone. Along with her bodyguard."

Violet threw down her cigarette. "I shouldn't smoke. It's unattractive." Violet fair calmly. "Do you think you can declare the bodyguard a kidnapper?"

"I have a strong case to base that on." Millie nodded. "When he appears do disprove the claim, you can get him."

"Do so."' Violet ordered and started walking. "I have a meeting to attend. This evening was a disaster."
"...I know I said this...I think, but dammit, that was. Sexy..." he said, maybe being on the run with her won't be all as bad as he thought it would be. "Do you need me to patch that up?" he asked her, he didn't know how to fix a android, so this would be interesting, but, she was so human... She didn't have the tall tail signs of one...

She waved a hand away, "I have the equipment back at my place. It's pretty complicated." She pouted, "I'm more pissed about the fact that I bled into the jacket. Plus now it has sixteen bullet holes. Fifteen was more than plenty." She grumbled. She glanced back at him, realizing he'd called her sexy.

"You thought that was attractive?"


Most guys are all about the figure or the face; boobs and booty, that's really all I've been complimented on.

Sage, snap out of it! He's married! You only did him to secure his loyalty. Nothing more...

I'm sure he sees it the same way.

Rui said:
She waved a hand away, "I have the equipment back at my place. It's pretty complicated." She pouted, "I'm more pissed about the fact that I bled into the jacket. Plus now it has sixteen bullet holes. Fifteen was more than plenty." She grumbled. She glanced back at him, realizing he'd called her sexy.
"You thought that was attractive?"


Most guys are all about the figure or the face; boobs and booty, that's really all I've been complimented on.

Sage, snap out of it! He's married! You only did him to secure his loyalty. Nothing more...

I'm sure he sees it the same way.

"Yep...wife doesn't find guns to be all that fun, and she always says I should try a new job..." he said, he never fell in love with the way she always told him to get a better job and stuff, though she was nice at times, she wasn't all there... "But that, was something that I've never seen in real life...actually, it's been awhile since I've seen a woman get all joyful about killing...been a good 2-3 years, after I retired from the Corps, never really met the chicks after the war...Though, they were WAY too manly, as it, body builder's pretty much..so, that was a scary sight to see." he said, "But hey...It's nice to see that you have a fun personality." he said.

(It's not as fun to have control over your partner to be honest...)
Sage smiled, her eyes a little watery despite herself.

"C'mere you!"

She grinned and ruffled his hair, hugging the heck out of him.

"Thanks. That really means something, you know?" She paused, "Not the whole 'wife-doesn't-like-guns' thing, more the 'nice-personality' thing." She smirked, "and yeah, I tend to defy your typical super model stereotype from time to time, I'd say."


(*emotional shoulder pat*)

(I know buddy, I know.)

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