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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)

@Crispy Fries

"Oh, I prefer having a relaxed atmosphere when we're not on duty, which is often. One of the benefits of living here, hm?" Violet said and looked at Millie. "What's the point of living if you don't enjoy yourself? Feel free to loosen up around me. It would make me feel more comfortable." Violet smiled at Ronda.

"That's gonna take a little gettin' used to," chuckled Ronda as she leaned back in her chair a bit. "Ah'm pretty used to standin' up straight and salutin' superiors, so yer gonna have to excuse me if ah take a bit to adjust."
@Crispy Fries

"How liberal exactly are you?" Violet leaned back as well, crossing her legs. "A lot of the jobs I do require an open mind. Not to mention the general atmosphere around the estate."
@Crispy Fries

"Well..." Violet bit down on her lower lip with a smile. "My business dances on that fine line between illegal and legal. Though, you're with EICA. I'm certain that whatever they do is nothing compared to the things I do." Violet chuckled. "I don't believe in violence." She winked.

"Ah supposed if it ain't worse than what ah already do, then ah ain't got much of a problem. To be honest, mah current assignment probably dances th' same line yer business does."
@Crispy Fries

"I beg to differ." Violet smiled and looked at Millie as she yawned. "It's getting late and I'd hate to keep you from your family any longer." Violet smiled. "You sure you don't want one more drink for the road?" Violet nodded at the vodka bottle.

"Ah guess one more wouldn't hurt." Ronda poured herself another shot and quickly drank it. "It was a pleasure, Ms. Violet. Ah look forward to workin' with y'all."
"You certainly know how to handle your drink." Violet smiled. "It was my pleasure." She stood up and offered a hand for a handshake. "My pleasure entirely."

Ronda smiled as she got up and shook Violet's hand. "Call me so ah can know when y'all arranged that little dinner party with One and Black."

Ronda then left, eager to get home and tell her wife about the job offer.
"Your plan backfired." Millie commented with a smile once Ronda left.

"It didn't. Not bad, at least." Violet shrugged. "I can still save it. The game is still going great. It's still my game." She smiled and headed deeper into the manor. "Come along. It's time to rest." She motioned her head at the door by her. "Get us a drink from the cellar and join me in the bedroom." She ordered and left while Millie skipped along into the kitchen.
Richard was sitting at the conference table, surrounded by his high-ranking officers, discussing One's protection during the speech.

James sat up from his chair and looked at one of his colonels "Colonel Creed." said James "If other organisations are to partake in this event, we must cooperate to ensure One's protection. Call Comissioner Thorn and ask her to attend the meeting. I will do the same for Ms. Lavenza."

The colonel nodded, walking outside the room and calling Thorn.

Richard took out his phone and proceeded to call Sillith.
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"Yeah, what?" Thorn picked up her phone. "I'm busy, talk." She snapped, shuffling through stacks of papers. Ever since One tasked her with the defense, her entire department has been in disarray.
Dan woke up to a call, "Hello?...Y-...Al-...OKAY! BYE!" he said, a bit upset, he was being told to go on patrol, "What's wrong Dan?" Sarah asked, he got up and got into his uniform, "They want me on patrol..." he said, grabbing his holster and clipping it on.

@Daniel reaving
"Richard would like you to attend the meeting at the ETU HQ." said the colonel hastly "It's about tomorrow's big event."

"The rest of you, dismissed for the next hour." said James as he walked out the room and called Sillith. @Daniel reaving

"Fine, at least someone got their ass up to organize this shit." Thorn spoke through her teeth as she flung a folder across her relatively small office. "I'll be there." She said and hung up.

''Better than you I guess'' Tim said sarcasticly.His eyes half closed.''I'm starting to get a headache though...Do you have any Cigs? I think the addiction is the cause.'' he said as he took a sitting position.
Dan and a VIP escort convoy pulled up to an idols air ship on the runway of the airport, awaiting the VIP to step off, Dan was tasked to driving her to a show, he hopes to make a good impression. He stood by the car, waiting for the idol.

(Sorry if it's short, this phone makes everything look long )

New Mobville Housing Complex

As Ronda walked into her house, she was greeted by George, who ran up and hugged her leg. "Mommy's home!" he exclaimed. George was a simple plain Dyn, and had a brownish coat of fur and green eyes like Ronda.

"Hey there, kiddo," smiled Ronda as she ruffled the fur on George's head. "How was school?"

"It was fun! Look, I drew this." George held up a piece of paper with three crudely drawn stick figures labeled "mommy," "other mommy," and "me."

"Ain't y'all just a little artist. Ah think ah'm gonna hang this one up on th' fridge." Ronda took the drawing and went to put up on the fridge, and her wife, Lily, was there waiting for her.

"You're a home a little later than usual," said Lily.

"Trust me, it's fer a good reason. Does th' name Violet ring any bells?" said Ronda.

Lily took a moment to think. "I think so. I'm pretty sure she's someone important."
Sage stepped out, in all her glory. She was dressed to the nines and looked picture perfect, despite the journey.

"Ah~ nice to be on solid ground again." She hummed her approval, and began for the car, her very expensive looking suitcases toted behind her and loaded into the awaiting car. She smiled to the driver, "Well hey there cuteness," she purred, climbing into the car, "How're you?"

Rui said:
Sage stepped out, in all her glory. She was dressed to the nines and looked picture perfect, despite the journey.
"Ah~ nice to be on solid ground again." She hummed her approval, and began for the car, her very expensive looking suitcases toted behind her and loaded into the awaiting car. She smiled to the driver, "Well hey there cuteness," she purred, climbing into the car, "How're you?"

Dan blushed when she called him cute, "Doing just fine ma'am. How was your flight?" he asked. Dan wasn't in full uniform anymore, and wore a orange shirt and a bullet proof vest that was black with the words 'ELE ' on the front of it, ELE and the EICA knew that rebels would try and take her, so they put one of their best as driver and bodyguard.
"Well, ah ran into her while ah was on duty, and she ended up invitin' me over fer coffee because she thought ah was interestin' or somethin'. We got to talkin', and Violet offered me a job on her personal staff. It pays a whole lot better than what ah got now, and it's a whole lot less dangerous," explained Ronda.

"Ronda that's wonderful," beamed Lily as she gave Ronda a kiss on the cheek. "Now I don't have to worry about you so much."

"And she invited over fer dinner with One and Victor Black," added Ronda.

"Oh my god, really?" said Lily, barely able to believe it.
The idol would look at him with a cheeky grin. "My flight was lovely, Handsome." She batted her eyelashes, "What's your name?" She asked, playing with a pigtail.


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