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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)

@Crispy Fries

"And are you satisfied with your salary?" Violet asked as her expression turned serious for a fraction of a second. "I mean, I know most government employees are well covered but... Are you happy with it?"

"Uh, yes, ah'm happy with it. Ah may not have th' most extravagant salary, but it's enough. Mah wife works too, so we ain't got no trouble with makin' ends meet."
@Crispy Fries

"You know..." Violet shifted in her seat, changing the way her legs are crossed. "I'm always looking to expand my close employee list. It wouldn't be something that would interfere with your regular job. You'd barely notice it. Except an almost double salary." She smiled and her eyes locked on the Dyn officer who just walked in and started walking towards Violet. "Just like my kitty here." Violet smirked. "Except, she enjoys my company far too much."

"Ah suppose ah'd be open to that. Ah just got a new assignment though, and although ah can't go into detail about it without permission from mah superiors, it might get in th' way just a bit."
@Crispy Fries

"I knew you were a rational person when I saw you." Violet leaned back as Millie got behind her chair. She still had the usual smile on her face. "I know you said you need permission but... Are you sure you can't go into detail? Believe me, no one is more discrete than myself. I have plenty of people within EICA so you probably wouldn't be telling me anything I don't already know." Violet shrugged.

A maid and a butler walked in, one carrying a platter with bottle of vodka and a shot glass while the other carried a steaming tea cup.

"Now, ah don't doubt y'all, Miss Violet, but tellin' y'all would still be a breach of security and not to mention very unprofessional. Ah'd need permission from Director Borbett or Silith before ah said anythin'."
@Crispy Fries

Violet nodded. "Indeed, I value your integrity. The job offer still stands, if you're interested. No need to disclose information you're not allowed." She said and watched the maid and butler place the platters on the table.

"Where's the book I left here?" Violet looked at the maid.

"Oh." The maid looked at a bookcase. "I put it away. I assumed..." She started but Violet raised a finger.

"You shouldn't assume too much." She said with a smile. "Don't touch that book next time, alright, dear?"

"Yes, mistress." The maid bowed her head and walked out with the butler.

"Training new help can be such a bother." Violet shook her head. "I just can't stop hiring them. There are more people working on the mansion than in some of Ecstasy Trust branches." She said and looked at the vodka. "Help yourself." She smiled.

Ronda poured herself a shot of vodka and gulped it down, then set the shot glass back on the table. She paused for a second to think, then said, "Alright, ah think ah'll take th' offer. Seems too good to pass up. By th' way, that's some quality vodka."
@Crispy Fries

"Good, good." Violet nodded with a smirk. "Nothing like a drink to seal the deal, hm?" She said and looked a Millie for a moment. "I have a favor to ask, though." She looked back at Ronda. "You see, my employees aren't that respected in certain circles. One of those circles is EICA. For the sake of your reputation and safety, it might be better to keep this private." Violet explained while Millie strolled over to a bookshelf and examined the books. Violet took the tea cup in her hands and sipped the warm drink.
@Crispy Fries

Violet placed the cup back on the table and watched Ronda for a few moments. "Well..." She started. "Since you're my employee now, nd I take a person's word very seriously, I believe I can tell you." She leaned in. "My company works closely with One. More specifically, I work closely with One. Some of EICA's business gets thrown my way. That is their biggest problem with me." She leaned back and looked at Millie who was coming over with a leather cover book in her hands. "That and my staff's behavior." Violet smiled at Ronda. "In EICA, it's expected of you to stab your co-worker in the back. With me... We're all a family." She placed her hand on Millie's as she got close enough. When she did so, Millie's already happy smile turned into an expression of immeasurable bliss.

Ronda drank her second shot, and she was visibly perplexed and intrigued when Millie's expression turned into one of ecstasy when Violet touched her. "Well, ah think ah'd fit in nicely around here then."
@Crispy Fries

"Now that's just perfect." Violet said, releasing Millie who sighed. "You know, you and your wife are always invited to enjoy the estate. I rarely get visitors." She looked at the bottle of vodka. "Though, I'm glad that those who do visit, usually stay. They join my staff." Violet chuckled. "I guess I'm that charming." She joked and nodded at the bottle. "Drink, please. Don't let it go to waste." She smiled.

"Thanks fer th' offer, but mah wife would absolutely skin me alive if ah came home too drunk. Besides, ah wanna set a good example fer mah son too, so that means ah try not to drink too much. Oh, and again, ah hope it's alright if ah ask, but why did yer maid look so happy when y'all held her hand?"
@Crispy Fries

"Shame." Violet took the book from Millie and opened it on a seemingly random page. The symbols in it didn't seem to belong to any known culture. "Well..." Violet looked up at Millie who smirked down. "Would you believe me if I said that my staff simply likes me that much?" She smiled and passed a finger over the edge of the book.
@Crispy Fries

"I like honesty and appreciate you restraining your curiosity. You'll get to know me better eventually. Though, it's not a lie. My staff does like me. It's a bit unusual." Violet winked. "Tell me about your wife and son, if you don't mind." She smiled.
@Crispy Fries

"Oh, I'm just curious." Violet waved the question off. "There's something about the Dyn, isn't it?" She glanced at Millie. "They're quite naturally intelligent and rational. Though, they have that silly boogie man they believe in." Violet said, closing her book.

"No, ah haven't had th' honor. Y'see, Ms. Violet, ah'm just a foot soldier. Ah ain't even an officer, and th' closest ah ever got to him was guardin' ECIA HQ."
@Crispy Fries

"How about..." Violet paused, thinking for a moment. "You bring your family for dinner and I'll invite One and Victor Black. Maybe that way I can get him to bring Nicole over. He's so protective of her, I'm certain there's something going on between then." Violet mumbled the last part more to herself than to Ronda.

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