
Still perched on his seat, Pink Guy held up a finger toward the visibly uncomfortable blue-haired kid as he secured his jaw around his hamburger. "Ay man I seen you before." Indeed, the young man reminded Pink Guy of another Asian twink that he knew all too well. "Wus your name, b0ss?" Why Pink Guy was interested in learning the name of someone that he'd refer to indefinitely as 'b0ss' anyway was anyone's guess. It seemed the satyr was also interested in this information, since they also inquired into blue-hair's name. Pink Guy decided to introduce himself in the mean-time.

"Watashi wa Pink Guy des." Pink Guy spoke in the moon-rune language that he hoped the Jap would understand. Hopefully by introducing himself, blue-hair would begin to loosen up.

Haz. Haz. NovaAres NovaAres
The bunny eared boy was quite ecstatic seeing his gesture not rejected by the boy. Releasing his grip Ravio returned the nod with a cheeky smile before pulling up a seat. Making conversation with more of himself than any specific person he began to chatter.

“Quite the festival eh? I’ve never seen any event quite like this in my entire life! I wish that the night could last forever!”

He soon took notice that the horned person had ordered an impressive amount of milk from the cafe and came remember the old milk bar back in Lorule. The bartender was honestly one of the rudest people one could meet but the milk was absolutely delicious enough to warrant going through the trouble. Ravio mumbled to himself just quietly enough so that only he himself could hear it.

“Why can’t I experience something without immediately think of the kingdom, am I truly that homesick?”

The pink clothed man broke his concentration. He seemed to speak in some foreign language that Ravio couldn’t understand in the slightest. The only thing he heard him say was what Ravio assumed to be his name, Pink Guy. This introduction however appeared to be more so aimed at the blue haired individual. He could understand why seeing that Mr. Blue hair was definitely one of the most closed off in the group. Being a bit friendly to him could relive the guy of some anxiety he may be experiencing. It was a shame that nearly every word he spoke was near unintelligible due to his incredibly thick accent.

Seeing someone familiar out of the corner of he eye Ravio turned his covered head. It was Mami! He hadn’t even realized that he left her when he followed the red garbed girl into the cafe so it was quite the surprise seeing her just now. Around the young girl sat a young child that couldn’t be any older than twelve and the girl Ravio had run off with from before. Turning back to his newly met comrades he decided that he’d give the bustling group some space and meet up with his previous acquaintance first.

“I shall have to take my leave now, oh I almost forgot to say! I’m a bit of a merchant during my off time. If you’re interested I can show you some of my wares sometime. I did come a bit unprepared so I don’t have quite the huge stock. Well, it was nice meeting all of you!”

And with that Ravio left the group to their own devices as he made his way over to Mami. Once at a close enough distance he got her attention.

“Mami! It’s great to see you again!”

His eyes shifted to the younger child,

“Is he perhaps your younger brother?”

Haz. Haz. NovaAres NovaAres Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak L3n L3n Crow Crow marc122 marc122
Location: Cafe
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Dib Membrane

Dib looked at Thae slightly annoyed at how hard he was trying to annoy him.

“I am the master of fear! Nothing scares me!”
Dib stumbles backs bit and rubbed his forehead as Thae flicked him there.
“Okay that hurt way more than it should have!“
Dib looked at Karako as he facepalmed.
“Oh sorry I must have said something offensive in your language. I’ll just stick to using English since you seem to understand it.”
Dib continued to follow the two of them with his camera at the ready, so he can record anything of interest.

Birb Birb Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

  • 79oDRFc.png There wasn't anything else left to see here in the festival,well,at least for outdoors in the middle of this civilisation that proudly called itself the "Mushroom Kingdom".......what is a Kingdom? Is it something like an Empire? Is this like the Orokin Empire perhaps? What is the meaning of the word "mushroom" too? It does not help that the language of this world,despite having a mostly identical tongue the universe I was supposed to have found myself in,was vastly different in terms of the writing used. The numbers I recognise with no difficulty. The letters on the other hand......drove me towards the wall in frustration,giving me a near hands-on experience of what it feels like to be a Kavat marking its territory on a tree. My inability to speak meant that I could not ask if there was some sort of alphabetical table I could use to decipher the written language here. If this was meant to be an astral warning towards me against initiating a fight then-


    Someone had bumped into me again,this time from what I could gather from the voice alone,it was that of a young human girl's. Shifting my gaze towards the left,I looked down to see the child in question,apparently having fell onto her beneath from colliding onto my leg.


    However.....this is rather strange.....even though I clearly aren't utilising Warframe Rhino....I could have sworn that she,unlike most other ordinary humans who had ever attempted to try pushing most Warframes,actually made me stagger from the collision. What is this kid...-oh. Oh no,she's looking at me with the same frightful expression that the other young man had when he had bumped into me. Do I really look that awfully horrifying though? Or was it merely just because someone had doodled a human inflamed penis on my helmet without my knowledge? Whatever the case,I do not want to repeat the mistake I've made earlier when I attempted to build an acquaintanceship. Hang on.....what WAS the mistake I've done earlier that warranted an awkward situation anyway? I frantically waved both hands,yes,then I held out one hand attempting for a handshake,and...well,that's probably about it,it was mostly because of my lack of ability or knowledge to speak that caused the interaction to become an utter Archwing-

    “U-um.....are you okay?”

    Hmm? She spoke,but sounded more concerned than afraid. As if confirming whether or not she was in fact interacting,I pointed at myself,and she nodded. She nodded. Never would I have expected she was actually willing to speak to me despite looking like I was fully soaked in blood...! I attempted to let this young girl know of my inability to speak: Pointing at my throat,gesturing my hand in a manner as if doing what one would call it a "puppet" talk,and then waved off using the same hand.

    “Um.....are you uncomfortable with me talking?”


    “Sore throat?”

    Also no.

    “Ah.....you can't speak?”

    No- no wait,actually,Yes! That's it! ......Am I even supposed to be happy about being labelled as the voiceless however? Oh,right,she's still on the floor. I held out my hand towards her,this time (much to the relief of my dignity) she seemed to have understood what I was trying to do,as she allowed me to help her back up. I dusted the remaining soil off her clothing as an act of apology for causing her to fall back. Well,that is,if she knows I was attempting to apologise.
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Batman was a loner by night, socialite by day. But even the almighty Batman, the world’s greatest detective, the most stealthiest of all stealth boys, grew lonely once in a while. So saying he headed off into the night, hoping to find someone to talk to. Who knows, maybe he will find a butler.

Open for interactions.
Atraxa, Voice of the Praetors

It seemed that just about everyone in this cafe was preoccupied with their devices, or busy talking to the victor of the fight that almost happened earlier. Strange. The skeleton did most of the work in her opinion. Nevertheless, Atraxa decided it was time to leave, even the coffee had to stay behind too. If it weren't for the oil, she probably wouldn't have liked it anyways. She dumped the coffee on the table without a second thought, the warm fluid dribbling down the side of the surface for a servant to clean up.

Right, they don't have those here. What kind of kingdom doesn't have disposable servants? She decided it would be best to leave as quickly as possible to avoid any looks.

Atraxa found herself back at the fountain, stripped of the blessings she had given it earlier, the oil left in a bucket left haphazardly nearby. She took her mug, and scooped the bottom of the bucket, her mug overflowing with the drink that she so craved. As she was taking a sip, she noticed a certain animal-themed hero, skulking through the streets, alone. He was probably looking for other people, or maybe he just wanted to be left alone. To hell with it, she was going to bother him, she was bored.

"Hey!" She shouted to Batman. "Are you looking for everyone else?"

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss (Batman)
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

CN-Tan walked around, taking another swig out of the glass of beer until she spotted. . . A man in a bat costume, what the fuck is she looking at? She took a look at her Beer and dropped it instantly after seeing that shit, she must be seeing things at this point, who the hell drugged the beer?! "I gotta take a closer look at this thing." CN-tan said with skepticism on her face, she's seen plenty of strange sights in this strange party but this one surely takes the cake and to make sure she wasn't tripping balls, she approached the man with the bat costume and poked him straight in the left eye.​

Batman was walking, looking for someone when lo and behold the metal angel from earlier came toward him, inquiring about his current quest. He was about to reply when a kid ran at him and attempted to poke him straight in the eye: he instinctively grabbed the kids arm stopping her attempted pokery while still looking at the metal angel. “You are the metal angel that spoke some sense earlier.” He said bluntly. “I was merely looking for someone to talk to. Anyone will do.” Then he turned toward the kid. “Rude.”

archur archur Chungchangching Chungchangching

Vilgax, conqueror of ten worlds
Status: talking to...who ever this woman is.
Condition: Still humiliated to a great extent

As Vilgaix was thinking over his current situation, it appears that someone within the former crowd had a few words for him. A human female with...canine-like characteristics?

While Asgore man offered tea, Alexis voluntarily gave up the opportunity to have a talk with Vilgax. She hoped that he would be reasonable enough to give up whatever grudge he held against the kid that could transform into other aliens. Though the kitsune was tiny compared to the titanic alien, she stepped up to the alien without a single fear. It helped that her tails made her look like she filled significantly more space than she actually did. With the tone of a mother scolding her children, Alexis asked Vilgax, “Why did you attack the boy you called Tennyson? What do you have to gain by hurting him? Even if he had some kind of obscene power, you’re literally ten times his size and obviously physically stronger than anyone else here.”

So she decided to scold the conqueror of ten worlds over chasing after Ben Tennyson. She has seen only a mear fraction of the power that the child possesses with the Omnitrix. Yet she considers it meaningless compared to Vilgaix's own power
"So you want to know why I went after Tennyson...i'm assuming you have no clue of the device that he possesses?" he asks "If you want to know...then I suppose we could take this conversation into the...cafe as it is called." He would rather not spew out his intentions all over the place, but what good would it do to make himself isolated from the group? it might for the better if he talks with a few...noteworthy individuals.

ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool T The Man With No Name ManyFaces ManyFaces QizPizza QizPizza @anyone_of_intrest
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Some rustbucket approached her. “Who are you looking at?” The rustbucket had confused her
“Anyways. Where are my manners? I am Second Lieutenant Tanya Degerechaff. You look pretty militant in that army. Most of our guests here are from other worlds you see. It appears your world is similar to mine.”
The rustbucket wore armour that looked cumbersome and heavy. Quick movement looked out of the question.
GearBlade654 GearBlade654
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PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

"Oh hey!"
CN-Tan exclaimed. "You are real!!"

She vigorously pulled her arm away, just enough force to manage to get his grubby hands off her. She rubbed it casually with a confused look on her face but now that she confirmed that he in fact exists and isn't some kind of weird hallucination given to her by the beer, meaning that she dropped the beer for no good reason, The Toon had to ask this bat dude one tiny little question. "What's with the bat costume, big guy? You some kind of Super Hero or somethin'??" She asked nonchalantly, putting a hand on her hip as she eyed him from top to bottom.​
View attachment 619508
As Asgore was able to... befriend(?) Vilgax, he seemed content with the confrontation. Asgore looked around and, hoping to move along, said to the small group around Ben, Sans, and Vilgax-

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View attachment 619511

View attachment 619512

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool Crow Crow @AnyoneAroundUs



Sans watched as Asgore talked to the Green Monster, whose name was revealed to be Vilgax, and stood on guard in case he tried to attack the King. It didn’t happen, that was good. Asgore then offered him and the rest tea.

Beleaf me, Your Majesty I would love to but I’m not much of a tea person”

Sans chuckled

“But it’s nice to see you again”


Vilgax, conqueror of ten worlds
Status: talking to...who ever this woman is.
Condition: Still humiliated to a great extent

As Vilgaix was thinking over his current situation, it appears that someone within the former crowd had a few words for him. A human female with...canine-like characteristics?

So she decided to scold the conqueror of ten worlds over chasing after Ben Tennyson. She has seen only a mear fraction of the power that the child possesses with the Omnitrix. Yet she considers it meaningless compared to Vilgaix's own power
"So you want to know why I went after Tennyson...i'm assuming you have no clue of the device that he possesses?" he asks "If you want to know...then I suppose we could take this conversation into the...cafe as it is called." He would rather not spew out his intentions all over the place, but what good would it do to make himself isolated from the group? it might for the better if he talks with a few...noteworthy individuals.

ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool T The Man With No Name ManyFaces ManyFaces QizPizza QizPizza @anyone_of_intrest

Sans heard the last part of the conversation and teleported beside the human lady

“Mind if I join you? I’m also curious”

T The Man With No Name Laix_Lake Laix_Lake QizPizza QizPizza
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PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
View attachment 619688

"Oh hey!"
CN-Tan exclaimed. "You are real!!"

She vigorously pulled her arm away, just enough force to manage to get his grubby hands off her. She rubbed it casually with a confused look on her face but now that she confirmed that he in fact exists and isn't some kind of weird hallucination given to her by the beer, meaning that she dropped the beer for no good reason, The Toon had to ask this bat dude one tiny little question. "What's with the bat costume, big guy? You some kind of Super Hero or somethin'??" She asked nonchalantly, putting a hand on her hip as she eyed him from top to bottom.​
Batman sighed. “Yes, something like that.” It wasn’t a costume - it was actually military grade armour, built to at least withstand a tank, let alone flying aliens with super strength. But put any label on something and the kids always assumed it was merely a costume. So be it.
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

The Toon audibly gasped after hearing what Batman had to say, she always admired Super Hero's, she grew up watching Super Hero's so it's nice to finally meet one in the flesh even though she never really knew that they actually existed in real life, hell, she doesn't even know anything about this bat guy but he seems pretty cool with that awesome cape and hard armor but The Toon is still calling The Bat Suit a costume despite being obviously more than just a silly get up, it intrigued CN-Tan enough to make her interested about what he experienced in his crime-fighting adventures.

"Can you tell me a story! Your cool Super Hero backstory and stuff!" She asked, jumping up and down. "Oooh! Even better, tell me about one of the criminals you had to fight!"
The kid took the opportunity to run off. So much for gratitude, but that was their goal to begin with. A moment later, a red, four-armed person appeared from one of the rooftops. Luka glanced at Ahim; seemed like the kid probably could’ve handled this himself.

Tentacle-Face seemed to realise that he wasn’t going to get anywhere with this fight. A bunch of people had come to the kid’s defense. Only after Tentacle-Face surrendered did Ahim and Luka holster their guns. The skeleton-man removed the bindings from Tentacle-Face just as a Great Goat-Man ambled up. It seemed like a lot of people here knew each other.

“These two seem much more friendly with each other,” Ahim said

“Yeah, hopefully there won’t be any more annoying fights.”

After Asgore and the Skeleton finished their conversation,

“Ah, tea sounds delightful, Mr Asgore.” Ahim walked over to Asgore and curtsied, “I am Ahim de Famille. I would be honoured to accept your invitation to sample your Golden Flower tea.”

“Right,” Luka put a hand on Ahim’s shoulder. “While you’re doing that, I’m going to find a restaurant, or something.” The two nodded at each other and split off, agreeing to meet up again once the festivities went to full swing.


Upon reaching the café, Luka shoved the door open and took a seat for herself. It was a busy place, nothing like the hole-in-the-wall places that Marvelous usually found. As soon as Luka opened her wallet, a lightbulb went off in her head. Damn. She didn’t have any money from this planet.

T The Man With No Name (Ahim to Asgore)

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Luka in the cafe, wants to order food)
@Cafe_People (Luka is here now)
Atraxa, Voice of the Praetors

Somebody else just walked right up to Batman and tried to poke him in the eye. She assumed it was customary greeting, but Batman's reaction proved otherwise. She silently lifted off the ground, and hovered behind the white-haired girl. She sighed, then politely tapped her shoulder with her dagger-like index finger.

"Calm. Down."

It was interesting that she was referred to as "the metal angel that spoke some sense earlier.", but that name was simply too long. "You may refer to me as Atraxa. I just spoke common sense when everyone else wanted to fight. It seems I'm the only one here who has ever been invited to more than one festival." She shrugged. "So be it. What brings you two to this kingdom anyways?"

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss (Batman) Chungchangching Chungchangching (CN-Tan)
Karako Pierot

The best of the past few minutes had to be the 'honking train' the fox-male had accidentally started, flustering his fellow alien pal to the point of an exasperated facepalm. He giggled at the sight, proud of having at least prompted some kind of reaction from someone:

"Sorry, sorry", he had said patting the top of the individual's black fluffy mane of hair, "Just playing around a bit, didn't think the plain human back-there would follow along..."

, Thae'il had interjected, taking a step back and returning to his fox shell in the blink of an eye, "I'm getting bored, so let's wander on, shall we?"

The fox flicked its puffy tail, as if signalling to follow him as he wandered away with no real destination in mind, sorta going in the direction of the waterfall, but not really. Thae wasn't actually leading and would be up for changing paths if anything caught his eye, or the others had different ideas of where to go.

"Too bad that fight didn't happen in the end", he muttered mostly at himself, "We never got to see the other's potentials, or who the winner would be..."

Karako grumbled a bit at the headpatting, but as long as Thae didn't touch his horns, he didn't mind. He watched Thae switch back to looking more like a lusus, and nodded in agreement.


Dib looked at Thae slightly annoyed at how hard he was trying to annoy him.
“I am the master of fear! Nothing scares me!”
Dib stumbles backs bit and rubbed his forehead as Thae flicked him there.
“Okay that hurt way more than it should have!“

Karako chuckles an almost mischievous little laugh at Dib's reaction. He had a feeling sooner or later, Dib would be scared shitless by SOMETHING this world had to offer.

Dib looked at Karako as he facepalmed.
“Oh sorry I must have said something offensive in your language. I’ll just stick to using English since you seem to understand it.”
Dib continued to follow the two of them with his camera at the ready, so he can record anything of interest.

Karako shrugged, he DID understand Dib, but honking wasn't his language. He was just unable to say anything other than honk.


He gave Dib a thumbs up, as in 'Yes that will work nicely'.

(hnggg messy sprite edit that took an hour to do)

Karako followed along, still taking occasional sips from the faygo in his hand. He wondered why Dib had the camera... then again everything that was going on was rather interesting. Karako took out another can from his sash, this one being peach, and offered it to Dib.



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Batman suppressed a smile at the kids obvious excitement. ”I would rather not speak of my backstory kid, it's painful to remember. But I have gone through many interesting criminals. Killer clowns, giant croc men, flying aliens that shoot lasers out of their eyes, evil versions of myself. Even a man who robbed people with ketchup and mustard, and a man obsessed with kites.” He turned toward the metal angel. ”Atraxia. I will remember that.”

archur archur Chungchangching Chungchangching
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss archur archur


CN-Tan's energetic hopping was abruptly stopped with that joyous smile still on her face, almost as if time just stopped completely for her the moment she felt the tap on her shoulder with a voice telling her to calm down, she eventually started moving again and looked up at strange humanoid creature, it's creepy looking enough to give The Toon the hibby jibby's, she's never seen quite anything like it before because she mostly watched cartoons and nothing else, what exactly is this thing? She listened to what it has to say to the Bat Dude with her arms behind her back, it even revealed it's cool sounding name.

"Well, Atraxa." She said. "I got an invitation when I was bored out of my mind and decided to accept it cuz' why not? I got nothin' better to do."

CN-tan quickly directed her attention back to the caped individual when he started talking again, saying he'd rather not speak of his backstory which only peaked her curiosity even more but she doesn't wanna push but at least he's gonna tell her about the villains he faced against and she's gotta say; those are some strange sounding villains he had to fight against, they sounded like they jumped right out of a cartoon! She might even take inspiration from them for her shows if he talked about them more.

"Pfft, are you just making them up?" She said. "They sound too silly to be true!"
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss archur archur

View attachment 619697

CN-Tan's energetic hopping was abruptly stopped with that joyous smile still on her face, almost as if time just stopped completely for her the moment she felt the tap on her shoulder with a voice telling her to calm down, she eventually started moving again and looked up at strange humanoid creature, it's creepy looking enough to give The Toon the hibby jibby's, she's never seen quite anything like it before because she mostly watched cartoons and nothing else, what exactly is this thing? She listened to what it has to say to the Bat Dude with her arms behind her back, it even revealed it's cool sounding name.

"Well, Atraxa." She said. "I got an invitation when I was bored out of my mind and decided to accept it cuz' why not? I got nothin' better to do."

CN-tan quickly directed her attention back to the caped individual when he started talking again, saying he'd rather not speak of his backstory which only peaked her curiosity even more but she doesn't wanna push but at least he's gonna tell her about the villains he faced against and she's gotta say; those are some strange sounding villains he had to fight against, they sounded like they jumped right out of a cartoon! She might even take inspiration from them for her shows if he talked about them more.

"Pfft, are you just making them up?" She said. "They sound too silly to be true!"
Batman couldn't help but smirk.
”They may sound silly but I assure you, they are not. Especially when you see them in action.”
The Joker? Silly? The very idea was absurd. Considering that he was a serial killer. The kid probably saw superheroes in silly cartoons or something and never saw a medium that took superheroes and their villains seriously.
Atraxa, Voice of the Praetors

"No better reason, I suppose." She said to the toon. She did basically accept the invitation for the same reason.

She downed the rest of her mug as she listened to the hero share what little of his story he felt comfortable with sharing, which was understandable. There were many who wished not to divulge their past without really getting to know who they were talking to. Crocs? Aliens? Mustard? Clowns? The only clowns she was familiar with were the ones who tried to entertain her mother, and most of the time, she had Atraxa murder them out of boredom.

"You must be joking. I personally have killed many clowns on my mother's behalf. What makes these villains you speak of true villains?"

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss (Batman) Chungchangching Chungchangching (CN-Tan)
Batman turns to the metal angel.

”The killer clown nearly murdered everyone in my city with a single toxin that turned everyone inside out. But no one of my villains will be considered true villains to one such as yourself. Well except the alien.” He found it funny that he was including Clark Kent in his villain list even though he was a hero like him.

archur archur
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

"The heck?!" The Toon stepped back in shock after hearing what The Batman had to say, that killer clown must be some kind of twisted mastermind! She wants to know more about this dastardly villain but she has to ask: "Did you kill him? Somebody like that cannot leave unpunished!"
Batman looked at the kid but didn't say anything: he didn't kill. But a kid like her wouldn't understand. ”The dastardly villain was punished, yes.” He didn't mention that he didn't kill the Joker, couldn't kill the Joker. And he hoped that the Joker wouldn't magically appear in this place.
Chungchangching Chungchangching

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