Back in the cafe, E. Gadd would let out a chuckle as he watched just about everyone under the sun enter his humble little shop. "Well, golly!" He mused to himself as his eyes gazed upon all the new entries behind his thick, round glasses. "Looks like I can't be servin' all you with just my own hands!" With that, he pressed a button on a remote that he seemingly pulled from thin air, causing the metallic doors that led to the back to slide open. Suddenly, tons of new guests came, or more accurately flew, out!


Ghosts! And a lot of them, too!

All of them flew around with grins on their faces, taking the empty dishes of those whose meals were completed, as well as taking the orders of everyone who may have had any.

Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins FoolsErin FoolsErin Dylan.thomas7 Dylan.thomas7 LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Crow Crow CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak Haz. Haz. Veradana Veradana @CafeFolks​
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"Uhhh..." The toad paused as he looked around for a moment, staring up at Asgore with slightly confused eyes. He eventually turned his head backwards to look at the open doors behind him, and then back to both Asgore and Sans. "Well, there's the royal kitchen... but you'll have to check with Princess Peach to see if it's okay. She's on the top floor of the castle right now. Just keep heading straight and you should get to her." He responded.

T The Man With No Name ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

Benedict took in the peace of the courtyard, adding to his notebook that this is quite a good spot for reading nook time. Benedict looked over the statue, focusing his eyes on something more interesting. “Ah, a.......bird cage, this could serve as a great.......Josh containment unit.” Benedict said as he further inspected the bird cage.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Ruby Rose

When Ben asked the group about their daily lives, Ruby instantly knew what to say. Her mind raced with everything Remnant, and she couldn't wait to tell all about it. Yet, as she was about to say something, even getting as far as the first syllable of the first word, Julia took her thunder. Alright, Ruby thought, if she wants to go first, go ahead. So, instead of telling right away, she waited, through Julia's account, to Kage's, then to Eric's (thankfully Mami's was brief), and then finally, after Medic's turn, she was finally safe to tell it. Luckily for her, the energy remained, as she still couldn't wait to tell all about it, so she went straight ahead and began describing her daily life in earnest.

"I attend the Huntsman Academy, Beacon. It's where I train to become a Huntress, but for now I am a Huntress-in-Training. I have a team, and it's called Team RWBY. In order, it's me, Ruby Rose the leader, Weiss Schnee, heiress of the...Schnee Dust Company, Blake Belladonna with all her quietness...ooh, mysterious... And of course, my big sis, Yang Xiao Long!"

Ruby then unholstered Crescent Rose and then activated it, proceeding to watch it unfold into a scythe with a rifle built in.

"And this is what I train with: Crescent Rose. It's my scythe that's also a customizable high-impact sniper rifle!"

Ruby then leaned in a bit, saying as she winked,

"It's also a gun."

Whatever happened next made her downright thankful she could finish the signature description of the show RWBY on top of her account of her daily life, all without interruption. When Gadd popped up, she was expecting the usual from him, then he pulled out a remote that summoned ghosts, something she certainly did not expect. Initially scared at first, to the point of almost firing the first shots from Crescent Rose since arriving in the Mushroom Kingdom, she eventually eased a bit when she realized the ghosts were not let out for an ulterior motive. However, that only further reinforced her belief that weirder things could happen out of Remnant.

"Woah! Err... What was that?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Gadd, Ghosts) Crow Crow (Ben) LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (Julia) L3n L3n (Mami) ManyFaces ManyFaces (Marvus) CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Eric) Andrita Andrita (Kage) Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins (Medic)
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PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Birb Birb
"Okay. . ." CN-Tan felt annoyed by Batman because he wouldn't give her a clear cut answer, he just answers ambiguously but she doesn't wanna push, maybe it's for the best that she doesn't find out, it's none of her business after all. She was about to ask another question to fulfill her curiosity but a gust of wind suddenly flew by her, The Toon looked around for the cause of that, eventually spotting the black fox. . . This thing can talk? That's awesome! She always adored talking animals in the cartoons she watched!! Yup, this place is just a get together of weird and colorful people, huh? She's glad she accepted the invitation, she loves meeting all these strange people!

The Toon grabbed Batman's cape and started tugging on it while hopping up and down in excitement, repeating the words 'Can we keep it?' over and over again like a broken record. Oooh! There's even two more people she can talk to! Maybe spending a day without Nick-tan and Disney-tan might not be as bad as she thought it would be, they might be done working now but she still wants to talk to the party goers so they're gonna have to wait, they can have fun without her!
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Upon approaching the bird cage, Benedict would be interrupted by...



A white ghost with a toothy grin suddenly shot out of the cage with a loud, shrill-like laugh. Its beady eyes focused on Benedict for the smallest of moments, before those eyes settled on none other than his companion, Josh. The ghost quickly grabbed Josh by his tiny penguin hips and lifted him up in the air, before quickly flying away from Benedict and towards the other end of the courtyard.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch


The half terminator took the time to observe the area and look around for supplies or vice versa. Anything could benefit the Resistance in the long run to be honest would be nice.

The half terminator grunted as he watched Spectre go his own way and shrugged. He started the path toward the waterfall eventually noticing a black and white haired woman and a few others including a dark caped man.

The terminator stepped back, listening to their conversation a bit. Listening in.

Marcus waited until a break was in the conversation .

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Exhiledace @teamcb Birb Birb darkred darkred
Image result for batman

The Batman was no father figure, he didn't know how exactly to handle children when when the child tugged on the cape, imploring endlessly to "keep" the talking fox.

"Um.... sure?" Batman replied, uncertian. Then his keen detective level eyes detected something else in his side vision. A man was listening into their conversation. He seemed like an ordinary man at first but his ascute detective skills he could see that he was ragged and torn up,gritty as if he had spent man years surviving. There was also a slight red glow in his eyes.

Batman stared stared directly at Marcus Wright, the newest addition to Team Cosmic Bread.
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

Benedict didn’t even blink as the ghost popped out and let out a loud shriek, he merely stared at it as it’s eyes met his. Out of fear of course, it moved its eyes over to the weakest of the two, Josh. “Josh........remember to st-“ all of a sudden, the ghost swooped towards Josh and carried him away in an instant. “Ah..........never mind.”
As Josh honked loudly in fear, Benedict contemplated whether to save him or give him another one of those fabulous promotion opportunities. “Ah........Josh, What you do in this situation?” Benedict said as Josh continued honking in utter terror, “Ah.......wrong answer, you have failed the quiz.......I thought better of you Josh.” Benedict said as he pulled out his pistol, and aimed it at the ghost. Josh, however, saw the immediate danger of trying to shoot something incorporeal, “Honk! Honk honk honk!” Benedict stopped, “Ah.......Good eye Josh.” He said as he pulled out a fly-swatter, “This should prove to meet my needs......very nicely.” Benedict then proceeded to run after the ghost, swatting at it with intensity.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
The fly swatter, oddly enough, appeared to do the deed on the ghost quite nicely. The ghost was using its tiny, stubby little arms to hold Benedict's feathered companion, after all. Which meant that it had no means of retaliating against his deadly fly swatter. After enough hits, the ghost dropped Josh to the cold, hard ground below, before shaking in place and disappearing from Benedict's sight.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
Maya “Echo” Visari

Maya was quiet when the host’s princess came out. From first glance, the Half Helghast half Vektan spy guessed that the dear princess seemed innocent enough to trust so many dangerous figures to her party. If she could guess her new mission? It was probably to protect this princess peach from harm from this bowser figure.

She was cautious, taking time to watch the princess’s moves.

Maya seemed interested in Romana’s tech. So very impressed.

Maya turned to Odessa and Romana,

“I feel like something is probably going to go wrong. But I think we should watch the princess just in case.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore FactionParadox FactionParadox PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss @team time lord


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In response to Ruby's flustered reaction, the old professor let out a well-intended laugh and approached the red haired girl. "Don't be frightened! These ghosts are as harmless as a roll of toilet paper!" E. Gadd said as he looked at the ghosts, who indeed did appear to be happily serving all the guests of the cafe whatever food they wanted to order. Turning around, he looked at Ruby's table as a whole, his smile not wavering in the slightest. "Tell me, how would you rate your experience here at the Mushroom Kingdom branch of Starbeans Cafe?" He asked curiously.

marc122 marc122 LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Crow Crow Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins Andrita Andrita L3n L3n CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow ManyFaces ManyFaces
Marvus decided to take a seat since his new pal so generously provided him with a chair. From what he understood Eric and Julia were some sort of world saving heroes where they were from. The same went for the young boy, Ben as he'd introduced himself so he assumed the big bad squid man was some oppressive force he was going up against with like a rebellious wriggler would against a drone minus the onesidedness.
"so u and dat squid man got sum history, bad blud on ya planet?" Marvus said in thought.
He also noted the Medic seemed like he REALLY enjoyed his job. He couldn't blame him when it came to bringing people joy, even if it was probably a lot bloodier.
The group overall had a really positive vibe different from his day to day life. "well where i come from we got dis whole hemospectrum heirarchy and having purpl blud means im aight. doin my slam poetry for errybody and tryin to live life. but it kinda suks for sum people, low blud kids be gettin culled for breathing wrong." Marvus looked like he was spacing out the more he went into the depth of how severely unfair his society was.
But the sudden new arrivals brought his attention, bunch of transparent spooks. They looked rather helpful though so he decided to simply keep his focus at the table.

Crow Crow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins marc122 marc122 CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Anyone Anyone else at the table
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Image result for valerian laureline cara delevingne

Lilliane nods. "Everyone here seems immeasurably weak anyway, no wonder the Princess choose such dangerous individuals for her party." She scoffs. Then walks into the balcony.

"I will be watching from the skies." She turned her blue-grey eyes to her new party and tosses two communicators to them.

"It's best if we keep in touch if we are spread out." Then she smiles and does a salute. Then takes off, the force of the take off actually damaging some walls.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore FactionParadox FactionParadox darkred darkred @ team time lord
Image result for batman

Batman found himself staring down at the man with the glowing red eyes silently as the man proclaimed his bewilderment, then a slight smirk emerged on Batman's lips.

"I am the Batman, the Dark Knight, the Caped Crusader, I am Venguence, I am Justice. I am the Night."

Then just to take the man off guard, he added in the same stoic deep tone he was using.

"I also have a fondness for bread."


  • IMG_20190826_070411.png “You found it!?”

    The stranger nodded and kneeled to look at the shipgirl eye to eye,holding out his right hand as his palm opened up to reveal a seemingly simple anchor keychain. Covering her mouth in joy,Inazuma soon threw herself onto the figure,embracing him happily in gratitude for managing to recover it despite the relatively small size making the search difficult. Breaking the hug,she bowed after reclaiming her lost keychain.

    “T-thank you! It means a lot to me that you found it! Oh,I'm Inazuma! What's you're name?”

    Silence.......followed by the stranger placing his fingers under his chin as if in a thinking position. His other free hand soon carved several marks of the ground. They looked pretty.....alien?


    I-I don't don't understand any of this at all.....

    A light bulb lit up above her head, figuring out a possible solution.

    “That's it! Maybe the scientist from the café could help!”

    The biocybernetic man tilted his head in confusion,either not knowing about how this "scientist" would help or something else. Taking his hand, Inazuma decided to take him to the Starbeans Café.

    “F-follow me,nanodesu! I'll help you out as much as I can as your speaker.”

    He seemed to relented,as he allowed her to take her towards the café in questions.
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Atraxa, Voice of the Praetors

Ah, so the clown is 'taken care of for good.' Atraxa understood this language clearly, she was the 'problem solver' in her line of work as well. "So you dismembered him." She nodded in approval with his answer. "I would've done the same myself. Then, I would've compleated him, made him a part of my engine. Use him against his former allies, just to strike fear into their hearts." She stared off into the distance, clenching a fist from the nostalgia of previous conquests. "You are a very clever man, I will give you that."

A burst of wind nearly broke her concentration on floating in the air, and sent her back a few inches. It was a fox, or something. By the shimmering. roiling fur and the fact it could talk, it was clearly more than some mindless beast. A sort of grey-skinned being with horns approached as well, a splash of white over it's face. If it weren't for the fact that it had those yellow eyes, she would've mistaken it for being a phyrexian as well. Then, a large-headed boy with a large imitation of a probe in his hands, overly excited like the other youngling that was a part of her group.


"You can only keep it if you clean up after it." She instated rather quickly. "Otherwise it's the oil bucket for you."

More people, this time a defensive man who she felt was off, somehow. Batman pointed out her suspicions before she had time to doubt it. It was nice to have somebody else who was perceptive on her side for once. She noted the man's eyes, and how they had flashed a little spark of red. Could he be?

She made touch down since her time spent floating in the air, and really looked at the guy's face. Yep, synthesized skin and everything. She would know, she's spent plenty of hours watching her uncle lay fresh skin over a new servant.

"A fellow cyborg!" She exclaimed, patting his shoulder with a sense of camaraderie. "I thought I was the only one here who liked to drink ichor." She offered her mug immediately, still half-full of the phyrexian oil.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss (Batman) darkred darkred (Marcus)
@TeamCosmicBread! (The Best)

Marcus raises a eyebrow at Batman and frowned “Smart man. Reminds me of a friend back home.”

Anyways, my name is Marcus Wright.

He blinked when the other cyborg placed a hand on his shoulder. “I’m half terminator.”

Marcus frowned “ I prefer not to mention it.”

He looked at the oil “I’m a cyborg, but i don’t really drink oil. It’s a longggg story.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss @Exhiled Ace darkred darkred @teamcosmicbread

Ben Tennyson
Location: Cafe
Interactions: Andrita Andrita LilacMonarch LilacMonarch CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow L3n L3n marc122 marc122
Surroundings: @2Bornot2B PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 @Illiyasviel Von Einzbern archur archur Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins ManyFaces ManyFaces
GM Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Ectonurites? That must mean Ghostfreak's nearby! What are they- oh, they're just regular ghosts. Nothing to be afraid of Ben, nothing to be afraid of..." Ben utters to himself as the spectral beings serve food and take empty plates away.

"A Witch? I'm guessing they're more of the ugly kind of witches, considering that you thought Vilgax was one," Ben says to Mami. The only reason he wasn't jittering this time was because the thought of Vilgax in a witch outfit clouded his mind. "... I've thought of worse things..."

"... am I a TV show we're you're from or something?"
Ben asks Eric, seeming to pick up on it quite easily. "Wait, no, too far-fetched... you're from a future where my well-hidden secret identity was finally revealed? And aliens live among humans, just like Ben 10000's time! And you're an alien...

... you are an alien, right? Did I at least get that part right?"

Then he realised something.

"So uh... you all know- I mean uh think I'm the big red guy, four arms four eyes, that appeared just now?"

  • latest

    Status: Wary
    Mentions: Shilo Nightwisher Nightwisher , Todd thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Lu Bu DapperDogman DapperDogman
    The battle-hardened man gave a smirk out of the corner of his free mouth as he merely observed the chaos in Shilo's mind that his arrival had prompted. He let the black-haired woman's feelings quickly run rampant, especially the Millennium memories. Yeah, this was the right Saga- though apparently she had reunited with her old team and joined another one of those ridiculous multiverse agencies. Looks like working for an omnipresent agency was never going to change regardless of time or place, at this rate- first the CIA, then Libra, and finally this MPF thing.

    As she made a comment about the crowds, the American nodded as he took his cigar out of his mouth, puffing out a wisp of smoke before his icy blue eyes followed her gesture over to the people mingling about in the Mushroom Kingdom.

    "You dressed up well for the occassion, too. Nice dress." Frank commented on the assassin's formal appearance just before his smirk grew even wider when she mentally called him out on his peeking. The soldier took another puff, though at the same time mentally communicated to Shilo. Yeah, you caught me red-handed.

    At the mention of Jason Todd, Woods took another good look at the other MPF member before gesturing with his head out of acknowledgement of the black-haired man. Just like Todd, Woods seemed less-than-happy at the introduction; after all, if you treated him like shit the CIA operative was going to reciprocate those feelings. He let Jason finish speaking about the "Foundation" just before breaking into the duo's conversation- unapologetically brash and abrupt, but also with enough fluidity that his intervention wouldn't seem so off-putting.

    "Either of you mind explaining to me what this Foundation or MPF is? Is it just another bunch of misfits all around worlds trying to get everyone else to sing Kumbaya with them while roasting marshmallows?" The Vietnam survivor remarked, seemingly going to say something else just before some sword-wielding figure came over from the other side of the lake asking Todd if he was a hero. Frank took one last puff of his cigar before letting out a long exhale of smoke, the wisp trail inadvertently making its way over to Lu Bu thanks to a mild but faintly noticeable wind.

    "Sorry, never got your name either. Have any of you met before?" The Black Ops agent commented with a glance between the three others- looking for confirmation that the newcomer was a friend and not a complete stranger.

Ruby Rose

"I'd say it's pretty good! It looks lively, and the music helps to calm when you need it most. And the food here is good, although...I have to say, I've only eaten the cookies here. Reminds me of mom's baking..."

As Ruby said something about her mother, suddenly, she looked a bit troubled. However, that gave way to an awkward chuckle, after which she then said,

"And I'd gladly come back to your restaurant! Even if it's not this place."

Upon finishing her answer, Ruby turned back to the group, then softly said, as a quick side-note to her daily life,

"One thing though, I come to Beacon to make the world—my world, Remnant—a better place—"

And as soon as Ben asked if anyone saw him as a big four-armed alien, Ruby looked at him wide-eyed, then immediately asked, though interrupted by another question of hers,

"Wait, you can turn into something else?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Gadd, Ghosts) Crow Crow (Ben) LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (Julia) L3n L3n (Mami) ManyFaces ManyFaces (Marvus) CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Eric) Andrita Andrita (Kage) Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins (Medic)
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Image result for Batman



archur archur
darkred darkred
Chungchangching Chungchangching

Half-Terminator. The revelation shocked Batman as he remembered watching a series of the same name when he was younger or rather younger than he was now but the details of said series couldn't come to him. He looked at the half-cryborg intensely as he always does when sctutinizing individuals -- or rather what he does in general because he's the fucking BATMAN - brooding glares is what he does (outside of eating loafs of delcious bread).

He folded his arms and activated his Bat-scanner, a built in device that mimiced Clark Kent's own X-ray vision, and scanned Marcus's body. Sure enough, it revealed a metal exoskeletion along with several needed vital organs such as a beating heart. He turned it off.

"Half-terminator." Batman mused. "From what know from the word itself, I can conclude that you were designed to kill and from what I have observed, you were also designed for infiltration. Considered your human appearance, I can also say with certianity, that whoever built you, had one purpose in mind. To terminate humans."

He paused for a long moment. "Am I correct?"
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

After Batman gave his hesitant approval, she immediately crouched down to the Fox's size and started petting him, she's never had a pet before because her caretakers said that she's too careless to have a pet and might get them killed in a day or so, she'll keep this fox a secret from her caretakers, maybe hide him in a box somewhere whenever her caretakers enter her room, she'll do whatever it takes to get a talking pet to hang out with. She might even go in cool adventures with him like those old cartoon shows she used to watch, that would be a dream come true to her!

"What's your name, little guy?" The Toon said, trying to get him to speak again. "I'm CN-tan, but you can call me Toon instead, CN-tan doesn't exactly roll of the tongue."

At Eric's look, she rolls her eyes and puts a paw to her face in an obvious 'why do I put up with you?' gesture.

When the ghosts came out in the cafe, Julia didn't seem the least bit bothered. Not only was she used to Ghost-type Pokémon back in her world, but as a Psychic-type she even had a type advantage that made her less inclined to be intimidated. She looks at the Professor. "I'd give it a positive rating. Good food, good service."

"Technically, yes. We're from another world, so we could be considered aliens to you."
Julia nods in response to Ben's question to Eric. "We're called Pokémon. Think of talking animals with super powers, that's not too far off."

The Espeon chuckles as he brings up his transformation abilities. "It was obvious. You run off and hide, and then there's suddenly a squid boy that acts just like you, then again with your other form." She smiles. "Though, that might not be entirely fair considering my abilities..."

Crow Crow CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow FoolsErin FoolsErin ManyFaces ManyFaces Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins Andrita Andrita L3n L3n marc122 marc122

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