Atraxa, Voice of the Praetors


'To one such as yourself.' Did Batman just call her a villain?!

"I'm not a villain! I just-" She stopped herself mid-sentence before she could complete it. She just what? Singlehandedly slaughtered villages? Was the mascot for a religion that despised all things with flesh and sentience? What was she going to say? Her mouth became a thin line as she realized she didn't really have anything against that claim. If anything, she was a damn good villain too, and the thought of toxin that turned people inside out just gave her ideas.

Just take the compliment.

"Thanks, I guess."

The cartoon was enamored with the thought of a great fight, and a happy ending against such a dastardly villain, but Atraxa knew better.

"It's clear that he would've put down such a menace, since he's a hero, right? How exactly you put down the villain is what I'm curious about."

Then, he revealed that he only 'punished' The Joker. She was flabbergasted. Killing was how she solved all her problems.

"Why isn't he dead? I would've killed him the second he unveiled this gas, then taken it for myself!"

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss (Batman) Chungchangching Chungchangching (CN-Tan)
archur archur PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss


"Nah, i'm pretty sure he killed that dirtbag!"
CN-Tan smiled at Atraxa, oblivious to the fact that The Killer Clown was indeed still alive and kicking because there's no way she would believe anyone would spare a person that attempted to kill an entire city. She then slowly turned her head to Bruce with her smile fading in realization that this guy might have just punished him and that's it.

"You did kill him, right?" She had a worried tone on her voice, people like that Killer Clown can't just be sent to prison, he might escape and kill again.​
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[div class=Window][div class=Bar]
[div class=Operator]Standard Operative KA-1258-3480
[div class=Board]

[div class=title]Dr. Alexis Kuroki[/div][div class=Image]
MANA: 100%
[div class=shell][div class=meter][/div][/div]PHYSICAL CONDITION: Fine
LOCATION: Festivities
COLOR: #E1914F

[div class=tabs][div class=tab]Profile[/div][div class=tab]Combat[/div][/div]

[div class="tabsContent tabs1"][div class=Basic]INTERACTIONS: Laix_Lake Laix_Lake (Vilgax) ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool

"So you want to know why I went after Tennyson...I'm assuming you have no clue of the device that he possesses?"

Quite frankly, no, Alexis didn't know what the device he possessed was or could do. However, she knew a powerful weapon when she saw it. Why else would this alien that was leagues above anyone else even consider trying to pursue it? That said, she could tell his pursuit wasn't exactly one with pure motives. He was a bad actor; if he were any better at masking his intentions, she would've believed for a second that he was trying to recover the weapon for the sake of keeping it from the wrong hands.

Despite having her suspicious, Alexis didn't show any sign that she was opposed such a conquest. She puts on a grin and a devilish glint in her eye as she listened to Vilgax. He would be like a problem child, who's dead set on what they want. However, you should be able to nudge them into cooperation if you played along ever so slightly. The first part was feigning ignorance, [div class=Dialogue]"I have no idea, but I already like the way it sounds...though I'm not sure why you would need it. You seem plenty strong already. You can literally break the ground with a sword."[/div]

As with Vilgax's offer to go to the cafe? It seemed like a decent idea, but she wanted to see how stubborn this alien was. Before she could respond, however, the skeleton that trapped Vilgax earlier teleported beside her and asked if he could join in. The kitsune smiled as her tails swayed in the air, [div class=Dialogue]"I'd love to have you join us, but only if Mr. Vilgax wants you to join… Also, Mr. Vilgax, how about we go somewhere more secluded, like that waterfall over there. It seems like a dreadful amount of people are already at the cafe."[/div]

[/div][div class="tabsContent tabs2" style="display: none;"][div class=Basic]WEAPONS:
Ten-Bladed Tongue of Flame: An enchanted sword made vaguely in the style of a Japanese katana. It has a blue glowing gradient blade that is capable of conducting magic, specifically flame magic, with far greater efficiency than most other weapons. The blade's true gimmick is that it is able to turn itself into ten duplicates, each equally as potent as the original. (Image)

Alexis’ body has grown to become like that of a kitsune, granting her immensely powerful magic, rated on a scale from the 1st to 9th Seal, with the 9th Seal being the most powerful. Starting from the 1st Seal spells, each addition Seal requires and an addition tail to be used in its casting. Each tail serves to gather and store Aether to power said spells. She also possesses several abilities innate to kitsune.
Vulpine Charm
Being a kitsune natural grants the Alexis the ability to charm people with her words and actions, persuading them to do whatever she wants. The effect can be strengthened by applying magic.
Shifting Fur Coat
Shapeshifting is one of a kitsune’s most prominent abilities. A kitsune can physically assume any humanoid form close to their size, modifying their own physiology to match that of the form they intend to take. Depending of how different it is from her original form, the taken form may be temporary. Illusions can be used to assume more exotic forms.
Inari Ward
Kitsune passively repel evil entities such demons. Should Alexis actively strengthen her aura, she can create an area where evil entities are harmed, paralyzed, or even killed.
Trickster's Mischief
Every kitsune has the ability to create illusions, but most are limited to illusions that affect certain senses (taste, touch, smell, sight, hearing). Being rather old for kitsune, Alexis is powerful enough to be able to create illusions that appear completely realistic is she is able to account for every detail.
Fox's Hunger
Kitsune are able to consume the souls of those she maintains physical contact with. The more intimate the contact, the faster the soul is taken. These souls are usually used to fuel her magic, but they can also be used to sustain her body in the absence of food.
Throughout the centuries, Alexis has consumed countless souls, but not all of them are equal. Some souls are too powerful to be completely consumed and instead linger, such as with Kagutsuchi's soul. Each of these souls are extremely powerful, and are enough to prompt changes to Alexis' own physiology. With all of these souls combined, Alexis is able to produce some of the most powerful flames in existence.
Black Kitsune Soul
The first and most powerful soul at Alexis' disposal is Kagutsuchi, Goddess of the Flames'. Alexis has spent so much time using Kagutsuchi's soul that both of their souls have become intertwined and the physical changes to her body have become permanent. While using Kagutsuchi's soul, Alexis has mastery over fire and illusion magic and possesses nine black fox tails and black fox ears.
White Kitsune Soul
The second most powerful soul at Alexis' disposal is Inari, God of the Gentleman's Blade. Next to Kagutsuchi, Alexis has used Inari's soul the most, which is the reason for her tails turning white. With Inari, Alexis has mastery over the art of the sword and combat magic. Inari grants Alexis a single large white fox tail, white hair, and white fox ears.
Phoenix Soul
Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth is the phoenix soul in Alexis. Hestia grants Alexis fire-based healing magic and domestic utility magic. While using Hestia, Alexis sprouts a pair of black feathered wings from her shoulder blades. These wings are able to set themselves ablaze and produce authentic phoenix feathers.
Dragon Soul
Bisterne, Goddess of Scales is the dragon soul in Alexis. Bisterne focuses on granting Alexis physical enhancements through dragon scales, talons, horns, wings, and a large tail. While using Bisterne, Alexis's physical strength and durability is immensely enhanced, and Alexis is capable of casting dragon slayer magic.
Ifrit Soul
Iblis, Goddess of Wrath is the Ifrit soul in Alexis, a very powerful djinn. Iblis grants Alexis access to hellfire, which torment its victims psychologically as well as physically. While using Iblis, Alexis is able to turn into an incorporeal form composed of smoke and embers.

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Batman looked upon Atraxia intently. If he had any doubts as to her alignment, he was absolutely convinced now. The kid was understandable she probably viewed the world in black and white. But the angel? She clearly had no real understanding of morals. Or code. Or Heroes in general. He turned toward the kid, noting the worried tone. That was a question even he asked himself: why didn't he kill the Joker? Because he didn't kill. A Vow. Even Clark questioned this Vow (he had killed when he had to). He was starting to feel uncomfortable. Should he lie to the kid? It will backfire if the Joker himself appeared here.
Dib Membrane

Dib looked at the can of Faygo that Karako offered him. He had never heard of it before, but it did seem familiar. He thought that it could have just been some knock off brand from the one at home... or the other way around. Dib accepted the offer and took the can.
“Thanks. I’ve never seen one of these before, but it looks like a human product so I’ll drink it.”
Dib continued to follow Karako and Thae while periodically sipping his drink.

Birb Birb Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss archur archur


"Come on, tell me the truth." CN-tan demanded with that same worried tone still in her voice. She needed to know what really happened, thinking that The Killer Clown deserves death because he's obviously a danger to everybody, including himself, she doesn't care if there's something wrong with his mind, she truly believes that somebody that nuts needs to be put down for the betterment of humanity and toonkind because somebody that crazy is too far gone to help or at least that's what she believes.​
Batman considered his options: he could tell her the truth but it would lessen the kids opinion of him. Or he could lie straight out. But if the truth came out, he would be deemed as a liar. So he decided to bend the truth.

”The clown won't be hurting anyone: I made sure of it.” By beating the shit out of him so hard, it sent him into a coma. He neglected to mention that there was a girl-clown too but that was not needed information. Besides Harley Quinn was too busy hooking up with Posion Ivy to be much of a threat. Yet.

Escaping boredom by barging into a new group uninvited
Birb Birb , Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara , PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss , archur archur , Chungchangching Chungchangching

Huh, the kid had spirit, he had to acknowledge it, but there was a noticeable huuuuge gap between the boy's words and his actual capabilities:

"Hoooo~ I'd turn down that bravado there, Dib-pal", Thae had started, stopping to look at the tiny human with old and wise fox-eyes, "That's not the kind of affirmation that you should be doing, unless you want it to be tested."

"I didn't even try that hard and you've just outright jinxed the universe's tendency for irony and karma.", he giggled, bringing a front paw to his muzzle and giving an amused wave of his puffy tail, "I hope you're prepared for the consequences~ Honestly, I didn't show you even half of what I can do."

Opening his mouth, Thae attempts to give Dib the tongue as a mocking display before turning back around to re-start the aimless trek:

"Oh well, what's done it's done. I'll just have to stick around to watch the sort of chaos that you have unleashed upon yourself now~", he continued, tail dancing in both anticipation and amusement, "I'm sure it's going to be fun... For me~!!"

Laughing to himself, the comet fox keeps leading the group without really noticing the interaction between the human and the fellow alien fella, If he had, he'd probably had snatched that orange soda and taken it for himself. What can you say? Soda had to be one of Thae'ils favorite human inventions. A lot less boring than plain water and he was fascinated with the idea of adding fruity flavors to carbonated water in a can. It was such a mad idea but it worked! Humanity was weird.

Talking about humanity and weird things, the oddly peaceful and without destination walk had eventually led their little... ensemble, if it is that you can call it that, towards a different group, this one composed of what seemed to be a man in a bat-inspired suit, a big mechanical-looking space creature and a girl in colorful, vibrant tones. Excited to finally seeing more people, Thae's tail wagged highly in the air because he could, at last, have a decent conversation going since the tiny human was less entertaining than talking to a stupid plain white door. Ohhh, he felt in a better mood already!

"Okay! Race until those guys over there~!", he announced with a hop, hardly able to contain his excitement, then gestured towards the others with his head, "Ready? One, Two, Three-"

Obviously, the race had never been fair. As soon as the 'three' had rung out, Dib and Karako would be assaulted by a current of air out of nowhere and once they looked again Thae would already be beside the other group, a trail of stardust like a comet's tail remaining in the path he had taken. The members of the new group would have felt the same current upon the fox' arrival:

"Hey there!", he greeted raising a front paw, "Pardon the intromission but that kid over there...", the star animal had gestured discreetly with his head towards Dib, "Is incredibly boring. So I'm forcefully mixing our groups, hope you don't mind, not like you have any choice in the matter at this point..."

"You guys are too slow!!", Thae teased back at his two companions making their way over, "So, what are we talking about here anyway?"
(Apologies to anyone who mentioned or interacted with Bandana Dee, but I switched characters. This means uhh....)

(He's pretty much no longer in the roleplay.)

(And now, a second entrance post.)


King Dedede

The night the parcel arrived was a fairly average night at the castle of King Dedede. He was digging into his dinner gluttonously, as usual, when Escargoon set the box on the table.

"The heck is this?" The king rudely grumbled through a half full mouth, eyeing the interruption to his meal.

"It's a package, sire. Someone left it for you at the castle gates." Responded his loyal servant, "Though I'm not sure you should-"

"Well let's see what we have here!" The king declared, eagerly tearing open the supposed gift before Escargoon could caution him on the possible contents of the unsigned package.

Escargoon sighed, finishing, "-open it..."

"The heck is this?" The king grunted in disappointment, finding that the box was seemingly empty. "Is this some kinda joke gift?" He tossed it back to Escargoon, looking annoyed and turning his attention to his food. "Get that outta my sight!" He huffed, once again, chewing on his meal. The snail-man nodded, leaving to discard the seemingly empty box.

"I'll find whichever one of those Cappys sent me that package, and I'll make em-" Dedede grumbled through bites, only to be interrupted once more by Escargoon crying, "Oh! Sire, the package wasn't empty!" This prompted Dedede to again divert his attention away from his dinner, to see Escargoon holding....a pamphlet?

"Who the heck sends a small little pamphlet in a big old box?" The king curiously huffed, snatching the pamphlet away from his servant to read through it. "Star festival....Mushroom Kingdom...some kinda celebration? Well, well, this ain't just some sick joke after all!" Dedede's sour mood shifted to a hearty laugh upon learning that he'd instead been invited to a once-in-a-lifetime event rather than pranked.

Promptly after Dedede began looking through the pamphlet, a loud engine-like noise began coming from the balcony off of the king's bedroom. Reluctantly getting out of his chair and leaving his dinner, the king went to investigate the sudden noise, Escargoon right on his heels. The pair came out onto the balcony to discover a mushroom ship hovering right above the railing. King Dedede chuckled a little, examining the scene now in front of him. "Well ain't this somethin? A mushroom ship here to take me on over to the Mushroom Kingdom!" He concluded, starting his climb into the peculiar ship with very little hesitation. "Your highness, wait!" Cried Esgargoon, more than a little suspicious about the whole thing. But his worries went deaf on Dedede's fat, blubbery ears, and before the snail could do much about it, the king had gotten into the ship, the vessel then promptly closing it's door and taking off.


Sometime later, an additional mushroom ship arrived later than most of them had. The door opened, leaving King Dedede to wiggle out from the cramped space and walk around the streets of the Mushroom Kingdom. The king gave an impressed laugh, admiring the quaint, yet elegant town he'd been dropped off at. "Ain't this an upgrade from Cappy Town!" He declared.



Ben Tennyson
Location: Cafe
Interactions: Andrita Andrita LilacMonarch LilacMonarch CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow L3n L3n marc122 marc122
Surroundings: @2Bornot2B PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss @Caffeine Freak @Tamotsu @Illiyasviel Von Einzbern archur archur Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins ManyFaces ManyFaces
GM Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Ben, Ben Tennyson," he repeats for Eric.

"Well Kage, whether your main purpose in life is to kick butt or do taxes, everyone should have time to rest, relax and let themselves loose," Ben says to the shadowy fiend as they prepare to dig into pizza.

"So uh..." Ben turns to face Mami, "what's your average day like?"

He frantically looks about to the rest of our colourful cast.

"... all your average days! Y- yeah..."
Batman felt a sudden wind and turned to find himself face to face with a talking fox. This day was indeed odd and growing odder by the second. If there was any shock though it did not show on his face. He listened to the fox's explanation and realized that he might be in the onset of a team forming. The Justice League had formed in just the same way, chance encounters, fights, and just generally people forcibly joining into the group. Just as the multiverse had willed it. But his world, his world liked to rebel. And rebel it did. His Superman won his fight against Doomsday and never died. Batman, himself, never got his back broken. There was something wrong with his universe.

She takes a seat at the table with the rest of the group, wherever one was available. Being a quadruped, she had to kind of half-stand on her chair to be able to reach the table with her front paws.

Julia glances at Eric, giving him a flat look as if to say 'I didn't tell you that just for you to forget'.

"Well," The Espeon starts as she turns back to Ben, "I run a guild back home. We rescue Pokémon from Mystery Dungeons, arrest outlaws, explore new places, that sort of thing. And just whatever anyone needs help with."

She chuckles. "And sometimes, save the world..."

Crow Crow CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow FoolsErin FoolsErin ManyFaces ManyFaces Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins Andrita Andrita L3n L3n marc122 marc122
Dib Membrane

Dib just made a smug look after Thae’s threat on scaring him.

“Don’t get so cocky fox boy! There’s no way that you can scare me! For I have a trick up my sleeve! And ace in my deck! A-... uh... another saying that means it won’t be so easy for you to do that!”
Dib crossed his arms smugly as he finished the rest of the Faygo. Dib of course was not going to say what this secret weapon was just yet. His thoughts were stopped however as a large gust of wind almost pushed him back. Dib tolled his eyes after seeing Thae caused it. Dib simply ran over to the group and stood there with his video camera.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Birb Birb

Crow Crow
The Self-Proclaimed 'Ruler of the Fist' merely just shrugged at the statements made by hte kid. "I've never had the opportunity to relax, child... Although your sentiments are... appreciated. Lets just say this life of mine gave me nothing but fighting to do, as it was either fighting or perish... Because the fight nourishes me akin to the air you breathe, child . If I go too long without it... My soul will perish... no exaggeration ". THe seriousness in his tone and the lack of hesitation would be the sealing of the deal that what he said was the truth. Because he was the embodiment of the Satsui no Hadou, fighting was the only nourishment he actually really needed. The Hadou fed off of it and made him much stronger, which was how he went from being fodder to contending against Akuma literally minutes after he was born, implying he gets massively stronger per every fight he gets through. He had almost no limit to how strong he could get through battling, but if he stopped for an extented period [like say a day or so] ... It would essentially kill him.

As her heard the... cat-like thing speak of what he was going through. He asked "Does any of them put up a good fight ? ". He facepalmed when he realized what he said, and you could hear the little kid known as Frankie almost giggle as she realized as well how rude that sounds. He did a minor death glare at her to be quiet which made her shut up and stiffle a whimper . He had no intention of harming children, even Akuma of all people never stooped that low, but he refused to be disrespected by them either.

Crow Crow
marc122 marc122
L3n L3n
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
the boi.png

(Art credit: breepi | DeviantArt)


"Heheh!" I grin sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck. "Right, that's what it was..."

An embarrassed side glance to my guildmaster. She would most definitely understand the meaning: 'you should know me by now.' Then I turn back to Ben. Last name Tennyson, first name Ben... Ben... Tennyson... Ben... Ten... Ben... 10... "Hey, I do know you!" Most of my self-induced discomfort fades away in the moment that the name hits me. "Yeah... and that thing on your wrist is the Omnitrix! Found it during a camping trip with your family, right?" Truth be told, the exact story is still a little foggy, but I hope I got the general gist of it down. No one needs to see me humiliate myself twice in a row. Especially me.

I lean back in my chair, smiling at what Julia just said. 'Sometimes save the world...' heh. We've done that so many times that it's become monthly routine. Something big and bad pops up, the guild puts it down. Rinse and repeat until you become desensitized.

"My average day nowadays is sitting at a computer and sending out emails about disasters in other universes. Occasionally I'll have to write a report about someone like your Vilgax buddy over there. It's not as eventful as working at Julia's guild, that's for sure."

Crow Crow (Ben Tennyson)
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (Julia)

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake (Vilgax)​

  • "Ha, no you can not," no party is complete without Tina, not on Pandora. Mordecai knows well about Tina's parties, as the guests are usually very... colorful. Mainly red, though that comes more towards the end. At this point he's just counting the minutes until she blows something or someone up for messing with her crumpets. He did his best to ignore her mention of Moxxi. I mean, he's totally over her, don't get me wrong. Yeah, totally over her. He's fine. But he's gotta focus, you know? Can't have someone, who he never thinks about, in his mind when in a fight, might mess him up. Thankfully, a familiar voice sounded a few yards away, bringing him back to reality. "Hey, hey, Gaige."

    "It brought us where we wanted to go, didn't it? I'd say that's not the worst abduction."
    Mordecai looked around, deciding for himself this isn't the worst outcome to being flown in a weird mushroom starship that should by no means be actually flying. "Who knows, we might get some mushroom themed loot. Never had a fungus gun before."

    Mordecai began walking into the town a little ways, looking back at the two. "Hey, why don't we see what vending machines these mushroom compadres have, eh? They're all over Pandora, must be here too. Don't wanna run outta bullets in the middle of a firefight."
[div class=container][div class=image][/div] [div class=blk][div class=title]mami tomoe [div class=line][/div] [div class=lil]resident magical girl[/div][/div] [div class=b][div class=lilimage][/div][/div] [div class=info] [div class=post][div class=scroll] Mami wondered why Ben seemed to get worked up when he interacted with her. Whatever it was his reactions were cute so she didn’t mind. If she were mean spirited she might of even teased him for it. Once again she was reminded to relax and it wasn’t from herself this time. Why was taking it easy not easy? She took time to glance around at the people next to her. Seeing everyone so energized and carefree made her wonder why she couldn’t accomplish that. Maybe she just had to stick by them and it would wear off on her.

To take her mind off her internal battle she listened to the others talk about their lives. It was a nice distraction. Her interest was especially intrigued by someone who mentioned fighting. But she was here to have a mellow time. To be fair she hadn’t had a good fight she didn’t have to be in for awhile. Maybe it would get out her restless energy.
“I fight Witches,”she spoke up though she doubted anyone knew what that meant. Mami knew she wouldn’t see these people again after she went home so she saw no reason for discretion. With a snap of her fingers a tea cup spawned in her hands. Where the drink came from was camouflaged by yellow flowers that fell from the air and disappeared into the table. Mami took a small graceful sip. Everything the girl did was with finesse, and her style and grace seemed effortless.

“Ravio!”she smiled and waved him over to the group. She was happy to see the pleasant male again. A laugh escaped her lips when the male asked if Ben was her brother. The blonde raised a small eyebrow at Ben as to offer him to answer for her.
[/div][/div] [div class=pos][div class="round1 round"][/div] . [div class="round2 round"][/div] . [div class="round3 round"][/div] [div class=stats]mood; amused ☀ mentions; Julia, Crow ☀ interaction; Crow Crow , SheepKing SheepKing , the table
location; cafe ☀outfit; x [/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=c]code by: undine[/div] [class=c]width: 100%; text-align: center; opacity: 0; font-size: 10px; [/class] [class=container]height: 340px; max-width: 500px; padding: 10px; margin: auto; background: #ffe96e [/class] [class=image]height: 100%; width: 33%; background-image: url(; background-size: 215%; background-position: 55% 30% [/class] [class=blk]height: 100%; width: 65%; left: 35%; position: relative; top: -200px [/class] [class=title]position: relative; top: -120px; left: 0px; max-width: 235px; width: 100%; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 20px; color: #ffffff [/class] [class=line]height: 1px; width: 100%; background: #e8bc2a [/class] [class=lil]position: relative; width: 96%; text-align: right; font-style: italic; font-size: 10px; text-transform: lowercase; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #d6a500; [/class] [class=b]position: relative; left: 240px; top: -175px; height: 20%; width: 20%; padding: 5px; border-radius: 0px 100px 100px 100px; border: 1px solid #e8bc2a [/class] [class=lilimage]height: 100%; width: 100%; border-radius: 0px 100px 100px 100px; background-image: url(; background-size: 125%; background-position: 60% 55% [/class] [class=info]position: relative; left: 0px; top: -165px; height: 245px; max-width: 310px [/class] [class=post]height: 190px; width: 101%; font-size: 10px; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=scroll]height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; text-align: justify; padding-right: 30px [/class] [class=pos]position: relative; top: 15px; height: 35px; max-width: 305px; text-align: center; color: transparent; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=round]position: relative; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #ffc914; transition: 0.7s; [/class] [class=round2]transition: 0.7s; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #ffd64a [/class] [class=round3]transition: 0.7s; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #ffffff [/class] [class=bla]background: #ffffff [/class] [class=ble]background: #ffd64a [/class] [class=blo]background: #ffc914 [/class] [class=stats]position: relative; top: 10px; width: 100%; margin: auto;font-weight: 800; font-size: 9px; color: black [/class] [script class=post on=mouseenter] addClass bla round1 addClass ble round2 addClass blo round3 [/script] [script class=post on=mouseleave] removeClass bla round1 removeClass ble round2 removeClass blo round3 [/script] [script class=pos on=mouseenter] addClass up round addClass up stats removeClass down round removeClass down2 stats [/script] [script class=pos on=mouseleave] addClass down round addClass down2 stats addClass up round addClass up stats [/script] [class name=up] animation-name: {post_id}up; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=up] [keyframe=0]top: 0px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: -30px[/keyframe] [/animation] [class name=down] animation-name: {post_id}down; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=down] [keyframe=0]top: -30px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: 0px[/keyframe] [/animation] [class name=down2] animation-name: {post_id}down2; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=down2] [keyframe=0]top: -30px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: 10px[/keyframe] [/animation]
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Karako Pierot

“Thanks. I’ve never seen one of these before, but it looks like a human product so I’ll drink it.”
Dib continued to follow Karako and Thae while periodically sipping his drink.



Karako tilted his head in confusion. That wasn’t a human beverage to him. It was a common subjugglator drink. He shrugged and decided it wasn’t important.

"Oh well, what's done it's done. I'll just have to stick around to watch the sort of chaos that you have unleashed upon yourself now~", he continued, tail dancing in both anticipation and amusement, "I'm sure it's going to be fun... For me~!!"

Karako just kept watching the two argue back and forth. It was almost entertaining. He looked a tad bit clueless and naive as any child would seem, but he could understand the conversation pretty well. And of course, only responded in the one possible way.



Talking about humanity and weird things, the oddly peaceful and without destination walk had eventually led their little... ensemble, if it is that you can call it that, towards a different group, this one composed of what seemed to be a man in a bat-inspired suit, a big mechanical-looking space creature and a girl in colorful, vibrant tones. Excited to finally seeing more people, Thae's tail wagged highly in the air because he could, at last, have a decent conversation going since the tiny human was less entertaining than talking to a stupid plain white door. Ohhh, he felt in a better mood already!

"Okay! Race until those guys over there~!", he announced with a hop, hardly able to contain his excitement, then gestured towards the others with his head, "Ready? One, Two, Three-"

Karako didn’t notice the people up ahead until Thae pointed them out. He squinted a bit and looked at Thae. Guess... he was gonna be racing now...


He quickly finished the can and crushed it between his hands. Which was well.. quite a surprise. Despite his size, he simply took the can and pressed it in between his hands.
Obviously, the race had never been fair. As soon as the 'three' had rung out, Dib and Karako would be assaulted by a current of air out of nowhere and once they looked again Thae would already be beside the other group, a trail of stardust like a comet's tail remaining in the path he had taken. The members of the new group would have felt the same current upon the fox' arrival:

Karako looked ready to break into a sprint, but was knocked over quite a bit by the rush of air. After all, he was pretty light. He stumbled a bit, almost falling.


He had a surprised look on his face, putting his arms up to regain his balance. The tiny clown shook his head and looked onward, and sure enough, Thae was already at the other group. Karako had an impressed look on his face, not many trolls had speed like that. He had heard that some sea dwellers swim that fast, and a raging highblood might be able to, but he’d never seen it.

"You guys are too slow!!", Thae teased back at his two companions making their way over, "So, what are we talking about here anyway?"

Karako responded, looking at dib and then running towards Thae and the group.

“Honk honk!!”

“Don’t get so cocky fox boy! There’s no way that you can scare me! For I have a trick up my sleeve! And ace in my deck! A-... uh... another saying that means it won’t be so easy for you to do that!”

Karako wondered what that meant. Sounded sorta silly... everything about this Dib seemed rather silly. But perhaps that was just cultural differences.

Karako arrived next to Thae, seemingly unaffected by being blasted back a little.


He looked at Dib’s camera again, and poked it. It didn’t look like any camera Alternia had, but it sure was interesting.

He then looked at the others in the group. They all looked... just as confusing to the clown as Dib and Thae did. He stayed a bit close to Thae, unsure if they were friend of foe.



PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss , archur archur , Chungchangching Chungchangching Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
Kneeling at the edge of the water, Lu Bu maintained her rhythmic breathing, removing a pair of incense sticks from within her clothes, and gently planted them into the ground, removing the sword from her back, sliding an inch of the blade from the sheathe, and placing it to the tops of the incense, lighting them both.
The gentle wisps of smoke before her danced unnaturally, forming vague shapes that anyone observing her might be able to catch glimpses of. To her, the smoke formed into the faces of those she had known over the years, those who had aided her in her escape from her family.

Suddenly, the smoke shifted once more, into a symbol. One that looked like a two-headed eastern dragon. Her hand shoots out, grasping the creature's body, and somehow, the smoke seems quite solid in her hand, she squeezes until the smoke 'cracks' and falls apart, becoming faint wisps after the cracks spread through the beast's entire body.
"If this is a deception, mother. I will not grant you the satisfaction of making me tremble in fear"

Standing, she grabs the faint wisps of smoke still climbing through the air, pulling on them, the trails bringing the incense from the ground with them as she places them into a small metal container and then into her bag. Sighing through her nose, she composes herself.

Turning back to the rest of the guests who had arrived, she noticed one in particular. Her mannerisms spoke of a civilian, perfectly average...Too average. She did not look like she had expected her killer to look. It was unlike her family to contract an assassin from outside their family.

The person had turned away, but something about her was giving Lu Bu a bad feeling. Gritting her teeth silently, she took a step forward. Approaching the trio who were talking, Lu Bu made sure to keep her distance as she announced to them "Well met" she bows her head slightly, turning to face Jason in particular, a feint, but a subtle one "I could not help but notice. Are you perhaps a hero like myself?" she showed little interest in the true source of her curiosity. It was always best not to play your hand before it was time.

'Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.'
She may have hated her mother, but those tutoring lessons paid off in moments like these, where strategy mattered more than power or skill. If she hoped to defend herself should this lady be here to collect her head, then she must know her. As it stood, if this woman was here to kill her, then she knew exactly what Lu Bu was capable of. This disadvantage was too sizeable to be allowed. Under the guise of curiosity, and with the protection of a crowd, she stood the best chance she would at gaining what information she could to defend herself.

Nightwisher Nightwisher thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

Vilgax, conqueror of ten worlds
Status: heading to the waterfall
Condition: Sill himulatated.​

Despite having her suspicious, Alexis didn't show any sign that she was opposed such a conquest. She puts on a grin and a devilish glint in her eye as she listened to Vilgax. He would be like a problem child, who's dead set on what they want. However, you should be able to nudge them into cooperation if you played along ever so slightly. The first part was feigning ignorance, “I have no idea, but I already like the way it sounds...though I'm not sure why you would need it. You seem plenty strong already. You can literally break the ground with a sword.”

As with Vilgax's offer to go to the cafe? It seemed like a decent idea, but she wanted to see how stubborn this alien was. Before she could respond, however, the skeleton that trapped Vilgax earlier teleported beside her and asked if he could join in. The kitsune smiled as her tails swayed in the air, “I'd love to have you join us, but only if Mr. Vilgax wants you to join… Also, Mr. Vilgax, how about we go somewhere more secluded, like that waterfall over there. It seems like a dreadful amount of people are already at the cafe.”

Of course, the skeleton had to pry into this situation. whatever its to keep an eye on Vilgax or because of his (presumably) interest in the Omnitrix he can't tell. But he most surely can tell that the woman before her is playing ignorant from the initial response and seemingly empty praising of his power. For now, he will go along with there suggestions.
"There will not be any issues with the skeleton joining us, and as for your recommendation..." Vilgax takes a look at the cafe in the distance, it's hard to get a clear look, but he can surely tell that it's crowed just from the amount of chattering he is picking up. "I would agree with it." So off they went presumably to the waterfall.

ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool T The Man With No Name ManyFaces ManyFaces QizPizza QizPizza @anyone_of_intrest

Sans looked over to the cafe. They were right, it was pretty crowded.


Instead of teleporting, Sans decided to follow, figuring a small walk would do good.

QizPizza QizPizza Laix_Lake Laix_Lake


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Interactions: Open
Mentions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Eric) Crow Crow (Ben Tennyson) ManyFaces ManyFaces (Marvus) LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (Julia) marc122 marc122 (Ruby Rose) @tablecrew

Font = Germania One

As the Medic offered the dapper badger a gloved hand to shake, he couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow in surprise when he grasped his hand with both paws, his sheer excitement almost as palpable as the Medic’s the first time he performed open heart surgery. He had surely been caught off guard - the badger’s eyes shimmered like the ocean, as if he was shaking hands with the President.

"Yeah... the Medic of RED Team, right?! Amazing doctor, made a machine capable of healing crippling wounds in seconds?! Employed under, uh... what was his name... Redmond Mann! It's an honor to meet you, sir!" The badger exclaimed, before appearing embarrassed at his emotional spill and adjusting his tie. "Um... sorry. I always get a little too excited meeting the people I've heard so much about.

Oh, ho ho! Ah, really, mein Freund, zhere is no need to flatter me... The Medic replied, bashfully turning his head in another direction and adjusting his glasses, taken aback by the sudden praise. What he was also taken aback by was the fact that this little creature knew any of this highly sensitive information at all.

He couldn’t say he minded the recognition, but his numerous groundbreaking achievements, though phenomenal, were also mostly extremely illegal, and therefore were kept closely under wraps between not just the Medic and his team, but by Redmond Mann and, recently, Saxton Hale - two very powerful men in their own regard. His initial thought was that perhaps there was more behind the scenes with his employers than he realised, but concluded that it couldn’t be - it would hurt them just as much as it would hurt him.

The Medic then took a second to think and to look around at the characters surrounding him. Barely any of these beings were like anything the Medic was familiar with back home - and that ranged on a spectrum from humans to ghosts to gargantuan eyeballs with bat wings that shoot rockets. Though the supernatural was far from uncommon from where the Medic was from, he couldn’t help but think... was there something else at play here? Something on a... larger scale?

Yes, zhat’s me. It is pure genius, I know, but... aheh... well, you know vhat zhey say. I prefer to let my work do zhe showing off. He began, before letting go of the badger’s paws and moving his index finger and thumb to his chin, as if thinking up what he would say next. Well... yes and no. I used to work under Herr Redmond, yes, but... how do I put zhis...? His... recent, violent death means I do no longer. I work under a man called Saxton Hale now. Perhaps you may have heard of him, too.

Strangely, Medic felt relatively comfortable with sharing his story with the badger, if not for the fact that, given that he has “heard so much” about him, he would probably already know anything he decided not to say, anyway. Besides, if he ever decided to make this top-secret information common knowledge, Medic figured he could solve the problem quickly with the right end of a bonesaw.

"hmm, nah dont think so buddy but shiiiz bet if u 2 be buddyz they a cool purr beast. oh i mothafukin forgot 2 ask wut ur name is my bad buddy." The Medic had to pause for a moment to connect what exactly the horned man was saying. Though he was very fluent in English, he was not used to his relaxed conversation style. Not that it was a bad thing - the conversation style he was used to involved mostly blood-curdling screams and panicked cries for his help over the sound of gunfire, so it was certainly not unwelcome. Relaxing, even.

The badger soon introduced himself as Eric, and then led the group over to his small, purple cat-like friend - he heard him call her by Julia - who then connected his group with hers, and before he knew it, the Medic was on the way to lunch with talking animals and only one other seemingly normal human child. He chuckled to himself - this was turning out to be a very memorable day.

On the way to the table, the group passed a severely mentally handicapped man in a pink bodysuit, perched like a bird on his chair. Hm... Medic thought, observing the man like one might observe an animal at the zoo. I believe one of my patients once hallucinated a man like zhat after I injected a whale’s pineal gland through zheir skull. Ha-ha! How absurd! He laughed, before making his way to the table and sitting down in the seat Eric had pulled out for him, responding with a nod and a danke.

At this point, the group had been joined by a few more people - one including a teenage girl clad in red, wielding a very impressive weapon. Soon after, conversations started rolling, with the Medic paying close attention. Though he had known these people for only a few minutes, he was genuinely enjoying their company.

"It's kinda ironic how this is a good day,” the young lad began. “The same day Vilgax poops a party and wrecks the halls, the same day the entire water supply gets polluted by metal oil... alright, I guess it is a good day by comparison. I'm generally used to one or two more crazy-bad things happening."

Is zhat so? Medic asked, his expression intensely fascinated. Next time a “crazy-bad” situation like zhat occurs, I would love to come and help! From vhat we’ve seen of you so far, a battle in your world sounds like zhe experiment of a lifetime! He exclaimed, unable to restrain his growing excitement at the mere thought. It is my job as a field medic, you know. Zhis is vhat I revel in! You can do your thing, and I can heal you and anyone else who gets hurt! It’s a win-win, ja?

Soon after the topic passed, the group conversed some more. The Medic had to admit, he never usually found himself in social groups this large, but while he waited to speak to the higher-ups when the festival began to kick off, this was not a bad way to spend some time.

"So uh..." Ben began, "what's your average day like? ... all your average days! Y- yeah..."

Oh, ho! I am very glad you asked zhat question, Herr Tennyson! Ho-ho! Medic replied, placing both hands on the table, as if preparing to tell a story.

Vhere do I begin...? Well, you see, my day usually starts with a nice, hot cup of tea over zhe bodies of my patients, if I have any open surgeries to do. I find zhat tea is simply wunderbar for preparing for zhe day, you know?

After zhat, well, my work nowadays mostly consists of helping my colleagues defend my employer’s facilities from vast, ruthless robot armies. Zhe robots try to carry bombs and blow themselves up! Oh-ho! Just a few hours before zhis, I used one of my Übercharges to help blow tanks to pieces!
The Medic exclaimed, in his excitement, forgetting that he wasn’t talking to his team, and neglecting to mention just what an Übercharge was.

Ah... it’s different from how it used to be. We used to fight other people. Robot varfare isn’t zhe same as human varfare, but... vhat can I say? Vhen zhere are open wounds, I am a happy Medic. And a paycheque is a paycheque! Perhaps not on as large of a scale as saving zhe world, but regardless, I feel like my job is a very important one.

King Dedede

The king, unfortunately, didn't get to admire the new scenery for long, however, his rare occasion of awe being interrupted by a loud rumble from his stomach. Dedede hadn't exactly finished his dinner before taking off, and the consequences of that were certainly settling in. Escargoon and anyone else relatively close to the king would tell you that if he hadn't had spotted the quaint little cafe a short walk away immediately, he'd be wandering the town streets for ages. Hustling over there with a confident strut in his walk, the king threw the door to the cafe.

"HEY! WHO'S THE CHEF IN THIS HERE EATERY!?" He shouted, not seeming to care for any other possible customers in there and if he'd disturb them.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @ihavehonestlyforgottenwhothehellisinthecafe​
As Benedict headed down the plain looking hallway, he would eventually come to a plain looking brown, wooden door. Upon exiting through said door, he would be outside in...


A courtyard. And a pretty relaxing one at that. Small trees lined the area, whether they be in the surrounding grass or buried inside several dirt patches in the concrete. Though, Benedict would find two areas of interest. First, was a peculiar star star statue nestled inside of a small blue pond. The other was an old metal birdcage in the upper-left hand corner of the courtyard.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch

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