Karako Pierot

"Heh, so you think that the mix-matched army has a better chance, huh?", the fox grinned mischievously to himself, "We'll see~ Weeell, if this fight does continue..."


Karako nodded gently, a small smile forming on his face. Whatever the horror terror looking man was, he didn't seem like a 'good man' as his caretaker had told him. Man.. he missed Bronya all of a sudden. He sighed and rested his chin on his knees.



"Pssh, can you believe these guys? What a load of goody-two-shoes.", he scoffed

Directing the last phrase back at his honking random bet pal, Thae shook his head in disapproval while angrily swishing his fluffy tail, before noticing that the other seemed to have deflated slightly. Curious, the fox got back up on its paws, approaching the individual with a soft trek. What had even caused such a reaction? The mention of the fight being too full, perhaps? He went around the saddened being, rounding it, hugging it with his soft smokey tail:

"Hey pal, lighten up now!", the cheery tone was at the same time uplifting, like the hop the fox had given, yet silky, gentle and alluring, "I'm sure there'll be other chances to fight today~!", he purred, "I'll make sure of it, don't you worry now~~"


Karako watched the lusus walk around him, feeling the softness of its tail.


Karako felt it gently. It was a little comforting, even if he had never known the feeling of the protection and care of his own lusus. He smiled a toothy little smile again.



True to its words, the fox had crouched down and jumped back up, giving himself a rotational propulsion with its front paws. Thae did a backspin in the air, forming a perfect circle with the aid of his tail, landing nicely afterwards. One couldn't tell if the panting was from either the motion or just the sheer excitement of being able to show-off like that. Either way, he was loving the bejesus out of it!!

Karako gasped a bit at the acrobatic act. He knew lots of purple bloods could pull off similar feats, but he couldn't. He wasn't strong enough for that, being a runt and all. But, he applauded a bit at the lusus's act.


"No, no buddy. You got it all wrong..." the fox shook its head in disappointment, "Well maybe not, can't tell, this fella doesn't seem to be capable of speech in the same way you or I are."

Eyeing the loud boy with a mysterious, eerie stare, the shadowy animal had gotten back up and slowly made his way over to the kid, standing before Dip and remaining in silence. Then suddenly there was no longer a fox, but a tall black-haired male in what one could only describe as rock-punkish clothing, holding a golden lance-looking thing inscribed with an unknown language and wearing an amused, mischievous grin on his face:

"Aufh-Mokwu Qwa Thae'il: imperial world-destroyer, chaos-stirrer extraordinaire, fox star animal and what by earthling's definitions one would call an 'alien' ", Thae introduced himself, playing around with his war-scythe, just waving it around at each title, until the weapon had de-materialized into sparkling stardust. "But you can just call me Thae. Your species seems to have a hard time pronouncing it properly anyway...", he shrugged.

Karako looked back at the fleshy monkey creature ( Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara ), tilting his head. He nodded at the lusus, that he was indeed an alien. To this place at least. It wasn't his home planet, so... he was an alien right??? He took another sip of the NOT ALIEN drink, and sighed. He wasn't really able to speak though, that was true too...


Karako looked at the lusus, and before his eyes, it changed into some sort of... humanoid... whatever it was, it looked rather frightening to the troll. It looked like a large highblood of sorts...



Karako shivered, but regained his composure. It was the same lusus... just a different form. He stood up, and decided now would be a good time to introduce himself.

The troll tugged on the lusus’s clothing, and held up his pendant. On the one side, it read in bright jade colored letters:


If lost, call BRONYA URSAMA.



Karako proudly looked up at the lusus, and then turned to show the pendant to the fleshy pink monkey creature with the abnormally large head ( Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara ).



Karako crosses his arms, a sense of pride washing over him, and looked up at... Thae. That was a short name, but nice. He then looked at the other stranger, waiting for him to say his name.

[Current Activity: ‘talking’ to Dib and Thea]
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

If Princess Peach were to turn around, she would notice that Batman was no longer by her side. Indeed he had grown jaded by the affair and was now exploring the castle. He paid no mind to the waiters though some of them might have noticed that their appetizers have mysteriously vanished from their plates without a trace. He was now eating a fruitful of deviled eggs and Shanghai chicken as he walked around the cartoonish castle: ahhh delicious.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Atraxa, Voice of the Praetors

Everything was at ease, for now at least. Nobody actually fought, just threatened, postured, and put on their preventative measures rather than their final judgements. In short, it was peaceful. The angel was still in the sky, hovering over the town. Everyone part of the fight dispersed a little bit ago, but Atraxa chose to remain amongst the stragglers, and that VIlgax fellow. After all, the view! It was gorgeous, and for an angel who has only ever known dark, cramped corridors and bloody battlefields, a peaceful town with real grass and real trees was nice for once. She hadn't known a world that wasn't gleaming and shimmering with every ray of light, and she couldn't help but appreciate the natural beauty outside of her home plane of metal and oil.

However, flying for such a long time was tiring, and her stomach grated against her stomach plates, reminding her to feed herself. What was there for a Phyrexian to eat?

She infected the fountain, so she could drink the oil from that- If she were a primitive fleshbag. That wasn't going to happen. If she had a cup, then she might bargain with herself about trying to drink out of it, if she didn't have much of a choice. When she took the time to glance down at the fountain of beautiful phyrexian oil, she noticed a large, black blob of some- it was the oil. There goes that, for now. She decided to try and find something else to rely on for food.

Her eyes went to the town, and spotted a sign. "Cafe" it read. She tried to teach herself common, so she could read the letters rebels traded with each other, but she's never encountered this word. She mentally sounded it out in her head, over and over, before finally settling on 'kah-tay'. That sounded right. She motionlessly hovered down to the storefront, and opened the door with her tail.

A tail opened the door for her, and she walked in, drawing in her wings so she wouldn't knock anything over. Her spear however, stayed at her side. She imagined nobody wanted to get the oil into their drinks besides from herself, so she was careful to keep her weapon close to her center of mass.

A toad greeted her with an enthusiastic hello at the counter, and she approached him, her eyes drawn to the menu above her. There was a whole lot of options, from tea and biscuits, burgers, pizza, coffee, even some stranger options. Ambrosia, recaf, lembas, long pig, just about everything. It seems that's just to make everyone feel at home, with all the new arrivals from vastly different places.

Despite the girth of options, Atraxa couldn't read english well enough to come up with an order. It was time to improvise, and hope that they had what she wanted,

"Can I have a quicksilver filet with a cup of blind eternities star-stuff?" The toad blinked in confusion at her request. Apparently, they must've not served the very fabric of reality here, which was fair, most establishments didn't. Her lips became a thin line as she tried to come up with something. "Can I just get whatever's popular?"

A mushroom-shaped mug filled with hot brown fluid was slid across the counter, it smelled sweet, and looked delicous. She shrugged, it could be worse. Atraxa wanted a little extra with her coffee, and ran her finger up the tip of her spear, gathering a little amount of oil on her index finger. She swirled it around in her drink, flicking off the excess coffee that had clung to her. The black oil she added was initially repulsed, as water and oil find themselves doing, before the oil began to choke out the brown, spreading across the surface of the cup, until it was a pitch black. Just the way she liked it.

She saw a few roads, sitting here and there amongst the otherwise empty cafe, save for a cluster of other festival goers chatting with what seemed to be a local. Perhaps she can put off the initial reaction people get from her gruesome, intimidating, and otherwise horrible appearance with her accommodating personality? She was an angel after all, what could go wrong?

She began to approach, deigning to walk rather than float across the floor. A skeletal tail clumsily dragged a seat to the full table, while the other twin tapped the surface as to alert them that she was approaching.

"Mind if I join you all?" She eked.

marc122 marc122 (Ruby), thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Gadd), Crow Crow (Laffey), SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 (Inazuma), Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 (Chronodran)

Ben Tennyson
Location: Festivities
Interactions: Andrita Andrita LilacMonarch LilacMonarch CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow L3n L3n
Surroundings: N/A
GM Interactions: N/A

"Sorry, devilman, but I'm pretty tuckered out from orbiting Vilgax," Ben adds, looking to his Omnitrix still in the red, "and apparently I'm not the only one. If you really want an autograph from Fourarms, you're gonna need to wait. Why not we get some pizza while waiting for a recharge?"


Location: Cafe
Interactions: SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 archur archur
Surroundings: marc122 marc122 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss @Caffeine Freak
GM Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Go ahead, sit around..." Laffey says to the strange angel as she continues tapping on her game console while simultaneously eating her food.

If Princess Peach were to turn around, she would notice that Batman was no longer by her side. Indeed he had grown jaded by the affair and was now exploring the castle. He paid no mind to the waiters though some of them might have noticed that their appetizers have mysteriously vanished from their plates without a trace. He was now eating a fruitful of deviled eggs and Shanghai chicken as he walked around the cartoonish castle: ahhh delicious.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
As Batman explored the castle, eventually he would come across a small set of stairs leading downwards as he entered the basement. With this new area he'd found, surely by nothing but his astute detective skills, he was presented with two options of where to go next. The left path, which led down a generic looking grey hallway, or the right path, which led down a less generic, blue hallway.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
As Batman explored the castle, eventually he would come across a small set of stairs leading downwards as he entered the basement. With this new area he'd found, surely by nothing but his astute detective skills, he was presented with two options of where to go next. The left path, which led down a generic looking grey hallway, or the right path, which led down a less generic, blue hallway.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
Batman paused for a moment. Perplexed He then went down the less generic blue hallway because that just interested him more,
Upon going down the blue hallway, Batman would soon find his feet submerged in... water? As he looked down, this appeared to be the case, with the blue liquid encompassing Batman's shoes. As he traversed deeper into the landscape, he would eventually find...


A cute little bunny rabbit! It hopped up and down eagerly for a moment, before it slowly began making its way towards the Caped Crusader. Once it reached him, it bumped into Batman with a surprising amount of force, before turning around and hopping away. If he were to look down after he did this, he would notice that his utility belt was gone! Luckily, the bunny was still in eyesight as it began hopping throughout the dark, wet maze.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

Crow Crow
The Self-Proclaimed 'Ruler of the Fist' merely pondered over the suggestion after being told transforming into that beast requires more time than usual . Social interactions like these aren't what he was about. He was definitely more of the 'we talk via our fist' type of person. But, at the same time, attempting to not do this will likely not allow him the chance to fight such a worthy adversary in the foreseeable. So, swalllowing any attempts at being arrogant for the sole purpose of self-improvement, he sighed.

" We shall go ahead and get this so called pizza... Whatever that is. In exchange, you will fight me in glorious exchanges of how I invoke conversation. So... where do we get this ...'pizza' ? ". He asked, which to honestly anyone around made him look like a idiot. But considering even Ryu likely wouldn't know what pizza is, the likelihood his dark self would know is about as likely as Batman not slapping Robin for doing something stupid. Meaning it's excruciatingly small chance he would know it considering his good counterpart lived in the rural parts of japan doing nothing but training for combative purposes.

"We would like to join you... if that is alright" . Kage turned around to a life sized barbie doll carrying a twelve year old girl. which the doll was the one who made that statement These two were clearly close if the child entrusted literally a living doll, then the doll likely had some sort of life withinit. Even Kage knew it was supposedly a toy because it looked similar to toys he remembered Ryu seeing, so he blatantly said outloud "Who are you two ?". The barbie doll bowed respectively, despite being blatantly disrespected. It was best to keep calm and only fight if neccessary. " I apologize for interrupting, but perhaps I can leave you with her ? I can't stay out for long as it drains my life to stay out for more than 10 minutes " . Without even asking if it was okay, he placed the kid on the floor and proceeded to revert back to the size of a little barbie doll.

Frankie quietly picked up the doll without saying a single word. She was as quiet as a mouse, with her eyes darting around as if a deer caught in headlights. She was scared, for practically every possible reason. Kage just shook his head. He didn't come here to babysit a useless child. He came here to train.

Crow Crow
Upon going down the blue hallway, Batman would soon find his feet submerged in... water? As he looked down, this appeared to be the case, with the blue liquid encompassing Batman's shoes. As he traversed deeper into the landscape, he would eventually find...


A cute little bunny rabbit! It hopped up and down eagerly for a moment, before it slowly began making its way towards the Caped Crusader. Once it reached him, it bumped into Batman with a surprising amount of force, before turning around and hopping away. If he were to look down after he did this, he would notice that his utility belt was gone! Luckily, the bunny was still in eyesight as it began hopping throughout the dark, wet maze.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

”Hey! That's my belt!” He sprinted after the bunny rabbit. No one took his utility belt! No one.
The bunny, upon seeing Batman angrily charge after him, let out a loud "EEP!" noise as he was followed. He quickly turned the corner at the end of the passageway, and by the time Batman reached that point, he was gone. Here, Batman could turn left, right, or keep going straight.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
Techmarine Martellus​
Status: OK​
Actions: Investigating Castle before turning around​
Martellus took a few minutes to size up the hallway, before shrugging.
"I have seen far more dangerous than a simple hallway in the service of the Emperor."
With that, Martellus headed down the hallway... before remembering some woman landing beside him. Martellus didn't think to investigate at first, but now might be a good time to do so.
"It seems my investigation will have to wait for now. If I am not mistaken... that was a Jump Pack I witnessed."
Martellus turned and headed towards the gate, trying to see if Tanya ( 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B ) was still there. What was an ordinary human doing with a Jump Pack?​

Still trying to startle a kid, also engaging in conversation using a foreign language
Birb Birb , Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

The human's reaction had been... lacking. No startled yelling, no waving around frantically, just plain and boring silent surprise. The fox-male could only frown in disappointment. Huh, it seems he'd have to up his game if he wanted the boy to freak. Oh well, all at its due time, he supposed. Plenty of time to push this kid's buttons and watch him spin uncontrollably...

"Ho?", Thae had brought a finger to his mouth in contemplation, "Is it not? Can you tell me with certainty that everyone else that you know have a similarly expansive head then??"

He watched the other's reactions attentively, a sly smile slightly curved up making the pair with faintly closed pale-amber eyes that held a hidden taunt, a mocking glimmer to them. The so-called Void Star expected the child to tilt, unable of either confirming or denying his point. Yes, he seemed rather sensitive about that, so Thae made a mental note to keep bringing it up at the most unexpected times, anticipating the human's irritation.

"Interesting name there, Dib.", the young man had tried not to laugh, finally straightening himself, tired of keeping closer to the kid's diminutive height, "Earth you say? ...Gunter's Earth? No, probably a different one...", he had commented out loud, mostly at himself. The prospect of multiple Earths was quite interesting, "So, you're the Lioness of your Earth, and we're the 'Zim' of hers..."

From that line forwards, Thae'ils tone had grown somber, paused, eerie, like the voice of a predator rounding upon an unsuspecting prey:

"Well... Not really. You see...", he began walking around, pacing slowly around the kid, forcing him to keep paying attention, "No one is trying to take over the unnoticed blue and green sky rock. Oh, nonono~ Just, blow it all up, into smithereens. Back into stardust..."

"KABOOM!!!", the fox-male had let out suddenly, loud and staring at the kid face-to-face and eye-to-eye, he hoped that'd make the boy panic and fall backwards or something of the like.

Meanwhile, Thae laughed hysterically over the prank he had just pulled, having floated up in the air to hover in a sitting position, holding his stomach. The boy's phone hadn't gone unnoticed and the mischievous star animal had definitely noticed how delusional the child's 'popularity' in the so-called forum actually was, buuuuuut the opportunity for the scare had been just too perfect. He'd tease Dib about that later.

At Karako's pendant introduction, he had turned around and floated closer, taking a nice look at the words inscribed in green before nodding in acknowledgement with an 'Ah, I see'. He had no idea how anyone was supposed to call this 'Bronya' person without any kind of number to dial, though. Getting back down from the air, --because power doesn't grow on trees--, Thae decided to playfully engage the fellow alien creature on its on ways:

"Honk.", he had said nonchalantly, raising his hand in greeting.

Huh, he actually liked this one, well, enough to not want to mess with it as much as he did with the kid, at least. ...That was also a first.
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Ruby Rose

Nodding towards the scientist, Ruby turned back to the table and opened her mouth to say something, when suddenly, she was surprised by a strange arrival. Two men in identical blue suits walked in, announcing their arrival in perhaps the strangest way since Penny's "Salutations". Ruby soon came to realize, at this moment, only much weirder could happen out of Remnant.

- - - - -

...Uhh, is this right? First, a whole new world, then the many types of creatures I've never seen before, not in my life, and now this? Okay, this is seriously getting a little woozy up here, and yet I didn't realize just how crazy it is until now. There's two people who apparently can call people "Dr. Freeman", who are human but not quite, but in a different way from Penny, and who seem to copy each other in perfect syncho--...synsho--uhh, perfect sync. And--And Remnant, when you consider everything in it, seems normal with all the Huntsmen and their decked-out weapons, the robots from Atla--uhh--hehehe...oh crap, oh no, this is getting weirder..!

- - - - -

In the midst of her epiphany came a pointy-looking creature of a feminine form. Just her look was enough to send Ruby stepping away from the table a bit. The silver-eyed Huntress-in-Training couldn't exactly be blamed; the alien certainly looked menacing, and yet her voice was so...alluring. It reminded her a bit of Cinder Fall, even. All the more reason to be a little wary of her. Yet, she did not want to turn the other three away. She hesitated, then asked, albeit reluctantly,

"...Can I sit with you too, if you don't mind?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Gadd), Centurion_ Centurion_ (Male_05), Dylan.thomas7 Dylan.thomas7 (Male_07), Crow Crow (Laffey), SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 (Inazuma), Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 (Chronodran), archur archur (Atraxa)
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Batman took a moment to comprehend the cowering bunny then he just snatched the belt out of it's mouth.


He secured the belt checking to see if it was intact. If it wasn't he was seriously considering blowing the bunny’s head off. His no killing rule didn't apply to animals. Unfortunately.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Marvus looked at the medic, he seemed like he was all about logistics and scienctific things. That wasn't his style but he did appreciate the people that went around saving lives with that sort of skill. And boy did he seem enthusiastic about helping, using his scientific machinery to aid the four armed alien... Though it seemed that wouldn't be required, as the situation died down after the humanoid horror terror backed down. "all dat fuss like sum black rom boutta go down on da streets, gog dam." The Troll looked with hooded eyes at the crowd who seemingly moved on just as easily as they formed. In a way it was odd for him to watch as a powerful looking creature was actually challenged by a collective for attacking for as far as he knew reasons unknown. It was a humbling experience.
But back to those closest to him The Medic had introduced himself and offered a handshake. Marvus didn't give it a second thought and gave his new pal a firm handshake. He also remembered he still had the lightning blade the lusus creature had given him earlier when he asked to get stabbed. He offered it back to the fluffy alien.
"hmm, nah dont think so buddy but shiiiz bet if u 2 be buddyz they a cool purr beast. oh i mothafukin forgot 2 ask wut ur name is my bad buddy." Marvus laughed a bit at his carelessness.

Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
[div class=container][div class=image][/div] [div class=blk][div class=title]mami tomoe [div class=line][/div] [div class=lil]resident magical girl[/div][/div] [div class=b][div class=lilimage][/div][/div] [div class=info] [div class=post][div class=scroll] Mami was planning on walking away and looking around for a bit till she heard the word pizza. Now Mami wasn’t a fan of greasy food, she ate pizza with a fork, so it wouldn’t make sense that this caught her attention. However this was vacation. She had to “let loose” and her letting loose would start with something she’d always judged.. dare she say it.. touch and consume a pizza slice with her bare hands. “Count me in,”she spoke up out of no where. [/div][/div] [div class=pos][div class="round1 round"][/div] . [div class="round2 round"][/div] . [div class="round3 round"][/div] [div class=stats]mood; adventurous ☀ mentions; x ☀ interaction; Crow Crow , @ any one else
location; festival ☀outfit; x [/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=c]code by: undine[/div] [class=c]width: 100%; text-align: center; opacity: 0; font-size: 10px; [/class] [class=container]height: 340px; max-width: 500px; padding: 10px; margin: auto; background: #ffe96e [/class] [class=image]height: 100%; width: 33%; background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/PrkeGMh.jpg); background-size: 215%; background-position: 55% 30% [/class] [class=blk]height: 100%; width: 65%; left: 35%; position: relative; top: -200px [/class] [class=title]position: relative; top: -120px; left: 0px; max-width: 235px; width: 100%; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 20px; color: #ffffff [/class] [class=line]height: 1px; width: 100%; background: #e8bc2a [/class] [class=lil]position: relative; width: 96%; text-align: right; font-style: italic; font-size: 10px; text-transform: lowercase; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #d6a500; [/class] [class=b]position: relative; left: 240px; top: -175px; height: 20%; width: 20%; padding: 5px; border-radius: 0px 100px 100px 100px; border: 1px solid #e8bc2a [/class] [class=lilimage]height: 100%; width: 100%; border-radius: 0px 100px 100px 100px; background-image: url(https://imgur.com/kQq5ZdM.png/x.png); background-size: 125%; background-position: 60% 55% [/class] [class=info]position: relative; left: 0px; top: -165px; height: 245px; max-width: 310px [/class] [class=post]height: 190px; width: 101%; font-size: 10px; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=scroll]height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; text-align: justify; padding-right: 30px [/class] [class=pos]position: relative; top: 15px; height: 35px; max-width: 305px; text-align: center; color: transparent; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=round]position: relative; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #ffc914; transition: 0.7s; [/class] [class=round2]transition: 0.7s; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #ffd64a [/class] [class=round3]transition: 0.7s; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #ffffff [/class] [class=bla]background: #ffffff [/class] [class=ble]background: #ffd64a [/class] [class=blo]background: #ffc914 [/class] [class=stats]position: relative; top: 10px; width: 100%; margin: auto;font-weight: 800; font-size: 9px; color: black [/class] [script class=post on=mouseenter] addClass bla round1 addClass ble round2 addClass blo round3 [/script] [script class=post on=mouseleave] removeClass bla round1 removeClass ble round2 removeClass blo round3 [/script] [script class=pos on=mouseenter] addClass up round addClass up stats removeClass down round removeClass down2 stats [/script] [script class=pos on=mouseleave] addClass down round addClass down2 stats addClass up round addClass up stats [/script] [class name=up] animation-name: {post_id}up; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=up] [keyframe=0]top: 0px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: -30px[/keyframe] [/animation] [class name=down] animation-name: {post_id}down; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=down] [keyframe=0]top: -30px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: 0px[/keyframe] [/animation] [class name=down2] animation-name: {post_id}down2; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=down2] [keyframe=0]top: -30px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: 10px[/keyframe] [/animation]
Upon taking the belt from the bunny's mouth, Batman would find that it was still perfectly in tact, save for a few spit marks from well... its mouth.

"P-please have mercy, sir!" The bunny exclaimed as it cowered in fear beneath the Caped Crusader. "It was just a joke!"

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

Batman looked at the talking bunny and cocked his head then lets out a smile.
”You no need to worry. I’m Batman.”
He leaned in.
And when the bunny rabbit cowered again and looked back, the Dark Knight was gone.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Agent 3|Party Favour

While Marie was left to suffer to deal with the fight scene, Agent 3 on the other hand had gone back to the fountain, but eventually grew bored. This was a party event, right? She figured she may as well partake in something or other. Luckily, she noticed there was a cafe nearby. Perfect. She could hang around in there while she's spared from her brethren and still be doing something. Smiling, she decided to head her way to the cafe, not knowing there were already quite a few people inside. So, for now, she stayed distant, remaining near the entrance and for the most part attempting to blend in. Maybe if she feels up for it, she may or may not get something - but that entirely depends on what will happen as a result of that.
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine
Status (mentally/emotionally): Fine
Location: Cafe
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs
Course of action: Find something to do (waiting for now)
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mentions: @cafepeeps
Nearby: ^

  • latest

    Status: Wary
    Mentions: Vilgax Laix_Lake Laix_Lake , Shilo Nightwisher Nightwisher , Todd thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


    Perhaps not the person she thought of the moment Nick Fury's words came outta his mouth, but there was a stubborn Marine who had been running amok in Millennium City searching for any trace of the assassin. It was so damn hard to remember what was the truth and what was false- Time had flown by so fast, and all he remembered was the organization he was with going to absolute shit. Couldn't remember the specifics, but he remembered something about a bus and that weird masked merchant disappearing. Without anything else to do, Frank had separated himself from the Libra group or whatever they had called themselves. Not that he trusted many of them anyways, least of all that girl with her demon friend. The only real ally he considered to have his back was Shilo, and since she was gone he had no reason in staying.

    That said, he didn't have enough money to really stay comfortable- a topic the duo had glazed over briefly before the woman's disappearance. Instead, he'd been forced to do more or less mercenary work; sometimes he broke the law, sometimes he didn't. There wasn't anything he could do, though if he ever got contracts for some less-than-heroic actions, Woods'd generally sabotage the contractor's operations behind their backs. Couldn't just let these sick bastards walk away, regardless of how handsomely they were paying him. Dirty deeds done not-so-dirtily cheap, after all- everything had a price.

    The only real thing that seemed to stick around him was the damn nightmare that came every time he went to sleep.

    It was always the same to him. Woods and Alex Mason communicating through bugged out comms. A capped civilian-looking man shooting a soldier waiting for them on the rooftops. A sniper rifle being placed in Frank's hands (A late '80s Barrett .50 cal, when Woods researched it through Millennium), and orders from Hudson to shoot a bagged target. Sometimes Kravchenko's voice would ring throughout his mind, taunting the American with a snicker, and sometimes he wouldn't speak at all.

    He even has people in the CIA...

    No matter how long Frank waited, hoping the nightmare would end on his own, it never did. No. He had to shoot the bagged man; the men holding him were off-limits, because apparently the dream would bring him back to the very beginning no matter how many times he tried just like the civilian. And he always was forced to shoot the target dead. Headshots killed him instantly; body shots would cause him to writhe on the ground. And when the man was dead Frank would just... lose control of himself. Like he was watching himself run over to the body and pull the bag off without having any control over himself. Unbagging the man to find out it was Alex was the worst part of the dream. Not the taunting asshole of a civilian that mocked him. Not the other man who shot off his kneecaps right afterwards- "MENENDEZ!", according to his dream-self. No, it was the fact that he had to kill Mason every damn time.

    Once the nightmare ended, he'd always wake up in a panic. Nobody to talk to about it, nobody to comfort him, not even a single soul to figure out what the hell it meant. No. He had just awoken from one of these instances, drenched in sweat, before realizing someone had dropped off a package just outside his hideout, a ratty abandoned apartment he had taken for his own. The Marine tentatively opened it up, expecting a death threat or something of the like, only to find an invite to some "Star Festival". He frowned, assuming it was somehow misplaced or mistaken, only to look up and see some flying mushroom hovering right over the apartment rooftops. Why the hell was he being invited, of all people? No matter. It was a temporary way out of the shithole that was Millennium City, and hopefully would allow him time to "float" and avoid financial debt. So he packed all his weapons and gear, donning his green T-shirt and bandanna before heading off into the weird-ass ship.

    ...Within what seemed to be mere minutes, the ship arrived over in the cartoonish, child-like Mushroom Kingdom. He could already see a shitshow forming in the center as some giant squid had antagonized practically everyone in the area and caused them to swarm him. Woods didn't want to get into that. Instead, he stayed towards the outer edges and made his way over to what seemed to be a lake. He pulled out one of his cigars, putting it in his mouth before reaching for his lighter.

    And that's when he saw her. The exact same raven-haired woman who had his back in Millennium. Was this a coincidence? A different alternate universe variant? The American had nearly dropped the lighter at the sight of Shilo, but kept a firm grasp on it. He promptly moved upwards, lighting up his smoke before approaching her and what seemed to be a new guy. The latter's appearance didn't really faze him from approaching his old ally- he had to make sure it was her more than anything else.

    "Didn't know you liked taking a vacation over in a monarchal kingdom," Was all the raspy-voiced soldier commented towards the assassin, only giving Todd one glance as he approached the duo. However, he stopped a few feet away from Shilo's "safe distance"- having learned about that a long time ago- and began quietly reading her mind. If she didn't know him... well, he'd just walk away. Surely her thoughts would give it away..?

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"Don't worry, I'm the one who ran off first." A truly apologetic tone comes with my words. "I'm Eric the Typhlosion. Me and that cat-looking thing over there come from the same universe." I jab my thumb at Julia again. It looks as if she's already made a few friends here with that butterball and the kid with the weird looking watch. Come to think of it... if I think hard enough, I can remember seeing a watch designed like that a long time ago... not in person, though...

But I digress. I've seen a many valuable allies here already, Marvus and the Medic being just a select few of them. If something really goes wrong at the Mushroom Festival, at least I'd have others to fall back on if I can't handle it- Arceus knows if I could at this rate. And even if the same people I'm beginning to trust end up stabbing me in the back, for some reason or another, I'd gladly help them stick the knife in. This Marvus guy could make my own murder entertaining, anyway. That reminds me! Maybe new and old friends should meet. Julia could even tell me if anyone here had some sinister plans in store. It's a win-win.

"Hey, y'know what?" Smirking, I look between the two M's. "Why don't I introduce you guys to her? Just a warning, though: she can be a bit anti-fun." My eyes affix the 'alien' with the horns. Then I smile mischievously, like a delinquent Riolu who knows he got caught stealing food from his best friend. "Buuut, the last time I saw her was around two or three months ago, so maybe she picked up a sense of humor since then. Come on, let's get you acquainted."

Hoping they'd follow, I walk over to Julia, paw waving to get her attention. "Julia!"

ManyFaces ManyFaces (Marvus)
Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins (The Medic)
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (Julia)

FoolsErin FoolsErin (Bandana Dee)
Crow Crow (Ben Tennyson)

Batman was out of the maze; now walking toward the main group. He was not a sociable type, that was Bruce Waynes job. Nevertheless he walked toward the group, not bothering to use stealth. Though a couple of the waiter’s food did vanish.

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