Bandana Dee

Bandana realized all the much too late that the fountain water was tainted with oil. Blushing a little as the purple cat removed the greasy H20 from his face, the waddle dee gave a firm nod in response to her request for a bucket. Running over to the lake, Bandana quickly found an abandoned empty bucket that must've been left there by a careless fisherman toad. Quickly dashing back with the metallic bucket, he stood by the fountain, holding it up for the cat to place the oil into. "Sorry about that, miss." He said sheepishly, patiently standing there with the slightly rusted bucket with a thin layer of sand caked around its bottom.

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch @whoeverelse


He walked down toward the man with the megaphone. Astonished. The Princess did not seem concerned at all. As a matter of fact she seemed to be innocent and kind, a typical princess. Yet that sense of dread was still in the air. Something was going to happen. He knew it. He stayed behind the Princess alert.

And looking down intently at the small man and his penguin.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch

Vilgax, conqueror of ten worlds
Status: Free!
Condition: Himulatated to a great extent

So it seemed that most of the attendees had left him to his own devices after admitting defeat. It is humiliating for him to do something like this
“Good choice”

and extends an arm for him to shake
“I look forwards to collaborating with you”
she smiled again but it felt cold. Finally she turned around to the people that were going to fight him.

“ I’m going to get coffee now. If I come back and someone else is in a fight I will use an Artillery spell on them without hesitation.”
Even if he wanted to, he was still trapped within these confounded bones. The girl's velled words were only met with silence.

As for the skeleton who traped Vilgax in the first place, he was apparently preoccupied with someone of familiar to him. A friend? no, apparently a king or ruler of some sort. Their conversation appears to be nothing more than greetings and the relaying of Vilgax's attempts to defeat Ben. He was finally freed by the skeleton in question and thus is free to face this king of his.

Asgore, simply wanting peace, his hand still on Sans's shoulder, stuck his other hand out to shake Vilgax's and continued-

The sorrow that was shown on his face a moment ago was practically nonexistent of his face. As for the cause of this sorrow, he can not fathom at this time. Was it his responsibly as king, or was it the very act of killing humans that disgusted him? The most he can do is play along for the time being. Shaking the hand of Asgore, he proceeds to introduce himself.
"That...would be Vilgax," he said begrudgingly. "And I will apologize for bringing in my own...vices, to this event." conqueror or not, he is still the ruler to his people at Vilgaxia (even if a ten year old ben if unaware of it)

ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool T The Man With No Name ManyFaces ManyFaces Crow Crow Chungchangching Chungchangching @anyone_of_intrest
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

“Benedict Cucumberpatch.” Benedict said, while Josh and him bowed, “Ah.....Your guards are....quite rude....I request a place here to stay until my departure.” Benedict said as Josh held up a huge wad of cash.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Leaving with a content look she decided to go to the castle she saw earlier. Finding out who was in charge could lead to her becoming good friends with them. Upon flying near the castle she slowed down seeing some guy being stopped at the gate. The castle mustn’t be accepting visitors right now.
‘They don’t look like they have any anti air defences so flying over should be pretty safe’ Tanya concludes as she flew over the guy stopped at the gate waving with a smug smile.

“Think outside the box!”

She yelled out to the guy whilst whizzing past. Looking around the castle from the outside nothing seemed to be extraordinary. In fact it made Tanya pretty bored.
‘I’ll get some fun out of the guy by the gate’
Tanya thought as she flew over to him an landed right beside him.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

Before the castle entrance was opened, Benedict encountered this figure, ah, it humored Benedict as she told him to “Think outside the box.” “Ah.......I am the box.” Benedict said as she landed right next to him, but Benedict wasn’t taking any chances, “Ah.....Josh......spray her.” Josh honked as he pulled out the germ-repellant spray, spraying her entire outfit top to bottom, “Ah.....that’s better.”

2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B

  • 79oDRFc.png
    Words failed to express how relieved I was the moment I had heard him refrain from the battle. Sheathing the kunai-s on hand,I made my way towards this "Squidface",where the first thing I did was pluck my other knives out of his exposed arm. My kunai-s. No one,and I mean,NO ONE,sets off with them unless I lent it to them,which in this case it certainly is not. The same could be said for the other weapons. Sheathing the last of the knives back into my holsters,I left "Squidface" to his own device and walked off,stopping midway to bow towards the others in gratitude for pressuring him to stop. Perhaps I should try refraining from impulsive actions next time. However,I would have to be wary of "Squidface" starting now. He is a very dangerous man,and the last thing I wanted was to be taken out by him on my first day in this world.
Techmarine Martellus​
Status: OK​
Actions: Returning to ship, heard a disturbance​
Martellus stared at the lake, watching the Cheep-Cheeps jump over the bridge. This was a first. The last time Martellus saw a body of water, it was contaminated with Emperor knows how many toxins from the damnable Tyranids. So this was a first-no Tyranids, nothing was interested in killing-
The Techmarine, not amused, swiftly did an about face to see what the hell was going on, and saw what appeared to be the aftermath of one helluva brawl. From what the Space Marine had seen, it was apparently over. Already Martellus was suspecting something, sooner or later, was going to go wrong. This did not look like a happy group of partygoers. This looked like a disaster waiting to happen.
Martellus decided to simply leave them be. The Imperium cared not for xenos and mutants. The Techmarine headed off to the castle.
"This is most definitely not of Imperium design."
Martellus muttered this underneath his breath as he headed to the castle, admittedly interested to see what lied ahead.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Interactions: Open
Mentions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Eric) Laix_Lake Laix_Lake (Vilgax) ManyFaces ManyFaces (Marvus) @LilacMonarch(Julia) thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM) @fightcrew

(Font = Germania One)

With the wide, enthusiastic grin on the Medic’s face and his proud, stoic posture with his Kritzkrieg unwavering, his attention was brought to the horned, silver-skinned creature - one of the larger creatures present, yet strangely, in the Medic’s eyes, one which seemed the most approachable - as it began to speak to him.

"well prolly given there's a whole mothafuckin shit storm finna go down with the jolly green giant ovr there."

Oh! Oh, yes! I see! The Medic exclaimed, wheeling his body around to look in the direction of the standoff and watch the odds of the tentacle monster in his unfortunate situation plummet like a sparrow with a plum pudding.

The Medic chuckled to himself in witnessing the wild miscalculation the creature had taken in deciding to pull its little stunt. Not only had the bright red, four-armed creature decided to take a stand, but so had basically everybody else - a skeleton, some young child in a uniform which felt vaguely German to him, a mental patient in a bat costume - all of whom, though having rather non-threatening outward appearances, clearly had more than enough firepower to remove a certain someone from the guest list.

Yes, my nigh-incomprehensible friend! The Medic continued, glancing back in the direction of the horned creature. You are correct! Things do seem to be at boiling point! He said, before once more facing in the direction of the standoff. If zhis spills over, zhen I suppose it means zhere’ll be work for me to do. Ha-ha! Vell, if I must! Oh, it feels like Oktoberfest! The Medic cheered, looking back to the horned creature and the group with an appreciative grin - as if thanking them for the help - before approaching the red-skinned, four-armed creature from behind.

Oh, ho-ho! Oh, it’s on! The Medic declared, in spite of the efforts of the surrounding people to defuse the volatile situation. Without missing a beat, he raised his Kritzkrieg, pointing the nozzle towards Fourarms, flicking the small switch underneath, and finally pushing the lever forwards.


Though Fourarms was not injured, the moment the Medibeam made contact with him, he would feel an inexplicable rush of adrenaline as faint, opaque plus symbols danced around his body. He would begin to feel, for lack of a better word, buffed - as if he would be able to take on significantly more than he would normally be able to. In an instant, the Medic had provided him an Overheal.

Get zhat Schweinhund, Kamerad! The Medic called out, addressing Fourarms. I have everyone covered! I cannot vait! Ha-ha! Brimming with excitement, the Medic prepared himself for the powder keg to ignite. After all, if it was going to boil over between the two anyway, he could at least do his job -

I... yield...

Vhat? Bawww...! Medic whined, pulling the lever back and cutting the Medibeam. His grin had been thoroughly turned upside down - though he supposed it was really a good thing that it didn’t come down to the nuclear option, he really was quite eager to see how these peculiar creatures fared in combat, or how well his gear and medical expertise would work on them.

Bah... oh, vell. If you think he can be trusted... He uttered, giving a slight shrug to Fourarms. It wasn’t often he was sent on a mission where he wasn’t dodging bullets and healing them out when they embedded themselves in people, but now that he had this moment of respite, he had to admit to himself... sometimes quiet was welcome.

“Um... hello? Do I know you, sir?”

Oh? Medic inquired, turning back around to face the source of the voice. It was the short, hedgehog-badger-type creature, giving the Medic a light wave. Surely, a very interesting organism - and one he hadn’t even heard about before! Either somebody, somewhere, had done some horrendous DNA splicing, or the Medic had discovered an entirely new species!

Ah, my apologies! I didn’t mean to ‘give you zhe cold shoulder’, as zhey say. Eh-heh. He began, meekly pushing up his glasses. I don’t... believe we’ve met. In fact, I mean no offence vhen I say zhis, but I don’t think I’ve seen anything like you before... hm! He continued, crouching down on one knee so that he and the hedgehog-badger wouldn’t have their heads craned to speak to each other. After a brief moment, his grin returned and he offered a gloved hand in handshake.

Vell, in zhat case, it’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Dr. Ludwig, but, ah-heh... most people just call me zhe Medic. I suppose it‘s easier to yell vhen they’re being shot at, ha-ha! Happily introducing himself to the creature, he looked back up to horned creature, and offered his other hand in handshake as well.

Ah, a pleasure to meet you, as vell.

“What’s with the penguin? Are you germaphobic or something? Maybe a neat freak too..Anyways it appears you have a difficulty opening doors. Do you need the assistance of a 14 year old child?”

Tanya kept asking the strange man questions and wiped off the stuff that was sprayed onto her. The man looked strange. Reminded Tanya of a posh British gentleman that would drink tea with his crumpets and would go watch horse racing. It’s as if someone got all the stereotypes of a Brit and condensed them into one package.
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch

  • 656032.jpeg

    Seemingly in perfect sync with Male_07, Male_05 also replies with “Let me get out of your way.” while staring at both Male_03 and Male_07. Whilst Male_07 walks off in a 'random direction' Male_05 would follow closely behind copying his every move. Male_05 enters the Cafe full of people alongside the other Citizens. “Well, if it isn’t Dr.Freeman!” he announces to the crowd. He nods at Male_07’s statement, “You and me both”.

    @Dylan.thomas7 Zerulu Zerulu thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


Location: Cafe
Interactions: SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 @Illiyasviel Von Einzbern
Surroundings: marc122 marc122 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss @Caffeine Freak
GM Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"That must be brainfreeze, it-"

Laffey had stopped moving altogether, as if she were a statue. After a short while, her head begins to move.

"- slows your thinking."

Soon, her rest of her body from up to down would start moving.


Location: Festivities
Interactions: @L3n Laix_Lake Laix_Lake ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins
Surroundings: BoltBeam BoltBeam @Ferociousfeind Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
GM Interactions: N/A

"That's what I thought, Villy.

Thanks, guys. I like kicking butt as much as the next guy, but I think I'd like a good intact venue today,"
Fourarms says as he hops down to the floor, right beside Julia.

By this time, everyone's attentions were diverted to other places.

"So...how many of those forms can you turn into?" She asks, glancing up at the transformed Ben.

"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking abo-"

The Omnitrix on his shoulder flashed a red, before a flash of red light engulfed the four-armed creature. Fortunately, only Julia and likely Vilgax with Sans and his new goat acquaintance. And a very small number of others who were likely occupied with other activities.


"... should be 20."

Showing off, then startling a kid, hopefully~
Birb Birb , Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

As the horned grey-skinned being had honked back at him, Thae'il had brought a paw to his muzzle in thoughtful ponder. It seemed like this creature couldn't do more than honking noises, which was disappointing for the bet. On the other hand, it would be a never ending charades game... Huh, he guessed he could get behind it for now.

"Heh, so you think that the mix-matched army has a better chance, huh?", the fox grinned mischievously to himself, "We'll see~ Weeell, if this fight does continue..."

"Hey!", the star animal yelled at the conglomeration, ears slightly back and pointy canines in full view from a snarl, "You're all being a bunch of party poopers, just let the lads duke it out, jeez!"

"Pssh, can you believe these guys? What a load of goody-two-shoes.", he scoffed

Directing the last phrase back at his honking random bet pal, Thae shook his head in disapproval while angrily swishing his fluffy tail, before noticing that the other seemed to have deflated slightly. Curious, the fox got back up on its paws, approaching the individual with a soft trek. What had even caused such a reaction? The mention of the fight being too full, perhaps? He went around the saddened being, rounding it, hugging it with his soft smokey tail:

"Hey pal, lighten up now!", the cheery tone was at the same time uplifting, like the hop the fox had given, yet silky, gentle and alluring, "I'm sure there'll be other chances to fight today~!", he purred, "I'll make sure of it, don't you worry now~~"

Thae's tone was playful and bouncy like a puppy in the surface, bumping his head on the other as a friendly nudge, a motivation to move on. That's when someone else had joined their little chat, an odd seemingly human child with weird proportions had excitedly turned around while holding a camera. Ever the vain one, the fox had stopped in a graceful sitting pose at first, then kept changing poses, one more 'heroically' looking as the other as if the kid was some sort of paparazzi and the cosmic animal the star of the show:

"Oh yes!", he let out filled with delight, "Keep it going, buddy! Look, look, I'm going to do a spin now!!"

True to its words, the fox had crouched down and jumped back up, giving himself a rotational propulsion with its front paws. Thae did a backspin in the air, forming a perfect circle with the aid of his tail, landing nicely afterwards. One couldn't tell if the panting was from either the motion or just the sheer excitement of being able to show-off like that. Either way, he was loving the bejesus out of it!!

"T-there.", his breath was a bit shallow at first, "I hope you've caught that in tape!", the fox boasted, sitting down upright again, "Plenty more where that came from, but hey, the night is still young~ Must save some of the surprises for the main event, right?"

Winking at the kid, Thae had then waited for him to address the grey-skinned being, which the human had called an 'alien'. The shadow fox tilted its head wondering how far off the boy was. Honestly, the star animal couldn't attest for the other, but this kid had completely missed called him an alien! Which he definitely was... Huh, perhaps the human child wasn't as clever as his... proportions prompted one to believe...

"No, no buddy. You got it all wrong..." the fox shook its head in disappointment, "Well maybe not, can't tell, this fella doesn't seem to be capable of speech in the same way you or I are."

Eyeing the loud boy with a mysterious, eerie stare, the shadowy animal had gotten back up and slowly made his way over to the kid, standing before Dib and remaining in silence. Then suddenly there was no longer a fox, but a tall black-haired male in what one could only describe as rock-punkish clothing, holding a golden lance-looking thing inscribed with an unknown language and wearing an amused, mischievous grin on his face:

"Aufh-Mokwu Qwa Thae'il: imperial world-destroyer, chaos-stirrer extraordinaire, fox star animal and what by earthling's definitions one would call an 'alien' ", Thae introduced himself, playing around with his war-scythe, just waving it around at each title, until the weapon had de-materialized into sparkling stardust. "But you can just call me Thae. Your species seems to have a hard time pronouncing it properly anyway...", he shrugged.

"So what about you..., he had begun asking, leaning down a bit to bop the child in the forehead a couple of times, "Very strange tiny human with an abnormally large cranial box?"
Last edited:
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

Once Benedict heard that this....person was a 14-year old child, he squinted his eyes in judgement, “Ah......children.......not my favorite things, but great workers.......indeed.” Benedict then pulled out another “Them” card, and held it out to her, “You would make a great.......agent, even if you are........a child.” Meanwhile Josh was eyeballing the guard toad......how useless, Benedict then continued, “Ah, I’m feeling......quite generous today.......if you get me in, you get this.......pen.” Benedict pulled out a slick black pen with the word “Them” written on the side in gold font, “How neat” Benedict said as he clicked the pen repeatedly.

2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B

As Bandana Dee runs off, she looks back at Ben and nods. She didn't seem the slightest bit surprised by his transformation. "20? Not bad."

The Espeon turns back to her work, pulling the oil out in a large glob that pours into the old bucket right as Bandana Dee returns and holds it out. That left the water once again clear and beautiful.

"Don't worry about it. As long as you're okay." Julia smiles at the small puffball. "Anyway, it should be clean enough now. I wouldn't drink it, but you can splash yourself."

She tilts her head, inspecting his appearance. "Y'know, you kinda remind me of a Jigglypuff."

Crow Crow CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow archur archur ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara FoolsErin FoolsErin @thosearound


Bandana Dee

Bandana Dee awkwardly stood there for a moment, not entirely sure what to do with the now filled bucket of oil. Looking around, he eventually gave what could be interpreted as a shrug and set it next to the fountain, silently hoping nobody would knock it over.

"What's that?" He asked the purple cat creature when told he reminded her of a Jigglypuff.

"Rude?" Peach asked, tilting her head to the side. "I'm afraid you must be mistaken, Sir Benedict," She paused, forcing a smile as she spoke. "Our guards here are the best guards from the Academy! I assure you that they're anything but rude." She would fall silent for a moment, until Benedict asked for a place to stay and offered her a large amount of cash to do so. Peach let out an awkward chuckle as he did so and sheepishly extended a hand forward, pressing an index finger against the top and pushing the large wad downwards. "That's... quite alright, Sir Benedict. You're only going to be here tonight, after all."

As Martellus entered the castle, he'd find it to be as bright and lively as the rest of the Mushroom Kingdom. Toads wandered throughout, some of which had horderves on silver platters, if the space marine wished to try any. His options of where to go weren't limited in the slightest, however.


Most of the regular doors with stars on them he'd find were locked, however a few weren't. One was the wooden door off to the far right. The others were the large double doors with the large star with eyes on the second floor, and the door with the keyhole, ironically enough.

GearBlade654 GearBlade654 Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch


I shake his hand without a second thought, not just using one, but both paws. My eyes light up brighter than a Christmas tree. "Yeah... the Medic of RED Team, right?! Amazing doctor, made a machine capable of healing crippling wounds in seconds?! Employed under, uh... what was his name... Redmond Mann! It's an honor to meet you, sir!"

The words come spilling out of my mouth without so much as a breath in-between. He's the first person I can recognize here, and boy, am I glad I did. Having him on our side would be beneficial for all of us. Alas, the realization of how badly I was fawning over meeting him is beginning to set in. With a clear of my throat, I right myself, adjusting my tie for the umpteenth time. "Um... sorry. I always get a little too excited meeting the people I've heard so much about. I then turn to my possibly stoned buddy. "Hey, Marvus. Did you meet my guildmaster yet?" I motion to the Espeon by the fountain, talking with a little orange puffball with a bandana.

Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins (Medic)
ManyFaces ManyFaces (Marvus)

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (Julia)​
Dib Membrane

Dib eagerly recorded the fight between Ben and Vilgax and made sure to get his good side like he asked. As Dib turned back towards the group he looked at the shadowy fox creature as it began to speak. Dib was slightly surprised that it was able to speak, but after all he’d seen in the short amount of time being here it was probably the least strangest thing. Dib watched as the fox creature took on a more humanoid look. Dib was about to speak, but then Thae called his head “abnormally large”.
“M-My head isn’t even that big... why does everyone call it big..?”
Dib shook his head and sighed.

“My name is Dib Membrane! I am 12 years old! I’m a paranormal investigator who keeps an evil alien named Zim from taking over Earth! I’m also super famous on a forum called the TruthShreikers where I post all my findings!”
Dib pulls out his phone and show Thae the forum with a big smile on his face. However if Thae bothered to read some of the comments, they all said that the videos looked fake. Oh and of course one person said “first”.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Crow Crow
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

Benedict looked at the princess in confusion, a stone-cold expression on his face, why was no one in the ruling power aware of his rank? Surely “They” would have sent a message, Benedict continued to glare at the princess, “Indeed..........” He clapped his hands as Josh sadly put the money back safely, “Ah.....I must take my leave, time to go........Hors D’oeuvre hunting.” Benedict then snapped at Josh as they bowed again then left to go find and hunt down some waiters.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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[div class=Window][div class=Bar]
[div class=Receive]Standard Operative KA-1258-3480
[div class=Board]

[div class=title]Dr. Alexis Kuroki[/div][div class=Image]
MANA: 100%
[div class=shell][div class=meter][/div][/div]
MENTAL CONDITION: She's not angry, just disappointed
LOCATION: Festivities
COLOR: #E1914F

[div class=tabs][div class=tab]Profile[/div][div class=tab]Combat[/div][/div]

[div class="tabsContent tabs1"][div class=Basic]INTERACTIONS: archur archur (Atraxa) Laix_Lake Laix_Lake (Vilgax)
MENTIONS: PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss (Batman) Crow Crow (Ben 10) Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins (Medic ) BoltBeam BoltBeam (Agent 3) @FerociousFiend (Marie) T The Man With No Name (Asgore) Birb Birb (Kakoro) SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 (Excalibur) ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool (Sans) 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B (Tanya)

The mechanical angel just seemed off; there was something about her aura that didn't rub against Alexis very well. Benevolent kitsune were able to repel lesser evil presences and detect greater ones, and right about now, Alexis' instincts were tingling. She didn't think mechanical beings were able to exude such an aura unless they were possessed, but something told her, this angel was more than just machine. Maybe it was calling people "flesh bags" or maybe it was how patronizing she sounded, but Alexis didn't like how the angel spoke. She sounded like she talked down to people on a regular basis, and the spear by her side gave off the impression that she was waiting for someone to strike. The kitsune wouldn't take that challenge up. If the fight could end here, it should end.

The flames in her hands and at the tips of her tas extinguished themselves, but Alexis' eyes still glowed yellow. This angel intended on bringing the tentacle man to "ensure his survival". Sure the person might survive, but the kitsune had picked up on the angel's desire to turn him into a recruit of sorts, no doubt for sinister purposes. Alexis wished she had an alternative to handing the aggressor over, but as it stood, the angel was the only one who offered to help. Her navy blue badger slave seemed to be less than willing to take the attacker aside.

She was somewhat relieved when a German doctor pushed his way to the fight. This man, though slightly...too excited to be at the scene of a battle, seemed leagues more trustworthy than the mechanical angel. Besides, humans were easy to handle compared to machines, at least in the kitsune's experience. Gesturing at the doctor, Alexis interrupted the angel, "Listen, I don't know what you're going to do to this man, but I don't trust you anymore than you seem to like me. There's a doctor right here and he seems more than happy to resuscitate the unconscious m-"

Before she could finish, the tentacle man leapt up as if nothing had happened, drawing his flaming sword and threatening a boy in a black and white shirt. Seriously? Is this big bad warrior really threatening a preteen kid? But a threat wasn't enough, was it? The alien brought his sword down with an explosion that cracked the ground.

At this point everyone was getting up in arms, ready for a brawl. An armored ninja, skeleton in street clothes, honking troll with daggers, German mage girl, golden Batman and several anthropomorphic squids all seemed to want to get involved, whether it be with threats or by brandishing their weapons. It didn't help that the tentacle monster's target decided to transform into four-armed, muscle-bound meathead eager for a throwdown. Alexis was getting a bit annoyed with everyone. The situation was getting blown out of proportion, and pretty soon, they might actually have a real fight going down. The corner of the kitsune's mouth twitched into an almost-scowl as her body began to spark haphazardly.

She had to agree with what the mechanical angel said. This was a festival for people to enjoy themselves, and at this point, everyone was playing a part in ruining it. Alexis was normally patient, but when it came to squabbling children and fights, you have act quickly before anything serious happened. The kitsune was really hoping she could have gotten a break from babysitting people of adult age from their respective species, but the sad reality was that adults could be just as immature as children.

Thankfully, a skeleton created some kind of bone cage that restricted the Cthulhu alien revealed to be called Vilgax. The alien announced his surrender, though Alexis doubted that he intended to remain cooperative. The way things were, he would get obliterated within seconds if he dared to move a muscle. Though he went through the motions of trying to be friendly and apologize to a large horned man named Asgore that appeared to be associated with the aforementioned skeleton, he was probably plotting to catch his target at a more opportune time.

While Asgore man offered tea, Alexis voluntarily gave up the opportunity to have a talk with Vilgax. She hoped that he would be reasonable enough to give up whatever grudge he held against the kid that could transform into other aliens. Though the kitsune was tiny compared to the titanic alien, she stepped up to the alien without a single fear. It helped that her tails made her look like she filled significantly more space than she actually did. With the tone of a mother scolding her children, Alexis asked Vilgax, “Why did you attack the boy you called Tennyson? What do you have to gain by hurting him? Even if he had some kind of obscene power, you’re literally ten times his size and obviously physically stronger than anyone else here.”

[/div][/div][div class="tabsContent tabs2" style="display: none;"][div class=Basic]WEAPONS:
Ten-Bladed Tongue of Flame: An enchanted sword made vaguely in the style of a Japanese katana. It has a blue glowing gradient blade that is capable of conducting magic, specifically flame magic, with far greater efficiency than most other weapons. The blade's true gimmick is that it is able to turn itself into ten duplicates, each equally as potent as the original. (Image)

Alexis’ body has grown to become like that of a kitsune, granting her immensely powerful magic, rated on a scale from the 1st to 9th Seal, with the 9th Seal being the most powerful. Starting from the 1st Seal spells, each addition Seal requires and an addition tail to be used in its casting. Each tail serves to gather and store Aether to power said spells. She also possesses several abilities innate to kitsune.
Vulpine Charm
Being a kitsune natural grants the Alexis the ability to charm people with her words and actions, persuading them to do whatever she wants. The effect can be strengthened by applying magic.
Shifting Fur Coat
Shapeshifting is one of a kitsune’s most prominent abilities. A kitsune can physically assume any humanoid form close to their size, modifying their own physiology to match that of the form they intend to take. Depending of how different it is from her original form, the taken form may be temporary. Illusions can be used to assume more exotic forms.
Inari Ward
Kitsune passively repel evil entities such demons. Should Alexis actively strengthen her aura, she can create an area where evil entities are harmed, paralyzed, or even killed.
Trickster's Mischief
Every kitsune has the ability to create illusions, but most are limited to illusions that affect certain senses (taste, touch, smell, sight, hearing). Being rather old for kitsune, Alexis is powerful enough to be able to create illusions that appear completely realistic is she is able to account for every detail.
Fox's Hunger
Kitsune are able to consume the souls of those she maintains physical contact with. The more intimate the contact, the faster the soul is taken. These souls are usually used to fuel her magic, but they can also be used to sustain her body in the absence of food.
Throughout the centuries, Alexis has consumed countless souls, but not all of them are equal. Some souls are too powerful to be completely consumed and instead linger, such as with Kagutsuchi's soul. Each of these souls are extremely powerful, and are enough to prompt changes to Alexis' own physiology. With all of these souls combined, Alexis is able to produce some of the most powerful flames in existence.
Black Kitsune Soul
The first and most powerful soul at Alexis' disposal is Kagutsuchi, Goddess of the Flames'. Alexis has spent so much time using Kagutsuchi's soul that both of their souls have become intertwined and the physical changes to her body have become permanent. While using Kagutsuchi's soul, Alexis has mastery over fire and illusion magic and possesses nine black fox tails and black fox ears.
White Kitsune Soul
The second most powerful soul at Alexis' disposal is Inari, God of the Gentleman's Blade. Next to Kagutsuchi, Alexis has used Inari's soul the most, which is the reason for her tails turning white. With Inari, Alexis has mastery over the art of the sword and combat magic. Inari grants Alexis a single large white fox tail, white hair, and white fox ears.
Phoenix Soul
Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth is the phoenix soul in Alexis. Hestia grants Alexis fire-based healing magic and domestic utility magic. While using Hestia, Alexis sprouts a pair of black feathered wings from her shoulder blades. These wings are able to set themselves ablaze and produce authentic phoenix feathers.
Dragon Soul
Bisterne, Goddess of Scales is the dragon soul in Alexis. Bisterne focuses on granting Alexis physical enhancements through dragon scales, talons, horns, wings, and a large tail. While using Bisterne, Alexis's physical strength and durability is immensely enhanced, and Alexis is capable of casting dragon slayer magic.
Ifrit Soul
Iblis, Goddess of Wrath is the Ifrit soul in Alexis, a very powerful djinn. Iblis grants Alexis access to hellfire, which torment its victims psychologically as well as physically. While using Iblis, Alexis is able to turn into an incorporeal form composed of smoke and embers.


  • Yellow=Frankie / Blue = Teddy Bear
    Red=True Self

    The little girl known as Frankie looked at the paper which seemed to be some sort of invitation. Her amber eyes lit up as she processed this information, before runing to her Protector who was sitting in the abandoned house's rocking chair, reading a newspaper as because it was abandoned, there wasn't much else to do. "Frankie.... What is this ?" She asked with an impatient but loving voice, plucking it from her hands. The young girl, 12 years old, nervously shuffled her feet and looked down timidly " UHmm... I don't know Mrs Federick . It came in front of the door. I... Don't know what it is for ". Before they could question it anymore... A bright light filled the room, and they were no longer there.

    Next thing you know it seemed as if they were indeed transferred into another dimension. The barbie doll subconsciously was turned full size due to the shock of the event, and held Frankie as a child would. It was more of a coping mechanism when she was scared. As the duo of child and caretaker was observing the others, one would notice that the child refused to show her face. It was because of her anxiety when it omes to social interactions. It was due to this that her caretaker did most of the talking. However, the life sized barbie doll carrying a little girl continued to observe until it was time to voice her opinion.

    After observing it for a while and making sure no one was around the Princess , Mrs Federick began to approach Princess Peach and did a minor curtsy to show respect thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore . "Pardon me Princess... But do you know the way to access any sort of bathroom in this general area.
Techmarine Martellus​
Status: OK​
Actions: Investigating Castle​
Martellus wasn't interested in the appetizers the Toads had. What the Techmarine was far more interested in were the doors.
Martellus found to his chagrin that his Astartes demigod-like strength wasn't enough to open the doors. There was something at work past a simple lock. Not even the Omnissiah-blessed Servo Arm would get this seemingly rickety door open.
Martellus just shrugged. Such was the multiverse.
The Techmarine walked around, testing every door, until he got to the double doors with a star on it with eyes. To Martellus's surprise, it opened.
"My battle brothers must know of this. This most certainly is not a simple door, as well as the other doors that simply wouldn't open."
Martellus walked through the doors, weapon not quite up but ready to snap to firing position.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Last edited:
"Oh... uhm, alright then..." Princess Peach said in a very confused tone as Benedict and his pet Penguin took their leave. "Enjoy your stay!" She exclaimed as the man exited the room they were both in. As he ventured deeper into the castle, he would find his Hors D'oeuvre hunt successful, having taken the form of two waiters. As they approached him with silver platters in hand, it appeared that Benedict and Josh had two choices: Deviled Eggs, or Shanghai Chicken Wings.

Meanwhile, as Martellus ventured past the large door with a star on it, it would slide open with a loud BEEP! noise. Inside the room, the Space Marine would find a seemingly endless hallway, which was lined with brick wall and red velvet carpet.

Did he continue?

GearBlade654 GearBlade654 Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch

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