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Fantasy End Town

"My shop I guess"

Mercy didn't really have much of an opinion of Damien, there wasn't anything particularly interesting about him other than his bizarre powers, and the times she'd tried to find out anything about them in the past she hadn't been able to get any useful information out of him, and figuring he was either unwilling, or unable to tell her she'd given up.

But supposed they had their uses, having a human teleporter certainly helped cut down on traveling times. Come to think of it, she had never tried making a teleporter... Grabbing Damien's arm as she thought over how she could get one to work.
(I'm back on and ready for action)

Damien runs and jumps off the ledge the leads into the chasm, they only fell for a couple of seconds before they suddenly land in one of the back rooms of her shop. Damien lets go of her hand and looks at all of the inventions and such she's come up with,

"You sure are a good inventor." He says, he smiles at her,

"Is that all you need?" He asks her.

(@The One Eyed Bandit)
"That should be all. And I know"

Plopping down in an office chair an spinning a few times Mercy thought over a few ideas. Maybe she'd try whip up something to keep those bloody marauders out of this place, after all, the last time those gits had rolled through they'd broken a good quarter of her stock.

"Actually do you know anything about those marauder guys?" Deciding to probe Damien for information, his habit of playing tour guide seemed end up him knowing about a lot of what was going on around this place.
Damien shrugs,

"Nobody knows very much about those marauders. The only thing that I know is that they're terrible people." He says as he looks around,

"H-Hey, Mercy?" He says, he was facing away from her to hide his blushing.

(@The One Eyed Bandit)
Damien can barely get the words out,

"U-Uh, whenever you're n-not busy, do you mind if we can go on a...." He is now a deep shade of red,

"D-Date?" He still keeps turned to the wall to avoid her seeing his blush.

(@The One Eyed Bandit This is like my entire RP romance life, it's just watching the ship slowly creep off of a waterfall)
Well this was surprising.

"Well I certainly didn't expect that..." Thinking about it she didn't suppose it would be too bad. As long as he didn't expect any of that lovey dovey crap out of her I could actually be enjoyable.

"You know what, Sure. Just don't expect me to go sharing a milkshake or any of that other overly dramatic crap they do in movies ok?"
She supposed she was being a little harsh, but she hadn't made a habit of living up to her name yet and she didn't plan to start yet.

(That's why we use HOVER SHIPS! Latest invention of Terek's Tech Inc.Get yours today!)
Ashley currently heading back to the grove to draw some more, walking back alone, deep in thought about her ideas, completely unaware she's being followed.
"You do that"

Jeez, people sure did get excited over stuff like this, Mercy didn't really get it but hey, she just might get a free meal or something out of this. Maybe she'd even have one of those moments where you just suddenly fell in love, but she doubted that would happen.

Deciding to let Damien handle everything Mercy pushed her chair out into the storefront, working on some schematics while she waited for any customers to show up.
Damien shrugs,

"That's one of the great things about ET there's always a place to live. You should simply go looking for what suits you." Damien pulls out a folded map and hands it to him,

"Take this and you'll be fine." Damien chuckles as he darts off, using his powers to get around.

Devoura felt like a cloudiness lifted, she looked around her, it seems as though she was on a roof. The last thing she remembers is falling asleep in her lonely apartment. This place was not her apartment. It wasn't even the city she lived in. She looked around at this place, it came off magical and strange. She then said to herself,"Where...am I?..." was this even real? Or yet another strange dream? If it was a dream, at least it wasn't of her father's murder.
Damien sensed another newcomer, he walks off at a brisk pace towards where the lady is. He sees the building she's on top of and starts making his way up. He gets to the tops and smiles at her,

"Hello, miss!" He says in a chipper tone.

She jumped backward at the sound of a new voice. Quickly turning herself to face the voice, she stood in a stance that came off ready to fight. She then said nervously,"What is this place? Who are you? And why do you smile so creepy?" She felt confident in the fact she could fight. If anything she at least had that. Even so, she was still on a roof in a new place, and it was too tall to just jump, so how did this guy get up there?

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Damien chuckles,

"Well, you're in End Town, I'm Damien, and I don't smile creepy." He says to her,

"End Town is a huge world with many people and cultures." He puts his hands behind his back,

"After a while you might be able to do this!" He says as he does what he does with everybody who's new, he does the whole slow motion thing.

Devoura stared at him like he was insane, "I really have got to be dreaming. End Town? It must be some new coping mechanism my mind cooked up. And I'm pretty sure this place is crazy, and if this is real, you're def' crazy." She felt scared at all the new environmental changes. She then found herself running and jumping off the edge of the roof. She then panicked, unsure of what was real or fake, and if she just leaped to her death.

Damien runs after her, he grabs onto the back of her shirt right before they hit the ground as they seemed to fall through the ground and into some market,

"Woah, slow your roll there. I know things can be upsetting and scary, but just stick with me for a while and you'll be fine." He smiles at her.

As the heels of her boots hit the ground, she opens her eyes that were previously squeezed shut. Now they were in some market. She then turned to the guy..Damien was it? She began to speak once again," Am..I dead? Or is this a dream? What is this place? Will I ever go back?" She felt full of questions and she felt extremely overwhelmed, it felt like she could faint at any second.

Damien sighs,

"Listen, ok, nobody truly knows where End Town is or how anyone gets here." He crosses his arms,

"You are not dead nor dreaming, you are fully alive and awake." He says to her.

"Then why do you seem so happy to be here? I may not have anyone that loves or cares about me in the real world, but you and some of the others here must. Has anybody ever tried to leave?" After saying that she was hit with the realization that no matter where she was, she was alone, so did it really matter where she was? Her parents were dead, and have been dead for years, she had no real friends to speak of, and all she did was work and waste away in her small apartment. So would a new start be so bad? It seems as though she had spaced out. Even the sounds of the people and things around her seemed to have gone silent.

Damien shrugs,

"I guess I'm just optimistic. And yes, people have tried, but we never really found out what happened to them" He sighs,

"But either way, it's great here, we should probably find you a culture that you can fit into." He smiles at her, trying to give her some comfort in the action.

"Oh....I suppose so then." She felt a bit distraught and could only hope here was better than her old life. She then asked sarcastically,"So how do you know where you fit in? Is there like a sorting hat or something?" ending it off with a sly smirk.

Damien chuckles,

"No, we pretty much go around to the different communities and you'll just kind of feel it, you know?" He says as he jumps, in middair he seems to slow down even though everything around him is moving normally and he's talking at a normal pace. He speeds up when he's right side up.


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