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Fantasy End Town

Damien smiled,

"Impressed now?" He said to Carmine, Damien springs onto one of the posts on the bridge and perches there like a bird,

"The short way is always great, but the long way can be nice, too." He chuckles at his comment.

(@Soul OMU @Cody)
Carmine rolled her eyes before sitting by Ashley. Ashley smiles a bit and shakes head while drawing. "Oh jeez... Damian your trying way to hard." She said while looking up. (@Stew, @Cody)
Damien stops and thinks,

"I-I don't know, I know I've been here for at least 9 years, but I don't really know." He shrugs,

"Either way, it's great here. Well, apart from 'The Gang'." He sighs.

(@Soul OMU @Cody)
Damien shivers,

"They're this group of marauders that comes through and buggers everything up every-so-often, we never truly know when they arrive and that's the scariest part." He jumps down from the post,

"Anyways, we came here to eat, right?" He smiles again,

"The restaurant is just right over there." He points over at a small cafe that's nearly directly over the chasm itself.

(@Soul OMU @Cody)
Damien chuckles,

"It isn't that far away, but eh, why not?" Damien then takes a running start and leaps off the bridge.
"Oh Jeez." Leon comments before he jumps. He grabs his hand.
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(You mcgoobenheimer)

Damien and Leon land by the cafe,

"You can smell the food from out here!" He exclaims as he darts inside.

(@Soul OMU @Cody
(Everyone still alive?)
Mercy was... Annoyed.

Her delivery man had decided not to show up this week, something about being sick or something else irrelevant, did the guy know how much this effected her? Now she'd have to interact with all these boring shopkeepers, have smalltalk with all these boring pedestrians who felt the need to greet every freaking person they saw and she wouldn't even be able to work on anything while she did it.

Fortunately though, she was around halfway finished, an automated shopping cart she'd rigged up chugging alongside her steadily, around halfway filled with food and spare parts. Passing a cafe Mercy popped a lollipop into her mouth, if for no other reason to stave off her hunger so she wouldn't have to deal with any of the dull waiters or waitresses at the place.

Though as she looked into the place she spotted something somewhat interesting, Damien seemed to be showing around a couple of new residents. Mercy always had a little hope for the new residents, every now and then one of the would prove themselves to be a bit less boring than the other folks who lived in this place, so in a rather out of character manner she decided to approach them.

"Hey, introduce me to your new buddies will ya?" Tapping Damien on the shoulder as she spoke, looking at him expectantly as she did.
Damien turns around, his face lights up,

"Mercy! What a nice surprise!" He exclaims, Damien gestures at the group,

"Well, That's Carmine, that's Leon, and that's Ashley." He smiles,

"We were just going to get something to eat." He chuckles as he sits at a table,

"Want to join?" He asks her.

(@Soul OMU @Cody @The One Eyed Bandit )
"I don't like touching people" Answering Leon bluntly as she ignored his offer for a handshake, fighting off a sigh, pleasantries like this were one of the exact reasons she found people so boring.

Thinking over the offer for lunch Mercy decided to give in, taking a seat across from Ashley, her being decidedly the most interesting person here, her drawings having given her an idea or two for an invention in the past.
Damien smiles,

"So, Mercy, how's your business been doing?" He leans forward as a waitress comes out and sets a plate of 2 pieces of bacon, 2 pieces of small sausages, and hashbrowns,

"Damien special." She says as she smiles at Damien before walking off. He starts eating.

(@Soul OMU @Cody @The One Eyed Bandit
(*ships Damercy*)

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