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Fantasy End Town

Leon walked down the streets of the town with the map in hand. He stopped in front of a club. He missed the old lifestyle of the music that surrounded him, all the action as the crowd was dancing and cheering for the DJ up on stage. He walked inside and found the place where everything was happening.
(Wow....I wasn't getting any notifications....at all....and now there's 13 pages. O.o Can you fill me up? I still want to RP here. :3)
(All right....wait....I'm gonna be AFK for a bit...) 
Cilia rubbed her eyes, forcing sleep away. She held a book in her arms, one that she recently bought at a book store. She had fallen asleep beside a tree...and she had no idea where she was--again.
When it became late at night, Leon came out of the club, exhausted after a night of partying. He went to go see what Ashley was up to.
Business sure was slow today...

Mercy groaned, spinning in her chair a few times as she did. Sitting out in the storefront like this was so damm boring, couldn't someone just show up and give her something to make, or fix, or god damm anything more interesting than just sitting around doing nothing all day. Standing up she headed to her back room, returning with a sign which she hung up in the front window.

'25% Off!! Today Only!!'
Leon sat down next to the tree where Ashley was. "Hey. What are you drawing." He starred at the stars. He heard noises coming from the area. He looked around but saw nothing. He saw Cilia laying beside a tree.
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Ashley snores softly and slowly wakes, rubbing her eye and yawned. "Huh...? Oh hey..." She said softly while looking at him slightly. (@Cody)

Isaac finds his way into Mercy's store and looks around slightly with some interest while listening to his music. (@The One Eyed Bandit)
(Sorry, I was at the beach)

Cilia brushed herself off, standing up. She sighed, scolding herself for being so careless. She started to walk in a random direction, hoping that she'd finally find the familiar street she lived on.
Ashley rolls eyes and huffs before getting up and walking away. "Men... Can't focus on one thing.." She muttered while heading back towards the city.
Cilia turned towards the sound of a voice. "Y-Yes," she said nervously, quite embarrassed that she had gotten herself lost again.
Ashley walking home, shaking head as she mumbled about men being horrid.


Isaac looking around Mercy's repair shop, thinking while carrying his player.
Mercy looked up as she heard the ding of the door opening, the piercing noise breaking her out of her bored state. One of the new guys was looking around the store, goddamm she needed him to give her a job to do.

After waiting a short while after which he still hadn't decided on anything Mercy started getting impatient. Standing up from her chair she approached the boy and tapped him on the shoulder "You lookin for anything or you just plannin on staring the whole time?" Sighing internally as she spoke, she really hated playing customer services like this, but she was so bored by this point it was worth it if she just ended up with something to do.

@Soul OMU
Isaac looks at her before holding out his music player. "Some assholes broke my music player... and I was wondering if you could fix it seeing as I head that you were an amazing mechanic from... Ashley?" he said while quirking a brow to see if he got that right since he hadn't really been listening or paying attention. (@The One Eyed Bandit)
"You heard right"

Taking the player from Isaac Mercy looked it over a few times. The damage didn't seem too bad, certainly not beyond repair, but a few key parts had been broken and she'd have replace the hard drive, basically wiping all his songs.

"I'm going to have to replace the hard drive, so say bye bye to all your music" Rather flatly repeating her thoughts back to Isaac. She didn't have too much sympathy for his situation, but she was happy that she finally had something to do, she only needed to take her prices down by 25% this time too.

"This shouldn't take too long, an hour at most" Mercy continued, giving Isaac a quick estimate of how long she'd take to get finished.
Isaac nodded slightly while looking around. "Don't mind if I stay here and look around while waiting for it? Also I can always back them up... Since I always keep a hard copy of them backed up on usb." she said while blowing at his bangs, looking at her inventions and the stuff in her shop.
"...Go ahead, just don't break anything"

Speaking over her shoulder as she headed towards a back room, placing a small sign on the counter as she moved past it marked:

'In Back Room. Ring Bell for Service'
"Well the city is that way." Leon said pointing to the right of him. "I don't know much either but I can give you hints." He chuckled.
Cilia nodded. "That would be great," she said, laughing a bit. "Can you lead me to this area?" She pulled out a small sheet of paper that had her address on it. She knew how her street looked, but had no idea how to get to it from here.
Isaac nodded as he began to look around, hand in his pockets since she said not touch anything. Blowing at his bangs, he looked closely at certain things with interest before pulling back and continuing to wander the shop.

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