[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] Projects Discussion

So, even though I don't have project posts yet, could I at least post the threads to 'claim' them, in a way?
Yes Freddie, but first they need my approval, so that I understand what are the consequences of completion for the game.
These are the three projects that I proposed in post *74 to Midboss, in requirement hierarchy:

●○○○○ Restore the Library's Magitech Lab to full functionality

Provide a small magitech workshop, equivalent to a Master's Workshop (Oadenol p29)

●●●○○ Restore the Library's Genesis Lab to partial functionality

Provide advanced diagnostic and research tools, small culture vats, up to ●●●○○ constructs (again Master's Workshop).

●○○○○ Project Thorns

Develop a suitable support for cultivation, containment and protection of the Bloom, from which is can spread and colonize.

It seems possible to grow the Bloom on attuned Soulsteel.

Right now Project Thorns does not include a delivery method, once you decide we can review the cost.

If you are ok with the above, feel free to create new threads in Wonders of the Empire.
Idea for a project:

Real Time Feed & On Site Allies Network.

Objective: getting intel field from all of the Scavenger Lands in real time to gain in reactiviy and being able to intervene if possible

How: gathering essence users who can send messages to the Exalts able to send word for the other to gather (Assemble !) and post them in strategic locations, training them enough so they can survive / sneak in high risk zones.

Can be sorcerers / spirits / DB.

Who can help: Malek / Argis / Flicker (intelligent beasts !!!) / Rhapsody (for a highly efficient recruitment speech) / Mirror (never underestimate the ghostly network !) Fangs (demons... what else ? :D )
Well, semi-intelligent beasts, anyway. San-beasts, as the Haltans would say.

If you all get Familiars, though...
Semi intelligent crows / hawks who can find their way back home still top plain stupid birds.

Not sure that all want to spend 9xp on a familiar just to have 3dot messengers anyway.
How about hawks or falcons instead? They fly really fast and you can use 'em for catching dinner. ;)
Owls are cool too, can see in the dark and fly during the night... good luck hitting that.
On average, how through do you want your network to be, which events do you want to listen to, and how fast you want the response time to be?
Well anything major enough to need an intervention from the Circle:

- a dangerous enemy is lurking around (deathknight / fae)

- people are dying

- the king / regent / mayor / president died and the next in line is a true bastard.

- an armed force of demons / undead / faes / beastmen is coming our way

- a spirit is going rogue and things are going crazy

Anything that can threaten a major player in the area or worth looking into.

We haven't had the opportunity to pay much attention to the world around us, been kinda reckless too, and we just got bit us in the ass.

Lookshy's down, Nexus's falling apart... logically Great Forks, Sijan and Marita are next and after that everything is pretty much pockets of isolated people trying to survive a giant undead nightmare playground.

We can do something to prevent that from happening because we are exalts... but we can do it and be awesome at the same time with good intel.

Typically if we had known before that the Juggernaut was on the move sooner... we'd probably have done something about it.
Ok, this is an upgradeable project:

Real Time Feed & On Site Allies Network


Who: Malek and Argis

When: Within few days

What: Be informed about major public political events

Where: Main powers of the Scavenger Lands.


Who: Malek and Argis

When: Within the day

What: Be informed about important political events

Where: Main powers of the Scavenger Lands


Who: All the Exalts of Cross

When: Within the day

What: Be informed about significant political and economical events, with insider information

Where: Major cities and groups of the Scavenger Lands


Who: All the Exalts of Cross and their close collaborators

When: Within the day

What: Request reserved information

Where: Major players of the Scavenger Lands


Who: All the Exalts of Cross and anyone designed

When: Within the hour

What: Request secret information

Where: Major players of the Scavenger Lands and nearby territories

How: Malek has the skills, the Charms and the anima power to pull this out

One of the Twilights can help with up to one post

Args can help with up to two posts.
So basically 15 PP to get to the top ?

Phew, it's a loooong shot, but it's completely worth it.
Well, I'm pretty flexible, what can I say ? :P

Nathir was a pet project of mine, but between that and and probably the most useful tool to protect Creation we'll ever have... I know which to prioritize.

Which makes me think... do we get Project Posts for helping out in Creation ?

I mean not to sound to Avataresque but everything is connected, if we don't help others, then others won't help us...

Only if the projects makes the Empire you control better, because then you can use more resources for the next projects.
Well... you know the Scavenger Lands is going to be our "Empire" pretty soon sooooo... :D
If we don't all starve to death first, or get killed by the Walker or the Mask of Winters.
Starvation will pretty be solved with the farmers in Mirunda, Malek working the spirits to make the lands fertile and the sciency boys doing crazy stuff with genesis (DBZ magic beans anyone ? :D ), that's Empire Time business and not a problem IMHO... unless our dearest ST has something up his sleeve (no, I'm not giving you any of my twisted ideas ye sick basterd, I'm sure you have enough of them on your own :D ).

Weapons and armors, or materials to make them, however will be harder and harder to come by however if we don't handle the troubles going on in Nexus and fix the potentially damaged trade problem.

If I'm not mistaking, that whole Council fall is most likely another of Mask's plans, which is brilliant.

Is Flicker's "delegate" field-ready enough to handle moving the farmers with Melia and the soldiers we'll have sent ?

That would save us a lot of time... and considering it's going to be VERY good for the dominion, we'll earn Project Posts we'll have ample opportunities to reinvest.

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