[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] Projects Discussion

Yes, but a suggestion is not really enough, it's better if you wait that I post here a complete proposal.

This is because I need a lot of control on the project, and I need to understand its consequences for the game.

Usually, a project is something that only requires time and effort and has very little chance to fail or to develop in a different way.

We don't yet know how many of the eggs are viable, the enlightening charm is not yet available, and for the pups to grow up it will require a shitload of time, much longer than what 3 dots would abstract.

For now, I think it's just better to role play this normally.
Proposed Project: gather meat for the Cross, harvesting it from the Behemoth's strange and unwelcome meaty growths.

First: figure out how to get to the meaty bits without dying.

Second: Get out with meaty bits not contaminated.

Third: determine if meat is edible

Fourth: figure out a way to get across lagoon of acid and poison gases in a way that scales up

Idea -- make a bridge over the acid using hopping puppeteers as builders, and using stone from the river as foundation, logs as the upper platform part.

Mirror can do parts 1 & 2 without help. 4 will likely involve Fangs and Kalak (for structural design of bridge). 3 - um, feed it to a lunar with Rhapsody standing by in case of poison?

End goal: harvest behemoth cancer meat for food, enough to make all this effort worth it.

Side goal: start clearing away the cancer that is constricting and damaging the library.

--this idea all started with trying to figure out how to help the library. ;)
1 and 4) There is no acid pool, but several gas sacks ready to burst on contact, releasing the gas as well as sprays of acid goo.


Still, your armour should protect you from both without problems.

But it does not scale up.

2) The gas should not stick to the meat, especially after you cook it, but someone with Medicine should check it.

3) If the meat is bad, an Exalt is going to be likely immune to most effects anyway, not a good test if you plan to feed mortals.

Genesis may help before human trials, and Medicine will help to monitor for long-term consequences.

A *rough* estimate of the meaty/bony weight of the Behemoth is 500 million tons.

I doubt you will be able to eat any significant portion of it away.
Yeah, I remembered it was something stupidly huge.

Hey guys! New export for the Cross! Dried behemoth cancer-meat!
Well, at least we won't have to worry that any potential buyers saw that Torchwood episode... :confused:
More than willing to help out with behemoth food ideas. Also, if Siham is nowhere to be found, I am also willing to make progress on reviving the labs.
Norts said:
More than willing to help out with behemoth food ideas. Also, if Siham is nowhere to be found, I am also willing to make progress on reviving the labs.
I would get started with the labs. :)
Oh, also, we may need a political map / census of the local places of power / political centers and spirit courts, their leaders etc etc.

Would that count as a Project ?
Would establishing an independent base of operations separate from the Cross count as a project? Basically, I'm looking to make a fortress out of Fangs' manse as an independent power.
CrazyIvan said:
Would establishing an independent base of operations separate from the Cross count as a project? Basically, I'm looking to make a fortress out of Fangs' manse as an independent power.
That is clearly going to keep Malek awake at night :eek: :D
Ok. I guess as soon as Kalak gets official.clearance, i'll get started on the lab revivification. And then start studying Genesis Lore.
Cunning Fangs as a sort of archetypal Wise Woman who lives in a tower/in a cave/on a mountaintop/deep in the forest, can be petitioned in times of need and may choose to aid you if you ask nicely...

...kind of works for her, actually. And seems like a far more comfortable role for her than participating in a government of fractious Exalts.
Arynne said:
Cunning Fangs as a sort of archetypal Wise Woman who lives in a tower/in a cave/on a mountaintop/deep in the forest, can be petitioned in times of need and may choose to aid you if you ask nicely...
...kind of works for her, actually. And seems like a far more comfortable role for her than participating in a government of fractious Exalts.
Indeed, that's what I'm going for. Arynne is wise in all things.
Oh, also, we may need a political map / census of the local places of power / political centers and spirit courts, their leaders etc etc.

Would that count as a Project ?
Possibly, but just giving Feantari a list of trades proved to be a time killer.

I'd very much prefer if we kept things vague and created details only as we need them.

Would establishing an independent base of operations separate from the Cross count as a project? Basically, I'm looking to make a fortress out of Fangs' manse as an independent power.
Depends what you mean with "fortress".

What do you want to be able to do with it?

@Norts: you have the skills already to fix the lab, but not yet the Project Posts.

As soon as you do, feel free to post.

Somewhere in the project discussions there are the approved Projects for the Labs and the Bloom.

Also, if Midboss was lamenting the complexity of the game, the current IC has probably been the end of him here.

We may start thinking about someone else to play Siham (with a fair degree of freedom to modify the character).

I am open for your recommendation.
xarvh said:
Depends what you mean with "fortress".

What do you want to be able to do with it?

Something like that, but with her Tower Manse as the anchoring point. Essentially, a defensible base of operations from which to rock this feel:

Cunning Fangs as a sort of archetypal Wise Woman who lives in a tower/in a cave/on a mountaintop/deep in the forest, can be petitioned in times of need and may choose to aid you if you ask nicely...
See Also: Wayne Manor.
xarvh said:
Also, if Midboss was lamenting the complexity of the game, the current IC has probably been the end of him here.
We may start thinking about someone else to play Siham (with a fair degree of freedom to modify the character).

I am open for your recommendation.
Hmm, this may be a thing that CI wants no part of, but if Fangs is moving to a more witch of the wilds sort of approach then playing Siham could give a more direct input to Cross sort of role?

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