[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] Projects Discussion

Argis is also going for a non-mechanical aesthetic here. The troops need to look well armed and armored and yet be able to function in the jungle. Looks certainly don't completely trump function, but I wanted it to be a full suit of armor. I also liked the description for lamellar armor esp: "Lamellar is lighter and more flexible than a standard breastplate and allows better air circulation."

edit: lamellar's scales are often made of lacquered wood (see japanese styles)
Ok, so, I guess what I should have said is we need more finalized projects posted in the Wonders of the Empire forum. I apparently have time and inclination so here is a list of projects that people have mentioned in this thread that aren't finalized and/or posted yet:


Take over Nathir

Rebuild Mirunda

Building up Cross - how/in what way?

Taking the Hoods to the Next Level

Saving Cross from Starvation - needs a method


Training the Army

Martial Arts School

Winning the favor of more gods and spirits

Eggs! - fried, poached, or .. oh wait, hatching them...

Raise Essence - just needs to be posted over in the other forum


Project Thorns - aka weaponize the bloom and field test - just needs to be posted over in the other forum

Restore Lab part a and b - just needs to be posted over in the other forum


Civil Service

Sorcerous Artifact





Finding and Developing Resources

Merchant Navy (a project for after Mirunda is resettled)

Civic Structures (somewhat waiting on this also, and CI has ideas)
Refinements per xarvh's earlier comments:

Establish Stone Quarry for Cross and effective roads/beasts of burden/waterways to move stone.

- scout the likely nearby sites and examine rock quality

- build a road/breed oxen or build barges (depending on if we find a spot near the river)

- move in the labor

Find Metal Deposits - one dot per chance

- using elemental summoning search for metal deposits (need someone with the spell or someone we can hire, elementals can be bound for lon-ish periods so we could try to find someone elsewhere if need be)

- each post gives a chance of finding something

Find Magical Material Deposits - one dot per chance

- Argis and/or Tirana's children learn Fivefold Resonance Sense and start searching the jungles for likely spots

- each post gives a chance of finding something

New stuffs:

Merchant Navy of Mirunda

- build, steal, or have built a small fleet of ships (5-10?)

- train sailors/marines

- train merchant captains

- establish trade routes with other river ports
Taking over Nathir is pretty much wrapped up. The Take 2 was good.

Rebuild Mirunda is going to be easier now we have villagers to move around, we're going to gather everything they have, and use them there.

Building up the Cross: 12 000 souls still live in rudimentary accomodations and aren't able to provide for themselves.

We must change that, bring them food, seeds, tools and cattle so they can be self sufficient at one point in the near future.

This one is long term, because there are tons of stuff to be brought on site and we are still limited in terms of travel and cargo.

Once we're done with the old giraffe I'll go to the Autobots to check if we can help each other out, from there I'll have a better view of what we can get and what we need to do for that... else it's going to be: buy from another city - merchandises reach Nathir - boat from Nathir to Mirunda - Caravan from Mirunda to the Cross... approximately a whole year before we can get what we need in the Cross

Now if we had flying ships... :D

Taking the Hoods to the Next Level: means training, changing mentalities, and getting mo'o'dem followahs !

Saving Cross from Starvation: this particular problem is a bitch to solve.

We're in the middle of nowhere, the only "road" we have is jammed by the Legion, and we can't do anything without heavy magitech / sorcerous backing because of the distances, terrain and cargo space needed. Normal expeditions can't reach Cross in time wether from the South or the East. It's a nightmare ! :D

The only plan that doesn't involve sorcery or heavy artifact machinery I see is: organizing fields for crops, Malek bringing seeds as fast as he can, and Siham toying with them to make them grow faster and produce more.
@Feantari: focus your projects on finding the stuff now.

Then, once you have an idea of the logistics, we will be able to give it a better cost.
I'm not sure "hatching the eggs" counts as a project (babies arrive when they feel like it, not when you feel like it), though keeping a lot of baby dinos with sharp teeth in line while trying to teach them their A-B-Cs (or whatever they call it in Creation) might be...
Indeed it does not.

The effort they require is a nest and care, but that has been provided for already.

You can start thinking about a nursery to be ready for when (if) they'll hatch.
New leads on Saving Cross from Starvation:

Getting what we need:

  • Logistics: I'll buy a ship or two (I guess being disgustingly rich has its advantages), horses and wagons (with one or two fortress wagons), with enough seeds and provisions to last until the first crops can be harvested. A dozen wagons caravan should be sufficient and everything should fit in a Coastal Trader... obviously, renting Albane's services, or getting a Land Ship of our own would be faster
    A hundred tons or peeps circulating at 20mph is rather awesome.
    Can we still get in touch with Albane ?
  • Speed: I'm pondering whether I should go heavy on Sail+Ride, Spirit Charms (with the River god & our beloved Didee), or even sorcery to make cargo travel faster.
  • Accessibility: whether I get a land ship or ships and wagons, we're going to need a large path in the jungles to get to Cross to speed things up. Let's make it on the eastern front, and just as large as necessary, that way we'll still avoid whole armies coming straigth to us.


Domain Manipulation Scenario: that spirit charm may just be what we need to create cultivable patches of land to save the day. Either Malek could learn it from Didee and use it, or we could negotiate with the goddess (it's a less douchebagesque approach, but with Didee, negotiating is hard).
Remember, there are three mortal cults/guilds who consider Didee to be one of their patron gods, and have found that worship pleases her. Incorporating more worship into the Cross will likely help to get on her good side, and religion can be a unifying force for an embattled community.
Haven't lost track of that fact, perhaps Rhapsody (being a universal priest n all) could use one of her montage post to set up a broader cult to Didee as a fertility god, praying "locally" for the means to get large fields in Cross, allowing us access to agriculture ?
… All … of them … ? Crossers, Thornians, etc.?

I suppose. I assume one general assembly won’t do it. I’ll need to address them in groups. I’ll need help organizing them.
It will require time, but we have two seasons ahead of us.

Enough I would assume to negotiate with the goddess, spread the cult, build shrines, teach everyone to properly revere Didee and pray for fertile ground and a more temperate climate to suit our needs.

And if that doesn't work, Malek can probably trick her into giving up the secrets of said charm.
The people you want to talk to are the three Lodges: the Planting Lodge (farming and beekeeping), the Hunting Lodge (hunting, fishing and gathering) and the Blood Lodge (domestic animals and butchering). You might want to talk to them anyway, as they have a number of skilled artisans who have been discussing forming craft societies, but have been too busy (they've been working overtime with the recent food shortages, plus most of the Hunters are in the Army) to take the initiative by themselves.

They've been placating Didee for cutting down her trees by planting new ones with the appropriate ceremony and offering, but there's more they could be doing.
All organizing needs can be brought to Argis for the time being. He just picked up a charm that lets him to the not sleep for long periods of time followed by a full day of sleeping sleep schedule. :-P

I'm going to get that census post up asap today so we can plan better.
Ok, so Malek and Argis go to _. Where _ is place to buy all the things. Great Forks would probably a recommendation from Argis, but only because he's got ulterior motives. Argis can sail back with the first load and leave Malek freedom to make further trips/posts from there if you like.
Great Forks ? That's precisely the supply line that got shut down thanks to the Legion.

I'd rather go with other, safer directions (Marita - Nathir - Chaya).
You know if we are two we can split our efforts.

You go south to Chaya, I go north to Nathir, we each take a ship, load them up with supplies. Then we meet in Mirunda and load one big ass caravan and take everything home.
That's why I suggest Chaya for you. You could buy or rent a ship on site, and let the river carry you downstream ;)
Yeah.. its more for the getting there. I've got a bit of XP I could burn on some sort of useful transport charm thing. Sorcery would be damn convenient, but I doubt he can really justify the learning of it in that sort of time frame, esp with Fangs still in Sanctuary.

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