[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] Projects Discussion

xarvh said:
If you don't change the name of the Library I will have a brain stroke trying to make sense of this game.
Then I'll come up with another name.

I have no doubt that you have specific plans for all those powers, and that your wording is such that to conceal them from me, but I still think that the powers have, fluff-wise, nothing to do with each other.
Why don't you just go after two different artefacts?
Fluff-wise the reason is she's making something for her, so it matches her desires. She's not finding an artifact, she's crafting a weapon for her uses.

I actually don't have a specific plan for all those powers. The reasoning behind them is as follows:

  • Dire Lance: It's the only melee weapon allowable with the MA Cunning Fangs knows
  • Spell-storing ability: I'm actually thinking of rejiggering this to provide a mechanical bonus to casting rather than the spell storage because she already has a sorcery-capturing cord.
  • The form thing: Cunning Fangs is about to do something foolish. I'm not sure what yet, but it's going to be...dramatic. I have a few ideas, and all of them put her at risk of being reduced to either a puddle of goo or utterly insane. My initial plan was to use her strong connection with her mate as an anchor, part of her definition that can't be touched - especially given her plans likely involve Solar Circle sorcery, and sacrificing another part of her identity, possible a bit one. But Walker is dead, so she needs something else. She's carrying herself with her.

Regarding the heart thingy, describing the edge case where rends his own heart is only confusing, since most of the times said heart will be rent against said Lunar will.
A perforation of the wall of a mammal's heart is lethal in the majority of the cases, and AFAIK is no specified requirement for Life of the Hummingbird.
It was a throwaway bit of poetic license for what Life of the Hummingbird involves when inflicting it on yourself. The idea was to suggest this was not something not embarked on lightly with a finger stick. I'm happy to drop it.
Yeah, sorry for being pedantic but I am tired and when I am tired I get grumpy.

So basically you want:

- Dire lance

- Sorcery Bonus (I prefer this a lot more than the Spell release thing).

- Integrity Protecting Prana + Life of the Hummingbird + Taste of Luna's Champions
xarvh said:
Yeah, sorry for being pedantic but I am tired and when I am tired I get grumpy.
So basically you want:

- Dire lance

- Sorcery Bonus (I prefer this a lot more than the Spell release thing).

- Integrity Protecting Prana + Life of the Hummingbird + Taste of Luna's Champions
Basically yes.
xarvh said:
Can't you just learn LotH and ToLC like any Lunar Elder would tell you? oO
Ah - my last post was unclear. I'm considering both LotH and ToLC to likely be knacks Fangs needs to know to *build* the artifact.

What I want at the end is IPP, a stored copy of Fangs' form before she goes and gets it...messed with, and a backup of my Lunar Tattoos.

Fangs plans ahead.
Project: Raise Essence

Obstacles: According to the books, this requires a full season or more of meditation and training in a place symbolically connected with Luna.
rating: xoooo

We are going to have a full season of slack very soon.

Ain't you guys lucky?
Finding and Developing local resources.

Goals: Quarry rock (we already know of one nearby canyon we can examine the quality of rock there to start), Hire someone who can summon us an elemental to find local metal deposits, Work with Tirana and her DBs with Fivefold Resonance Sense to find deposits of magical materials.

I imagine this could be a group project pretty easily.
Civil Defense Force

A trained fighting force for the defense of Cross that functions as a police force when not at war. Their first loyalty is to the people of cross and keeping them safe.


Initial unit of 300. These are already chosen and have been trained in martial arts. They already have simple polearms that they have been using during MA training.

Intimacy of Protecting the People of Cross

Stats base goals:

Str 3, Dex 4, Stam 4, Per 3, Wits 3

Archery 4, Awareness 3, Integrity 3 (Outsiders +1), Investigation 4, Lore 2, Martial Arts 5 (Disarming +1), Medicine 2, Occult 2, Presence 2, Performance 2 (Maintaining Order +2), Resistance 4, War 2

Compassion 3, Conviction 2, Temperance 3, Valor 3

Drill 4


Each soldier would be issued a suit of lamellar armor, a polearm, and a bow.

Some of these we have trainers for, others we will have to develop the skills. Our trainers can exceed these goals in some areas given enough time, but those would be for the unit to be considered ready by Argis. Maybe for an additional dot beyond that we could get their stats to max trainable and give them better gear or something? idk
You may have to convince Tirana to train her peeps and to send them around.

Plus, I would not assign a ranking, but for any Post you add to the montage, I roll dice and see if you find something.

Hiring someone to summon elementals would be out of the project, and probably any of you learning the spell may be just easier.

For actually finding useful deposits, again I would roll dice at each post (but with higher probability than Jade).

For the Civil Defense Force, can anyone of you train Integrity?

Which 300 are you talking about? (I'm getting lost in your population...=D)

Within the project, max training can be achieved with one maybe two dots, since the commitment required for the actual training is very little.
xarvh said:
For the Civil Defense Force, can anyone of you train Integrity?
Which 300 are you talking about? (I'm getting lost in your population...=D)
Argis can train integrity with Rhapsody's patronage, he will need to raise his by 1 to be able to train them to 3.

The 300 green, MA trained troops.
●●●○○ Civil Defense Force

Result: Argis' 300 green troops are upgraded to elite and trained in civil enforcing.

They will have at least Integrity 3 and an Intimacy towards "Protecting the people of the Cross".

Each soldier is issued a suit of lamellar armor, a polearm, and a bow.

How: Argis and Rhapsody will do the training and Rhapsody will instill the Intimacy.

Siham's crafters will produce all needed equipment.

The cost would be only two dots if it wasn't for the need of materials for the equipment, which are still scarce in Cross.

Also, Midboss, of you are ok with my wording of your projects, add them already in Wonders of the Empire!
So, what of the 25 tons of metal that Argis brought, have we actually used at this point? I'd image that would be good for a fair number of weapons and tools. Or was that more a general supply of things and such like. I feel like we had a good amount of raw material brought in and we haven't really applied it.

Lamellar is mostly wood thus the choice of it for easier production. Bows are tricky of course. Better pole arms are desired and would take steel.
Aren't you afraid that lamellar armor would mean more exhaustion from the soldiers ?

We do live in the jungles. It's hot and humid as hell in the summer and rather cold and extremely rainy in winter.
I'm not keeping track of all the specific materials you use, but you have been building a lot since then, especially housing.

Also, the metal you'd use for rivets and ledges is not the metal you would use for armor plates, which makes things a bit harder.

Still, more than the metal, you need good wood for the bows.
cyl said:
Aren't you afraid that lamellar armor would mean more exhaustion from the soldiers ?
We do live in the jungles. It's hot and humid as hell in the summer and rather cold and extremely rainy in winter.
Its got the lowest fatigue penalty (1) of any armor out there...? Plus they will have stamina and resistance.
Breastplate is the same, and has less mobility penalty (movement in the jungles... might be important).

It's also 1 dot cheaper so we can make execptional breastplates for the same cost as a regular lamellar and with 4L/4B Mobility -1 Fatigue 0.
Breastplate: Nothing more than a pair of fitted metal plates

Lamellar Armor: a breastplate composed of a series of interlocking horizontal bands, includes greaves, skirt and bracers.

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