[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] Projects Discussion

Oh, for some reason I had got it in to my head that they were separate entities. Nevermind, I'll get a post up about restoring the lab as soon as possible.
Restoring the Lab and the Univeristy are two different things, both of which will require you to somehow remove the meat parts of the behemot.

You can partially restore the Genesis lab without messing with the behemoth though.
Partial restoration of the Genesis Lab is a far better investment, for the time being.
Fair enough, I'll get to writing up a project post in the "Wonders of the Empire" section sometime tomorrow. (Assuming that's where projects go and I haven't horribly and hilariously misread the threads there)
As per Xarvh's request, I'm transferring the conversation about a weapon that I have dubbed "The Kiss of the Incarnate". Conceptually, it is the opposite of the Soulbreaker Orb (Wonders of the Lost Age, Pg 135). To save you reading time, the Soulbreaker Orb is basically Exalted's version of the nuke. It shatters the souls of everyone within the blast radius (five miles) who does not have a Perfect Defense. It's indiscriminate in it's destruction and crazy lethal to just about everyone. Afterwards if 500+ people died to it, the area becomes a Shadowland.

What I propose is the opposite. Instead of bathing the area in Soulrape energy, I build a bomb that baths the area in Holy energy. The energy discharge would be enough to vaporize any Creature of Darkness without a Perfect defense, while being utterly harmless to Non-Creatures of Darkness. As opposed to becoming a Shadowland, The Holy energies revitalize the surrounding landscape (if detonated in Creation) turning it in to Holy Ground. Creatures of Darkness take additional aggravated damage just for staying there, and if the area was a Shadowland or corrupted by the Wyld, it slowly returns to normal after a period of one month.

The Soulbreaker Orb is artifact 5, Kiss of the Incarnate would likewise be of similar rating (maybe one dot less, considering how it excludes non-Creatures of Darkness). With a combination of Wonder Forging Genius, Craftsmen Needs no Tools and World as Workshop Method, I believe I can build it within one month, maybe two if I roll poorly.
It's artifact 4 if you just want the blast and artifact 5 if you also want the persistent Holy effect.

You will need at least MMs, mostly Orichalcum, but also some starmetal, and I have to check Oadenol's to see if exotic materials are also required.

This is definitely something you can't do next to a Deathlord without him noticing.

Abyssal: - Master, there are flashing of golden essence, noises of Golden Power Drills, sacred chants and a very distinct maniac laughter coming from the Northern Forest, should we send a raiding party?

Mask: - Naah, it must just be some deer or rabbit in mating spirit.

Lemme check Oadenol's also to see how all this translates in Project Points.
Fair enough. Also, do you have any special rulings on the essence cap breaking charms?
JayTee said:
Fair enough. Also, do you have any special rulings on the essence cap breaking charms?
Keep in mind Cunning Fangs has Liger's very own favorite hammer-girl on retainer.
CrazyIvan said:
Keep in mind Cunning Fangs has Liger's very own favorite hammer-girl on retainer.
I really have no idea what this means. I know what demon you're talking about, but I have no idea why it's relevant.
JayTee said:
I really have no idea what this means. I know what demon you're talking about, but I have no idea why it's relevant.
Crafting projects derive benefits from having high level crafting helpers.
Oh, I planned to just build those :D

On a more mundane note, is it worth building actual big defensive walls around our settlements? Part of me wonders why we haven't done it already, and part of me says, "Well, anything that can be stopped by a wall poses Exalted no challenge..."
Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Besides, even if an Exalt can bust a hole through most walls, their troops can't, forcing a bottleneck of a sort.
If the goal is to create choke points, an arrangement of wooden pikes is much cheaper and faster to build.

On the other hand, it can be done with Raising the Earth Bones or a Singing Staff.

Not that it will matter in any way when the invaders are able to smash the defenses (juggernaut and warmachines), sneak past them and strike from the inside (Legion), or simply walk/fly/jump/get around them (spirits, exalts and other charming creatures)... but since the only way we can protect the people of Cross is to have them gathered in bunkers and protect them, anything that can slow invaders down and buy us precious seconds to save lives is an interesting lead.
I was figuring we could build two rows of wooden palisades close together, fill the space between with rubble, cover with stucco. Solid as (or even solid-er than) stone, more fireproof than wood spikes, relatively easy to construct.
I'm sure Siham or Kalak will be able to grow us some fireproof trees as soon as we're done with the labs.
Arynne said:
On a more mundane note, is it worth building actual big defensive walls around our settlements? Part of me wonders why we haven't done it already, and part of me says, "Well, anything that can be stopped by a wall poses Exalted no challenge..."
...Cunning Fangs has done so already. The Cross is surrounded by a wall in a faintly Lookshyan star-fort pattern.

Like, awhile ago. Pre-introduction of the project system. It's in one of the montages.
If we had to pay Fangs for every mote she spent on building The Cross... she'd be the wealthiest person in Creation methinks :D

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