[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] Projects Discussion

The bugs are easier to make.

But probably would not be able to recognize the specific charm, unless you make really many different types of them.
As I said, detection is not a big deal with either Genesis or Magitech.

Interpretation is. It takes someone with essence sight a pretty high roll on Int(Per?)+Occ to identify a charm.
All Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight, Int+Occult, Dif 5 roll. Not that hard if you have 10 dice in the pool (which Siham has) and/or an excellency. I figure I could program something inside the satellite to give me some bonus dice/successes.
Mmmh, not sure that can be accomplished with Tama (but am open for ideas).

You could have a huge swarm of bugs living in Cross and around, counting as a single Familiar with Essence Sight.
Given Siham's... lack of sentimentality, I figured he would (painlessly and humanely) dissolve Tama down to it's base matter, and use the previously Solar empowered tissue as a base to form the swarm.
Or we can decide that Tama never existed. I am not sure it has been mentioned even once IC.
You monsters !

That thing was cute as hell :(

Also bugs are very different from satellites.

They are "cheap", they can reproduce, and they can't exactly be shot down... although AoE and multiple opponents effects (think counterattacks) will kill them.

You also need a marking system, so the bugs attack only the designed target.
You can splice Tama in several smaller flying turtles, multiplying and enhancing the cuteness.
I'd rather have Kalak engineer a male for Tama and have the two mate to get babies.

Death with flaps and a shell decend upon you !
That...Kalak would probably agree to it, but be rather uncomfortable with the whole thing. His first Genesis experiment, and it ends up being a flying turtle to defend the Cross?
Nooo! Do not kill the magic flying turtle! It was sooo cute when it was waving it's arms along with Didee's orchestra!

Make more of them!
Norts said:
That...Kalak would probably agree to it, but be rather uncomfortable with the whole thing. His first Genesis experiment, and it ends up being a flying turtle to defend the Cross?
It's still cuter than creepy zerg-like essence bugs !

Flying turtles... well they fly for once, they're tougher than bugs and hatras and they can bite and bitch flap you in the face... and that's totally wesome ! :D

You can also breed a race of super bad ass sentient flightless birds and leave Flicker in charge of their martial traning.

I already know what the sigil of the dojo will be:


I suppose there's always plan B: Engineer a virus to infect every animal within a fifty mile radius around Cross that makes them perform the same function as the proposed Swarm.

Or I could just build the satellite laser canons as originally intended, but with a minor variation to make it more cost effective.
Dear Mad Scientist:

Cuteness is overrated. Insects are everywhere; make them useful.

Or blow things up with orbital laser cannons.

That's good too.


the ASOYS Dusk
Pshhhhh shush you, don't you have another Primordial to kill or something ? :D

Viruses can be countered, bio engineering is harder to undo.

I believe the most important thing is to work on the fastest and least expensive solution to get something set up already and then start working on new innovative way to get rid of bad guys.
Makes sense, bioengineer the Swarm as a stopgap, then build the essence satellites as a more long term solution.
@JayTee: splicing Tama is actually a possibility.

Viruses are also a cheaper and faster way to have a swarm, but they can operate lesser changes and are more unpredictable (I would not worry about the virus being "cured" or removed).
xarvh said:
@JayTee: but they can operate lesser changes and are more unpredictable (I would not worry about the virus being "cured" or removed).
I can't tell if you're trying to sell this as a pro or a con

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