[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] Projects Discussion

Lesser change and unpredictable vs cheap and fast.

Basically he's telling you that you're buying a piece of crap, but it will be delivered promptly :D
@JayTee: it's definitely a pro. Siham would have better chances than anyone else to cure the virus.

@cyl: no, come on, it will still be useful. =)
Kalak eventually could as well, just that since it seems we need another combat oriented guy, he's kinda footing the bill for the moment.
A defense and communication network would more than compensate for a combat guy. This is still nominally a realm building game. :-p
Upgraded version of the Hand of the Great Maker:

The original Hand is a 4 dot artifact, with a 5 dot hearthstone socketed, it can allow for the use of Wyld Shaping Technique as a speed 7 action, and grants (Essence + Willpower) automatic successes for shaping the Wyld. With a Protoshinmaic Vortex, the number of successes is increased to 30, and it can shape Creation as if it were the Bordermarches.

The 5 dot version loses the automatic successes, but gains the ability to allow Wyld Shaping in Creation as a speed 7 action as if he were in the middlemarches, and does not require a hearthstone or a Protoshinmaic Vortex inserted.

Siham can Craft this with ease, thanks to Craftsmen Needs No Tools, Fang's Otherworld Gate, his own Wyld Shaping Technique, and Wonder Forging Genius.
So, basically, you just need one trip to the Wyld to shape the 5dot version of the Hand, and then you will be able shape anything in Creation with a base difficulty of 5... and then we could shut the Gate.
Strictly speaking yes, but I have to stress the fact that I need to do a lot more of the work with the artifact, as I no longer have access to the free autosuccesses that let me ignore the difficulty level entirely.

It's more functional, but more expensive.
Yes, and while the crafting time is reduced, then the work / mote cost it is a pretty decent limit to what Siham can do.
Yet another reason the Solar "give motes to someone else" charm is a great multiplier charm.

Come to think of it, that charm would also be helpful during the wrestling/binding 3rd circle demons process.

Or really any other extended roll.

Although Siham could get the Inf Mastery for Craft - use the 1st exc for the possibility of dice explosions - and have +10 dice every roll in the extended roll for the low cost of 20m 1wp. The work/mote ratio gets better with every roll you make.

...really, any time you're going to be doing extended or scene long rolls, it's always worth considering the Infinite Mastery.
That's actually a good idea. I have no intention of touching Sorcery, but I could grab that mote sharing Charm to help Fangs out when she summons Second Circle Demons.

EDIT: Infinite Master is pretty swank, but I have the 2nd excellency, not the first. Although I suppose it doesn't really matter in the long run.
Since grabbing it is the first step towards Power Awarding Prana and sharing your gifts with mortals assistants, I support that investment 2000% :)
Plus, with Malek gone all Darksider, Flicker could use somebody with Solar Essence to help with her "chicks"... ;)
In the eventuality that Malek's dark side is not discovered before he can make a few moves, I may have to run by you a few plans he can come up with to hurt the Circle just to see if you are okay with them.

One of the horrible ideas I had is focused on the chicks obviously > :)
JayTee said:
That's actually a good idea. I have no intention of touching Sorcery, but I could grab that mote sharing Charm to help Fangs out when she summons Second Circle Demons.
EDIT: Infinite Master is pretty swank, but I have the 2nd excellency, not the first. Although I suppose it doesn't really matter in the long run.
Also keep in mind Fangs can lend you successes for extended creative projects.
@JayTee - Infinite Mastery is the way to support more crafting most directly. It doesn't really matter if you have the 2nd or the 1st exc - the 2nd exc guarantees you always overcome the 5 DV every roll, and everything you roll on top of that goes straight towards improving your artifact.

It's far more efficient than the mote-sharing charm -- which in order to help you, someone else needs to give you motes. Doesn't help your crafting if you have it.
I'd argue that building a second Hand and getting PAP to create an assistant would be probably more productive than Infinite Mastery, but I guess there is absolutely no reason to favor one over the other when you can do both :P
cyl said:
In the eventuality that Malek's dark side is not discovered before he can make a few moves, I may have to run by you a few plans he can come up with to hurt the Circle just to see if you are okay with them.
One of the horrible ideas I had is focused on the chicks obviously > :)
Nooo! Stay away from my baby parakeets! :cry:
Oh I know how much you love them, don't worry, I won't hurt them.

It's not me you've got to be afraid of... > :)
@JayTee: I'm not really inclined to allow you the upgrade.

Fluff-wise the ability to shape in Creation comes from the fact that you carry a piece of the Wyld with you.

Mechanics-wise this is something that is perogative of Ess 7 beings, it would be insanely overpowered and would make the efforts of your peers pale.

You haven't crafted a single thing, despite being more than capable of changing the game already.

I won't let you burn all your potential awesomeness in a single breath.
@JayTee: I'm not really inclined to allow you the upgrade.
Aaaaaaw :(

DarthMalek would have loved to sabotage / steal Siham's creations...

Fluff-wise the ability to shape in Creation comes from the fact that you carry a piece of the Wyld with you.
Mechanics-wise this is something that is perogative of Ess 7 beings, it would be insanely overpowered and would make the efforts of your peers pale.

You haven't crafted a single thing, despite being more than capable of changing the game already.

I won't let you burn all your potential awesomeness in a single breath.
It can't be done in a single breath anyway.

The Vortex is the primary component and it must be created by someone with Lore 7 in a region of Pure Chaos

I don't think Siham can bypass those limits yet, but he could perhaps go on an epic quest to seek and find a Vortex who's already been created and lost (Arianna herself tends to look for epic shit all the time according to the comics !).

Considering the price (45 xp to gather all 3 5 dots components) it's not like he's going to be able to snap his fingers and get it all right away.

It's a long shot, but if Agatha's did not have one, or lost it during the Usurpation, her writings may contain valuable information about her "competitors" who had one.

Somehow, I can't picture First Age celestial craftmen not having dick measuring contests every year to find out who's the most awesome of all, and I would bet an arm (no offense to Argis :P ) that Agatha was a pretty sore loser !
Fair enough, although I would like to point out that I couldn't do any Crafting up until this point because I needed a Magitech lab and to be in Cross. Now that I have those, I'll probably be staying in cross to start pumping out artifacts non-stop. Plus, thanks to Fang's Manse, I no longer have to worry about needing exotic components.
We need to set up some kind of government. One that can function without requiring us to micro-manage everything, and continue functioning in our absence...but one where we're not a actually in any danger of being outvoted by the Silly Mortals.


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