[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] Projects Discussion

Uh... I thought you already had bought the charm and selected the candidate.

After that it's just motes committed and he becomes your third arm, gains xp according to yours and helps you get stuff done.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.
I've had the Charm for a long time, now. It's a required part of the tree, to get Wolf Pack Training and Lesson of the Winter Wolf. I was waiting until my traits were high enough to make it permanent, but I think xarvh changed his mind about that.

Flicker's instinct would be to give it to Houva's son Nehir, one of her first followers and her occasional lover, but that might be a bad judgment.
Arynne said:
I've had the Charm for a long time, now. It's a required part of the tree, to get Wolf Pack Training and Lesson of the Winter Wolf. I was waiting until my traits were high enough to make it permanent, but I think xarvh changed his mind about that.
Flicker's instinct would be to give it to Houva's son Nehir, one of her first followers and her occasional lover, but that might be a bad judgment.
Ach, I started Melia very early in the game because I knew I needed a sidekick who kicked ass !
And I promoted my pc's sister so... I won't throw the first stone :D
Well, it's probably too late now.

If I had thought about it, I would have promoted someone before leaving during the "Plans for the Summer" scene.

Probably not him, though. It would make things real awkward when they break up.
Arynne said:
Well, it's probably too late now.
Au contraire !

It's the perfect time to do it IMHO, since we are going to need as much allies as possible in the future and it will greatly help you and the dominion in your projects.

It's a long run investment, and you need to start investing at some point.
Also... I HIGHLY recommend a Delegate for the twilights too.

A personal assistant will give you a significative boost to your various works and projects ! ;)
I mean, it's too late to be immediately useful. Plans for the Summer is closed. xarvh's next scene will have Flicker heading north to take advantage of her Mentor Background.
Arynne said:
We Celestials should all be making little Half-Castes! :P
Well at the rate things are going... not a good plan to bring a child into this world... but I'm game ! :D
Feantari said:
Argis is needs some DB kids, but Tirana's mojo makes that not possible with Shiana atm..
Ick... at least wait til one of us is able to punch her back to normality... who wants baby dracs ?!
xarvh said:
Ok, this is an upgradeable project:
Real Time Feed & On Site Allies Network


Who: Malek and Argis

When: Within few days

What: Be informed about major public political events

Where: Main powers of the Scavenger Lands.


Who: Malek and Argis

When: Within the day

What: Be informed about important political events

Where: Main powers of the Scavenger Lands


Who: All the Exalts of Cross

When: Within the day

What: Be informed about significant political and economical events, with insider information

Where: Major cities and groups of the Scavenger Lands


Who: All the Exalts of Cross and their close collaborators

When: Within the day

What: Request reserved information

Where: Major players of the Scavenger Lands


Who: All the Exalts of Cross and anyone designed

When: Within the hour

What: Request secret information

Where: Major players of the Scavenger Lands and nearby territories

How: Malek has the skills, the Charms and the anima power to pull this out

One of the Twilights can help with up to one post

Args can help with up to two posts.
Bumping this one up since we are gathering contacts in Ashes of War around the Lookshy area.

I still have one Project Post to use so I'm going to use it to advance one step further (if I can).

Anyone wants to bleed one PP to advance this to 3-4 dots ?
I can. I need to get a grasp on how projects work so I can go about building us all our cool gear.
You get project posts whenever you do something directly good for the dominion, and you get to spend it during the on going chapter.

Building cool stuff for the dominion to fix one of the many problems will get you one (working on this food crisis for example.
Alright, I'll use my Craft: Genesis to make food that grows really really fast and is hyper nutritious :D
It only takes a single post to restore the magitech labs. Then it will take 3 after that to restore partial functionality to the genesis labs. Which oneof us shall do the magitech labs?
Wait, I remembered that restoring the Library was a bit of a thing you guys wanted me to do. Nots, would you mind taking care of the Magitech lab while I take care of the Library?
The Library is a donut as large as the whole Caldera (about 2Km diameter).

In the middle of the donut, the body of the behmoth (made of wood) hosted Agatha's University and labs, including the best equipped Genesis Lab of all times.

It is the University and the labs that are broken, because the sickness of the behemoth caused its body to collapse, partially destroying them.

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