[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] Projects Discussion

So... new project: turning the Hoods into the Tiger Shadows Ninja Clan and putting the fear in the bad guys for a change !

Ideally they will be enlightened mortals (essence 2 to 3), possibly lead by a few Delegates (if I manage to get that charm that makes PAP cost 5m per mortal) and / or DKs, trained by Malek (Tiger Warriors) & Flicker (Shadow Hunter style), and used mainly as spies and assassins.

The main goal is to have a well trained and coordinated bunch able to help Malek & Flicker intercept and take enemy essence users down velociraptor style ! (extensive use of unexpected - coordinated attacks and poison, and possibly even smoke if we can get some Swamp People on board).

It's time we develop our own private Wyld Hunt ! > :)
I can see what the lessons in our academy will be like...

Tiger Shadows Ninja Clan ●●○○○

+1 For citing XKCD! =D

How: Malek and Flicker use the appropriate Charms (which ones?)

Result: The Clan can be effectively used against lesser Essence users in all areas with a significant Hood presence.
Well, Flicker can use Wolf Pack Training Technique to give students high levels of Martial Arts and Stealth. If Malek succeeds in permanently enlightening someone, she can teach them the Terrestrial Martial Art she knows (granted, they'll need special weapons to use it, but I'm sure Siham can invent something).
How goes the progress on the whole enlightenment thing? I can mass enlighten people with Wyld Shaping Technique and mutations, if need be.
Here are the charms that can be used by Malek:

Tiger Warrior Technique to raise their MA - Dodge - STR - DEX - STAM - Valor

Soul Enlightening Beneficence (this one grants enlightenment, so there's no need for Mutations, even though mutating is faster... it's also unpredictable, and doesn't really fit the theme of Martial Training)

And I was torn between buying the Larceny training charms we've designed or essence 4 + the next war training charm (which is rather effective to train ninjas).

As for the weapons, it can be practiced unarmed or with small hand blades, so that's not really an issue, Malek's Resources can already procure enough blades for the entire community of Cross, or Siham can WST them snapping his fingers... same goes for light armors and poisons.

We can get them over time, Siham can shape them, but since it is a project, the timing does not really matter.

The longest part will be the TMA training anyway.

The real advantage is that since we'll have essence users, they will be able to use artifacts, and that's where Siham's WST will come in handy. > :)

While we can use them to fight lesser essence users and hopefully stabilize a region where we send them, I fully intend to use them in the field and force our enemies to be on the lookout and on the defensive, to let them know that they can't just walk around like they own the place. Because we do ! :D

We might also want to look into Golden Janissary Style for seriously increased efficiency vs creatures of darkness.

But that could be used for another project... when one of us can learn TMA at half the cost.

I'm also hesitating about giving up the Hoods... since they are already up & running and helped Malek preserve his Resources through all his expenses.

Perhaps it would be more pertinent and simple to raise a second group from the ground... or we could use a few Tiger Warriors that have already been trained.
This is a more personal project between Flicker & Malek tied to their past and their relations with the DKs, and the applications are far more direct.

From what I gather your project was to build a university like dojo to draw people to Cross, I want to focus on one style, maybe two, and create deadly assassins to be deployed in the field.

But remind me to spend a PP soon in the Library, because that can be rather interesting too :)
Is up to you, I was just saying that a TMA would hopefully be available sometime via that route. And certainly golden janissary will be on the list.
cyl said:
Perhaps it would be more pertinent and simple to raise a second group from the ground... or we could use a few Tiger Warriors that have already been trained.
Most of the Cross's army are the Lunar equivalent of Tiger Warriors (Wolf Warriors?) -- and are MA trained. One particular Twig (Talon) is composed exclusively of members of the Hunting Lodge, who have high levels of Martial Arts, Stealth and Survival, and are the army's best reconnaissance unit.

Flicker is looking for someone who can train in Thrown, since Lunar training Charms reject ranged attacks in favor of charging in like the Celts. ;)
I'll eventually have Argis pick up the other two terrestrial training chams (the war ones), but I don't *think* I'm ever planning on giving him dots of thrown. He's definitely planning on being able to train archery, esp now that he is physically capable.

@xarvh I'd like to have Argis work on developing a new set of CMA initiation charms (or finding the old timey versions), something that doesn't involve the immaculate doctrine. Is that a project sort of thing or should we just work up some charms?
I foresee deep doctrinal arguments between the people Flicker trains and the people Argis trains on the merits of spear-throwers vs. bows. ;)
Feantari said:
Is up to you, I was just saying that a TMA would hopefully be available sometime via that route. And certainly golden janissary will be on the list.
Then perhaps we can split the GJ and the TS into two different groups for the beginning, and train some of the ninjas in GJ style to increase their efficiency against COD.

Count on Malek's social and financial support to draw sifus from all around the East.

Heck we could even begin to organize a regular tournament, but I'd rather place it in Mirunda (easier access by the River and increased revenues for Nathir :P ).

@Arynne : where do you want to install the clan ? I'd say it has to be somewhere remote where the ninjas can live and train in peace... someone no one will ever even think of looking for them.

@Feantari : you don't like tiger & bear ?
Well we don't want them to be eaten by predators, but at the same time a hunting ground and a place where they have to use their skills on a daily basis can be interesting as well.

Since they are going to risk their lives and kill dangerous people on command, I think it's best to give them and their families a nicer place... peaceful and quiet.

Creation is big enough so we can find that... and if there is no place we can still barter with a local spirit to make it more hospitable.
Wouldn't placing them too far from the Cross or Mirunda make things a bit complicated for us?
Well, you fly, I ride really fast, and soon we're going to have land ships... so I don't see long distances as a complication per se.

If they are to be our black ops team, the more remote they are from the main base, the better for everyone I think...

But reading through the styles again, it seels really meant to be used where's there's a lot of cover to be used, so either a forest, a mountain, ruins, or jungles... and I guess the jungles around Cross are rather ideal... even though that could put us at odds with Tirana.
And suddenly I see the old gangsta giraffe go "Bitch please, ain't no way that you can touch this, pack dem fools and go back to your shitty ass hood, hmmm hmmm".

What we need to do is develop a spell/device that forces Lunars into their totem forms.

Giraffe Lady won't be so gangsta when confronted with Velociraptor Chick. :P
I think this is part of what Malek and Flicker could remember since they were both implicated in the MA world during the First Age.

But perhaps they can develop other methods and help Argis surpass his limits.

Perhaps a simple celestial charm a la PAP or SEB could help you with that, and if it allows us to awake other DB to the practice of CMA, Malek being now a full master of the Mantis Style, that is something I definitely would be interesting in.
@cyl: Can TWTT train Attributes? oO

@Feantari: Creating some unique Training Charms would be a worthy Project, but I'd say it would require Argis to master at the very least two complete Celestial Styles.
@xarvh : of course it can, along a pretty decent set of abilities.

That's why Dawn who invest in all combat abilities make such bad ass armies.

Their guys can do anything !

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