[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] Projects Discussion

Warhawks are expensive to feed, so let's wait until we solve the "no large animal life" problem.

However, they don't require really high Craft/Lore/Occult scores to maintain and they're self-replicating.
You know, whenever I picture an Elder Exalt Siham, I can't help but see Gendo Ikari.

This probably isn't the best of signs.

More seriously, Xarvh, what's your opinion on taking spells from Sorcery and turning some of them in to Artifacts? It's technically legal per the Rules As Written, but we all know the Rules as Written are shaky when it comes to most things.
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Totally not the best of signs.

I'd rather not turn solar spells into artifacts, it would kill sorcery
I am of the (well documented) opinion that sorcery is already half dead, but fair enough. I'll just have to think of new, interesting things instead of being lazy and ripping off spells. :tongue:
Sorcery is actually pretty good for No Moon Lunars, one of the two issues I have with it (prohibitively high mote cost for spells) is mitigated by their anima.

I just wanted an orbital essence canon that shot Total Annihilation spells for use agains the Juggernaut (or any other mass combat unit), and a series of magical pylons that would simulate the effects of Solar Sanctuary.
No, too much of a psychopath. Elder Exalt Siham is distant, clinical and arrogant, but pragmatic enough to recognize that other people are actually people.
This isn't an "official" project yet, but it's something that Siham is going to at least crunch the numbers on to see if it's possible (meaning, I want the GMs opinion on it)

The chain of reasoning is as follows:

The Elemental Poles (with the exclusion of Earth) are out in the Wyld, and therefore vulnerable to Wyld Shaping Technique.

Wyld Shape the poles so that their essence pattern is toxic to non-creation native essence patterns.

Now the whole of creation is considered a lethal environment to Undead, Fair Folk and Demonic essence

Shadowlands and Wyld encroached areas soon vanish and return to normal, as Creation actively rejects them now.

Side Effect: All of Creation now counts as an area that Siham has Wyld Shaped (with the exception of the Blessed Isle due to the Pole of Earth) as the modified elemental pole essence soon replaces the default essence patterns of Creation.
Wouldn t seizing the blessed isle and the realm defense grid achieve the same result ?

From what I understood it is a giant reality shaping device.
My instincts say no, but the RDG has always been a bit of a black box who's powers are left up to the GM (beyond wholesale mass destruction)
The Poles are in the Wyld only in Exalted 1e.

In Exalted 2e, the Poles are the boundary of the Wyld or just before the Wyld.

Which means that if you push the Wyld back, then the Poles will also move back, widening the boundaries of Creation.
Fair, but what about the general idea of wyld shaping the elemental poles to be more hostile to non-creation essence? (along with the intended side effect of making the majority of creation count as Wyld Shaped land?)
Well you'd have to go into the Deep Wyld (just before Pure Chaos) and shape the only thing that is shaping the Wyld... and that would probably mean shaping the Elemental Dragons themselves.

Finding Gaia (who controls them) is probably more effective at this point if you want to go that way.

She wanted Mankind to survive so she put two of the Dragons to bed.

If you can find her and tell her that the undead are a much more serious threat than earthquakes and volcanoes ever were, there is a chance she actually listens and helps.
It is an interesting idea.

There are two obstacles however:

1) The Poles are stability itself. They hold the Wyld at bay. Wyld Shaping Teq is not going to work.

2) The Dead are a reflection of Creation, however Creation changes, the dead will still be, -somehow-, part of it.

Creation is already lethal for the FF, but making it more hostile for demons could be viable.
Got a new idea for you, JayTee. How about something similar to the D&D "dimensional anchor" or a teleport denial field? Or a gravity increasing field? Something that helps us slow/pin enemies in place, but where we don't need to target and hit them, since they'll simply Perfect out of the way.
I did have an idea to build an device that manipulates distances. I could make it include the ability to create a closed space loop.
Are for wussy babies who don't know what real power is. (Hint: It starts with an E and rhymes with Bexaltation)

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