[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] Projects Discussion

Arynne said:
Plus, giant fliers that are not robotic have the advantage of being self-reproducing.
Shhhhh you... don't give him ideas !

Creation is going to end up like that movie Screamers if you keep this up :D
oooo Skywolf-like warship

+ o Maintenance per Chapter

Requires attunement as an Orichalcum Artifact, 30 motes

Five of the crew must each commit 3 motes.

Needs repair ever 3h.

Speed: 68/140mph

Maneuverability: -1S (Lore 3, Sail 3)

Endurance: unlimited

Crew: 20/5 (Command Crew: Lore 3, Sail 3; Auxiliary

Crew: Lore 1, Sail 2)

Cargo: Two scales of commandos plus one wing of infantry, or equivalently weighted cargo in holds.

Armor: 20L/30B

Health Levels: Ux40/Mx30/Cx10/Ix10/D

Weapons: Two lightning ballistae, four medium implosion bows, five light implosion bows, two warstrider

fire lances, skyship haze shield

Yes, the maintenance requires 1 PP per Chapter.
Maintenance is one of the reasons Lookshy does not field another one.

Any sufficiently advanced vehicle is bound to have this kind of things.
I'm definitely going to have to retrofit this thing later with The Art of Permanence.

And a shitton of Essence Capacitor Gems to power it. Ouch, those costs are crazy.

EDIT: Wait, this is Artifact 4. Any chance I could bump it up to Artifact 5 to waive most of the maintenance/essence costs? It's well within my abilities.
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Good to know, but I'm looking to make the Skywolf ship you've stated up Artifact 5, instead of Artifact 4, to remove the hefty maintenance costs.

Note to self: Grind for Project Points to build the Five Metal Shrike and/or Beast of Resplendent Liquids :D
4 PP + 1PP per story... ouch !

But considering the requirements, the design process etc etc, yeah, I guess it kinda makes sense.

What would it take to build up a fully operational landship ? (keel + crew since we already have the boats).
Oh, I saw the four dots and thought it was a four dot artifact, my bad.

In that case, i'm going to hold off on building it until I learn The Art of Permanence. The maintenance requirements will be a bitch to meet otherwise.

Stats are awesome, though :D
@cyl: Without the Sail Charm discount, the Keel is Artifact 2, so I'd say that once Siham spends 1 PP for the design and test, you can produce how many of them as you can draw from the Wyld (which is quite many, I reckon).

Or you can build a single one for no PP.

Still, not much in terms of weaponry AND you will need someone able to train Sail.
A PP for a fleet of land ship is not too bad.

And no, you have no way of farming for those, but you can convince the others to work harder on developing Cross, which will bring in more PPs.

Heck, you can bargain: ask Malek or Argis to provide you with infrastructure, tools, personnel, prayers... Fangs can summon demonic personnel.
A PP for a fleet of land ship is not too bad.
It is not, but how many does "a fleet" means ? :D

@JayTee : it's a fair trade considering the advantages those things bring.

They are one of the keys to the development of the dominion IMHO.

Consider it a loan which I will gladly refund as soon as we start working together on other projects (like that business plan you mentioned).
Which is technically limited by other backgrounds I suppose ?

Like Resources, Allies and Followers...

It's limited by Cross population and your and your capability to train the sailors.

Also, if you go for the 100 it might take some time.

And also maintenance.
Too bad, I was already imagining a revamp of the blitzkrieg strategy...

We'll just start with those 3 then.
Arynne said:
I told you we should have Siham create giant hawks. ;)
Fangs: "Sweetie, you're a Lunar. You don't need Siham for this. Just a pretty boy-hawk, a long weekend and a quiet little corner of the Bordermarches."
Siham: I didn't know Lunars could pump out Warhawks at a rate of two per week. Impressive.

Siham's style is more in to Magitech than Genesis, but he could make Flicker a squad of them if she really wanted.

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